blob: 677ff42fb5e5fcc4fb0307284968bb64826bb238 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
package org.webrtc.webrtcdemo;
public class VideoEngine {
private final long nativeVideoEngine;
// Keep in sync (including this comment) with webrtc/common_types.h:TraceLevel
public enum TraceLevel {
public final int level;
TraceLevel(int level) {
this.level = level;
// Keep in sync (including this comment) with
// webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_rtp_rtcp.h:ViEKeyFrameRequestMethod
public enum VieKeyFrameRequestMethod {
// Keep in sync (including this comment) with
// webrtc/common_types.h:RtpDirections
public enum RtpDirections { INCOMING, OUTGOING }
public VideoEngine() {
nativeVideoEngine = create();
// API comments can be found in VideoEngine's native APIs. Not all native
// APIs are available.
private static native long create();
public native int init();
public native int setVoiceEngine(VoiceEngine voe);
public native void dispose();
public native int startSend(int channel);
public native int stopRender(int channel);
public native int stopSend(int channel);
public native int startReceive(int channel);
public native int stopReceive(int channel);
public native int createChannel();
public native int deleteChannel(int channel);
public native int connectAudioChannel(int videoChannel, int voiceChannel);
public native int setLocalReceiver(int channel, int port);
public native int setSendDestination(int channel, int port, String ipAddr);
public native int numberOfCodecs();
public native VideoCodecInst getCodec(int index);
public native int setReceiveCodec(int channel, VideoCodecInst codec);
public native int setSendCodec(int channel, VideoCodecInst codec);
public native int addRenderer(int channel, Object glSurface, int zOrder,
float left, float top,
float right, float bottom);
public native int removeRenderer(int channel);
public native int registerExternalReceiveCodec(int channel, int plType,
MediaCodecVideoDecoder decoder, boolean internal_source);
public native int deRegisterExternalReceiveCodec(int channel, int plType);
public native int startRender(int channel);
public native int numberOfCaptureDevices();
public native CameraDesc getCaptureDevice(int index);
public native int allocateCaptureDevice(CameraDesc camera);
public native int connectCaptureDevice(int cameraId, int channel);
public native int startCapture(int cameraId);
public native int stopCapture(int cameraId);
public native int releaseCaptureDevice(int cameraId);
public native int getOrientation(CameraDesc camera);
public native int setRotateCapturedFrames(int cameraId, int degrees);
public native int setNackStatus(int channel, boolean enable);
public int setKeyFrameRequestMethod(int channel,
VieKeyFrameRequestMethod requestMethod) {
return setKeyFrameRequestMethod(channel, requestMethod.ordinal());
private native int setKeyFrameRequestMethod(int channel,
int requestMethod);
public native RtcpStatistics getReceivedRtcpStatistics(int channel);
public native int registerObserver(int channel,
VideoDecodeEncodeObserver callback);
public native int deregisterObserver(int channel);
public native int setTraceFile(String fileName,
boolean fileCounter);
public int setTraceFilter(TraceLevel filter) {
return nativeSetTraceFilter(filter.level);
private native int nativeSetTraceFilter(int filter);
public int startRtpDump(int channel, String file,
RtpDirections direction) {
return startRtpDump(channel, file, direction.ordinal());
private native int startRtpDump(int channel, String file,
int direction);
public int stopRtpDump(int channel, RtpDirections direction) {
return stopRtpDump(channel, direction.ordinal());
private native int stopRtpDump(int channel, int direction);
public native int setLocalSSRC(int channel, int ssrc);