blob: d62b804a8e4e8db208e361b9a1d702d94fa02d03 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "webrtc/typedefs.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_file.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_defines.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_frame_provider_base.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_ref_count.h"
#include "webrtc/video_engine/vie_shared_data.h"
namespace webrtc {
class ConditionVariableWrapper;
class CriticalSectionWrapper;
class ViESharedData;
class ViECaptureSnapshot : public ViEFrameCallback {
bool GetSnapshot(unsigned int max_wait_time, I420VideoFrame* video_frame);
// Implements ViEFrameCallback.
virtual void DeliverFrame(int id,
I420VideoFrame* video_frame,
int num_csrcs = 0,
const uint32_t CSRC[kRtpCsrcSize] = NULL);
virtual void DelayChanged(int id, int frame_delay) {}
virtual int GetPreferedFrameSettings(int* width,
int* height,
int* frame_rate) {
return -1;
virtual void ProviderDestroyed(int id) {}
scoped_ptr<CriticalSectionWrapper> crit_;
scoped_ptr<ConditionVariableWrapper> condition_varaible_;
I420VideoFrame* video_frame_;
class ViEFileImpl
: public ViEFile,
public ViERefCount {
// Implements ViEFile.
virtual int Release();
virtual int StartPlayFile(const char* file_nameUTF8, int& file_id, // NOLINT
const bool loop = false,
const FileFormats file_format = kFileFormatAviFile);
virtual int StopPlayFile(const int file_id);
virtual int RegisterObserver(int file_id,
ViEFileObserver& observer); // NOLINT
virtual int DeregisterObserver(int file_id,
ViEFileObserver& observer); // NOLINT
virtual int SendFileOnChannel(const int file_id, const int video_channel);
virtual int StopSendFileOnChannel(const int video_channel);
virtual int StartPlayFileAsMicrophone(const int file_id,
const int audio_channel,
bool mix_microphone = false,
float volume_scaling = 1);
virtual int StopPlayFileAsMicrophone(const int file_id,
const int audio_channel);
virtual int StartPlayAudioLocally(const int file_id, const int audio_channel,
float volume_scaling = 1);
virtual int StopPlayAudioLocally(const int file_id, const int audio_channel);
virtual int StartRecordOutgoingVideo(
const int video_channel,
const char* file_nameUTF8,
AudioSource audio_source,
const CodecInst& audio_codec,
const VideoCodec& video_codec,
const FileFormats file_format = kFileFormatAviFile);
virtual int StartRecordIncomingVideo(
const int video_channel,
const char* file_nameUTF8,
AudioSource audio_source,
const CodecInst& audio_codec,
const VideoCodec& video_codec,
const FileFormats file_format = kFileFormatAviFile);
virtual int StopRecordOutgoingVideo(const int video_channel);
virtual int StopRecordIncomingVideo(const int video_channel);
virtual int GetFileInformation(
const char* file_name,
VideoCodec& video_codec,
CodecInst& audio_codec,
const FileFormats file_format = kFileFormatAviFile);
virtual int GetRenderSnapshot(const int video_channel,
const char* file_nameUTF8);
virtual int GetRenderSnapshot(const int video_channel,
ViEPicture& picture); // NOLINT
virtual int FreePicture(ViEPicture& picture); // NOLINT
virtual int GetCaptureDeviceSnapshot(const int capture_id,
const char* file_nameUTF8);
virtual int GetCaptureDeviceSnapshot(const int capture_id,
ViEPicture& picture);
virtual int SetRenderStartImage(const int video_channel,
const char* file_nameUTF8);
virtual int SetRenderStartImage(const int video_channel,
const ViEPicture& picture);
virtual int SetRenderTimeoutImage(const int video_channel,
const char* file_nameUTF8,
const unsigned int timeout_ms);
virtual int SetRenderTimeoutImage(const int video_channel,
const ViEPicture& picture,
const unsigned int timeout_ms);
virtual int StartDebugRecording(int video_channel,
const char* file_name_utf8);
virtual int StopDebugRecording(int video_channel);
explicit ViEFileImpl(ViESharedData* shared_data);
virtual ~ViEFileImpl();
int32_t GetNextCapturedFrame(int32_t capture_id, I420VideoFrame* video_frame);
ViESharedData* shared_data_;
} // namespace webrtc