blob: 007d17d17e183f470664b1d3f1fcf1fce13b9ced [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This script is intended for use as a GYP_GENERATOR. It takes as input (by way of
the generator flag file_path) the list of relative file paths to consider. If
any target has at least one of the paths as a source (or input to an action or
rule) then 'Found dependency' is output, otherwise 'No dependencies' is output.
import gyp.common
import gyp.ninja_syntax as ninja_syntax
import os
import posixpath
generator_supports_multiple_toolsets = True
generator_wants_static_library_dependencies_adjusted = False
generator_default_variables = {
generator_default_variables[dirname] = '!!!'
generator_default_variables[unused] = ''
def __MakeRelativeTargetName(path):
"""Converts a gyp target name into a relative name. For example, the path to a
gyp file may be something like c:\foo\bar.gyp:target, this converts it to
prune_path = os.getcwd()
if path.startswith(prune_path):
path = path[len(prune_path):]
# Gyp paths are always posix style.
path = path.replace('\\', '/')
if path.endswith('#target'):
path = path[0:len(path) - len('#target')]
return path
def __ExtractBasePath(target):
"""Extracts the path components of the specified gyp target path."""
last_index = target.rfind('/')
if last_index == -1:
return ''
return target[0:(last_index + 1)]
def __AddSources(sources, base_path, base_path_components, result):
"""Extracts valid sources from |sources| and adds them to |result|. Each
source file is relative to |base_path|, but may contain '..'. To make
resolving '..' easier |base_path_components| contains each of the
directories in |base_path|. Additionally each source may contain variables.
Such sources are ignored as it is assumed dependencies on them are expressed
and tracked in some other means."""
# NOTE: gyp paths are always posix style.
for source in sources:
if not len(source) or source.startswith('!!!') or source.startswith('$'):
# variable expansion may lead to //.
source = source[0] + source[1:].replace('//', '/')
if source.startswith('../'):
path_components = base_path_components[:]
# Resolve relative paths.
while source.startswith('../'):
path_components.pop(len(path_components) - 1)
source = source[3:]
result.append('/'.join(path_components) + source)
result.append(base_path + source)
def __ExtractSourcesFromAction(action, base_path, base_path_components,
if 'inputs' in action:
__AddSources(action['inputs'], base_path, base_path_components, results)
def __ExtractSources(target, target_dict):
base_path = posixpath.dirname(target)
base_path_components = base_path.split('/')
# Add a trailing '/' so that __AddSources() can easily build paths.
if len(base_path):
base_path += '/'
results = []
if 'sources' in target_dict:
__AddSources(target_dict['sources'], base_path, base_path_components,
# Include the inputs from any actions. Any changes to these effect the
# resulting output.
if 'actions' in target_dict:
for action in target_dict['actions']:
__ExtractSourcesFromAction(action, base_path, base_path_components,
if 'rules' in target_dict:
for rule in target_dict['rules']:
__ExtractSourcesFromAction(rule, base_path, base_path_components, results)
return results
class Target(object):
"""Holds information about a particular target:
sources: set of source files defined by this target. This includes inputs to
actions and rules.
deps: list of direct dependencies."""
def __init__(self):
self.sources = []
self.deps = []
def __GenerateTargets(target_list, target_dicts):
"""Generates a dictionary with the key the name of a target and the value a
targets = {}
# Queue of targets to visit.
targets_to_visit = target_list[:]
while len(targets_to_visit) > 0:
absolute_target_name = targets_to_visit.pop()
# |absolute_target| may be an absolute path and may include #target.
# References to targets are relative, so we need to clean the name.
relative_target_name = __MakeRelativeTargetName(absolute_target_name)
if relative_target_name in targets:
target = Target()
targets[relative_target_name] = target
for dep in target_dicts[absolute_target_name].get('dependencies', []):
return targets
def __GetFiles(params):
"""Returns the list of files to analyze, or None if none specified."""
generator_flags = params.get('generator_flags', {})
file_path = generator_flags.get('file_path', None)
if not file_path:
return None
f = open(file_path, 'r')
result = []
for file_name in f:
if file_name.endswith('\n'):
file_name = file_name[0:len(file_name) - 1]
if len(file_name):
return result
except IOError:
print 'Unable to open file', file_path
return None
def CalculateVariables(default_variables, params):
"""Calculate additional variables for use in the build (called by gyp)."""
flavor = gyp.common.GetFlavor(params)
if flavor == 'mac':
default_variables.setdefault('OS', 'mac')
elif flavor == 'win':
default_variables.setdefault('OS', 'win')
operating_system = flavor
if flavor == 'android':
operating_system = 'linux' # Keep this legacy behavior for now.
default_variables.setdefault('OS', operating_system)
def GenerateOutput(target_list, target_dicts, data, params):
"""Called by gyp as the final stage. Outputs results."""
files = __GetFiles(params)
if not files:
print 'Must specify files to analyze via file_path generator flag'
targets = __GenerateTargets(target_list, target_dicts)
files_set = frozenset(files)
found_in_all_sources = 0
for target_name, target in targets.iteritems():
sources = files_set.intersection(target.sources)
if len(sources):
print 'Found dependency'
print 'No dependencies'