blob: 5efb4444956bc3612d756c639a02cc2788b83abb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: clang -fsyntax-only -verify %s
int iarray[10] = {
[0] = 1,
[1 ... 5] = 2,
[ 6 ... 6 ] = 3,
[ 8 ... 7 ] = 4, // expected-error{{array designator range [8, 7] is empty}}
[10] = 5,
[-1] = 6 // expected-error{{array designator value '-1' is negative}}
int iarray2[10] = {
[10] = 1, // expected-error{{array designator index (10) exceeds array bounds (10)}}
[5 ... 12] = 2 // expected-error{{array designator index (12) exceeds array bounds (10)}}
struct point {
double x;
double y;
struct point p1 = {
.y = 1.0,
x: 2.0,
.a = 4.0, // expected-error{{field designator 'a' does not refer to any field in type 'struct point'}}
[1] = 1.0 // expected-error{{array designator cannot initialize non-array type}}
struct point array[10] = {
[0].x = 1.0,
[1].y = 2.0,
[2].z = 3.0, // expected-error{{field designator 'z' does not refer to any field in type 'struct point'}}
[10].x = 2.0, // expected-error{{array designator index (10) exceeds array bounds (10)}}
[4 ... 5].y = 2.0,
[4 ... 6] = { .x = 3, .y = 4.0 },
.x = 5 // expected-error{{field designator cannot initialize a non-struct, non-union type}}
struct rect {
struct point top_left;
struct point bottom_right;
struct rect window = { .top_left.x = 1.0 };
struct rect windows[] = {
[2].top_left = { 1.0, 2.0 },
[4].bottom_right = { .y = 1.0 },
{ { .y = 7.0, .x = 8.0 }, { .x = 5.0 } },
[3] = { .top_left = { 1.1, 2.2 }, .bottom_right = { .y = 1.1 } }
int windows_size[((sizeof(windows) / sizeof(struct rect)) == 6)? 1 : -1];
struct rect windows_bad[3] = {
[2].top_left = { { .x = 1.1 } }, // expected-error{{designator in initializer for scalar type}}
[1].top_left = { .x = 1.1 }
struct gui {
struct rect windows[10];
struct gui gui[] = {
[5].windows[3].top_left.x = { 7.0 } // expected-warning{{braces around scalar initializer}}
struct translator {
struct wonky { int * ptr; } wonky ;
struct rect window;
struct point offset;
} tran = {
.window = { .top_left = { 1.0, 2.0 } },
{ .x = 5.0, .y = 6.0 },
.wonky = { 0 }