blob: 68274f52a60c56cfe2e488fdf53d91c0bba78ceb [file] [log] [blame]
//== CheckerContext.h - Context info for path-sensitive checkers--*- C++ -*--=//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines CheckerContext that provides contextual info for
// path-sensitive checkers.
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
namespace clang {
namespace ento {
/// Declares an immutable map of type \p NameTy, suitable for placement into
/// the ProgramState. This is implementing using llvm::ImmutableMap.
/// \code
/// State = State->set<Name>(K, V);
/// const Value *V = State->get<Name>(K); // Returns NULL if not in the map.
/// State = State->remove<Name>(K);
/// NameTy Map = State->get<Name>();
/// \endcode
/// The macro should not be used inside namespaces, or for traits that must
/// be accessible from more than one translation unit.
/// Declares an immutable set of type \p NameTy, suitable for placement into
/// the ProgramState. This is implementing using llvm::ImmutableSet.
/// \code
/// State = State->add<Name>(E);
/// State = State->remove<Name>(E);
/// bool Present = State->contains<Name>(E);
/// NameTy Set = State->get<Name>();
/// \endcode
/// The macro should not be used inside namespaces, or for traits that must
/// be accessible from more than one translation unit.
/// Declares an immutable list of type \p NameTy, suitable for placement into
/// the ProgramState. This is implementing using llvm::ImmutableList.
/// \code
/// State = State->add<Name>(E); // Adds to the /end/ of the list.
/// bool Present = State->contains<Name>(E);
/// NameTy List = State->get<Name>();
/// \endcode
/// The macro should not be used inside namespaces, or for traits that must
/// be accessible from more than one translation unit.
class CheckerContext {
ExprEngine &Eng;
/// The current exploded(symbolic execution) graph node.
ExplodedNode *Pred;
/// The flag is true if the (state of the execution) has been modified
/// by the checker using this context. For example, a new transition has been
/// added or a bug report issued.
bool Changed;
/// The tagged location, which is used to generate all new nodes.
const ProgramPoint Location;
NodeBuilder &NB;
/// If we are post visiting a call, this flag will be set if the
/// call was inlined. In all other cases it will be false.
const bool wasInlined;
CheckerContext(NodeBuilder &builder,
ExprEngine &eng,
ExplodedNode *pred,
const ProgramPoint &loc,
bool wasInlined = false)
: Eng(eng),
wasInlined(wasInlined) {
assert(Pred->getState() &&
"We should not call the checkers on an empty state.");
AnalysisManager &getAnalysisManager() {
return Eng.getAnalysisManager();
ConstraintManager &getConstraintManager() {
return Eng.getConstraintManager();
StoreManager &getStoreManager() {
return Eng.getStoreManager();
/// \brief Returns the previous node in the exploded graph, which includes
/// the state of the program before the checker ran. Note, checkers should
/// not retain the node in their state since the nodes might get invalidated.
ExplodedNode *getPredecessor() { return Pred; }
const ProgramStateRef &getState() const { return Pred->getState(); }
/// \brief Check if the checker changed the state of the execution; ex: added
/// a new transition or a bug report.
bool isDifferent() { return Changed; }
/// \brief Returns the number of times the current block has been visited
/// along the analyzed path.
unsigned blockCount() const {
return NB.getContext().blockCount();
ASTContext &getASTContext() {
return Eng.getContext();
const LangOptions &getLangOpts() const {
return Eng.getContext().getLangOpts();
const LocationContext *getLocationContext() const {
return Pred->getLocationContext();
const StackFrameContext *getStackFrame() const {
return Pred->getStackFrame();
/// Return true if the current LocationContext has no caller context.
bool inTopFrame() const { return getLocationContext()->inTopFrame(); }
BugReporter &getBugReporter() {
return Eng.getBugReporter();
SourceManager &getSourceManager() {
return getBugReporter().getSourceManager();
SValBuilder &getSValBuilder() {
return Eng.getSValBuilder();
SymbolManager &getSymbolManager() {
return getSValBuilder().getSymbolManager();
bool isObjCGCEnabled() const {
return Eng.isObjCGCEnabled();
ProgramStateManager &getStateManager() {
return Eng.getStateManager();
AnalysisDeclContext *getCurrentAnalysisDeclContext() const {
return Pred->getLocationContext()->getAnalysisDeclContext();
/// \brief Get the blockID.
unsigned getBlockID() const {
return NB.getContext().getBlock()->getBlockID();
/// \brief If the given node corresponds to a PostStore program point,
/// retrieve the location region as it was uttered in the code.
/// This utility can be useful for generating extensive diagnostics, for
/// example, for finding variables that the given symbol was assigned to.
static const MemRegion *getLocationRegionIfPostStore(const ExplodedNode *N) {
ProgramPoint L = N->getLocation();
if (Optional<PostStore> PSL = L.getAs<PostStore>())
return reinterpret_cast<const MemRegion*>(PSL->getLocationValue());
return nullptr;
/// \brief Get the value of arbitrary expressions at this point in the path.
SVal getSVal(const Stmt *S) const {
return getState()->getSVal(S, getLocationContext());
/// \brief Generates a new transition in the program state graph
/// (ExplodedGraph). Uses the default CheckerContext predecessor node.
/// @param State The state of the generated node. If not specified, the state
/// will not be changed, but the new node will have the checker's tag.
/// @param Tag The tag is used to uniquely identify the creation site. If no
/// tag is specified, a default tag, unique to the given checker,
/// will be used. Tags are used to prevent states generated at
/// different sites from caching out.
ExplodedNode *addTransition(ProgramStateRef State = nullptr,
const ProgramPointTag *Tag = nullptr) {
return addTransitionImpl(State ? State : getState(), false, nullptr, Tag);
/// \brief Generates a new transition with the given predecessor.
/// Allows checkers to generate a chain of nodes.
/// @param State The state of the generated node.
/// @param Pred The transition will be generated from the specified Pred node
/// to the newly generated node.
/// @param Tag The tag to uniquely identify the creation site.
ExplodedNode *addTransition(ProgramStateRef State,
ExplodedNode *Pred,
const ProgramPointTag *Tag = nullptr) {
return addTransitionImpl(State, false, Pred, Tag);
/// \brief Generate a sink node. Generating a sink stops exploration of the
/// given path.
ExplodedNode *generateSink(ProgramStateRef State = nullptr,
ExplodedNode *Pred = nullptr,
const ProgramPointTag *Tag = nullptr) {
return addTransitionImpl(State ? State : getState(), true, Pred, Tag);
/// \brief Emit the diagnostics report.
void emitReport(BugReport *R) {
Changed = true;
/// \brief Get the declaration of the called function (path-sensitive).
const FunctionDecl *getCalleeDecl(const CallExpr *CE) const;
/// \brief Get the name of the called function (path-sensitive).
StringRef getCalleeName(const FunctionDecl *FunDecl) const;
/// \brief Get the identifier of the called function (path-sensitive).
const IdentifierInfo *getCalleeIdentifier(const CallExpr *CE) const {
const FunctionDecl *FunDecl = getCalleeDecl(CE);
if (FunDecl)
return FunDecl->getIdentifier();
return nullptr;
/// \brief Get the name of the called function (path-sensitive).
StringRef getCalleeName(const CallExpr *CE) const {
const FunctionDecl *FunDecl = getCalleeDecl(CE);
return getCalleeName(FunDecl);
/// \brief Returns true if the callee is an externally-visible function in the
/// top-level namespace, such as \c malloc.
/// If a name is provided, the function must additionally match the given
/// name.
/// Note that this deliberately excludes C++ library functions in the \c std
/// namespace, but will include C library functions accessed through the
/// \c std namespace. This also does not check if the function is declared
/// as 'extern "C"', or if it uses C++ name mangling.
static bool isCLibraryFunction(const FunctionDecl *FD,
StringRef Name = StringRef());
/// \brief Depending on wither the location corresponds to a macro, return
/// either the macro name or the token spelling.
/// This could be useful when checkers' logic depends on whether a function
/// is called with a given macro argument. For example:
/// s = socket(AF_INET,..)
/// If AF_INET is a macro, the result should be treated as a source of taint.
/// \sa clang::Lexer::getSpelling(), clang::Lexer::getImmediateMacroName().
StringRef getMacroNameOrSpelling(SourceLocation &Loc);
ExplodedNode *addTransitionImpl(ProgramStateRef State,
bool MarkAsSink,
ExplodedNode *P = nullptr,
const ProgramPointTag *Tag = nullptr) {
if (!State || (State == Pred->getState() && !Tag && !MarkAsSink))
return Pred;
Changed = true;
const ProgramPoint &LocalLoc = (Tag ? Location.withTag(Tag) : Location);
if (!P)
P = Pred;
ExplodedNode *node;
if (MarkAsSink)
node = NB.generateSink(LocalLoc, State, P);
node = NB.generateNode(LocalLoc, State, P);
return node;
} // end GR namespace
} // end clang namespace