blob: fcb229b36211d9b3a85541a880463558e4db375e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ParseExprCXX.cpp - C++ Expression Parsing ------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the Expression parsing implementation for C++.
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
using namespace clang;
/// ParseCXXCasts - This handles the various ways to cast expressions to another
/// type.
/// postfix-expression: [C++ 5.2p1]
/// 'dynamic_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')'
/// 'static_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')'
/// 'reinterpret_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')'
/// 'const_cast' '<' type-name '>' '(' expression ')'
Parser::ExprResult Parser::ParseCXXCasts() {
tok::TokenKind Kind = Tok.getKind();
const char *CastName = 0; // For error messages
switch (Kind) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown C++ cast!"); abort();
case tok::kw_const_cast: CastName = "const_cast"; break;
case tok::kw_dynamic_cast: CastName = "dynamic_cast"; break;
case tok::kw_reinterpret_cast: CastName = "reinterpret_cast"; break;
case tok::kw_static_cast: CastName = "static_cast"; break;
SourceLocation OpLoc = ConsumeToken();
SourceLocation LAngleBracketLoc = Tok.getLocation();
if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::less, diag::err_expected_less_after, CastName))
return ExprResult(true);
TypeTy *CastTy = ParseTypeName();
SourceLocation RAngleBracketLoc = Tok.getLocation();
if (ExpectAndConsume(tok::greater, diag::err_expected_greater)) {
Diag(LAngleBracketLoc, diag::err_matching, "<");
return ExprResult(true);
SourceLocation LParenLoc = Tok.getLocation(), RParenLoc;
if (Tok.isNot(tok::l_paren)) {
Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_lparen_after, CastName);
return ExprResult(true);
ExprResult Result = ParseSimpleParenExpression(RParenLoc);
if (!Result.isInvalid)
Result = Actions.ActOnCXXNamedCast(OpLoc, Kind,
LAngleBracketLoc, CastTy, RAngleBracketLoc,
LParenLoc, Result.Val, RParenLoc);
return Result;
/// ParseCXXBoolLiteral - This handles the C++ Boolean literals.
/// boolean-literal: [C++ 2.13.5]
/// 'true'
/// 'false'
Parser::ExprResult Parser::ParseCXXBoolLiteral() {
tok::TokenKind Kind = Tok.getKind();
return Actions.ActOnCXXBoolLiteral(ConsumeToken(), Kind);
/// ParseThrowExpression - This handles the C++ throw expression.
/// throw-expression: [C++ 15]
/// 'throw' assignment-expression[opt]
Parser::ExprResult Parser::ParseThrowExpression() {
assert( && "Not throw!");
SourceLocation ThrowLoc = ConsumeToken(); // Eat the throw token.
// If the current token isn't the start of an assignment-expression,
// then the expression is not present. This handles things like:
// "C ? throw : (void)42", which is crazy but legal.
switch (Tok.getKind()) { // FIXME: move this predicate somewhere common.
case tok::semi:
case tok::r_paren:
case tok::r_square:
case tok::r_brace:
case tok::colon:
case tok::comma:
return Actions.ActOnCXXThrow(ThrowLoc);
ExprResult Expr = ParseAssignmentExpression();
if (Expr.isInvalid) return Expr;
return Actions.ActOnCXXThrow(ThrowLoc, Expr.Val);
/// ParseCXXThis - This handles the C++ 'this' pointer.
/// C++ 9.3.2: In the body of a non-static member function, the keyword this is
/// a non-lvalue expression whose value is the address of the object for which
/// the function is called.
Parser::ExprResult Parser::ParseCXXThis() {
assert( && "Not 'this'!");
SourceLocation ThisLoc = ConsumeToken();
return Actions.ActOnCXXThis(ThisLoc);
/// ParseCXXTypeConstructExpression - Parse construction of a specified type.
/// Can be interpreted either as function-style casting ("int(x)")
/// or class type construction ("ClassType(x,y,z)")
/// or creation of a value-initialized type ("int()").
/// postfix-expression: [C++ 5.2p1]
/// simple-type-specifier '(' expression-list[opt] ')' [C++ 5.2.3]
/// typename-specifier '(' expression-list[opt] ')' [TODO]
Parser::ExprResult Parser::ParseCXXTypeConstructExpression(const DeclSpec &DS) {
Declarator DeclaratorInfo(DS, Declarator::TypeNameContext);
TypeTy *TypeRep = Actions.ActOnTypeName(CurScope, DeclaratorInfo).Val;
assert( && "Expected '('!");
SourceLocation LParenLoc = ConsumeParen();
ExprListTy Exprs;
CommaLocsTy CommaLocs;
if (Tok.isNot(tok::r_paren)) {
if (ParseExpressionList(Exprs, CommaLocs)) {
return ExprResult(true);
// Match the ')'.
SourceLocation RParenLoc = MatchRHSPunctuation(tok::r_paren, LParenLoc);
assert((Exprs.size() == 0 || Exprs.size()-1 == CommaLocs.size())&&
"Unexpected number of commas!");
return Actions.ActOnCXXTypeConstructExpr(DS.getSourceRange(), TypeRep,
&Exprs[0], Exprs.size(),
&CommaLocs[0], RParenLoc);
/// ParseCXXCondition - if/switch/while/for condition expression.
/// condition:
/// expression
/// type-specifier-seq declarator '=' assignment-expression
/// [GNU] type-specifier-seq declarator simple-asm-expr[opt] attributes[opt]
/// '=' assignment-expression
Parser::ExprResult Parser::ParseCXXCondition() {
if (!isCXXConditionDeclaration())
return ParseExpression(); // expression
SourceLocation StartLoc = Tok.getLocation();
// type-specifier-seq
DeclSpec DS;
// declarator
Declarator DeclaratorInfo(DS, Declarator::ConditionContext);
// simple-asm-expr[opt]
if ( {
ExprResult AsmLabel = ParseSimpleAsm();
if (AsmLabel.isInvalid) {
return true;
// If attributes are present, parse them.
if (
// '=' assignment-expression
if (Tok.isNot(tok::equal))
return Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_equal_after_declarator);
SourceLocation EqualLoc = ConsumeToken();
ExprResult AssignExpr = ParseAssignmentExpression();
if (AssignExpr.isInvalid)
return true;
return Actions.ActOnCXXConditionDeclarationExpr(CurScope, StartLoc,
EqualLoc, AssignExpr.Val);
/// ParseCXXSimpleTypeSpecifier - [C++] Simple type specifiers.
/// This should only be called when the current token is known to be part of
/// simple-type-specifier.
/// simple-type-specifier:
/// '::'[opt] nested-name-specifier[opt] type-name [TODO]
/// '::'[opt] nested-name-specifier 'template' simple-template-id [TODO]
/// char
/// wchar_t
/// bool
/// short
/// int
/// long
/// signed
/// unsigned
/// float
/// double
/// void
/// [GNU] typeof-specifier
/// [C++0x] auto [TODO]
/// type-name:
/// class-name
/// enum-name
/// typedef-name
void Parser::ParseCXXSimpleTypeSpecifier(DeclSpec &DS) {
const char *PrevSpec;
SourceLocation Loc = Tok.getLocation();
switch (Tok.getKind()) {
assert(0 && "Not a simple-type-specifier token!");
// type-name
case tok::identifier: {
TypeTy *TypeRep = Actions.isTypeName(*Tok.getIdentifierInfo(), CurScope);
assert(TypeRep && "Identifier wasn't a type-name!");
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_typedef, Loc, PrevSpec, TypeRep);
// builtin types
case tok::kw_short:
DS.SetTypeSpecWidth(DeclSpec::TSW_short, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_long:
DS.SetTypeSpecWidth(DeclSpec::TSW_long, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_signed:
DS.SetTypeSpecSign(DeclSpec::TSS_signed, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_unsigned:
DS.SetTypeSpecSign(DeclSpec::TSS_unsigned, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_void:
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_void, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_char:
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_char, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_int:
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_int, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_float:
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_float, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_double:
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_double, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_wchar_t:
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_wchar, Loc, PrevSpec);
case tok::kw_bool:
DS.SetTypeSpecType(DeclSpec::TST_bool, Loc, PrevSpec);
// GNU typeof support.
case tok::kw_typeof:
DS.Finish(Diags, PP.getSourceManager(), getLang());
DS.Finish(Diags, PP.getSourceManager(), getLang());
/// MaybeParseOperatorFunctionId - Attempts to parse a C++ overloaded
/// operator name (C++ [over.oper]). If successful, returns the
/// predefined identifier that corresponds to that overloaded
/// operator. Otherwise, returns NULL and does not consume any tokens.
/// operator-function-id: [C++ 13.5]
/// 'operator' operator
/// operator: one of
/// new delete new[] delete[]
/// + - * / % ^ & | ~
/// ! = < > += -= *= /= %=
/// ^= &= |= << >> >>= <<= == !=
/// <= >= && || ++ -- , ->* ->
/// () []
IdentifierInfo *Parser::MaybeParseOperatorFunctionId() {
if (Tok.isNot(tok::kw_operator))
return 0;
OverloadedOperatorKind Op = OO_None;
switch (NextToken().getKind()) {
case tok::kw_new:
ConsumeToken(); // 'operator'
ConsumeToken(); // 'new'
if ( {
ConsumeBracket(); // '['
ExpectAndConsume(tok::r_square, diag::err_expected_rsquare); // ']'
Op = OO_Array_New;
} else {
Op = OO_New;
return &PP.getIdentifierTable().getOverloadedOperator(Op);
case tok::kw_delete:
ConsumeToken(); // 'operator'
ConsumeToken(); // 'delete'
if ( {
ConsumeBracket(); // '['
ExpectAndConsume(tok::r_square, diag::err_expected_rsquare); // ']'
Op = OO_Array_Delete;
} else {
Op = OO_Delete;
return &PP.getIdentifierTable().getOverloadedOperator(Op);
#define OVERLOADED_OPERATOR(Name,Spelling,Token) \
case tok::Token: Op = OO_##Name; break;
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.def"
case tok::l_paren:
ConsumeToken(); // 'operator'
ConsumeParen(); // '('
ExpectAndConsume(tok::r_paren, diag::err_expected_rparen); // ')'
return &PP.getIdentifierTable().getOverloadedOperator(OO_Call);
case tok::l_square:
ConsumeToken(); // 'operator'
ConsumeBracket(); // '['
ExpectAndConsume(tok::r_square, diag::err_expected_rsquare); // ']'
return &PP.getIdentifierTable().getOverloadedOperator(OO_Subscript);
if (Op == OO_None)
return 0;
else {
ExpectAndConsume(tok::kw_operator, diag::err_expected_operator);
ConsumeAnyToken(); // the operator itself
return &PP.getIdentifierTable().getOverloadedOperator(Op);