blob: 5c62a936f1917a2134e9a810b55e23d6b5375b02 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SemaExprCXX.cpp - Semantic Analysis for Expressions --------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements semantic analysis for C++ expressions.
#include "Sema.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace clang;
/// ActOnCXXCasts - Parse {dynamic,static,reinterpret,const}_cast's.
Sema::ActOnCXXCasts(SourceLocation OpLoc, tok::TokenKind Kind,
SourceLocation LAngleBracketLoc, TypeTy *Ty,
SourceLocation RAngleBracketLoc,
SourceLocation LParenLoc, ExprTy *E,
SourceLocation RParenLoc) {
CXXCastExpr::Opcode Op;
Expr *Ex = (Expr*)E;
QualType DestType = QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(Ty);
switch (Kind) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown C++ cast!");
case tok::kw_const_cast:
Op = CXXCastExpr::ConstCast;
CheckConstCast(OpLoc, Ex, DestType);
case tok::kw_dynamic_cast:
Op = CXXCastExpr::DynamicCast;
case tok::kw_reinterpret_cast:
Op = CXXCastExpr::ReinterpretCast;
CheckReinterpretCast(OpLoc, Ex, DestType);
case tok::kw_static_cast:
Op = CXXCastExpr::StaticCast;
return new CXXCastExpr(Op, DestType, Ex, OpLoc);
/// CheckConstCast - Check that a const_cast\<DestType\>(SrcExpr) is valid.
/// Refer to C++ 5.2.11 for details. const_cast is typically used in code
/// like this:
/// const char *str = "literal";
/// legacy_function(const_cast\<char*\>(str));
Sema::CheckConstCast(SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *&SrcExpr, QualType DestType)
QualType OrigDestType = DestType, OrigSrcType = SrcExpr->getType();
DestType = Context.getCanonicalType(DestType);
QualType SrcType = SrcExpr->getType();
if (const ReferenceType *DestTypeTmp = DestType->getAsReferenceType()) {
if (SrcExpr->isLvalue(Context) != Expr::LV_Valid) {
// Cannot cast non-lvalue to reference type.
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_rvalue,
"const_cast", OrigDestType.getAsString());
// C++ 5.2.11p4: An lvalue of type T1 can be [cast] to an lvalue of type T2
// [...] if a pointer to T1 can be [cast] to the type pointer to T2.
DestType = Context.getPointerType(DestTypeTmp->getPointeeType());
if (const ReferenceType *SrcTypeTmp = SrcType->getAsReferenceType()) {
// FIXME: This shouldn't actually be possible, but right now it is.
SrcType = SrcTypeTmp->getPointeeType();
SrcType = Context.getPointerType(SrcType);
} else {
// C++ 5.2.11p1: Otherwise, the result is an rvalue and the
// lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and function-to-pointer standard
// conversions are performed on the expression.
SrcType = SrcExpr->getType();
if (!DestType->isPointerType()) {
// Cannot cast to non-pointer, non-reference type. Note that, if DestType
// was a reference type, we converted it to a pointer above.
// C++ 5.2.11p3: For two pointer types [...]
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_const_cast_dest, OrigDestType.getAsString());
if (DestType->isFunctionPointerType()) {
// Cannot cast direct function pointers.
// C++ 5.2.11p2: [...] where T is any object type or the void type [...]
// T is the ultimate pointee of source and target type.
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_const_cast_dest, OrigDestType.getAsString());
SrcType = Context.getCanonicalType(SrcType);
// Unwrap the pointers. Ignore qualifiers. Terminate early if the types are
// completely equal.
// FIXME: const_cast should probably not be able to convert between pointers
// to different address spaces.
// C++ 5.2.11p3 describes the core semantics of const_cast. All cv specifiers
// in multi-level pointers may change, but the level count must be the same,
// as must be the final pointee type.
while (SrcType != DestType && UnwrapSimilarPointerTypes(SrcType, DestType)) {
SrcType = SrcType.getUnqualifiedType();
DestType = DestType.getUnqualifiedType();
// Doug Gregor said to disallow this until users complain.
#if 0
// If we end up with constant arrays of equal size, unwrap those too. A cast
// from const int [N] to int (&)[N] is invalid by my reading of the
// standard, but g++ accepts it even with -ansi -pedantic.
// No more than one level, though, so don't embed this in the unwrap loop
// above.
const ConstantArrayType *SrcTypeArr, *DestTypeArr;
if ((SrcTypeArr = Context.getAsConstantArrayType(SrcType)) &&
(DestTypeArr = Context.getAsConstantArrayType(DestType)))
if (SrcTypeArr->getSize() != DestTypeArr->getSize()) {
// Different array sizes.
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_generic, "const_cast",
OrigDestType.getAsString(), OrigSrcType.getAsString());
SrcType = SrcTypeArr->getElementType().getUnqualifiedType();
DestType = DestTypeArr->getElementType().getUnqualifiedType();
// Since we're dealing in canonical types, the remainder must be the same.
if (SrcType != DestType) {
// Cast between unrelated types.
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_generic, "const_cast",
OrigDestType.getAsString(), OrigSrcType.getAsString());
/// CheckReinterpretCast - Check that a reinterpret_cast\<DestType\>(SrcExpr) is
/// valid.
/// Refer to C++ 5.2.10 for details. reinterpret_cast is typically used in code
/// like this:
/// char *bytes = reinterpret_cast\<char*\>(int_ptr);
Sema::CheckReinterpretCast(SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *&SrcExpr,
QualType DestType)
QualType OrigDestType = DestType, OrigSrcType = SrcExpr->getType();
DestType = Context.getCanonicalType(DestType);
QualType SrcType = SrcExpr->getType();
if (const ReferenceType *DestTypeTmp = DestType->getAsReferenceType()) {
if (SrcExpr->isLvalue(Context) != Expr::LV_Valid) {
// Cannot cast non-lvalue to reference type.
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_rvalue,
"reinterpret_cast", OrigDestType.getAsString());
// C++ 5.2.10p10: [...] a reference cast reinterpret_cast<T&>(x) has the
// same effect as the conversion *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&x) with the
// built-in & and * operators.
// This code does this transformation for the checked types.
DestType = Context.getPointerType(DestTypeTmp->getPointeeType());
if (const ReferenceType *SrcTypeTmp = SrcType->getAsReferenceType()) {
// FIXME: This shouldn't actually be possible, but right now it is.
SrcType = SrcTypeTmp->getPointeeType();
SrcType = Context.getPointerType(SrcType);
} else {
// C++ 5.2.10p1: [...] the lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, and
// function-to-pointer standard conversions are performed on the
// expression v.
SrcType = SrcExpr->getType();
// Canonicalize source for comparison.
SrcType = Context.getCanonicalType(SrcType);
bool destIsPtr = DestType->isPointerType();
bool srcIsPtr = SrcType->isPointerType();
if (!destIsPtr && !srcIsPtr) {
// Except for std::nullptr_t->integer, which is not supported yet, and
// lvalue->reference, which is handled above, at least one of the two
// arguments must be a pointer.
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_generic, "reinterpret_cast",
OrigDestType.getAsString(), OrigSrcType.getAsString());
if (SrcType == DestType) {
// C++ 5.2.10p2 has a note that mentions that, subject to all other
// restrictions, a cast to the same type is allowed. The intent is not
// entirely clear here, since all other paragraphs explicitly forbid casts
// to the same type. However, the behavior of compilers is pretty consistent
// on this point: allow same-type conversion if the involved are pointers,
// disallow otherwise.
// Note: Clang treats enumeration types as integral types. If this is ever
// changed for C++, the additional check here will be redundant.
if (DestType->isIntegralType() && !DestType->isEnumeralType()) {
// C++ 5.2.10p4: A pointer can be explicitly converted to any integral
// type large enough to hold it.
if (Context.getTypeSize(SrcType) > Context.getTypeSize(DestType)) {
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_reinterpret_cast_small_int,
if (SrcType->isIntegralType() || SrcType->isEnumeralType()) {
// C++ 5.2.10p5: A value of integral or enumeration type can be explicitly
// converted to a pointer.
if (!destIsPtr || !srcIsPtr) {
// With the valid non-pointer conversions out of the way, we can be even
// more stringent.
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_generic, "reinterpret_cast",
OrigDestType.getAsString(), OrigSrcType.getAsString());
// C++ 5.2.10p2: The reinterpret_cast operator shall not cast away constness.
if (CastsAwayConstness(SrcType, DestType)) {
Diag(OpLoc, diag::err_bad_cxx_cast_const_away, "reinterpret_cast",
OrigDestType.getAsString(), OrigSrcType.getAsString());
// Not casting away constness, so the only remaining check is for compatible
// pointer categories.
if (SrcType->isFunctionPointerType()) {
if (DestType->isFunctionPointerType()) {
// C++ 5.2.10p6: A pointer to a function can be explicitly converted to
// a pointer to a function of a different type.
// FIXME: Handle member pointers.
// C++0x 5.2.10p8: Converting a pointer to a function into a pointer to
// an object type or vice versa is conditionally-supported.
// Compilers support it in C++03 too, though, because it's necessary for
// casting the return value of dlsym() and GetProcAddress().
// FIXME: Conditionally-supported behavior should be configurable in the
// TargetInfo or similar.
if (!getLangOptions().CPlusPlus0x) {
Diag(OpLoc, diag::ext_reinterpret_cast_fn_obj);
// FIXME: Handle member pointers.
if (DestType->isFunctionPointerType()) {
// See above.
if (!getLangOptions().CPlusPlus0x) {
Diag(OpLoc, diag::ext_reinterpret_cast_fn_obj);
// C++ 5.2.10p7: A pointer to an object can be explicitly converted to
// a pointer to an object of different type.
// Void pointers are not specified, but supported by every compiler out there.
// So we finish by allowing everything that remains - it's got to be two
// object pointers.
/// Check if the pointer conversion from SrcType to DestType casts away
/// constness as defined in C++ 5.2.11p8ff. This is used by the cast checkers.
/// Both arguments must denote pointer types.
Sema::CastsAwayConstness(QualType SrcType, QualType DestType)
// Casting away constness is defined in C++ 5.2.11p8 with reference to
// C++ 4.4.
// We piggyback on Sema::IsQualificationConversion for this, since the rules
// are non-trivial. So first we construct Tcv ** as described in
// C++ 5.2.11p8.
SrcType = Context.getCanonicalType(SrcType);
DestType = Context.getCanonicalType(DestType);
QualType UnwrappedSrcType = SrcType, UnwrappedDestType = DestType;
llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 8> cv1, cv2;
// Find the qualifications.
while (UnwrapSimilarPointerTypes(UnwrappedSrcType, UnwrappedDestType)) {
assert(cv1.size() > 0 && "Must have at least one pointer level.");
// Construct void pointers with those qualifiers (in reverse order of
// unwrapping, of course).
QualType SrcConstruct = Context.VoidTy;
QualType DestConstruct = Context.VoidTy;
for (llvm::SmallVector<unsigned, 8>::reverse_iterator i1 = cv1.rbegin(),
i2 = cv2.rbegin();
i1 != cv1.rend(); ++i1, ++i2)
SrcConstruct = Context.getPointerType(SrcConstruct.getQualifiedType(*i1));
DestConstruct = Context.getPointerType(DestConstruct.getQualifiedType(*i2));
// Test if they're compatible.
return SrcConstruct != DestConstruct &&
!IsQualificationConversion(SrcConstruct, DestConstruct);
/// CheckStaticCast - Check that a static_cast\<DestType\>(SrcExpr) is valid.
Sema::CheckStaticCast(SourceLocation OpLoc, Expr *&SrcExpr, QualType DestType)
#if 0
// 5.2.9/1 sets the ground rule of disallowing casting away constness.
// 5.2.9/2 permits everything allowed for direct-init, deferring to 8.5.
// Note: for class destination, that's overload resolution over dest's
// constructors. Src's conversions are only considered in overload choice.
// For any other destination, that's just the clause 4 standards convs.
// 5.2.9/4 permits static_cast&lt;cv void>(anything), which is a no-op.
// 5.2.9/5 permits explicit non-dynamic downcasts for lvalue-to-reference.
// 5.2.9/6 permits reversing all implicit conversions except lvalue-to-rvalue,
// function-to-pointer, array decay and to-bool, with some further
// restrictions. Defers to 4.
// 5.2.9/7 permits integer-to-enum conversion. Interesting note: if the
// integer does not correspond to an enum value, the result is unspecified -
// but it still has to be some value of the enum. I don't think any compiler
// complies with that.
// 5.2.9/8 is 5.2.9/5 for pointers.
// 5.2.9/9 messes with member pointers. TODO. No need to think about that yet.
// 5.2.9/10 permits void* to T*.
QualType OrigDestType = DestType, OrigSrcType = SrcExpr->getType();
DestType = Context.getCanonicalType(DestType);
// Tests are ordered by simplicity and a wild guess at commonness.
if (const BuiltinType *BuiltinDest = DestType->getAsBuiltinType()) {
// 5.2.9/4
if (BuiltinDest->getKind() == BuiltinType::Void) {
// Primitive conversions for 5.2.9/2 and 6.
/// ActOnCXXBoolLiteral - Parse {true,false} literals.
Sema::ActOnCXXBoolLiteral(SourceLocation OpLoc, tok::TokenKind Kind) {
assert((Kind == tok::kw_true || Kind == tok::kw_false) &&
"Unknown C++ Boolean value!");
return new CXXBoolLiteralExpr(Kind == tok::kw_true, Context.BoolTy, OpLoc);
/// ActOnCXXThrow - Parse throw expressions.
Sema::ActOnCXXThrow(SourceLocation OpLoc, ExprTy *E) {
return new CXXThrowExpr((Expr*)E, Context.VoidTy, OpLoc);
Action::ExprResult Sema::ActOnCXXThis(SourceLocation ThisLoc) {
/// C++ 9.3.2: In the body of a non-static member function, the keyword this
/// is a non-lvalue expression whose value is the address of the object for
/// which the function is called.
if (!isa<FunctionDecl>(CurContext)) {
Diag(ThisLoc, diag::err_invalid_this_use);
return ExprResult(true);
if (CXXMethodDecl *MD = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(CurContext))
if (MD->isInstance())
return new PredefinedExpr(ThisLoc, MD->getThisType(Context),
return Diag(ThisLoc, diag::err_invalid_this_use);
/// ActOnCXXTypeConstructExpr - Parse construction of a specified type.
/// Can be interpreted either as function-style casting ("int(x)")
/// or class type construction ("ClassType(x,y,z)")
/// or creation of a value-initialized type ("int()").
Sema::ActOnCXXTypeConstructExpr(SourceRange TypeRange, TypeTy *TypeRep,
SourceLocation LParenLoc,
ExprTy **ExprTys, unsigned NumExprs,
SourceLocation *CommaLocs,
SourceLocation RParenLoc) {
assert(TypeRep && "Missing type!");
QualType Ty = QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(TypeRep);
Expr **Exprs = (Expr**)ExprTys;
SourceLocation TyBeginLoc = TypeRange.getBegin();
SourceRange FullRange = SourceRange(TyBeginLoc, RParenLoc);
if (const RecordType *RT = Ty->getAsRecordType()) {
// C++ 5.2.3p1:
// If the simple-type-specifier specifies a class type, the class type shall
// be complete.
if (!RT->getDecl()->isDefinition())
return Diag(TyBeginLoc, diag::err_invalid_incomplete_type_use,
Ty.getAsString(), FullRange);
unsigned DiagID = PP.getDiagnostics().getCustomDiagID(Diagnostic::Error,
"class constructors are not supported yet");
return Diag(TyBeginLoc, DiagID);
// C++ 5.2.3p1:
// If the expression list is a single expression, the type conversion
// expression is equivalent (in definedness, and if defined in meaning) to the
// corresponding cast expression.
if (NumExprs == 1) {
if (CheckCastTypes(TypeRange, Ty, Exprs[0]))
return true;
return new CXXFunctionalCastExpr(Ty, TyBeginLoc, Exprs[0], RParenLoc);
// C++ 5.2.3p1:
// If the expression list specifies more than a single value, the type shall
// be a class with a suitably declared constructor.
if (NumExprs > 1)
return Diag(CommaLocs[0], diag::err_builtin_func_cast_more_than_one_arg,
assert(NumExprs == 0 && "Expected 0 expressions");
// C++ 5.2.3p2:
// The expression T(), where T is a simple-type-specifier for a non-array
// complete object type or the (possibly cv-qualified) void type, creates an
// rvalue of the specified type, which is value-initialized.
if (Ty->isArrayType())
return Diag(TyBeginLoc, diag::err_value_init_for_array_type, FullRange);
if (Ty->isIncompleteType() && !Ty->isVoidType())
return Diag(TyBeginLoc, diag::err_invalid_incomplete_type_use,
Ty.getAsString(), FullRange);
return new CXXZeroInitValueExpr(Ty, TyBeginLoc, RParenLoc);
/// ActOnCXXConditionDeclarationExpr - Parsed a condition declaration of a
/// C++ if/switch/while/for statement.
/// e.g: "if (int x = f()) {...}"
Sema::ActOnCXXConditionDeclarationExpr(Scope *S, SourceLocation StartLoc,
Declarator &D,
SourceLocation EqualLoc,
ExprTy *AssignExprVal) {
assert(AssignExprVal && "Null assignment expression");
// C++ 6.4p2:
// The declarator shall not specify a function or an array.
// The type-specifier-seq shall not contain typedef and shall not declare a
// new class or enumeration.
assert(D.getDeclSpec().getStorageClassSpec() != DeclSpec::SCS_typedef &&
"Parser allowed 'typedef' as storage class of condition decl.");
QualType Ty = GetTypeForDeclarator(D, S);
if (Ty->isFunctionType()) { // The declarator shall not specify a function...
// We exit without creating a CXXConditionDeclExpr because a FunctionDecl
// would be created and CXXConditionDeclExpr wants a VarDecl.
return Diag(StartLoc, diag::err_invalid_use_of_function_type,
SourceRange(StartLoc, EqualLoc));
} else if (Ty->isArrayType()) { // ...or an array.
Diag(StartLoc, diag::err_invalid_use_of_array_type,
SourceRange(StartLoc, EqualLoc));
} else if (const RecordType *RT = Ty->getAsRecordType()) {
RecordDecl *RD = RT->getDecl();
// The type-specifier-seq shall not declare a new class...
if (RD->isDefinition() && (RD->getIdentifier() == 0 || S->isDeclScope(RD)))
Diag(RD->getLocation(), diag::err_type_defined_in_condition);
} else if (const EnumType *ET = Ty->getAsEnumType()) {
EnumDecl *ED = ET->getDecl();
// ...or enumeration.
if (ED->isDefinition() && (ED->getIdentifier() == 0 || S->isDeclScope(ED)))
Diag(ED->getLocation(), diag::err_type_defined_in_condition);
DeclTy *Dcl = ActOnDeclarator(S, D, 0);
if (!Dcl)
return true;
AddInitializerToDecl(Dcl, AssignExprVal);
return new CXXConditionDeclExpr(StartLoc, EqualLoc,
cast<VarDecl>(static_cast<Decl *>(Dcl)));
/// CheckCXXBooleanCondition - Returns true if a conversion to bool is invalid.
bool Sema::CheckCXXBooleanCondition(Expr *&CondExpr) {
// C++ 6.4p4:
// The value of a condition that is an initialized declaration in a statement
// other than a switch statement is the value of the declared variable
// implicitly converted to type bool. If that conversion is ill-formed, the
// program is ill-formed.
// The value of a condition that is an expression is the value of the
// expression, implicitly converted to bool.
QualType Ty = CondExpr->getType(); // Save the type.
ConvTy = CheckSingleAssignmentConstraints(Context.BoolTy, CondExpr);
if (ConvTy == Incompatible)
return Diag(CondExpr->getLocStart(), diag::err_typecheck_bool_condition,
Ty.getAsString(), CondExpr->getSourceRange());
return false;
/// Helper function to determine whether this is the (deprecated) C++
/// conversion from a string literal to a pointer to non-const char or
/// non-const wchar_t (for narrow and wide string literals,
/// respectively).
Sema::IsStringLiteralToNonConstPointerConversion(Expr *From, QualType ToType) {
// Look inside the implicit cast, if it exists.
if (ImplicitCastExpr *Cast = dyn_cast<ImplicitCastExpr>(From))
From = Cast->getSubExpr();
// A string literal (2.13.4) that is not a wide string literal can
// be converted to an rvalue of type "pointer to char"; a wide
// string literal can be converted to an rvalue of type "pointer
// to wchar_t" (C++ 4.2p2).
if (StringLiteral *StrLit = dyn_cast<StringLiteral>(From))
if (const PointerType *ToPtrType = ToType->getAsPointerType())
if (const BuiltinType *ToPointeeType
= ToPtrType->getPointeeType()->getAsBuiltinType()) {
// This conversion is considered only when there is an
// explicit appropriate pointer target type (C++ 4.2p2).
if (ToPtrType->getPointeeType().getCVRQualifiers() == 0 &&
((StrLit->isWide() && ToPointeeType->isWideCharType()) ||
(!StrLit->isWide() &&
(ToPointeeType->getKind() == BuiltinType::Char_U ||
ToPointeeType->getKind() == BuiltinType::Char_S))))
return true;
return false;
/// PerformImplicitConversion - Perform an implicit conversion of the
/// expression From to the type ToType. Returns true if there was an
/// error, false otherwise. The expression From is replaced with the
/// converted expression.
Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType)
ImplicitConversionSequence ICS = TryCopyInitialization(From, ToType);
switch (ICS.ConversionKind) {
case ImplicitConversionSequence::StandardConversion:
if (PerformImplicitConversion(From, ToType, ICS.Standard))
return true;
case ImplicitConversionSequence::UserDefinedConversion:
// FIXME: This is, of course, wrong. We'll need to actually call
// the constructor or conversion operator, and then cope with the
// standard conversions.
ImpCastExprToType(From, ToType);
case ImplicitConversionSequence::EllipsisConversion:
assert(false && "Cannot perform an ellipsis conversion");
case ImplicitConversionSequence::BadConversion:
return true;
// Everything went well.
return false;
/// PerformImplicitConversion - Perform an implicit conversion of the
/// expression From to the type ToType by following the standard
/// conversion sequence SCS. Returns true if there was an error, false
/// otherwise. The expression From is replaced with the converted
/// expression.
Sema::PerformImplicitConversion(Expr *&From, QualType ToType,
const StandardConversionSequence& SCS)
// Overall FIXME: we are recomputing too many types here and doing
// far too much extra work. What this means is that we need to keep
// track of more information that is computed when we try the
// implicit conversion initially, so that we don't need to recompute
// anything here.
QualType FromType = From->getType();
// Perform the first implicit conversion.
switch (SCS.First) {
case ICK_Identity:
case ICK_Lvalue_To_Rvalue:
// Nothing to do.
case ICK_Array_To_Pointer:
FromType = Context.getArrayDecayedType(FromType);
ImpCastExprToType(From, FromType);
case ICK_Function_To_Pointer:
FromType = Context.getPointerType(FromType);
ImpCastExprToType(From, FromType);
assert(false && "Improper first standard conversion");
// Perform the second implicit conversion
switch (SCS.Second) {
case ICK_Identity:
// Nothing to do.
case ICK_Integral_Promotion:
case ICK_Floating_Promotion:
case ICK_Integral_Conversion:
case ICK_Floating_Conversion:
case ICK_Floating_Integral:
FromType = ToType.getUnqualifiedType();
ImpCastExprToType(From, FromType);
case ICK_Pointer_Conversion:
if (CheckPointerConversion(From, ToType))
return true;
ImpCastExprToType(From, ToType);
case ICK_Pointer_Member:
// FIXME: Implement pointer-to-member conversions.
assert(false && "Pointer-to-member conversions are unsupported");
case ICK_Boolean_Conversion:
FromType = Context.BoolTy;
ImpCastExprToType(From, FromType);
assert(false && "Improper second standard conversion");
switch (SCS.Third) {
case ICK_Identity:
// Nothing to do.
case ICK_Qualification:
ImpCastExprToType(From, ToType);
assert(false && "Improper second standard conversion");
return false;