blob: 23038b3e2166cd7f8105fa65285058d630c8fafd [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import platform
import re
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import Util
kSystemName = platform.system()
class TestStatus:
Pass = 0
XFail = 1
Fail = 2
XPass = 3
Invalid = 4
kNames = ['Pass','XFail','Fail','XPass','Invalid']
def getName(code):
return TestStatus.kNames[code]
def executeScript(cfg, script, commands, cwd):
# Write script file
f = open(script,'w')
if kSystemName == 'Windows':
f.write('\nif %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 EXIT\n'.join(commands))
f.write(' &&\n'.join(commands))
if kSystemName == 'Windows':
command = ['cmd','/c', script]
command = ['/bin/sh', script]
if cfg.useValgrind:
# FIXME: Running valgrind on sh is overkill. We probably could just
# run on clang with no real loss.
command = ['valgrind', '-q',
'--tool=memcheck', '--leak-check=no', '--trace-children=yes',
'--error-exitcode=123'] + command
p = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=cwd,
out,err = p.communicate()
exitCode = p.wait()
# Detect Ctrl-C in subprocess.
if exitCode == -signal.SIGINT:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
return out, err, exitCode
import StringIO
def runOneTest(cfg, testPath, tmpBase):
# Make paths absolute.
tmpBase = os.path.abspath(tmpBase)
testPath = os.path.abspath(testPath)
# Create the output directory if it does not already exist.
script = tmpBase + '.script'
if kSystemName == 'Windows':
script += '.bat'
substitutions = [('%s', testPath),
('%S', os.path.dirname(testPath)),
('%t', tmpBase + '.tmp'),
(' clang ', ' ' + cfg.clang + ' '),
(' clang-cc ', ' ' + cfg.clangcc + ' ')]
# Collect the test lines from the script.
scriptLines = []
xfailLines = []
for ln in open(testPath):
if 'RUN:' in ln:
# Isolate the command to run.
index = ln.index('RUN:')
ln = ln[index+4:]
# Strip trailing newline.
elif 'XFAIL' in ln:
# FIXME: Support something like END, in case we need to process large
# files.
# Verify the script contains a run line.
if not scriptLines:
return (TestStatus.Fail, "Test has no run line!")
# Apply substitutions to the script.
def processLine(ln):
# Apply substitutions
for a,b in substitutions:
ln = ln.replace(a,b)
# Strip the trailing newline and any extra whitespace.
return ln.strip()
scriptLines = map(processLine, scriptLines)
# Validate interior lines for '&&', a lovely historical artifact.
for i in range(len(scriptLines) - 1):
ln = scriptLines[i]
if not ln.endswith('&&'):
return (TestStatus.Fail,
("MISSING \'&&\': %s\n" +
"FOLLOWED BY : %s\n") % (ln, scriptLines[i + 1]))
# Strip off '&&'
scriptLines[i] = ln[:-2]
out, err, exitCode = executeScript(cfg, script, scriptLines,
if xfailLines:
ok = exitCode != 0
status = (TestStatus.XPass, TestStatus.XFail)[ok]
ok = exitCode == 0
status = (TestStatus.Fail, TestStatus.Pass)[ok]
if ok:
return (status,'')
output = StringIO.StringIO()
print >>output, "Script:"
print >>output, "--"
print >>output, '\n'.join(scriptLines)
print >>output, "--"
print >>output, "Exit Code: %r" % exitCode
print >>output, "Command Output (stdout):"
print >>output, "--"
print >>output, "--"
print >>output, "Command Output (stderr):"
print >>output, "--"
print >>output, "--"
return (status, output.getvalue())
def capture(args):
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out,_ = p.communicate()
return out
def inferClang(cfg):
# Determine which clang to use.
clang = os.getenv('CLANG')
# If the user set clang in the environment, definitely use that and don't
# try to validate.
if clang:
return clang
# Otherwise look in the path.
clang = Util.which('clang', cfg.environment['PATH'])
if not clang:
print >>sys.stderr, "error: couldn't find 'clang' program, try setting CLANG in your environment"
return clang
def inferClangCC(cfg, clang):
clangcc = os.getenv('CLANGCC')
# If the user set clang in the environment, definitely use that and don't
# try to validate.
if clangcc:
return clangcc
# Otherwise try adding -cc since we expect to be looking in a build
# directory.
if clang.endswith('.exe'):
clangccName = clang[:-4] + '-cc.exe'
clangccName = clang + '-cc'
clangcc = Util.which(clangccName, cfg.environment['PATH'])
if not clangcc:
# Otherwise ask clang.
res = capture([clang, '-print-prog-name=clang-cc'])
res = res.strip()
if res and os.path.exists(res):
clangcc = res
if not clangcc:
print >>sys.stderr, "error: couldn't find 'clang-cc' program, try setting CLANGCC in your environment"
return clangcc
def getTestOutputBase(dir, testpath):
"""getTestOutputBase(dir, testpath) - Get the full path for temporary files
corresponding to the given test path."""
# Form the output base out of the test parent directory name and the test
# name. FIXME: Find a better way to organize test results.
return os.path.join(dir,