blob: 8d825ad8f2a09034358aeab64656893d328e1a6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Note: This file is a work in progress. Please do not apply non-trivial
// updates unless you have talked to Sean Hunt <> prior.
// Merely adding a new attribute is a trivial update.
// An attribute's subject is whatever it appertains to. In this file, it is
// more accurately a list of things that an attribute can appertain to. All
// Decls and Stmts are possibly AttrSubjects (even though the syntax may not
// allow attributes on a given Decl or Stmt).
class AttrSubject;
include "clang/Basic/"
include "clang/Basic/"
// A subset-subject is an AttrSubject constrained to operate only on some subset
// of that subject.
// The description is used in output messages to specify what the subject
// represents. FIXME: Deal with translation issues.
// The code fragment is a boolean expression that will confirm that the subject
// meets the requirements; the subject will have the name S, and will have the
// type specified by the base. It should be a simple boolean expression.
class SubsetSubject<AttrSubject base, string description, code check>
: AttrSubject {
AttrSubject Base = base;
string Description = description;
code CheckCode = check;
// This is the type of a variable which C++11 allows alignas(...) to appertain
// to.
def NormalVar : SubsetSubject<Var, "non-register, non-parameter variable",
[{S->getStorageClass() != VarDecl::Register &&
S->getKind() != Decl::ImplicitParam &&
S->getKind() != Decl::ParmVar &&
S->getKind() != Decl::NonTypeTemplateParm}]>;
def CXXVirtualMethod : SubsetSubject<CXXRecord, "virtual member function",
def NonBitField : SubsetSubject<Field, "non-bit field",
// A single argument to an attribute
class Argument<string name> {
string Name = name;
class BoolArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class IdentifierArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class IntArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class StringArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class ExprArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class FunctionArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class TypeArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class UnsignedArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class SourceLocArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class VariadicUnsignedArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
class VariadicExprArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
// A version of the form major.minor[.subminor].
class VersionArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
// This one's a doozy, so it gets its own special type
// It can be an unsigned integer, or a type. Either can
// be dependent.
class AlignedArgument<string name> : Argument<name>;
// An integer argument with a default value
class DefaultIntArgument<string name, int default> : IntArgument<name> {
int Default = default;
// This argument is more complex, it includes the enumerator type name,
// a list of strings to accept, and a list of enumerators to map them to.
class EnumArgument<string name, string type, list<string> values,
list<string> enums> : Argument<name> {
string Type = type;
list<string> Values = values;
list<string> Enums = enums;
// This handles one spelling of an attribute.
class Spelling<string name, string variety> {
string Name = name;
string Variety = variety;
class GNU<string name> : Spelling<name, "GNU">;
class Declspec<string name> : Spelling<name, "Declspec">;
class CXX11<string namespace, string name> : Spelling<name, "CXX11"> {
string Namespace = namespace;
class Keyword<string name> : Spelling<name, "Keyword">;
class Accessor<string name, list<Spelling> spellings> {
string Name = name;
list<Spelling> Spellings = spellings;
class Attr {
// The various ways in which an attribute can be spelled in source
list<Spelling> Spellings;
// The things to which an attribute can appertain
list<AttrSubject> Subjects;
// The arguments allowed on an attribute
list<Argument> Args = [];
// Accessors which should be generated for the attribute.
list<Accessor> Accessors = [];
// Set to true for attributes with arguments which require delayed parsing.
bit LateParsed = 0;
// Set to false to prevent an attribute from being propagated from a template
// to the instantiation.
bit Clone = 1;
// Set to true for attributes which must be instantiated within templates
bit TemplateDependent = 0;
// Set to true for attributes that have a corresponding AST node.
bit ASTNode = 1;
// Set to true for attributes which have handler in Sema.
bit SemaHandler = 1;
// Set to true for attributes that are completely ignored.
bit Ignored = 0;
// Set to true if each of the spellings is a distinct attribute.
bit DistinctSpellings = 0;
// Any additional text that should be included verbatim in the class.
code AdditionalMembers = [{}];
/// An inheritable attribute is inherited by later redeclarations.
class InheritableAttr : Attr;
/// An inheritable parameter attribute is inherited by later
/// redeclarations, even when it's written on a parameter.
class InheritableParamAttr : InheritableAttr;
/// An ignored attribute, which we parse but discard with no checking.
class IgnoredAttr : Attr {
let Ignored = 1;
let ASTNode = 0;
let SemaHandler = 0;
// Attributes begin here
def AddressSpace : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"address_space">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"AddressSpace">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def Alias : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"alias">, CXX11<"gnu", "alias">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"Aliasee">];
def Aligned : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"aligned">, Declspec<"align">, CXX11<"gnu", "aligned">,
Keyword<"alignas">, Keyword<"_Alignas">];
let Subjects = [NonBitField, NormalVar, Tag];
let Args = [AlignedArgument<"Alignment">];
let Accessors = [Accessor<"isGNU", [GNU<"aligned">, CXX11<"gnu","aligned">]>,
Accessor<"isC11", [Keyword<"_Alignas">]>,
Accessor<"isAlignas", [Keyword<"alignas">,
def AlignMac68k : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def AllocSize : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"alloc_size">, CXX11<"gnu", "alloc_size">];
let Args = [VariadicUnsignedArgument<"Args">];
def AlwaysInline : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"always_inline">, CXX11<"gnu", "always_inline">];
def TLSModel : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"tls_model">, CXX11<"gnu", "tls_model">];
let Subjects = [Var];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"Model">];
def AnalyzerNoReturn : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"analyzer_noreturn">];
def Annotate : InheritableParamAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"annotate">];
let Args = [StringArgument<"Annotation">];
def AsmLabel : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let Args = [StringArgument<"Label">];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def Availability : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"availability">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"platform">, VersionArgument<"introduced">,
VersionArgument<"deprecated">, VersionArgument<"obsoleted">,
BoolArgument<"unavailable">, StringArgument<"message">];
let AdditionalMembers =
[{static llvm::StringRef getPrettyPlatformName(llvm::StringRef Platform) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<llvm::StringRef>(Platform)
.Case("ios", "iOS")
.Case("macosx", "OS X")
} }];
def Blocks : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"blocks">];
let Args = [EnumArgument<"Type", "BlockType", ["byref"], ["ByRef"]>];
def Bounded : IgnoredAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"bounded">];
def CarriesDependency : InheritableParamAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"carries_dependency">, CXX11<"","carries_dependency">,
let Subjects = [ParmVar, Function];
def CDecl : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cdecl">, CXX11<"gnu", "cdecl">, Keyword<"__cdecl">,
// cf_audited_transfer indicates that the given function has been
// audited and has been marked with the appropriate cf_consumed and
// cf_returns_retained attributes. It is generally applied by
// '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' rather than explicitly.
def CFAuditedTransfer : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cf_audited_transfer">];
let Subjects = [Function];
// cf_unknown_transfer is an explicit opt-out of cf_audited_transfer.
// It indicates that the function has unknown or unautomatable
// transfer semantics.
def CFUnknownTransfer : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cf_unknown_transfer">];
let Subjects = [Function];
def CFReturnsRetained : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cf_returns_retained">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod, Function];
def CFReturnsNotRetained : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cf_returns_not_retained">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod, Function];
def CFConsumed : InheritableParamAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cf_consumed">];
let Subjects = [ParmVar];
def Cleanup : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cleanup">, CXX11<"gnu", "cleanup">];
let Args = [FunctionArgument<"FunctionDecl">];
def Cold : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"cold">, CXX11<"gnu", "cold">];
def Common : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"common">, CXX11<"gnu", "common">];
def Const : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"const">, GNU<"__const">, CXX11<"gnu", "const">];
def Constructor : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"constructor">, CXX11<"gnu", "constructor">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"Priority">];
def CUDAConstant : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"constant">];
def CUDADevice : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"device">];
def CUDAGlobal : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"global">];
def CUDAHost : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"host">];
def CUDALaunchBounds : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"launch_bounds">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"MaxThreads">, DefaultIntArgument<"MinBlocks", 0>];
def CUDAShared : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"shared">];
def C11NoReturn : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"_Noreturn">];
let Subjects = [Function];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def CXX11NoReturn : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [CXX11<"","noreturn">, CXX11<"std","noreturn">];
let Subjects = [Function];
def OpenCLKernel : Attr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__kernel">, Keyword<"kernel">];
def OpenCLImageAccess : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"opencl_image_access">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"Access">];
def Deprecated : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"deprecated">, CXX11<"gnu", "deprecated">];
let Args = [StringArgument<"Message">];
def Destructor : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"destructor">, CXX11<"gnu", "destructor">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"Priority">];
def ExtVectorType : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ext_vector_type">];
let Args = [ExprArgument<"NumElements">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def FallThrough : Attr {
let Spellings = [CXX11<"clang", "fallthrough">];
let Subjects = [NullStmt];
def FastCall : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"fastcall">, CXX11<"gnu", "fastcall">,
Keyword<"__fastcall">, Keyword<"_fastcall">];
def Final : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def MinSize : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"minsize">];
let Subjects = [Function];
def Format : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"format">, CXX11<"gnu", "format">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"Type">, IntArgument<"FormatIdx">,
def FormatArg : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"format_arg">, CXX11<"gnu", "format_arg">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"FormatIdx">];
def GNUInline : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"gnu_inline">, CXX11<"gnu", "gnu_inline">];
def Hot : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"hot">, CXX11<"gnu", "hot">];
def IBAction : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ibaction">];
def IBOutlet : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"iboutlet">];
def IBOutletCollection : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"iboutletcollection">];
let Args = [TypeArgument<"Interface">, SourceLocArgument<"InterfaceLoc">];
def Malloc : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"malloc">, CXX11<"gnu", "malloc">];
def MaxFieldAlignment : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"Alignment">];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def MayAlias : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"may_alias">, CXX11<"gnu", "may_alias">];
def MSP430Interrupt : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"Number">];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def MBlazeInterruptHandler : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def MBlazeSaveVolatiles : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def Mips16 : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"mips16">, CXX11<"gnu", "mips16">];
let Subjects = [Function];
def Mode : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"mode">, CXX11<"gnu", "mode">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"Mode">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def Naked : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"naked">, CXX11<"gnu", "naked">];
def NeonPolyVectorType : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"neon_polyvector_type">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"NumElements">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def NeonVectorType : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"neon_vector_type">];
let Args = [IntArgument<"NumElements">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def ReturnsTwice : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"returns_twice">, CXX11<"gnu", "returns_twice">];
def NoCommon : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"nocommon">, CXX11<"gnu", "nocommon">];
def NoDebug : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"nodebug">];
def NoInline : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"noinline">, CXX11<"gnu", "noinline">];
def NoMips16 : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"nomips16">, CXX11<"gnu", "nomips16">];
let Subjects = [Function];
def NonNull : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"nonnull">, CXX11<"gnu", "nonnull">];
let Args = [VariadicUnsignedArgument<"Args">];
let AdditionalMembers =
[{bool isNonNull(unsigned idx) const {
for (args_iterator i = args_begin(), e = args_end();
i != e; ++i)
if (*i == idx)
return true;
return false;
} }];
def NoReturn : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"noreturn">, CXX11<"gnu", "noreturn">];
// FIXME: Does GCC allow this on the function instead?
let Subjects = [Function];
def NoInstrumentFunction : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"no_instrument_function">,
CXX11<"gnu", "no_instrument_function">];
let Subjects = [Function];
def NoThrow : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"nothrow">, CXX11<"gnu", "nothrow">];
def NSBridged : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ns_bridged">];
let Subjects = [Record];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"BridgedType">];
def NSReturnsRetained : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ns_returns_retained">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod, Function];
def NSReturnsNotRetained : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ns_returns_not_retained">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod, Function];
def NSReturnsAutoreleased : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ns_returns_autoreleased">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod, Function];
def NSConsumesSelf : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ns_consumes_self">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod];
def NSConsumed : InheritableParamAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ns_consumed">];
let Subjects = [ParmVar];
def ObjCException : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_exception">];
def ObjCMethodFamily : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_method_family">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod];
let Args = [EnumArgument<"Family", "FamilyKind",
["none", "alloc", "copy", "init", "mutableCopy", "new"],
["OMF_None", "OMF_alloc", "OMF_copy", "OMF_init",
"OMF_mutableCopy", "OMF_new"]>];
def ObjCNSObject : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"NSObject">];
def ObjCPreciseLifetime : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_precise_lifetime">];
let Subjects = [Var];
def ObjCReturnsInnerPointer : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_returns_inner_pointer">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod];
def ObjCRequiresSuper : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_requires_super">];
let Subjects = [ObjCMethod];
def ObjCRootClass : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_root_class">];
let Subjects = [ObjCInterface];
def Overloadable : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"overloadable">];
def Override : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
let SemaHandler = 0;
def Ownership : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"ownership_holds">, GNU<"ownership_returns">,
let DistinctSpellings = 1;
let Args = [EnumArgument<"OwnKind", "OwnershipKind",
["ownership_holds", "ownership_returns", "ownership_takes"],
["Holds", "Returns", "Takes"]>,
StringArgument<"Module">, VariadicUnsignedArgument<"Args">];
def Packed : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"packed">, CXX11<"gnu", "packed">];
def PnaclCall : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"pnaclcall">];
def IntelOclBicc : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"intel_ocl_bicc">];
def Pcs : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"pcs">, CXX11<"gnu", "pcs">];
let Args = [EnumArgument<"PCS", "PCSType",
["aapcs", "aapcs-vfp"],
def Pure : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"pure">, CXX11<"gnu", "pure">];
def Regparm : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"regparm">, CXX11<"gnu", "regparm">];
let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"NumParams">];
def ReqdWorkGroupSize : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"reqd_work_group_size">];
let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"XDim">, UnsignedArgument<"YDim">,
def Endian : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"endian">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"platform">];
def WorkGroupSizeHint : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"work_group_size_hint">];
let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"XDim">,
def InitPriority : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"init_priority">];
let Args = [UnsignedArgument<"Priority">];
def Section : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"section">, CXX11<"gnu", "section">];
let Args = [StringArgument<"Name">];
def Sentinel : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"sentinel">, CXX11<"gnu", "sentinel">];
let Args = [DefaultIntArgument<"Sentinel", 0>,
DefaultIntArgument<"NullPos", 0>];
def StdCall : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"stdcall">, CXX11<"gnu", "stdcall">,
Keyword<"__stdcall">, Keyword<"_stdcall">];
def ThisCall : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"thiscall">, CXX11<"gnu", "thiscall">,
Keyword<"__thiscall">, Keyword<"_thiscall">];
def Pascal : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"pascal">, Keyword<"__pascal">, Keyword<"_pascal">];
def TransparentUnion : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"transparent_union">, CXX11<"gnu", "transparent_union">];
def Unavailable : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"unavailable">];
let Args = [StringArgument<"Message">];
def ArcWeakrefUnavailable : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_arc_weak_reference_unavailable">];
let Subjects = [ObjCInterface];
def ObjCGC : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_gc">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"Kind">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def ObjCOwnership : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_ownership">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"Kind">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def ObjCRequiresPropertyDefs : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"objc_requires_property_definitions">];
let Subjects = [ObjCInterface];
def Unused : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"unused">, CXX11<"gnu", "unused">];
def Used : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"used">, CXX11<"gnu", "used">];
def Uuid : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"uuid">];
let Args = [StringArgument<"Guid">];
let Subjects = [CXXRecord];
def VectorSize : Attr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"vector_size">, CXX11<"gnu", "vector_size">];
let Args = [ExprArgument<"NumBytes">];
let ASTNode = 0;
def VecTypeHint : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"vec_type_hint">];
let Args = [TypeArgument<"TypeHint">, SourceLocArgument<"TypeLoc">];
def Visibility : InheritableAttr {
let Clone = 0;
let Spellings = [GNU<"visibility">, CXX11<"gnu", "visibility">];
let Args = [EnumArgument<"Visibility", "VisibilityType",
["default", "hidden", "internal", "protected"],
["Default", "Hidden", "Hidden", "Protected"]>];
def TypeVisibility : InheritableAttr {
let Clone = 0;
let Spellings = [GNU<"type_visibility">, CXX11<"clang", "type_visibility">];
let Args = [EnumArgument<"Visibility", "VisibilityType",
["default", "hidden", "internal", "protected"],
["Default", "Hidden", "Hidden", "Protected"]>];
def VecReturn : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"vecreturn">];
let Subjects = [CXXRecord];
def WarnUnusedResult : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"warn_unused_result">,
CXX11<"clang", "warn_unused_result">,
CXX11<"gnu", "warn_unused_result">];
def Weak : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"weak">, CXX11<"gnu", "weak">];
def WeakImport : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"weak_import">];
def WeakRef : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"weakref">, CXX11<"gnu", "weakref">];
def X86ForceAlignArgPointer : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [];
// Attribute to disable AddressSanitizer (or equivalent) checks.
def NoSanitizeAddress : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"no_address_safety_analysis">,
// Attribute to disable ThreadSanitizer checks.
def NoSanitizeThread : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"no_sanitize_thread">];
// Attribute to disable MemorySanitizer checks.
def NoSanitizeMemory : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"no_sanitize_memory">];
// C/C++ Thread safety attributes (e.g. for deadlock, data race checking)
def GuardedVar : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"guarded_var">];
def PtGuardedVar : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"pt_guarded_var">];
def Lockable : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"lockable">];
def ScopedLockable : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"scoped_lockable">];
def NoThreadSafetyAnalysis : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"no_thread_safety_analysis">];
def GuardedBy : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"guarded_by">];
let Args = [ExprArgument<"Arg">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def PtGuardedBy : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"pt_guarded_by">];
let Args = [ExprArgument<"Arg">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def AcquiredAfter : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"acquired_after">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def AcquiredBefore : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"acquired_before">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def ExclusiveLockFunction : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"exclusive_lock_function">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def SharedLockFunction : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"shared_lock_function">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
// The first argument is an integer or boolean value specifying the return value
// of a successful lock acquisition.
def ExclusiveTrylockFunction : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"exclusive_trylock_function">];
let Args = [ExprArgument<"SuccessValue">, VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
// The first argument is an integer or boolean value specifying the return value
// of a successful lock acquisition.
def SharedTrylockFunction : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"shared_trylock_function">];
let Args = [ExprArgument<"SuccessValue">, VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def UnlockFunction : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"unlock_function">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def LockReturned : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"lock_returned">];
let Args = [ExprArgument<"Arg">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def LocksExcluded : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"locks_excluded">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def ExclusiveLocksRequired : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"exclusive_locks_required">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
def SharedLocksRequired : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"shared_locks_required">];
let Args = [VariadicExprArgument<"Args">];
let LateParsed = 1;
let TemplateDependent = 1;
// Type safety attributes for `void *' pointers and type tags.
def ArgumentWithTypeTag : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"argument_with_type_tag">,
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"ArgumentKind">,
let Subjects = [Function];
def TypeTagForDatatype : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [GNU<"type_tag_for_datatype">];
let Args = [IdentifierArgument<"ArgumentKind">,
let Subjects = [Var];
// Microsoft-related attributes
def MsProperty : Attr {
let Spellings = [Declspec<"property">];
def MsStruct : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Declspec<"ms_struct">];
def DLLExport : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Declspec<"dllexport">];
def DLLImport : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Declspec<"dllimport">];
def ForceInline : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__forceinline">];
def Win64 : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__w64">];
def Ptr32 : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__ptr32">];
def Ptr64 : InheritableAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__ptr64">];
class MSInheritanceAttr : InheritableAttr;
def SingleInheritance : MSInheritanceAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__single_inheritance">];
def MultipleInheritance : MSInheritanceAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__multiple_inheritance">];
def VirtualInheritance : MSInheritanceAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__virtual_inheritance">];
// This attribute doesn't have any spellings, but we can apply it implicitly to
// incomplete types that lack any of the other attributes.
def UnspecifiedInheritance : MSInheritanceAttr {
let Spellings = [];
def Unaligned : IgnoredAttr {
let Spellings = [Keyword<"__unaligned">];