blob: 310108a38ce47766ba1bc722fbeafcc4216581b4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- unittest/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/ParserTest.cpp - Parser unit tests -===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../ASTMatchersTest.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Parser.h"
#include "clang/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Registry.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
namespace clang {
namespace ast_matchers {
namespace dynamic {
namespace {
class DummyDynTypedMatcher : public DynTypedMatcher {
DummyDynTypedMatcher(uint64_t ID) : ID(ID) {}
DummyDynTypedMatcher(uint64_t ID, StringRef BoundID)
: ID(ID), BoundID(BoundID) {}
typedef ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder ASTMatchFinder;
typedef ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder BoundNodesTreeBuilder;
virtual bool matches(const ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode DynNode,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const {
return false;
/// \brief Makes a copy of this matcher object.
virtual DynTypedMatcher *clone() const {
return new DummyDynTypedMatcher(*this);
/// \brief Returns a unique ID for the matcher.
virtual uint64_t getID() const { return ID; }
virtual DynTypedMatcher* tryBind(StringRef BoundID) const {
return new DummyDynTypedMatcher(ID, BoundID);
StringRef boundID() const { return BoundID; }
uint64_t ID;
std::string BoundID;
class MockSema : public Parser::Sema {
virtual ~MockSema() {}
uint64_t expectMatcher(StringRef MatcherName) {
uint64_t ID = ExpectedMatchers.size() + 1;
ExpectedMatchers[MatcherName] = ID;
return ID;
void parse(StringRef Code) {
Diagnostics Error;
VariantValue Value;
Parser::parseExpression(Code, this, &Value, &Error);
DynTypedMatcher *actOnMatcherExpression(StringRef MatcherName,
const SourceRange &NameRange,
StringRef BindID,
ArrayRef<ParserValue> Args,
Diagnostics *Error) {
MatcherInfo ToStore = { MatcherName, NameRange, Args, BindID };
DummyDynTypedMatcher Matcher(ExpectedMatchers[MatcherName]);
return Matcher.tryBind(BindID);
struct MatcherInfo {
StringRef MatcherName;
SourceRange NameRange;
std::vector<ParserValue> Args;
std::string BoundID;
std::vector<std::string> Errors;
std::vector<VariantValue> Values;
std::vector<MatcherInfo> Matchers;
llvm::StringMap<uint64_t> ExpectedMatchers;
TEST(ParserTest, ParseString) {
MockSema Sema;
EXPECT_EQ(3ULL, Sema.Values.size());
EXPECT_EQ("Foo", Sema.Values[0].getString());
EXPECT_EQ("", Sema.Values[1].getString());
EXPECT_EQ("1:1: Error parsing string token: <\"Baz>", Sema.Errors[2]);
bool matchesRange(const SourceRange &Range, unsigned StartLine,
unsigned EndLine, unsigned StartColumn, unsigned EndColumn) {
EXPECT_EQ(StartLine, Range.Start.Line);
EXPECT_EQ(EndLine, Range.End.Line);
EXPECT_EQ(StartColumn, Range.Start.Column);
EXPECT_EQ(EndColumn, Range.End.Column);
return Range.Start.Line == StartLine && Range.End.Line == EndLine &&
Range.Start.Column == StartColumn && Range.End.Column == EndColumn;
TEST(ParserTest, ParseMatcher) {
MockSema Sema;
const uint64_t ExpectedFoo = Sema.expectMatcher("Foo");
const uint64_t ExpectedBar = Sema.expectMatcher("Bar");
const uint64_t ExpectedBaz = Sema.expectMatcher("Baz");
Sema.parse(" Foo ( Bar (), Baz( \n \"B A,Z\") ) .bind( \"Yo!\") ");
for (size_t i = 0, e = Sema.Errors.size(); i != e; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ("", Sema.Errors[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(1ULL, Sema.Values.size());
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFoo, Sema.Values[0].getMatcher().getID());
EXPECT_EQ("Yo!", static_cast<const DummyDynTypedMatcher &>(
EXPECT_EQ(3ULL, Sema.Matchers.size());
const MockSema::MatcherInfo Bar = Sema.Matchers[0];
EXPECT_EQ("Bar", Bar.MatcherName);
EXPECT_TRUE(matchesRange(Bar.NameRange, 1, 1, 8, 14));
EXPECT_EQ(0ULL, Bar.Args.size());
const MockSema::MatcherInfo Baz = Sema.Matchers[1];
EXPECT_EQ("Baz", Baz.MatcherName);
EXPECT_TRUE(matchesRange(Baz.NameRange, 1, 2, 16, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(1ULL, Baz.Args.size());
EXPECT_EQ("B A,Z", Baz.Args[0].Value.getString());
const MockSema::MatcherInfo Foo = Sema.Matchers[2];
EXPECT_EQ("Foo", Foo.MatcherName);
EXPECT_TRUE(matchesRange(Foo.NameRange, 1, 2, 2, 12));
EXPECT_EQ(2ULL, Foo.Args.size());
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedBar, Foo.Args[0].Value.getMatcher().getID());
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedBaz, Foo.Args[1].Value.getMatcher().getID());
EXPECT_EQ("Yo!", Foo.BoundID);
using ast_matchers::internal::Matcher;
TEST(ParserTest, FullParserTest) {
OwningPtr<DynTypedMatcher> Matcher(Parser::parseMatcherExpression(
"hasInitializer(binaryOperator(hasLHS(integerLiteral())))", NULL));
EXPECT_TRUE(matchesDynamic("int x = 1 + false;", *Matcher));
EXPECT_FALSE(matchesDynamic("int x = true + 1;", *Matcher));
Diagnostics Error;
"hasInitializer(\n binaryOperator(hasLHS(\"A\")))", &Error) == NULL);
EXPECT_EQ("1:1: Error parsing argument 1 for matcher hasInitializer.\n"
"2:5: Error parsing argument 1 for matcher binaryOperator.\n"
"2:20: Error building matcher hasLHS.\n"
"2:27: Incorrect type on function hasLHS for arg 1.",
std::string ParseWithError(StringRef Code) {
Diagnostics Error;
VariantValue Value;
Parser::parseExpression(Code, &Value, &Error);
return Error.ToStringFull();
std::string ParseMatcherWithError(StringRef Code) {
Diagnostics Error;
Parser::parseMatcherExpression(Code, &Error);
return Error.ToStringFull();
TEST(ParserTest, Errors) {
"1:5: Error parsing matcher. Found token <123> while looking for '('.",
ParseWithError("Foo 123"));
"1:9: Error parsing matcher. Found token <123> while looking for ','.",
ParseWithError("Foo(\"A\" 123)"));
"1:4: Error parsing matcher. Found end-of-code while looking for ')'.",
EXPECT_EQ("1:1: End of code found while looking for token.",
EXPECT_EQ("Input value is not a matcher expression.",
EXPECT_EQ("1:1: Error parsing argument 1 for matcher Foo.\n"
"1:5: Invalid token <(> found when looking for a value.",
EXPECT_EQ("1:7: Expected end of code.", ParseWithError("expr()a"));
EXPECT_EQ("1:11: Malformed bind() expression.",
EXPECT_EQ("1:15: Malformed bind() expression.",
EXPECT_EQ("1:16: Malformed bind() expression.",
EXPECT_EQ("1:21: Malformed bind() expression.",
EXPECT_EQ("1:1: Error building matcher isArrow.\n"
"1:1: Matcher does not support binding.",
} // end anonymous namespace
} // end namespace dynamic
} // end namespace ast_matchers
} // end namespace clang