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//===--- ASTMatchers.h - Structural query framework -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements a framework of AST matchers that can be used to express
// structural queries on the AST representing C++ code.
// The general idea is to construct a matcher expression that describes a
// subtree match on the AST. Next, a callback that is executed every time the
// expression matches is registered, and the matcher is run over the AST of
// some code. Matched subexpressions can be bound to string IDs and easily
// be accessed from the registered callback. The callback can than use the
// AST nodes that the subexpressions matched on to output information about
// the match or construct changes that can be applied to the code.
// Example:
// class HandleMatch : public clang::tooling::MatchFinder::MatchCallback {
// public:
// virtual void Run(const clang::tooling::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
// const clang::CXXRecordDecl *Class =
// Result.Nodes.GetDeclAs<clang::CXXRecordDecl>("id");
// ...
// }
// };
// int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// ClangTool Tool(argc, argv);
// MatchFinder finder;
// finder.AddMatcher(Id("id", Class(HasName("::a_namespace::AClass"))),
// new HandleMatch);
// return Tool.Run(finder.NewFrontendActionFactory());
// }
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "clang/Tooling/VariadicFunction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
/// FIXME: Move into the llvm support library.
template <bool> struct CompileAssert {};
#define COMPILE_ASSERT(Expr, Msg) \
typedef CompileAssert<(bool(Expr))> Msg[bool(Expr) ? 1 : -1]
namespace clang {
class FrontendAction;
class SourceManager;
namespace tooling {
class FrontendActionFactory;
class BoundNodesBuilder;
/// Contains a mapping from IDs to nodes bound to those IDs and provides
/// convenient access to those nodes.
class BoundNodes {
BoundNodes() {}
/// Create BoundNodes from a pre-filled map of bindings.
BoundNodes(const std::map<std::string, const clang::Decl*> &DeclBindings,
const std::map<std::string, const clang::Stmt*> &StmtBindings)
: DeclBindings(DeclBindings), StmtBindings(StmtBindings) {}
/// Returns the node bound to the specified id if the id was bound to a node
/// and that node can be converted into the specified type. Returns NULL
/// otherwise.
/// FIXME: We'll need one of those for every base type.
template <typename T>
const T *GetDeclAs(const std::string &ID) const {
return GetNodeAs<T>(DeclBindings, ID);
template <typename T>
const T *GetStmtAs(const std::string &ID) const {
return GetNodeAs<T>(StmtBindings, ID);
/// Adds all bound nodes to bound_nodes_builder.
void CopyTo(BoundNodesBuilder *CopyToBuilder) const;
template <typename T, typename MapT>
const T *GetNodeAs(const MapT &Bindings, const std::string &ID) const {
typename MapT::const_iterator It = Bindings.find(ID);
if (It == Bindings.end()) {
return NULL;
return llvm::dyn_cast<T>(It->second);
std::map<std::string, const clang::Decl*> DeclBindings;
std::map<std::string, const clang::Stmt*> StmtBindings;
}; // class BoundNodes
/// Creates BoundNodes objects.
class BoundNodesBuilder {
BoundNodesBuilder() {}
/// Add a binding from 'ID' to 'Node'.
/// FIXME: Add overloads for all AST base types.
void SetBinding(const std::string &ID, const clang::Decl *Node) {
DeclBindings[ID] = Node;
void SetBinding(const std::string &ID, const clang::Stmt *Node) {
StmtBindings[ID] = Node;
/// Returns a BoundNodes object containing all current bindings.
BoundNodes Build() const {
return BoundNodes(DeclBindings, StmtBindings);
BoundNodesBuilder(const BoundNodesBuilder&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
void operator=(const BoundNodesBuilder&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
std::map<std::string, const clang::Decl*> DeclBindings;
std::map<std::string, const clang::Stmt*> StmtBindings;
inline void BoundNodes::CopyTo(BoundNodesBuilder *CopyToBuilder) const {
for (std::map<std::string, const clang::Decl*>::const_iterator
It = DeclBindings.begin(), End = DeclBindings.end();
It != End; ++It) {
CopyToBuilder->SetBinding(It->first, It->second);
/// FIXME: Pull out method.
for (std::map<std::string, const clang::Stmt*>::const_iterator
It = StmtBindings.begin(), End = StmtBindings.end();
It != End; ++It) {
CopyToBuilder->SetBinding(It->first, It->second);
class ASTMatchFinder;
/// Generic interface for matchers on an AST node of type T. Implement
/// this if your matcher may need to inspect the children or
/// descendants of the node or bind matched nodes to names. If you are
/// writing a simple matcher that only inspects properties of the
/// current node and doesn't care about its children or descendants,
/// implement SingleNodeMatcherInterface instead.
template <typename T>
class MatcherInterface : public llvm::RefCountedBaseVPTR {
virtual ~MatcherInterface() {}
/// Returns true if 'Node' can be matched.
/// May bind 'Node' to an ID via 'Builder', or recurse into
/// the AST via 'Finder'.
virtual bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const = 0;
/// Interface for matchers that only evaluate properties on a single node.
template <typename T>
class SingleNodeMatcherInterface : public MatcherInterface<T> {
/// Returns true if the matcher matches the provided node. A subclass
/// must implement this instead of Matches().
virtual bool MatchesNode(const T &Node) const = 0;
/// Implements MatcherInterface::Matches.
virtual bool Matches(const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder * /* Finder */,
BoundNodesBuilder * /* Builder */) const {
return MatchesNode(Node);
/// Wrapper of a MatcherInterface<T> *that allows copying.
/// A Matcher<Base> can be used anywhere a Matcher<Derived> is
/// required. This establishes an is-a relationship which is reverse
/// to the AST hierarchy. In other words, Matcher<T> is contravariant
/// with respect to T. The relationship is built via a type conversion
/// operator rather than a type hierarchy to be able to templatize the
/// type hierarchy instead of spelling it out.
template <typename T>
class Matcher {
/// Takes ownership of the provided implementation pointer.
explicit Matcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation)
: Implementation(Implementation) {}
/// Forwards the call to the underlying MatcherInterface<T> pointer.
bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return Implementation->Matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
/// Implicitly converts this object to a Matcher<Derived>; requires
/// Derived to be derived from T.
template <typename Derived>
operator Matcher<Derived>() const {
return Matcher<Derived>(new ImplicitCastMatcher<Derived>(*this));
/// Returns an ID that uniquely identifies the matcher.
uint64_t GetID() const {
/// FIXME: Document the requirements this imposes on matcher
/// implementations (no new() implementation_ during a Matches()).
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(Implementation.getPtr());
/// Allows conversion from Matcher<T> to Matcher<Derived> if Derived
/// is derived from T.
template <typename Derived>
class ImplicitCastMatcher : public MatcherInterface<Derived> {
explicit ImplicitCastMatcher(const Matcher<T> &From)
: From(From) {}
virtual bool Matches(
const Derived &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return From.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
const Matcher<T> From;
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr< MatcherInterface<T> > Implementation;
}; // class Matcher
/// A convenient helper for creating a Matcher<T> without specifying
/// the template type argument.
template <typename T>
inline Matcher<T> MakeMatcher(MatcherInterface<T> *Implementation) {
return Matcher<T>(Implementation);
/// Matches declarations for QualType and CallExpr. Type argument
/// DeclMatcherT is required by PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1 but not
/// actually used.
template <typename T, typename DeclMatcherT>
class HasDeclarationMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_same< DeclMatcherT, Matcher<clang::Decl> >::value),
explicit HasDeclarationMatcher(const Matcher<clang::Decl> &InnerMatcher)
: InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
virtual bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return MatchesSpecialized(Node, Finder, Builder);
/// Extracts the CXXRecordDecl of a QualType and returns whether the inner
/// matcher matches on it.
bool MatchesSpecialized(
const clang::QualType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
/// FIXME: Add other ways to convert...
clang::CXXRecordDecl *NodeAsRecordDecl = Node->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
return NodeAsRecordDecl != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*NodeAsRecordDecl, Finder, Builder);
/// Extracts the Decl of the callee of a CallExpr and returns whether the
/// inner matcher matches on it.
bool MatchesSpecialized(
const clang::CallExpr &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
const clang::Decl *NodeAsDecl = Node.getCalleeDecl();
return NodeAsDecl != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*NodeAsDecl, Finder, Builder);
/// Extracts the Decl of the constructor call and returns whether the inner
/// matcher matches on it.
bool MatchesSpecialized(
const clang::CXXConstructExpr &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
const clang::Decl *NodeAsDecl = Node.getConstructor();
return NodeAsDecl != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*NodeAsDecl, Finder, Builder);
const Matcher<clang::Decl> InnerMatcher;
/// IsBaseType<T>::value is true if T is a "base" type in the AST
/// node class hierarchies (i.e. if T is Decl, Stmt, or QualType).
template <typename T>
struct IsBaseType {
static const bool value = (llvm::is_same<T, clang::Decl>::value ||
llvm::is_same<T, clang::Stmt>::value ||
llvm::is_same<T, clang::QualType>::value);
template <typename T>
const bool IsBaseType<T>::value;
/// Interface that can match any AST base node type and contains default
/// implementations returning false.
class UntypedBaseMatcher {
virtual ~UntypedBaseMatcher() {}
virtual bool Matches(
const clang::Decl &DeclNode, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return false;
virtual bool Matches(
const clang::QualType &TypeNode, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return false;
virtual bool Matches(
const clang::Stmt &StmtNode, ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return false;
/// Returns a unique ID for the matcher.
virtual uint64_t GetID() const = 0;
/// An UntypedBaseMatcher that overwrites the Matches(...) method for node
/// type T. T must be an AST base type.
template <typename T>
class TypedBaseMatcher : public UntypedBaseMatcher {
explicit TypedBaseMatcher(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher)
: InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
using UntypedBaseMatcher::Matches;
/// Implements UntypedBaseMatcher::Matches. Since T is guaranteed to
/// be a "base" AST node type, this method is guaranteed to override
/// one of the Matches() methods from UntypedBaseMatcher.
virtual bool Matches(const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return InnerMatcher.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
/// Implements UntypedBaseMatcher::GetID.
virtual uint64_t GetID() const {
return InnerMatcher.GetID();
Matcher<T> InnerMatcher;
/// Interface that allows matchers to traverse the AST.
/// This provides two entry methods for each base node type in the AST:
/// - MatchesChildOf:
/// Matches a matcher on every child node of the given node. Returns true
/// if at least one child node could be matched.
/// - MatchesDescendantOf:
/// Matches a matcher on all descendant nodes of the given node. Returns true
/// if at least one descendant matched.
class ASTMatchFinder {
/// Defines how we descend a level in the AST when we pass
/// through expressions.
enum TraversalMethod {
/// Will traverse any child nodes.
/// Will not traverse implicit casts and parentheses.
virtual ~ASTMatchFinder() {}
/// Returns true if the given class is directly or indirectly derived
/// from a base type with the given name. A class is considered to
/// be also derived from itself.
virtual bool ClassIsDerivedFrom(const clang::CXXRecordDecl *Declaration,
const std::string &BaseName) const = 0;
// FIXME: Implement for other base nodes.
virtual bool MatchesChildOf(const clang::Decl &DeclNode,
const UntypedBaseMatcher &BaseMatcher,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder,
TraversalMethod Traverse) = 0;
virtual bool MatchesChildOf(const clang::Stmt &StmtNode,
const UntypedBaseMatcher &BaseMatcher,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder,
TraversalMethod Traverse) = 0;
virtual bool MatchesDescendantOf(const clang::Decl &DeclNode,
const UntypedBaseMatcher &BaseMatcher,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) = 0;
virtual bool MatchesDescendantOf(const clang::Stmt &StmtNode,
const UntypedBaseMatcher &BaseMatcher,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) = 0;
/// Converts a Matcher<T> to a matcher of desired type To by "adapting"
/// a To into a T. The ArgumentAdapterT argument specifies how the
/// adaptation is done. For example:
/// ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<DynCastMatcher, T>(InnerMatcher);
/// returns a matcher that can be used where a Matcher<To> is required, if
/// To and T are in the same type hierarchy, and thus dyn_cast can be
/// called to convert a To to a T.
/// FIXME: Make sure all our applications of this class actually require
/// knowledge about the inner type. DynCastMatcher obviously does, but the
/// Has *matchers require the inner type solely for COMPILE_ASSERT purposes.
template <template <typename ToArg, typename FromArg> class ArgumentAdapterT,
typename T>
class ArgumentAdaptingMatcher {
explicit ArgumentAdaptingMatcher(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher)
: InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
template <typename To>
operator Matcher<To>() const {
return Matcher<To>(new ArgumentAdapterT<To, T>(InnerMatcher));
const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher;
/// A PolymorphicMatcherWithParamN<MatcherT, P1, ..., PN> object can be
/// created from N parameters p1, ..., pN (of type P1, ..., PN) and
/// used as a Matcher<T> where a MatcherT<T, P1, ..., PN>(p1, ..., pN)
/// can be constructed.
/// For example:
/// - PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0<IsDefinitionMatcher>()
/// creates an object that can be used as a Matcher<T> for any type T
/// where an IsDefinitionMatcher<T>() can be constructed.
/// - PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<ValueEqualsMatcher, int>(42)
/// creates an object that can be used as a Matcher<T> for any type T
/// where a ValueEqualsMatcher<T, int>(42) can be constructed.
template <template <typename T> class MatcherT>
class PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0 {
template <typename T>
operator Matcher<T>() const {
return Matcher<T>(new MatcherT<T>());
template <template <typename T, typename P1> class MatcherT,
typename P1>
class PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1 {
explicit PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1(const P1 &Param1)
: Param1(Param1) {}
template <typename T>
operator Matcher<T>() const {
return Matcher<T>(new MatcherT<T, P1>(Param1));
const P1 Param1;
template <template <typename T, typename P1, typename P2> class MatcherT,
typename P1, typename P2>
class PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2 {
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2(const P1 &Param1, const P2 &Param2)
: Param1(Param1), Param2(Param2) {}
template <typename T>
operator Matcher<T>() const {
return Matcher<T>(new MatcherT<T, P1, P2>(Param1, Param2));
const P1 Param1;
const P2 Param2;
// FIXME: Alternatively we could also create a IsAMatcher or something
// that checks that a dyn_cast is possible. This is purely needed for the
// difference between calling for example:
// Class()
// and
// Class(SomeMatcher)
// In the second case we need the correct type we were dyn_cast'ed to in order
// to get the right type for the inner matcher. In the first case we don't need
// that, but we use the type conversion anyway and insert a TrueMatcher.
template <typename T>
class TrueMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {
virtual bool MatchesNode(const T &Node) const {
return true;
/// Provides a MatcherInterface<T> for a Matcher<To> that matches if T is
/// dyn_cast'able into To and the given Matcher<To> matches on the dyn_cast'ed
/// node.
template <typename T, typename To>
class DynCastMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
explicit DynCastMatcher(const Matcher<To> &InnerMatcher)
: InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
virtual bool Matches(const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
const To *InnerMatchValue = llvm::dyn_cast<To>(&Node);
return InnerMatchValue != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*InnerMatchValue, Finder, Builder);
const Matcher<To> InnerMatcher;
/// Enables the user to pass a Matcher<clang::CXXMemberCallExpr> to Call().
/// FIXME: Alternatives are using more specific methods than Call, like
/// MemberCall, or not using VariadicFunction for Call and overloading it.
template <>
template <>
inline Matcher<clang::CXXMemberCallExpr>::
operator Matcher<clang::CallExpr>() const {
return MakeMatcher(
new DynCastMatcher<clang::CallExpr, clang::CXXMemberCallExpr>(*this));
/// Matcher<T> that wraps an inner Matcher<T> and binds the matched node to
/// an ID if the inner matcher matches on the node.
template <typename T>
class IdMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
/// Creates an IdMatcher that binds to 'ID' if 'InnerMatcher' matches the node.
IdMatcher(const std::string &ID, const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher)
: ID(ID), InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
virtual bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
bool Result = InnerMatcher.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
if (Result) {
Builder->SetBinding(ID, &Node);
return Result;
const std::string ID;
const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher;
/// Matches nodes of type T that have child nodes of type ChildT for
/// which a specified child matcher matches. ChildT must be an AST base
/// type.
template <typename T, typename ChildT>
class HasMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
COMPILE_ASSERT(IsBaseType<ChildT>::value, has_only_accepts_base_type_matcher);
explicit HasMatcher(const Matcher<ChildT> &ChildMatcher)
: ChildMatcher(ChildMatcher) {}
virtual bool Matches(const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return Finder->MatchesChildOf(
Node, ChildMatcher, Builder,
const TypedBaseMatcher<ChildT> ChildMatcher;
/// Matches nodes of type T if the given Matcher<T> does not match.
/// Type argument MatcherT is required by PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1
/// but not actually used. It will always be instantiated with a type
/// convertible to Matcher<T>.
template <typename T, typename MatcherT>
class NotMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
explicit NotMatcher(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher)
: InnerMatcher(InnerMatcher) {}
virtual bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return !InnerMatcher.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher;
/// Matches nodes of type T for which both provided matchers
/// match. Type arguments MatcherT1 and MatcherT2 are required by
/// PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2 but not actually used. They will
/// always be instantiated with types convertible to Matcher<T>.
template <typename T, typename MatcherT1, typename MatcherT2>
class AllOfMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
AllOfMatcher(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher1, const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher2)
: InnerMatcher1(InnerMatcher1), InnerMatcher2(InnerMatcher2) {}
virtual bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return InnerMatcher1.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder) &&
InnerMatcher2.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher1;
const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher2;
/// Matches nodes of type T for which at least one of the two provided
/// matchers matches. Type arguments MatcherT1 and MatcherT2 are
/// required by PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2 but not actually
/// used. They will always be instantiated with types convertible to
/// Matcher<T>.
template <typename T, typename MatcherT1, typename MatcherT2>
class AnyOfMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
AnyOfMatcher(const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher1, const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher2)
: InnerMatcher1(InnerMatcher1), InnertMatcher2(InnerMatcher2) {}
virtual bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return InnerMatcher1.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder) ||
InnertMatcher2.Matches(Node, Finder, Builder);
const Matcher<T> InnerMatcher1;
const Matcher<T> InnertMatcher2;
/// Creates a Matcher<T> that matches if
/// T is dyn_cast'able into InnerT and all inner matchers match.
template<typename T, typename InnerT>
Matcher<T> MakeDynCastAllOfComposite(
const Matcher<InnerT> *const InnerMatchers[], int Count) {
if (Count == 0) {
return ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<DynCastMatcher, InnerT>(
MakeMatcher(new TrueMatcher<InnerT>));
Matcher<InnerT> InnerMatcher = *InnerMatchers[Count-1];
for (int I = Count-2; I >= 0; --I) {
InnerMatcher = MakeMatcher(
new AllOfMatcher<InnerT, Matcher<InnerT>, Matcher<InnerT> >(
*InnerMatchers[I], InnerMatcher));
return ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<DynCastMatcher, InnerT>(InnerMatcher);
/// Matches nodes of type T that have at least one descendant node of
/// type DescendantT for which the given inner matcher matches.
/// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
template <typename T, typename DescendantT>
class HasDescendantMatcher : public MatcherInterface<T> {
explicit HasDescendantMatcher(const Matcher<DescendantT> &DescendantMatcher)
: DescendantMatcher(DescendantMatcher) {}
virtual bool Matches(
const T &Node,
ASTMatchFinder *Finder,
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const {
return Finder->MatchesDescendantOf(
Node, DescendantMatcher, Builder);
const TypedBaseMatcher<DescendantT> DescendantMatcher;
/// Matches on nodes that have a getValue() method if getValue() equals the
/// value the ValueEqualsMatcher was constructed with.
template <typename T, typename ValueT>
class ValueEqualsMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_base_of<clang::CharacterLiteral, T>::value) ||
(llvm::is_base_of<clang::CXXBoolLiteralExpr, T>::value) ||
(llvm::is_base_of<clang::FloatingLiteral, T>::value) ||
(llvm::is_base_of<clang::IntegerLiteral, T>::value),
explicit ValueEqualsMatcher(const ValueT &ExpectedValue)
: ExpectedValue(ExpectedValue) {}
virtual bool MatchesNode(const T &Node) const {
return Node.getValue() == ExpectedValue;
const ValueT ExpectedValue;
template <typename T>
class IsDefinitionMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<T> {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_base_of<clang::TagDecl, T>::value) ||
(llvm::is_base_of<clang::VarDecl, T>::value) ||
(llvm::is_base_of<clang::FunctionDecl, T>::value),
virtual bool MatchesNode(const T &Node) const {
return Node.isThisDeclarationADefinition();
class IsArrowMatcher : public SingleNodeMatcherInterface<clang::MemberExpr> {
virtual bool MatchesNode(const clang::MemberExpr &Node) const {
return Node.isArrow();
/// A VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<SourceT, TargetT> object is a
/// variadic functor that takes a list of Matcher<TargetT> and returns
/// a Matcher<SourceT> that dyn_casts its argument to TargetT.
template <typename SourceT, typename TargetT>
class VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher
: public internal::VariadicFunction<
Matcher<SourceT>, Matcher<TargetT>,
MakeDynCastAllOfComposite<SourceT, TargetT> > {
VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher() {}
/// AST_MATCHER_P(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param) { ... }
/// defines a single-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that returns a
/// Matcher<Type> object. The code between the curly braces has access
/// to the following variables:
/// Node: the AST node being matched; its type is Type.
/// Param: the parameter passed to the function; its type
/// is ParamType.
/// Finder: an ASTMatchFinder*.
/// Builder: a BoundNodesBuilder*.
/// The code should return true if 'Node' matches.
#define AST_MATCHER_P(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param) \
class matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher \
: public MatcherInterface<Type> { \
public: \
explicit matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher( \
const ParamType &A##Param) : Param(A##Param) {} \
virtual bool Matches( \
const Type &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const; \
private: \
const ParamType Param; \
}; \
inline Matcher<Type> DefineMatcher(const ParamType &Param) { \
return MakeMatcher(new matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher(Param)); \
} \
inline bool matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher::Matches( \
const Type &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const
/// AST_MATCHER_P2(Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2, Param2)
/// { ... }
/// defines a two-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that returns a
/// Matcher<Type> object. The code between the curly braces has access
/// to the following variables:
/// Node: the AST node being matched; its type is Type.
/// Param1, Param2: the parameters passed to the function; their types
/// are ParamType1 and ParamType2.
/// Finder: an ASTMatchFinder*.
/// Builder: a BoundNodesBuilder*.
/// The code should return true if 'Node' matches.
#define AST_MATCHER_P2( \
Type, DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2, Param2) \
class matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher \
: public MatcherInterface<Type> { \
public: \
matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher( \
const ParamType1 &A##Param1, const ParamType2 &A##Param2) \
: Param1(A##Param1), Param2(A##Param2) {} \
virtual bool Matches( \
const Type &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const; \
private: \
const ParamType1 Param1; \
const ParamType2 Param2; \
}; \
inline Matcher<Type> DefineMatcher( \
const ParamType1 &Param1, const ParamType2 &Param2) { \
return MakeMatcher(new matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher( \
Param1, Param2)); \
} \
inline bool matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher::Matches( \
const Type &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const
/// AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param) { ... }
/// defines a single-parameter function named DefineMatcher() that is
/// polymorphic in the return type. The variables are the same as for
/// AST_MATCHER_P, with the addition of NodeType, which specifies the node type
/// of the matcher Matcher<NodeType> returned by the function matcher().
/// FIXME: Pull out common code with above macro?
#define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(DefineMatcher, ParamType, Param) \
template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT> \
class matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher \
: public MatcherInterface<NodeType> { \
public: \
explicit matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher( \
const ParamType &A##Param) : Param(A##Param) {} \
virtual bool Matches( \
const NodeType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const; \
private: \
const ParamType Param; \
}; \
inline PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1< \
matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher, \
ParamType > \
DefineMatcher(const ParamType &Param) { \
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1< \
matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher, \
ParamType >(Param); \
} \
template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT> \
bool matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher<NodeType, ParamT>::Matches( \
const NodeType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const
/// DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2, Param2) { ... }
/// defines a two-parameter function named matcher() that is polymorphic in
/// the return type. The variables are the same as for AST_MATCHER_P2, with the
/// addition of NodeType, which specifies the node type of the matcher
/// Matcher<NodeType> returned by the function DefineMatcher().
DefineMatcher, ParamType1, Param1, ParamType2, Param2) \
template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT1, typename ParamT2> \
class matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher \
: public MatcherInterface<NodeType> { \
public: \
matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher( \
const ParamType1 &A##Param1, const ParamType2 &A##Param2) \
: Param1(A##Param1), Param2(A##Param2) {} \
virtual bool Matches( \
const NodeType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const; \
private: \
const ParamType1 Param1; \
const ParamType2 Param2; \
}; \
inline PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2< \
matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher, \
ParamType1, ParamType2 > \
DefineMatcher(const ParamType1 &Param1, const ParamType2 &Param2) { \
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2< \
matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher, \
ParamType1, ParamType2 >( \
Param1, Param2); \
} \
template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT1, typename ParamT2> \
bool matcher_internal_##DefineMatcher##Matcher< \
NodeType, ParamT1, ParamT2>::Matches( \
const NodeType &Node, ASTMatchFinder *Finder, \
BoundNodesBuilder *Builder) const
namespace match {
typedef Matcher<clang::Decl> DeclarationMatcher;
typedef Matcher<clang::QualType> TypeMatcher;
typedef Matcher<clang::Stmt> StatementMatcher;
/// Matches C++ class declarations.
/// Example matches X, Z
/// class X;
/// template<class T> class Z {};
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Decl, clang::CXXRecordDecl> Class;
/// Matches method declarations.
/// Example matches y
/// class X { void y() };
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Decl, clang::CXXMethodDecl> Method;
/// Matches variable declarations.
/// Example matches a
/// int a;
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Decl, clang::VarDecl> Variable;
/// Matches member expressions.
/// Given
/// class Y {
/// void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); a; this->b; Y::b; }
/// int a; static int b;
/// };
/// MemberExpression()
/// matches this->x, x, y.x, a, this->b
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::MemberExpr>
/// Matches call expressions.
/// Example matches x.y()
/// X x;
/// x.y();
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::CallExpr> Call;
/// Matches constructor call expressions (including implicit ones).
/// Example matches string(ptr, n) and ptr within arguments of f
/// (matcher = ConstructorCall())
/// void f(const string &a, const string &b);
/// char *ptr;
/// int n;
/// f(string(ptr, n), ptr);
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::CXXConstructExpr>
/// Matches the value of a default argument at the call site.
/// Example matches the CXXDefaultArgExpr placeholder inserted for the
/// default value of the second parameter in the call expression f(42)
/// (matcher = DefaultArgument())
/// void f(int x, int y = 0);
/// f(42);
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::CXXDefaultArgExpr>
/// Matches overloaded operator calls.
/// Note that if an operator isn't overloaded, it won't match. Instead, use
/// BinaryOperator matcher.
/// Currently it does not match operators such as new delete.
/// FIXME: figure out why these do not match?
/// Example matches both operator<<((o << b), c) and operator<<(o, b)
/// (matcher = OverloadedOperatorCall())
/// ostream &operator<< (ostream &out, int i) { };
/// ostream &o; int b = 1, c = 1;
/// o << b << c;
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr>
/// Matches expressions.
/// Example matches x()
/// void f() { x(); }
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::Expr> Expression;
/// Matches expressions that refer to declarations.
/// Example matches x in if (x)
/// bool x;
/// if (x) {}
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::DeclRefExpr>
/// Matches if statements.
/// Example matches 'if (x) {}'
/// if (x) {}
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::IfStmt> If;
/// Matches for statements.
/// Example matches 'for (;;) {}'
/// for (;;) {}
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::ForStmt> For;
/// Matches compound statements.
/// Example matches '{}' and '{{}}'in 'for (;;) {{}}'
/// for (;;) {{}}
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::CompoundStmt>
/// Matches bool literals.
/// Example matches true
/// true
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Expr, clang::CXXBoolLiteralExpr>
/// Matches string literals (also matches wide string literals).
/// Example matches "abcd", L"abcd"
/// char *s = "abcd"; wchar_t *ws = L"abcd"
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Expr, clang::StringLiteral>
/// Matches character literals (also matches wchar_t).
/// Not matching Hex-encoded chars (e.g. 0x1234, which is a IntegerLiteral),
/// though.
/// Example matches 'a', L'a'
/// char ch = 'a'; wchar_t chw = L'a';
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Expr, clang::CharacterLiteral>
/// Matches integer literals of all sizes / encodings.
/// Not matching character-encoded integers such as L'a'.
/// Example matches 1, 1L, 0x1, 1U
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Expr, clang::IntegerLiteral>
/// Matches binary operator expressions.
/// Example matches a || b
/// !(a || b)
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::BinaryOperator>
/// Matches unary operator expressions.
/// Example matches !a
/// !a || b
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::UnaryOperator>
/// Matches conditional operator expressions.
/// Example matches a ? b : c
/// (a ? b : c) + 42
const VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<clang::Stmt, clang::ConditionalOperator>
template<typename C1, typename C2>
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AnyOfMatcher, C1, C2>
AnyOf(const C1 &P1, const C2 &P2) {
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2< AnyOfMatcher, C1, C2 >(P1, P2);
template<typename C1, typename C2, typename C3>
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AnyOfMatcher, C1,
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AnyOfMatcher, C2, C3> >
AnyOf(const C1 &P1, const C2 &P2, const C3 &P3) {
return AnyOf(P1, AnyOf(P2, P3));
template<typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4>
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AnyOfMatcher, C1,
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AnyOfMatcher, C2,
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AnyOfMatcher, C3, C4> > >
AnyOf(const C1 &P1, const C2 &P2, const C3 &P3, const C4 &P4) {
return AnyOf(P1, AnyOf(P2, AnyOf(P3, P4)));
template<typename C1, typename C2>
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AllOfMatcher, C1, C2>
AllOf(const C1 &P1, const C2 &P2) {
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam2<AllOfMatcher, C1, C2>(P1, P2);
/// Matches NamedDecl nodes that have the specified name. Supports specifying
/// enclosing namespaces or classes by prefixing the name with '<enclosing>::'.
/// Does not match typedefs of an underlying type with the given name.
/// Example matches X (name == "X")
/// class X;
/// Example matches X (name is one of "::a::b::X", "a::b::X", "b::X", "X")
/// namespace a { namespace b { class X; } }
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::NamedDecl, HasName, std::string, Name) {
const std::string FullNameString = "::" + Node.getQualifiedNameAsString();
const llvm::StringRef FullName = FullNameString;
const llvm::StringRef Pattern = Name;
if (Pattern.startswith("::")) {
return FullName == Pattern;
} else {
return FullName.endswith(("::" + Pattern).str());
/// Matches overloaded operator name given in strings without the "operator"
/// prefix, such as "<<", for OverloadedOperatorCall's.
/// Example matches a << b
/// (matcher == OverloadedOperatorCall(HasOverloadedOperatorName("<<")))
/// a << b;
/// c && d; // assuming both operator<<
/// // and operator&& are overloaded somewhere.
HasOverloadedOperatorName, std::string, Name) {
return clang::getOperatorSpelling(Node.getOperator()) == Name;
/// Matches C++ classes that are directly or indirectly derived from
/// the given base class. Note that a class is considered to be also
/// derived from itself. The parameter specified the name of the base
/// type (either a class or a typedef), and does not allow structural
/// matches for namespaces or template type parameters.
/// Example matches X, Y, Z, C (base == "X")
/// class X; // A class is considered to be derived from itself.
/// class Y : public X {}; // directly derived
/// class Z : public Y {}; // indirectly derived
/// typedef X A;
/// typedef A B;
/// class C : public B {}; // derived from a typedef of X
/// In the following example, Bar matches IsDerivedFrom("X"):
/// class Foo;
/// typedef Foo X;
/// class Bar : public Foo {}; // derived from a type that X is a typedef of
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::CXXRecordDecl, IsDerivedFrom, std::string, Base) {
return Finder->ClassIsDerivedFrom(&Node, Base);
/// Matches AST nodes that have child AST nodes that match the provided matcher.
/// Example matches X, Y (matcher = Class(Has(Class(HasName("X")))
/// class X {}; // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
/// class Y { class X {}; };
/// class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; }; // Does not match Z.
/// ChildT must be an AST base type.
template <typename ChildT>
ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<HasMatcher, ChildT> Has(
const Matcher<ChildT> &ChildMatcher) {
return ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<HasMatcher, ChildT>(ChildMatcher);
/// Matches AST nodes that have descendant AST nodes that match the provided
/// matcher.
/// Example matches X, Y, Z (matcher = Class(HasDescendant(Class(HasName("X")))))
/// class X {}; // Matches X, because X::X is a class of name X inside X.
/// class Y { class X {}; };
/// class Z { class Y { class X {}; }; };
/// DescendantT must be an AST base type.
template <typename DescendantT>
ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<HasDescendantMatcher, DescendantT> HasDescendant(
const Matcher<DescendantT> &DescendantMatcher) {
return ArgumentAdaptingMatcher<HasDescendantMatcher, DescendantT>(
/// Matches if the provided matcher does not match.
/// Example matches Y (matcher = Class(Not(HasName("X"))))
/// class X {};
/// class Y {};
template <typename M>
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<NotMatcher, M> Not(const M &InnerMatcher) {
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<NotMatcher, M>(InnerMatcher);
/// If the provided matcher matches a node, binds the node to 'id'.
/// FIXME: Add example for accessing it.
template <typename T>
Matcher<T> Id(const std::string &ID, const Matcher<T> &InnerMatcher) {
return Matcher<T>(new IdMatcher<T>(ID, InnerMatcher));
/// Matches a type if the declaration of the type matches the given matcher.
inline PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1< HasDeclarationMatcher,
Matcher<clang::Decl> >
HasDeclaration(const Matcher<clang::Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1< HasDeclarationMatcher,
Matcher<clang::Decl> >(InnerMatcher);
/// Matches on the implicit object argument of a member call expression.
/// Example matches y.x() (matcher = Call(On(HasType(Class(HasName("Y"))))))
/// class Y { public: void x(); };
/// void z() { Y y; y.x(); }",
/// FIXME: Overload to allow directly matching types?
clang::CXXMemberCallExpr, On, Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
const clang::Expr *ExprNode = const_cast<clang::CXXMemberCallExpr&>(Node)
return (ExprNode != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches if the call expression's callee expression matches.
/// Given
/// class Y { void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); } };
/// void f() { f(); }
/// Call(Callee(Expression()))
/// matches this->x(), x(), y.x(), f()
/// with Callee(...)
/// matching this->x, x, y.x, f respectively
/// Note: Callee cannot take the more general Matcher<clang::Expr> because
/// this introduces ambiguous overloads with calls to Callee taking a
/// Matcher<clang::Decl>, as the matcher hierarchy is purely implemented in
/// terms of implicit casts.
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::CallExpr, Callee, Matcher<clang::Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
const clang::Expr *ExprNode = Node.getCallee();
return (ExprNode != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches if the call expression's callee's declaration matches the given
/// matcher.
/// Example matches y.x() (matcher = Call(Callee(Method(HasName("x")))))
/// class Y { public: void x(); };
/// void z() { Y y; y.x();
inline Matcher<clang::CallExpr> Callee(
const Matcher<clang::Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
return Matcher<clang::CallExpr>(HasDeclaration(InnerMatcher));
/// Matches if the expression's or declaration's type matches a type matcher.
/// Example matches x (matcher = Expression(HasType(
/// HasDeclaration(Class(HasName("X"))))))
/// and z (matcher = Variable(HasType(
/// HasDeclaration(Class(HasName("X"))))))
/// class X {};
/// void y(X &x) { x; X z; }
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(HasType, Matcher<clang::QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_base_of<clang::Expr, NodeType>::value ||
llvm::is_base_of<clang::ValueDecl, NodeType>::value),
return InnerMatcher.Matches(Node.getType(), Finder, Builder);
/// Overloaded to match the declaration of the expression's or value
/// declaration's type.
/// In case of a value declaration (for example a variable declaration),
/// this resolves one layer of indirection. For example, in the value declaration
/// "X x;", Class(HasName("X")) matches the declaration of X, while
/// Variable(HasType(Class(HasName("X")))) matches the declaration of x."
/// Example matches x (matcher = Expression(HasType(Class(HasName("X")))))
/// and z (matcher = Variable(HasType(Class(HasName("X")))))
/// class X {};
/// void y(X &x) { x; X z; }
inline PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<matcher_internal_HasTypeMatcher,
Matcher<clang::QualType> >
HasType(const Matcher<clang::Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
return HasType(Matcher<clang::QualType>(HasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)));
/// Matches if the matched type is a pointer type and the pointee type matches
/// the specified matcher.
/// Example matches y->x()
/// (matcher = Call(On(HasType(PointsTo(Class(HasName("Y")))))))
/// class Y { public: void x(); };
/// void z() { Y *y; y->x(); }
clang::QualType, PointsTo, Matcher<clang::QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
return (Node->isPointerType() &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(Node->getPointeeType(), Finder, Builder));
/// Overloaded to match the pointee type's declaration.
inline Matcher<clang::QualType> PointsTo(
const Matcher<clang::Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
return PointsTo(Matcher<clang::QualType>(HasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)));
/// Matches if the matched type is a reference type and the referenced type
/// matches the specified matcher.
/// Example matches X &x and const X &y
/// (matcher = Variable(HasType(References(Class(HasName("X"))))))
/// class X {
/// void a(X b) {
/// X &x = b;
/// const X &y = b;
/// };
clang::QualType, References, Matcher<clang::QualType>, InnerMatcher) {
return (Node->isReferenceType() &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(Node->getPointeeType(), Finder, Builder));
/// Overloaded to match the referenced type's declaration.
inline Matcher<clang::QualType> References(
const Matcher<clang::Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
return References(Matcher<clang::QualType>(HasDeclaration(InnerMatcher)));
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::CXXMemberCallExpr, OnImplicitObjectArgument,
Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
const clang::Expr *ExprNode =
return (ExprNode != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*ExprNode, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches if the expression's type either matches the specified matcher, or
/// is a pointer to a type that matches the InnerMatcher.
inline Matcher<clang::CallExpr> ThisPointerType(
const Matcher<clang::QualType> &InnerMatcher) {
return OnImplicitObjectArgument(
AnyOf(HasType(InnerMatcher), HasType(PointsTo(InnerMatcher))));
/// Overloaded to match the type's declaration.
inline Matcher<clang::CallExpr> ThisPointerType(
const Matcher<clang::Decl> &InnerMatcher) {
return OnImplicitObjectArgument(
AnyOf(HasType(InnerMatcher), HasType(PointsTo(InnerMatcher))));
/// Matches a DeclRefExpr that refers to a declaration that matches the specified
/// matcher.
/// Example matches x in if(x)
/// (matcher = DeclarationReference(To(Variable(HasName("x")))))
/// bool x;
/// if (x) {}
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::DeclRefExpr, To, Matcher<clang::Decl>, InnerMatcher) {
const clang::Decl *DeclNode = Node.getDecl();
return (DeclNode != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*DeclNode, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches a variable declaration that has an initializer expression that
/// matches the given matcher.
/// Example matches x (matcher = Variable(HasInitializer(Call())))
/// bool y() { return true; }
/// bool x = y();
clang::VarDecl, HasInitializer, Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
const clang::Expr *Initializer = Node.getAnyInitializer();
return (Initializer != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*Initializer, Finder, Builder));
/// Checks that a call expression or a constructor call expression has
/// a specific number of arguments (including absent default arguments).
/// Example matches f(0, 0) (matcher = Call(ArgumentCountIs(2)))
/// void f(int x, int y);
/// f(0, 0);
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(ArgumentCountIs, unsigned, N) {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_base_of<clang::CallExpr, NodeType>::value ||
llvm::is_base_of<clang::CXXConstructExpr, NodeType>::value),
return Node.getNumArgs() == N;
/// Matches the n'th argument of a call expression or a constructor
/// call expression.
/// Example matches y in x(y)
/// (matcher = Call(HasArgument(0, DeclarationReference())))
/// void x(int) { int y; x(y); }
HasArgument, unsigned, N, Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_base_of<clang::CallExpr, NodeType>::value ||
llvm::is_base_of<clang::CXXConstructExpr, NodeType>::value),
assert(N >= 0);
return (N < Node.getNumArgs() &&
*Node.getArg(N)->IgnoreParenImpCasts(), Finder, Builder));
/// Matches any argument of a call expression or a constructor call expression.
/// Given
/// void x(int, int, int) { int y; x(1, y, 42); }
/// Call(HasAnyArgument(DeclarationReference()))
/// matches x(1, y, 42)
/// with HasAnyArgument(...)
/// matching y
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(HasAnyArgument, Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_base_of<clang::CallExpr, NodeType>::value ||
llvm::is_base_of<clang::CXXConstructExpr, NodeType>::value),
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Node.getNumArgs(); ++I) {
if (InnerMatcher.Matches(*Node.getArg(I)->IgnoreParenImpCasts(),
Finder, Builder)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Matches the n'th parameter of a function declaration.
/// Given
/// class X { void f(int x) {} };
/// Method(HasParameter(0, HasType(Variable())))
/// matches f(int x) {}
/// with HasParameter(...)
/// matching int x
AST_MATCHER_P2(clang::FunctionDecl, HasParameter,
unsigned, N, Matcher<clang::ParmVarDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
assert(N >= 0);
return (N < Node.getNumParams() &&
*Node.getParamDecl(N), Finder, Builder));
/// Matches any parameter of a function declaration.
/// Does not match the 'this' parameter of a method.
/// Given
/// class X { void f(int x, int y, int z) {} };
/// Method(HasAnyParameter(HasName("y")))
/// matches f(int x, int y, int z) {}
/// with HasAnyParameter(...)
/// matching int y
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::FunctionDecl, HasAnyParameter,
Matcher<clang::ParmVarDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
for (unsigned I = 0; I < Node.getNumParams(); ++I) {
if (InnerMatcher.Matches(*Node.getParamDecl(I), Finder, Builder)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Matches the condition expression of an if statement or conditional operator.
/// Example matches true (matcher = HasCondition(BoolLiteral(Equals(true))))
/// if (true) {}
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(HasCondition, Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
COMPILE_ASSERT((llvm::is_base_of<clang::IfStmt, NodeType>::value) ||
const clang::Expr *const Condition = Node.getCond();
return (Condition != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*Condition, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches a 'for' statement that has a given body.
/// Given
/// for (;;) {}
/// HasBody(CompoundStatement())
/// matches 'for (;;) {}'
/// with CompoundStatement()
/// matching '{}'
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::ForStmt, HasBody, Matcher<clang::Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
const clang::Stmt *const Statement = Node.getBody();
return (Statement != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*Statement, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches compound statements where at least one substatement matches a
/// given matcher.
/// Given
/// { {}; 1+2; }
/// HasAnySubstatement(CompoundStatement())
/// matches '{ {}; 1+2; }'
/// with CompoundStatement()
/// matching '{}'
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::CompoundStmt, HasAnySubstatement,
Matcher<clang::Stmt>, InnerMatcher) {
for (clang::CompoundStmt::const_body_iterator It = Node.body_begin();
It != Node.body_end();
++It) {
if (InnerMatcher.Matches(**It, Finder, Builder)) return true;
return false;
/// Checks that a compound statement contains a specific number of child
/// statements.
/// Example: Given
/// { for (;;) {} }
/// CompoundStatement(StatementCountIs(0)))
/// matches '{}'
/// but does not match the outer compound statement.
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::CompoundStmt, StatementCountIs, unsigned, N) {
return Node.size() == N;
/// Matches literals that are equal to the given value.
/// Example matches true (matcher = BoolLiteral(Equals(true)))
/// true
template <typename ValueT>
PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<ValueEqualsMatcher, ValueT> Equals(
const ValueT &Value) {
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<ValueEqualsMatcher, ValueT>(Value);
/// Matches the operator Name of operator expressions (binary or unary).
/// Example matches a || b (matcher = BinaryOperator(HasOperatorName("||")))
/// !(a || b)
AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_P(HasOperatorName, std::string, Name) {
(llvm::is_base_of<clang::BinaryOperator, NodeType>::value) ||
(llvm::is_base_of<clang::UnaryOperator, NodeType>::value),
return Name == Node.getOpcodeStr(Node.getOpcode());
/// Matches the left hand side of binary operator expressions.
/// Example matches a (matcher = BinaryOperator(HasLHS()))
/// a || b
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::BinaryOperator, HasLHS,
Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
clang::Expr *LeftHandSide = Node.getLHS();
return (LeftHandSide != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*LeftHandSide, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches the right hand side of binary operator expressions.
/// Example matches b (matcher = BinaryOperator(HasRHS()))
/// a || b
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::BinaryOperator, HasRHS,
Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
clang::Expr *RightHandSide = Node.getRHS();
return (RightHandSide != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*RightHandSide, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches if either the left hand side or the right hand side of a binary
/// operator matches.
inline Matcher<clang::BinaryOperator> HasEitherOperand(
const Matcher<clang::Expr> &InnerMatcher) {
return AnyOf(HasLHS(InnerMatcher), HasRHS(InnerMatcher));
/// Matches if the operand of a unary operator matches.
/// Example matches true (matcher = HasOperand(BoolLiteral(Equals(true))))
/// !true
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::UnaryOperator, HasUnaryOperand,
Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
clang::Expr *Operand = Node.getSubExpr();
return (Operand != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*Operand, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches the true branch expression of a conditional operator.
/// Example matches a
/// condition ? a : b
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::ConditionalOperator, HasTrueExpression,
Matcher<clang::Expr>, InnerMatcher) {
clang::Expr *Expression = Node.getTrueExpr();
return (Expression != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches the false branch expression of a conditional operator.
/// Example matches b
/// condition ? a : b
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::ConditionalOperator, HasFalseExpression,
Matcher<clang::Expr>, Matcher) {
clang::Expr *Expression = Node.getFalseExpr();
return (Expression != NULL &&
Matcher.Matches(*Expression, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches if a declaration has a body attached.
/// Example matches A, va, fa
/// class A {};
/// class B; // Doesn't match, as it has no body.
/// int va;
/// extern int vb; // Doesn't match, as it doesn't define the variable.
/// void fa() {}
/// void fb(); // Doesn't match, as it has no body.
inline PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0<IsDefinitionMatcher> IsDefinition() {
return PolymorphicMatcherWithParam0<IsDefinitionMatcher>();
/// Matches the class declaration that the given method declaration belongs to.
/// TODO(qrczak): Generalize this for other kinds of declarations.
/// FIXME: What other kind of declarations would we need to generalize
/// this to?
/// Example matches A() in the last line
/// (matcher = ConstructorCall(HasDeclaration(Method(
/// OfClass(HasName("A"))))))
/// class A {
/// public:
/// A();
/// };
/// A a = A();
AST_MATCHER_P(clang::CXXMethodDecl, OfClass,
Matcher<clang::CXXRecordDecl>, InnerMatcher) {
const clang::CXXRecordDecl *Parent = Node.getParent();
return (Parent != NULL &&
InnerMatcher.Matches(*Parent, Finder, Builder));
/// Matches member expressions that are called with '->' as opposed to '.'.
/// Member calls on the implicit this pointer match as called with '->'.
/// Given
/// class Y {
/// void x() { this->x(); x(); Y y; y.x(); a; this->b; Y::b; }
/// int a;
/// static int b;
/// };
/// MemberExpression(IsArrow())
/// matches this->x, x, y.x, a, this->b
inline Matcher<clang::MemberExpr> IsArrow() {
return MakeMatcher(new IsArrowMatcher());
} // namespace match
/// Runs over an AST and finds matches.
/// FIXME: Define exactly what "one match" is.
/// Not intended to be subclassed.
class MatchFinder {
struct MatchResult {
BoundNodes Nodes;
/// Utilities for interpreting the matched AST structures.
clang::ASTContext *Context;
clang::SourceManager *SourceManager;
/// Called when the Match registered for it was successfully found in the AST.
class MatchCallback {
virtual ~MatchCallback();
virtual void Run(const MatchResult &Result) = 0;
/// Called when parsing is finished. Intended for testing only.
class ParsingDoneTestCallback {
virtual ~ParsingDoneTestCallback();
virtual void Run() = 0;
/// Adds a NodeMatcher to match when running over the AST.
/// Calls action with the BoundNodes on every match.
/// Adding more than one InnerMatcher allows finding different matches in a
/// single pass over the AST.
void AddMatcher(const Matcher<clang::Decl> &NodeMatch,
MatchCallback *Action);
/// Adds a NodeMatcher to match when running over the AST.
/// Calls action with the BoundNodes on every match.
/// Adding more than one InnerMatcher allows finding different matches in a
/// single pass over the AST.
void AddMatcher(const Matcher<clang::QualType> &NodeMatch,
MatchCallback *Action);
/// Adds a NodeMatcher to match when running over the AST.
/// Calls action with the BoundNodes on every match.
/// Adding more than one InnerMatcher allows finding different matches in a
/// single pass over the AST.
void AddMatcher(const Matcher<clang::Stmt> &NodeMatch,
MatchCallback *Action);
/// Finds all matches in the given code and runs the corresponding triggers.
/// Returns true if the code parsed correctly.
bool FindAll(const std::string &Code);
/// Creates a clang FrontendAction factory that finds all matches.
FrontendActionFactory *NewFrontendActionFactory();
/// The provided closure is called after parsing is done, before the AST is
/// traversed. Useful for benchmarking.
/// Each call to FindAll(...) will call the closure once.
void RegisterTestCallbackAfterParsing(ParsingDoneTestCallback *ParsingDone);
clang::FrontendAction *NewVisitorAction();
/// The MatchCallback*'s will be called every time the UntypedBaseMatcher
/// matches on the AST.
std::vector< std::pair<const UntypedBaseMatcher*, MatchCallback*> > Triggers;
/// Called when parsing is done.
ParsingDoneTestCallback *ParsingDone;
friend class MatchFinderFrontendActionFactory;
} // end namespace tooling
} // end namespace clang