blob: 63c8b6eb227e72e9c5669072f054b41b82d2e99e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Tooling.h - Framework for standalone Clang tools -------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements functions to run clang tools standalone instead
// of running them as a plugin.
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace clang {
class FrontendAction;
namespace tooling {
/// \brief Runs (and deletes) the tool on 'Code' with the -fsynatx-only flag.
/// \param ToolAction The action to run over the code.
/// \param Code C++ code.
/// \return - True if 'ToolAction' was successfully executed.
bool RunSyntaxOnlyToolOnCode(
clang::FrontendAction *ToolAction, llvm::StringRef Code);
/// \brief Runs (and deletes) the tool with the given Clang flags.
/// \param ToolAction The action to run over the code.
/// \param Argc The number of elements in Argv.
/// \param Argv The command line arguments, including the path the binary
/// was started with (Argv[0]).
bool RunToolWithFlags(
clang::FrontendAction *ToolAction, int Argc, char *Argv[]);
/// \brief Converts a vector<string> into a vector<char*> suitable to pass
/// to main-style functions taking (int Argc, char *Argv[]).
std::vector<char*> CommandLineToArgv(const std::vector<std::string> *Command);
/// \brief Specifies the working directory and command of a compilation.
struct CompileCommand {
/// \brief The working directory the command was executed from.
std::string Directory;
/// \brief The command line that was executed.
std::vector<std::string> CommandLine;
/// \brief Looks up the compile command for 'FileName' in 'JsonDatabase'.
/// \param FileName The path to an input file for which we want the compile
/// command line. If the 'JsonDatabase' was created by CMake, this must be
/// an absolute path inside the CMake source directory which does not have
/// symlinks resolved.
/// \param JsonDatabase A JSON formatted list of compile commands. This lookup
/// command supports only a subset of the JSON standard as written by CMake.
/// \param ErrorMessage If non-empty, an error occurred and 'ErrorMessage' will
/// be set to contain the error message. In this case CompileCommand will
/// contain an empty directory and command line.
/// \see JsonCompileCommandLineDatabase
CompileCommand FindCompileArgsInJsonDatabase(
llvm::StringRef FileName, llvm::StringRef JsonDatabase,
std::string &ErrorMessage);
// Interface to generate clang::FrontendActions.
class FrontendActionFactory {
virtual ~FrontendActionFactory();
// Returns a new clang::FrontendAction. The caller takes ownership of the
// returned action.
virtual clang::FrontendAction* New() = 0;
/// \brief Utility to run a FrontendAction over a set of files.
/// This class is written to be usable for command line utilities.
class ClangTool {
/// \brief Construct a clang tool from a command line.
/// This will parse the command line parameters and print an error message
/// and exit the program if the command line does not specify the required
/// parameters.
/// Usage:
/// $ tool-name <cmake-output-dir> <file1> <file2> ...
/// where <cmake-output-dir> is a CMake build directory in which a file named
/// compile_commands.json exists (enable -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS in
/// CMake to get this output).
/// <file1> ... specify the paths of files in the CMake source tree. This
/// path is looked up in the compile command database. If the path of a file
/// is absolute, it needs to point into CMake's source tree. If the path is
/// relative, the current working directory needs to be in the CMake source
/// tree and the file must be in a subdirectory of the current working
/// directory. "./" prefixes in the relative files will be automatically
/// removed, but the rest of a relative path must be a suffix of a path in
/// the compile command line database.
/// For example, to use a tool on all files in a subtree of the source
/// tree, use:
/// /path/in/subtree $ find . -name '*.cpp' |
/// xargs tool-name /path/to/source
/// \param argc The argc argument from main.
/// \param argv The argv argument from main.
ClangTool(int argc, char **argv);
/// Runs a frontend action over all files specified in the command line.
/// \param ActionFactory Factory generating the frontend actions. The function
/// takes ownership of this parameter. A new action is generated for every
/// processed translation unit.
int Run(FrontendActionFactory *ActionFactory);
std::vector<std::string> Files;
llvm::OwningPtr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> JsonDatabase;
} // end namespace tooling
} // end namespace clang