blob: 60c0f226ef54f19e62476e11e396c79bcbbba098 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Utils.h - Misc utilities for the front-end -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This header contains miscellaneous utilities for various front-end actions.
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
class Triple;
class raw_ostream;
class raw_fd_ostream;
namespace clang {
class ASTConsumer;
class Decl;
class DependencyOutputOptions;
class Diagnostic;
class HeaderSearch;
class HeaderSearchOptions;
class IdentifierTable;
class LangOptions;
class MinimalAction;
class Preprocessor;
class PreprocessorOptions;
class PreprocessorOutputOptions;
class SourceManager;
class Stmt;
class TargetInfo;
/// Apply the header search options to get given HeaderSearch object.
void ApplyHeaderSearchOptions(HeaderSearch &HS,
const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts,
const LangOptions &Lang,
const llvm::Triple &triple);
/// InitializePreprocessor - Initialize the preprocessor getting it and the
/// environment ready to process a single file.
void InitializePreprocessor(Preprocessor &PP,
const PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts,
const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts);
/// ProcessWarningOptions - Initialize the diagnostic client and process the
/// warning options specified on the command line.
bool ProcessWarningOptions(Diagnostic &Diags,
std::vector<std::string> &Warnings,
bool Pedantic, bool PedanticErrors,
bool NoWarnings);
/// DoPrintPreprocessedInput - Implement -E mode.
void DoPrintPreprocessedInput(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_ostream* OS,
const PreprocessorOutputOptions &Opts);
/// RewriteMacrosInInput - Implement -rewrite-macros mode.
void RewriteMacrosInInput(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_ostream* OS);
/// RewriteMacrosInInput - A simple test for the TokenRewriter class.
void DoRewriteTest(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_ostream* OS);
/// CreatePrintParserActionsAction - Return the actions implementation that
/// implements the -parse-print-callbacks option.
MinimalAction *CreatePrintParserActionsAction(Preprocessor &PP,
llvm::raw_ostream* OS);
/// CheckDiagnostics - Gather the expected diagnostics and check them.
bool CheckDiagnostics(Preprocessor &PP);
/// AttachDependencyFileGen - Create a dependency file generator, and attach
/// it to the given preprocessor. This takes ownership of the output stream.
void AttachDependencyFileGen(Preprocessor &PP,
const DependencyOutputOptions &Opts);
/// CacheTokens - Cache tokens for use with PCH. Note that this requires
/// a seekable stream.
void CacheTokens(Preprocessor &PP, llvm::raw_fd_ostream* OS);
} // end namespace clang