blob: 1f92b6f6aab9b377d6cc6b7a75a2e17a19b71d08 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SemaCXXScopeSpec.cpp - Semantic Analysis for C++ scope specifiers-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements C++ semantic analysis for scope specifiers.
#include "Sema.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Parse/DeclSpec.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
using namespace clang;
namespace {
Decl *LookupNestedName(DeclContext *LookupCtx, bool LookInParentCtx,
DeclarationName Name, bool &IdIsUndeclared) {
I = IdentifierResolver::begin(Name, LookupCtx, LookInParentCtx),
E = IdentifierResolver::end();
if (I == E) {
IdIsUndeclared = true;
return 0;
IdIsUndeclared = false;
// C++ 3.4.3p1 :
// During the lookup for a name preceding the :: scope resolution operator,
// object, function, and enumerator names are ignored. If the name found is
// not a class-name or namespace-name, the program is ill-formed.
for (; I != E; ++I) {
if (TypedefDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(*I)) {
if (TD->getUnderlyingType()->isRecordType())
if (((*I)->getIdentifierNamespace()&Decl::IDNS_Tag) && !isa<EnumDecl>(*I))
return (I != E ? *I : 0);
} // anonymous namespace
/// ActOnCXXGlobalScopeSpecifier - Return the object that represents the
/// global scope ('::').
Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::ActOnCXXGlobalScopeSpecifier(Scope *S,
SourceLocation CCLoc) {
return cast<DeclContext>(Context.getTranslationUnitDecl());
/// ActOnCXXNestedNameSpecifier - Called during parsing of a
/// nested-name-specifier. e.g. for "foo::bar::" we parsed "foo::" and now
/// we want to resolve "bar::". 'SS' is empty or the previously parsed
/// nested-name part ("foo::"), 'IdLoc' is the source location of 'bar',
/// 'CCLoc' is the location of '::' and 'II' is the identifier for 'bar'.
/// Returns a CXXScopeTy* object representing the C++ scope.
Sema::CXXScopeTy *Sema::ActOnCXXNestedNameSpecifier(Scope *S,
const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
SourceLocation IdLoc,
SourceLocation CCLoc,
IdentifierInfo &II) {
DeclContext *DC = static_cast<DeclContext*>(SS.getScopeRep());
Decl *SD;
bool IdIsUndeclared;
if (DC)
SD = LookupNestedName(DC, false/*LookInParentCtx*/, &II, IdIsUndeclared);
SD = LookupNestedName(CurContext, true/*LookInParent*/, &II,
if (SD) {
if (TypedefDecl *TD = dyn_cast<TypedefDecl>(SD)) {
assert(TD->getUnderlyingType()->isRecordType() &&"Invalid Scope Decl!");
SD = TD->getUnderlyingType()->getAsRecordType()->getDecl();
assert((isa<NamespaceDecl>(SD) || isa<RecordDecl>(SD)) &&
"Invalid Scope Decl!");
return cast<DeclContext>(SD);
unsigned DiagID;
if (!IdIsUndeclared)
DiagID = diag::err_expected_class_or_namespace;
else if (DC)
DiagID = diag::err_typecheck_no_member;
DiagID = diag::err_undeclared_var_use;
if (DC)
Diag(IdLoc, DiagID) << &II << SS.getRange();
Diag(IdLoc, DiagID) << &II;
return 0;
/// ActOnCXXEnterDeclaratorScope - Called when a C++ scope specifier (global
/// scope or nested-name-specifier) is parsed, part of a declarator-id.
/// After this method is called, according to [C++ 3.4.3p3], names should be
/// looked up in the declarator-id's scope, until the declarator is parsed and
/// ActOnCXXExitDeclaratorScope is called.
/// The 'SS' should be a non-empty valid CXXScopeSpec.
void Sema::ActOnCXXEnterDeclaratorScope(Scope *S, const CXXScopeSpec &SS) {
assert(SS.isSet() && "Parser passed invalid CXXScopeSpec.");
assert(PreDeclaratorDC == 0 && "Previous declarator context not popped?");
PreDeclaratorDC = CurContext;
CurContext = static_cast<DeclContext*>(SS.getScopeRep());
/// ActOnCXXExitDeclaratorScope - Called when a declarator that previously
/// invoked ActOnCXXEnterDeclaratorScope(), is finished. 'SS' is the same
/// CXXScopeSpec that was passed to ActOnCXXEnterDeclaratorScope as well.
/// Used to indicate that names should revert to being looked up in the
/// defining scope.
void Sema::ActOnCXXExitDeclaratorScope(const CXXScopeSpec &SS) {
assert(SS.isSet() && "Parser passed invalid CXXScopeSpec.");
assert(CurContext == static_cast<DeclContext*>(SS.getScopeRep()) &&
"Context imbalance!");
CurContext = PreDeclaratorDC;
PreDeclaratorDC = 0;