blob: 15c2ce8dc5a7c05b473998dd319c200b3a5f5dee [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SourceManager.cpp - Track and cache source files -----------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by Chris Lattner and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file implements the SourceManager interface.
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/System/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/Serialize.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/Deserialize.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Streams.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <fcntl.h>
using namespace clang;
using namespace SrcMgr;
using llvm::MemoryBuffer;
ContentCache::~ContentCache() {
delete Buffer;
delete [] SourceLineCache;
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <cerrno>
static const MemoryBuffer *ReadFileFast(const FileEntry *FileEnt) {
#if 0
// FIXME: Reintroduce this and zap this function once the common llvm stuff
// is fast for the small case.
return MemoryBuffer::getFile(FileEnt->getName(), strlen(FileEnt->getName()),
// If the file is larger than some threshold, use 'read', otherwise use mmap.
if (FileEnt->getSize() >= 4096*4)
return MemoryBuffer::getFile(FileEnt->getName(), strlen(FileEnt->getName()),
0, FileEnt->getSize());
MemoryBuffer *SB = MemoryBuffer::getNewUninitMemBuffer(FileEnt->getSize(),
char *BufPtr = const_cast<char*>(SB->getBufferStart());
#if defined(LLVM_ON_WIN32)
int FD = ::open(FileEnt->getName(), O_RDONLY|O_BINARY);
int FD = ::open(FileEnt->getName(), O_RDONLY);
if (FD == -1) {
delete SB;
return 0;
unsigned BytesLeft = FileEnt->getSize();
while (BytesLeft) {
ssize_t NumRead = ::read(FD, BufPtr, BytesLeft);
if (NumRead != -1) {
BytesLeft -= NumRead;
BufPtr += NumRead;
} else if (errno == EINTR) {
// try again
} else {
// error reading.
delete SB;
return 0;
return SB;
/// getFileInfo - Create or return a cached FileInfo for the specified file.
const ContentCache* SourceManager::getContentCache(const FileEntry *FileEnt) {
assert(FileEnt && "Didn't specify a file entry to use?");
// Do we already have information about this file?
std::set<ContentCache>::iterator I =
if (I != FileInfos.end() && I->Entry == FileEnt)
return &*I;
// Nope, get information.
const MemoryBuffer *File = ReadFileFast(FileEnt);
if (File == 0)
return 0;
ContentCache& Entry = const_cast<ContentCache&>(*FileInfos.insert(I,FileEnt));
Entry.Buffer = File;
Entry.SourceLineCache = 0;
Entry.NumLines = 0;
return &Entry;
/// createMemBufferContentCache - Create a new ContentCache for the specified
/// memory buffer. This does no caching.
const ContentCache*
SourceManager::createMemBufferContentCache(const MemoryBuffer *Buffer) {
// Add a new ContentCache to the MemBufferInfos list and return it. We
// must default construct the object first that the instance actually
// stored within MemBufferInfos actually owns the Buffer, and not any
// temporary we would use in the call to "push_back".
ContentCache& Entry = const_cast<ContentCache&>(MemBufferInfos.back());
Entry.Buffer = Buffer;
return &Entry;
/// createFileID - Create a new fileID for the specified ContentCache and
/// include position. This works regardless of whether the ContentCache
/// corresponds to a file or some other input source.
unsigned SourceManager::createFileID(const ContentCache *File,
SourceLocation IncludePos) {
// If FileEnt is really large (e.g. it's a large .i file), we may not be able
// to fit an arbitrary position in the file in the FilePos field. To handle
// this, we create one FileID for each chunk of the file that fits in a
// FilePos field.
unsigned FileSize = File->Buffer->getBufferSize();
if (FileSize+1 < (1 << SourceLocation::FilePosBits)) {
FileIDs.push_back(FileIDInfo::get(IncludePos, 0, File));
assert(FileIDs.size() < (1 << SourceLocation::FileIDBits) &&
"Ran out of file ID's!");
return FileIDs.size();
// Create one FileID for each chunk of the file.
unsigned Result = FileIDs.size()+1;
unsigned ChunkNo = 0;
while (1) {
FileIDs.push_back(FileIDInfo::get(IncludePos, ChunkNo++, File));
if (FileSize+1 < (1 << SourceLocation::FilePosBits)) break;
FileSize -= (1 << SourceLocation::FilePosBits);
assert(FileIDs.size() < (1 << SourceLocation::FileIDBits) &&
"Ran out of file ID's!");
return Result;
/// getInstantiationLoc - Return a new SourceLocation that encodes the fact
/// that a token from physloc PhysLoc should actually be referenced from
/// InstantiationLoc.
SourceLocation SourceManager::getInstantiationLoc(SourceLocation PhysLoc,
SourceLocation InstantLoc) {
// The specified source location may be a mapped location, due to a macro
// instantiation or #line directive. Strip off this information to find out
// where the characters are actually located.
PhysLoc = getPhysicalLoc(PhysLoc);
// Resolve InstantLoc down to a real logical location.
InstantLoc = getLogicalLoc(InstantLoc);
// If the last macro id is close to the currently requested location, try to
// reuse it. This implements a small cache.
for (int i = MacroIDs.size()-1, e = MacroIDs.size()-6; i >= 0 && i != e; --i){
MacroIDInfo &LastOne = MacroIDs[i];
// The instanitation point and source physloc have to exactly match to reuse
// (for now). We could allow "nearby" instantiations in the future.
if (LastOne.getVirtualLoc() != InstantLoc ||
LastOne.getPhysicalLoc().getFileID() != PhysLoc.getFileID())
// Check to see if the physloc of the token came from near enough to reuse.
int PhysDelta = PhysLoc.getRawFilePos() -
if (SourceLocation::isValidMacroPhysOffs(PhysDelta))
return SourceLocation::getMacroLoc(i, PhysDelta, false, false);
MacroIDs.push_back(MacroIDInfo::get(InstantLoc, PhysLoc));
return SourceLocation::getMacroLoc(MacroIDs.size()-1, 0, false, false);
/// getBufferData - Return a pointer to the start and end of the character
/// data for the specified FileID.
std::pair<const char*, const char*>
SourceManager::getBufferData(unsigned FileID) const {
const llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buf = getBuffer(FileID);
return std::make_pair(Buf->getBufferStart(), Buf->getBufferEnd());
/// getCharacterData - Return a pointer to the start of the specified location
/// in the appropriate MemoryBuffer.
const char *SourceManager::getCharacterData(SourceLocation SL) const {
// Note that this is a hot function in the getSpelling() path, which is
// heavily used by -E mode.
SL = getPhysicalLoc(SL);
return getContentCache(SL.getFileID())->Buffer->getBufferStart() +
/// getColumnNumber - Return the column # for the specified file position.
/// this is significantly cheaper to compute than the line number. This returns
/// zero if the column number isn't known.
unsigned SourceManager::getColumnNumber(SourceLocation Loc) const {
unsigned FileID = Loc.getFileID();
if (FileID == 0) return 0;
unsigned FilePos = getFullFilePos(Loc);
const MemoryBuffer *Buffer = getBuffer(FileID);
const char *Buf = Buffer->getBufferStart();
unsigned LineStart = FilePos;
while (LineStart && Buf[LineStart-1] != '\n' && Buf[LineStart-1] != '\r')
return FilePos-LineStart+1;
/// getSourceName - This method returns the name of the file or buffer that
/// the SourceLocation specifies. This can be modified with #line directives,
/// etc.
const char *SourceManager::getSourceName(SourceLocation Loc) const {
unsigned FileID = Loc.getFileID();
if (FileID == 0) return "";
return getContentCache(FileID)->Buffer->getBufferIdentifier();
static void ComputeLineNumbers(ContentCache* FI) DISABLE_INLINE;
static void ComputeLineNumbers(ContentCache* FI) {
const MemoryBuffer *Buffer = FI->Buffer;
// Find the file offsets of all of the *physical* source lines. This does
// not look at trigraphs, escaped newlines, or anything else tricky.
std::vector<unsigned> LineOffsets;
// Line #1 starts at char 0.
const unsigned char *Buf = (const unsigned char *)Buffer->getBufferStart();
const unsigned char *End = (const unsigned char *)Buffer->getBufferEnd();
unsigned Offs = 0;
while (1) {
// Skip over the contents of the line.
// TODO: Vectorize this? This is very performance sensitive for programs
// with lots of diagnostics and in -E mode.
const unsigned char *NextBuf = (const unsigned char *)Buf;
while (*NextBuf != '\n' && *NextBuf != '\r' && *NextBuf != '\0')
Offs += NextBuf-Buf;
Buf = NextBuf;
if (Buf[0] == '\n' || Buf[0] == '\r') {
// If this is \n\r or \r\n, skip both characters.
if ((Buf[1] == '\n' || Buf[1] == '\r') && Buf[0] != Buf[1])
++Offs, ++Buf;
++Offs, ++Buf;
} else {
// Otherwise, this is a null. If end of file, exit.
if (Buf == End) break;
// Otherwise, skip the null.
++Offs, ++Buf;
// Copy the offsets into the FileInfo structure.
FI->NumLines = LineOffsets.size();
FI->SourceLineCache = new unsigned[LineOffsets.size()];
std::copy(LineOffsets.begin(), LineOffsets.end(), FI->SourceLineCache);
/// getLineNumber - Given a SourceLocation, return the physical line number
/// for the position indicated. This requires building and caching a table of
/// line offsets for the MemoryBuffer, so this is not cheap: use only when
/// about to emit a diagnostic.
unsigned SourceManager::getLineNumber(SourceLocation Loc) {
unsigned FileID = Loc.getFileID();
if (FileID == 0) return 0;
ContentCache* Content;
if (LastLineNoFileIDQuery == FileID)
Content = LastLineNoContentCache;
Content = const_cast<ContentCache*>(getContentCache(FileID));
// If this is the first use of line information for this buffer, compute the
/// SourceLineCache for it on demand.
if (Content->SourceLineCache == 0)
// Okay, we know we have a line number table. Do a binary search to find the
// line number that this character position lands on.
unsigned *SourceLineCache = Content->SourceLineCache;
unsigned *SourceLineCacheStart = SourceLineCache;
unsigned *SourceLineCacheEnd = SourceLineCache + Content->NumLines;
unsigned QueriedFilePos = getFullFilePos(Loc)+1;
// If the previous query was to the same file, we know both the file pos from
// that query and the line number returned. This allows us to narrow the
// search space from the entire file to something near the match.
if (LastLineNoFileIDQuery == FileID) {
if (QueriedFilePos >= LastLineNoFilePos) {
SourceLineCache = SourceLineCache+LastLineNoResult-1;
// The query is likely to be nearby the previous one. Here we check to
// see if it is within 5, 10 or 20 lines. It can be far away in cases
// where big comment blocks and vertical whitespace eat up lines but
// contribute no tokens.
if (SourceLineCache+5 < SourceLineCacheEnd) {
if (SourceLineCache[5] > QueriedFilePos)
SourceLineCacheEnd = SourceLineCache+5;
else if (SourceLineCache+10 < SourceLineCacheEnd) {
if (SourceLineCache[10] > QueriedFilePos)
SourceLineCacheEnd = SourceLineCache+10;
else if (SourceLineCache+20 < SourceLineCacheEnd) {
if (SourceLineCache[20] > QueriedFilePos)
SourceLineCacheEnd = SourceLineCache+20;
} else {
SourceLineCacheEnd = SourceLineCache+LastLineNoResult+1;
// If the spread is large, do a "radix" test as our initial guess, based on
// the assumption that lines average to approximately the same length.
// NOTE: This is currently disabled, as it does not appear to be profitable in
// initial measurements.
if (0 && SourceLineCacheEnd-SourceLineCache > 20) {
unsigned FileLen = Content->SourceLineCache[Content->NumLines-1];
// Take a stab at guessing where it is.
unsigned ApproxPos = Content->NumLines*QueriedFilePos / FileLen;
// Check for -10 and +10 lines.
unsigned LowerBound = std::max(int(ApproxPos-10), 0);
unsigned UpperBound = std::min(ApproxPos+10, FileLen);
// If the computed lower bound is less than the query location, move it in.
if (SourceLineCache < SourceLineCacheStart+LowerBound &&
SourceLineCacheStart[LowerBound] < QueriedFilePos)
SourceLineCache = SourceLineCacheStart+LowerBound;
// If the computed upper bound is greater than the query location, move it.
if (SourceLineCacheEnd > SourceLineCacheStart+UpperBound &&
SourceLineCacheStart[UpperBound] >= QueriedFilePos)
SourceLineCacheEnd = SourceLineCacheStart+UpperBound;
unsigned *Pos
= std::lower_bound(SourceLineCache, SourceLineCacheEnd, QueriedFilePos);
unsigned LineNo = Pos-SourceLineCacheStart;
LastLineNoFileIDQuery = FileID;
LastLineNoContentCache = Content;
LastLineNoFilePos = QueriedFilePos;
LastLineNoResult = LineNo;
return LineNo;
/// PrintStats - Print statistics to stderr.
void SourceManager::PrintStats() const {
llvm::cerr << "\n*** Source Manager Stats:\n";
llvm::cerr << FileInfos.size() << " files mapped, " << MemBufferInfos.size()
<< " mem buffers mapped, " << FileIDs.size()
<< " file ID's allocated.\n";
llvm::cerr << " " << FileIDs.size() << " normal buffer FileID's, "
<< MacroIDs.size() << " macro expansion FileID's.\n";
unsigned NumLineNumsComputed = 0;
unsigned NumFileBytesMapped = 0;
for (std::set<ContentCache>::const_iterator I =
FileInfos.begin(), E = FileInfos.end(); I != E; ++I) {
NumLineNumsComputed += I->SourceLineCache != 0;
NumFileBytesMapped += I->Buffer->getBufferSize();
llvm::cerr << NumFileBytesMapped << " bytes of files mapped, "
<< NumLineNumsComputed << " files with line #'s computed.\n";
// Serialization.
void ContentCache::Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const {
if (Entry) S.EmitCStr(Buffer->getBufferIdentifier());
else {
const char* p = Buffer->getBufferStart();
const char* e = Buffer->getBufferEnd();
for ( ; p != e; ++p)
void ContentCache::ReadToSourceManager(llvm::Deserializer& D,
SourceManager& SMgr,
FileManager* FMgr,
std::vector<char>& Buf) {
if (FMgr) {
llvm::SerializedPtrID PtrID = D.ReadPtrID();
// Create/fetch the FileEntry.
const char* start = &Buf[0];
const FileEntry* E = FMgr->getFile(start,start+Buf.size());
assert (E && "Not yet supported: missing files.");
// Get the ContextCache object and register it with the deserializer.
else {
// Register the ContextCache object with the deserializer.
ContentCache& Entry = const_cast<ContentCache&>(SMgr.MemBufferInfos.back());
// Create the buffer.
unsigned Size = D.ReadInt();
Entry.Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getNewUninitMemBuffer(Size);
// Read the contents of the buffer.
char* p = const_cast<char*>(Entry.Buffer->getBufferStart());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Size ; ++i)
p[i] = D.ReadInt();
void FileIDInfo::Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const {
FileIDInfo FileIDInfo::ReadVal(llvm::Deserializer& D) {
FileIDInfo I;
I.IncludeLoc = SourceLocation::ReadVal(D);
I.ChunkNo = D.ReadInt();
return I;
void MacroIDInfo::Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const {
MacroIDInfo MacroIDInfo::ReadVal(llvm::Deserializer& D) {
MacroIDInfo I;
I.VirtualLoc = SourceLocation::ReadVal(D);
I.PhysicalLoc = SourceLocation::ReadVal(D);
return I;
void SourceManager::Emit(llvm::Serializer& S) const {
// Emit: FileInfos. Just emit the file name.
// Emit: MemBufferInfos
std::for_each(MemBufferInfos.begin(), MemBufferInfos.end(),
// Emit: FileIDs
std::for_each(FileIDs.begin(), FileIDs.end(), S.MakeEmitter<FileIDInfo>());
// Emit: MacroIDs
std::for_each(MacroIDs.begin(), MacroIDs.end(), S.MakeEmitter<MacroIDInfo>());
SourceManager::CreateAndRegister(llvm::Deserializer& D, FileManager& FMgr){
SourceManager *M = new SourceManager();
std::vector<char> Buf;
{ // Read: FileInfos.
llvm::Deserializer::Location BLoc = D.getCurrentBlockLocation();
while (!D.FinishedBlock(BLoc))
{ // Read: MemBufferInfos.
llvm::Deserializer::Location BLoc = D.getCurrentBlockLocation();
while (!D.FinishedBlock(BLoc))
// Read: FileIDs.
unsigned Size = D.ReadInt();
for (; Size > 0 ; --Size)
// Read: MacroIDs.
Size = D.ReadInt();
for (; Size > 0 ; --Size)
return M;