blob: d269de529fba3a4d6ff1a85af2c1bee5e95c9b96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Test C++ chained PCH functionality
// Without PCH
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -include %s -include %s %s
// With PCH
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++-header -emit-pch -o %t1 %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -x c++-header -emit-pch -o %t2 %s -include-pch %t1 -chained-pch
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -include-pch %t2 %s
#ifndef HEADER1
#define HEADER1
// Primary header for C++ chained PCH test
void f();
// Name not appearing in dependent
void pf();
namespace ns {
void g();
void pg();
template <typename T>
struct S { typedef int G; };
// Partially specialize
template <typename T>
struct S<T *> { typedef int H; };
template <typename T> struct TS2;
typedef TS2<int> TS2int;
#elif not defined(HEADER2)
#define HEADER2
// Dependent header for C++ chained PCH test
// Overload function from primary
void f(int);
// Add function with different name
void f2();
// Reopen namespace
namespace ns {
// Overload function from primary
void g(int);
// Add different name
void g2();
// Specialize template from primary
template <>
struct S<int> { typedef int I; };
// Partially specialize
template <typename T>
struct S<T &> { typedef int J; };
// Specialize previous partial specialization
template <>
struct S<int *> { typedef int K; };
// Specialize the partial specialization from this file
template <>
struct S<int &> { typedef int L; };
template <typename T> struct TS2 { };
void test() {
typedef S<double>::G T1;
typedef S<double *>::H T2;
typedef S<int>::I T3;
typedef S<double &>::J T4;
typedef S<int *>::K T5;
typedef S<int &>::L T6;
TS2int ts2;