blob: 38c34cb84a3a1cf2c1f689a3adaf6d94cb08e49d [file] [log] [blame]
//== ValueState.h - Path-Sens. "State" for tracking valuues -----*- C++ -*--==//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This files defines SymbolID, ExprBindKey, and ValueState.
// FIXME: Reduce the number of includes.
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/RValues.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/GRCoreEngine.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Streams.h"
#include <functional>
namespace clang {
// ValueState - An ImmutableMap type Stmt*/Decl*/Symbols to RValues.
namespace vstate {
typedef llvm::ImmutableSet<llvm::APSInt*> IntSetTy;
typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<Expr*,RValue> ExprBindingsTy;
typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<VarDecl*,RValue> VarBindingsTy;
typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolID,IntSetTy> ConstantNotEqTy;
typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolID,const llvm::APSInt*> ConstantEqTy;
/// ValueStateImpl - This class encapsulates the actual data values for
/// for a "state" in our symbolic value tracking. It is intended to be
/// used as a functional object; that is once it is created and made
/// "persistent" in a FoldingSet its values will never change.
class ValueStateImpl : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
void operator=(const ValueStateImpl& R) const;
vstate::ExprBindingsTy SubExprBindings;
vstate::ExprBindingsTy BlockExprBindings;
vstate::VarBindingsTy VarBindings;
vstate::ConstantNotEqTy ConstantNotEq;
vstate::ConstantEqTy ConstantEq;
/// This ctor is used when creating the first ValueStateImpl object.
ValueStateImpl(vstate::ExprBindingsTy EB,
vstate::VarBindingsTy VB,
vstate::ConstantNotEqTy CNE,
vstate::ConstantEqTy CE)
: SubExprBindings(EB),
ConstantEq(CE) {}
/// Copy ctor - We must explicitly define this or else the "Next" ptr
/// in FoldingSetNode will also get copied.
ValueStateImpl(const ValueStateImpl& RHS)
: llvm::FoldingSetNode(),
ConstantEq(RHS.ConstantEq) {}
/// Profile - Profile the contents of a ValueStateImpl object for use
/// in a FoldingSet.
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID, const ValueStateImpl& V) {
/// Profile - Used to profile the contents of this object for inclusion
/// in a FoldingSet.
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
Profile(ID, *this);
/// ValueState - This class represents a "state" in our symbolic value
/// tracking. It is really just a "smart pointer", wrapping a pointer
/// to ValueStateImpl object. Making this class a smart pointer means that its
/// size is always the size of a pointer, which allows easy conversion to
/// void* when being handled by GRCoreEngine. It also forces us to unique states;
/// consequently, a ValueStateImpl* with a specific address will always refer
/// to the unique state with those values.
class ValueState {
ValueStateImpl* Data;
ValueState(ValueStateImpl* D) : Data(D) {}
ValueState() : Data(0) {}
// Accessors.
ValueStateImpl* getImpl() const { return Data; }
ValueStateImpl& operator*() { return *Data; }
ValueStateImpl* operator->() { return Data; }
// Typedefs.
typedef vstate::IntSetTy IntSetTy;
typedef vstate::ExprBindingsTy ExprBindingsTy;
typedef vstate::VarBindingsTy VarBindingsTy;
typedef vstate::ConstantNotEqTy ConstantNotEqTy;
typedef vstate::ConstantEqTy ConstantEqTy;
typedef llvm::SmallVector<ValueState,5> BufferTy;
// Queries.
bool isNotEqual(SymbolID sym, const llvm::APSInt& V) const;
const llvm::APSInt* getSymVal(SymbolID sym) const;
// Iterators.
typedef VarBindingsTy::iterator vb_iterator;
vb_iterator vb_begin() const { return Data->VarBindings.begin(); }
vb_iterator vb_end() const { return Data->VarBindings.end(); }
typedef ExprBindingsTy::iterator seb_iterator;
seb_iterator seb_begin() const { return Data->SubExprBindings.begin(); }
seb_iterator seb_end() const { return Data->SubExprBindings.end(); }
typedef ExprBindingsTy::iterator beb_iterator;
beb_iterator beb_begin() const { return Data->BlockExprBindings.begin(); }
beb_iterator beb_end() const { return Data->BlockExprBindings.end(); }
typedef ConstantNotEqTy::iterator cne_iterator;
cne_iterator cne_begin() const { return Data->ConstantNotEq.begin(); }
cne_iterator cne_end() const { return Data->ConstantNotEq.end(); }
typedef ConstantEqTy::iterator ce_iterator;
ce_iterator ce_begin() const { return Data->ConstantEq.begin(); }
ce_iterator ce_end() const { return Data->ConstantEq.end(); }
// Profiling and equality testing.
bool operator==(const ValueState& RHS) const {
return Data == RHS.Data;
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID, const ValueState& V) {
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const {
Profile(ID, *this);
void printDOT(std::ostream& Out) const;
void print(std::ostream& Out) const;
void print() const { print(*llvm::cerr); }
template<> struct GRTrait<ValueState> {
static inline void* toPtr(ValueState St) {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(St.getImpl());
static inline ValueState toState(void* P) {
return ValueState(static_cast<ValueStateImpl*>(P));
class ValueStateManager {
typedef ValueState StateTy;
ValueState::IntSetTy::Factory ISetFactory;
ValueState::ExprBindingsTy::Factory EXFactory;
ValueState::VarBindingsTy::Factory VBFactory;
ValueState::ConstantNotEqTy::Factory CNEFactory;
ValueState::ConstantEqTy::Factory CEFactory;
/// StateSet - FoldingSet containing all the states created for analyzing
/// a particular function. This is used to unique states.
llvm::FoldingSet<ValueStateImpl> StateSet;
/// ValueMgr - Object that manages the data for all created RValues.
ValueManager ValMgr;
/// SymMgr - Object that manages the symbol information.
SymbolManager SymMgr;
/// Alloc - A BumpPtrAllocator to allocate states.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator& Alloc;
ValueState::ExprBindingsTy Remove(ValueState::ExprBindingsTy B, Expr* E) {
return EXFactory.Remove(B, E);
ValueState::VarBindingsTy Remove(ValueState::VarBindingsTy B, VarDecl* V) {
return VBFactory.Remove(B, V);
inline ValueState::ExprBindingsTy Remove(const ValueStateImpl& V, Expr* E) {
return Remove(V.BlockExprBindings, E);
inline ValueState::VarBindingsTy Remove(const ValueStateImpl& V, VarDecl* D) {
return Remove(V.VarBindings, D);
ValueState BindVar(ValueState St, VarDecl* D, const RValue& V);
ValueState UnbindVar(ValueState St, VarDecl* D);
ValueStateManager(ASTContext& Ctx, llvm::BumpPtrAllocator& alloc)
: ISetFactory(alloc),
ValMgr(Ctx, alloc), Alloc(alloc) {}
ValueState getInitialState();
ValueManager& getValueManager() { return ValMgr; }
SymbolManager& getSymbolManager() { return SymMgr; }
ValueState RemoveDeadBindings(ValueState St, Stmt* Loc,
const LiveVariables& Liveness);
ValueState RemoveSubExprBindings(ValueState St) {
ValueStateImpl NewSt = *St;
NewSt.SubExprBindings = EXFactory.GetEmptyMap();
return getPersistentState(NewSt);
ValueState SetValue(ValueState St, Expr* S, bool isBlkExpr, const RValue& V);
ValueState SetValue(ValueState St, const LValue& LV, const RValue& V);
RValue GetValue(ValueState St, Expr* S, bool* hasVal = NULL);
RValue GetValue(ValueState St, const LValue& LV, QualType* T = NULL);
LValue GetLValue(ValueState St, Expr* S);
ValueState getPersistentState(const ValueStateImpl& Impl);
ValueState AddEQ(ValueState St, SymbolID sym, const llvm::APSInt& V);
ValueState AddNE(ValueState St, SymbolID sym, const llvm::APSInt& V);
} // end clang namespace