blob: 9d8a6f07988ac65e6a02d631c36df90c152eb6f8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SemaDeclSpec.h - Declaration Specifier Semantic Analys -*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines interfaces used for Declaration Specifiers and Declarators.
#include "clang/Parse/AttributeList.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Token.h"
#include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace clang {
class LangOptions;
class Diagnostic;
class IdentifierInfo;
class Preprocessor;
class Declarator;
/// DeclSpec - This class captures information about "declaration specifiers",
/// which encompasses storage-class-specifiers, type-specifiers,
/// type-qualifiers, and function-specifiers.
class DeclSpec {
// storage-class-specifier
enum SCS {
// type-specifier
enum TSW {
enum TSC {
enum TSS {
enum TST {
TST_wchar, // C++ wchar_t
TST_char16, // C++0x char16_t
TST_char32, // C++0x char32_t
TST_bool, // _Bool
TST_decimal32, // _Decimal32
TST_decimal64, // _Decimal64
TST_decimal128, // _Decimal128
TST_class, // C++ class type
TST_typename, // Typedef, C++ class-name or enum name, etc.
TST_decltype, // C++0x decltype
TST_auto, // C++0x auto
TST_error // erroneous type
// type-qualifiers
enum TQ { // NOTE: These flags must be kept in sync with QualType::TQ.
TQ_unspecified = 0,
TQ_const = 1,
TQ_restrict = 2,
TQ_volatile = 4
/// ParsedSpecifiers - Flags to query which specifiers were applied. This is
/// returned by getParsedSpecifiers.
enum ParsedSpecifiers {
PQ_None = 0,
PQ_StorageClassSpecifier = 1,
PQ_TypeSpecifier = 2,
PQ_TypeQualifier = 4,
PQ_FunctionSpecifier = 8
// storage-class-specifier
/*SCS*/unsigned StorageClassSpec : 3;
bool SCS_thread_specified : 1;
// type-specifier
/*TSW*/unsigned TypeSpecWidth : 2;
/*TSC*/unsigned TypeSpecComplex : 2;
/*TSS*/unsigned TypeSpecSign : 2;
/*TST*/unsigned TypeSpecType : 5;
bool TypeSpecOwned : 1;
// type-qualifiers
unsigned TypeQualifiers : 3; // Bitwise OR of TQ.
// function-specifier
bool FS_inline_specified : 1;
bool FS_virtual_specified : 1;
bool FS_explicit_specified : 1;
// friend-specifier
bool Friend_specified : 1;
/// TypeRep - This contains action-specific information about a specific TST.
/// For example, for a typedef or struct, it might contain the declaration for
/// these.
void *TypeRep;
// attributes.
AttributeList *AttrList;
// List of protocol qualifiers for objective-c classes. Used for
// protocol-qualified interfaces "NString<foo>" and protocol-qualified id
// "id<foo>".
const ActionBase::DeclPtrTy *ProtocolQualifiers;
unsigned NumProtocolQualifiers;
// SourceLocation info. These are null if the item wasn't specified or if
// the setting was synthesized.
SourceRange Range;
SourceLocation StorageClassSpecLoc, SCS_threadLoc;
SourceLocation TSWLoc, TSCLoc, TSSLoc, TSTLoc;
SourceLocation TQ_constLoc, TQ_restrictLoc, TQ_volatileLoc;
SourceLocation FS_inlineLoc, FS_virtualLoc, FS_explicitLoc;
SourceLocation FriendLoc;
DeclSpec(const DeclSpec&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
void operator=(const DeclSpec&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
: StorageClassSpec(SCS_unspecified),
NumProtocolQualifiers(0) {
~DeclSpec() {
delete AttrList;
delete [] ProtocolQualifiers;
// storage-class-specifier
SCS getStorageClassSpec() const { return (SCS)StorageClassSpec; }
bool isThreadSpecified() const { return SCS_thread_specified; }
SourceLocation getStorageClassSpecLoc() const { return StorageClassSpecLoc; }
SourceLocation getThreadSpecLoc() const { return SCS_threadLoc; }
void ClearStorageClassSpecs() {
StorageClassSpec = DeclSpec::SCS_unspecified;
SCS_thread_specified = false;
StorageClassSpecLoc = SourceLocation();
SCS_threadLoc = SourceLocation();
// type-specifier
TSW getTypeSpecWidth() const { return (TSW)TypeSpecWidth; }
TSC getTypeSpecComplex() const { return (TSC)TypeSpecComplex; }
TSS getTypeSpecSign() const { return (TSS)TypeSpecSign; }
TST getTypeSpecType() const { return (TST)TypeSpecType; }
bool isTypeSpecOwned() const { return TypeSpecOwned; }
void *getTypeRep() const { return TypeRep; }
const SourceRange &getSourceRange() const { return Range; }
SourceLocation getTypeSpecWidthLoc() const { return TSWLoc; }
SourceLocation getTypeSpecComplexLoc() const { return TSCLoc; }
SourceLocation getTypeSpecSignLoc() const { return TSSLoc; }
SourceLocation getTypeSpecTypeLoc() const { return TSTLoc; }
/// getSpecifierName - Turn a type-specifier-type into a string like "_Bool"
/// or "union".
static const char *getSpecifierName(DeclSpec::TST T);
static const char *getSpecifierName(DeclSpec::TQ Q);
static const char *getSpecifierName(DeclSpec::TSS S);
static const char *getSpecifierName(DeclSpec::TSC C);
static const char *getSpecifierName(DeclSpec::TSW W);
static const char *getSpecifierName(DeclSpec::SCS S);
// type-qualifiers
/// getTypeQualifiers - Return a set of TQs.
unsigned getTypeQualifiers() const { return TypeQualifiers; }
SourceLocation getConstSpecLoc() const { return TQ_constLoc; }
SourceLocation getRestrictSpecLoc() const { return TQ_restrictLoc; }
SourceLocation getVolatileSpecLoc() const { return TQ_volatileLoc; }
// function-specifier
bool isInlineSpecified() const { return FS_inline_specified; }
SourceLocation getInlineSpecLoc() const { return FS_inlineLoc; }
bool isVirtualSpecified() const { return FS_virtual_specified; }
SourceLocation getVirtualSpecLoc() const { return FS_virtualLoc; }
bool isExplicitSpecified() const { return FS_explicit_specified; }
SourceLocation getExplicitSpecLoc() const { return FS_explicitLoc; }
void ClearFunctionSpecs() {
FS_inline_specified = false;
FS_inlineLoc = SourceLocation();
FS_virtual_specified = false;
FS_virtualLoc = SourceLocation();
FS_explicit_specified = false;
FS_explicitLoc = SourceLocation();
/// hasTypeSpecifier - Return true if any type-specifier has been found.
bool hasTypeSpecifier() const {
return getTypeSpecType() != DeclSpec::TST_unspecified ||
getTypeSpecWidth() != DeclSpec::TSW_unspecified ||
getTypeSpecComplex() != DeclSpec::TSC_unspecified ||
getTypeSpecSign() != DeclSpec::TSS_unspecified;
/// getParsedSpecifiers - Return a bitmask of which flavors of specifiers this
/// DeclSpec includes.
unsigned getParsedSpecifiers() const;
/// isEmpty - Return true if this declaration specifier is completely empty:
/// no tokens were parsed in the production of it.
bool isEmpty() const {
return getParsedSpecifiers() == DeclSpec::PQ_None;
void SetRangeStart(SourceLocation Loc) { Range.setBegin(Loc); }
void SetRangeEnd(SourceLocation Loc) { Range.setEnd(Loc); }
/// These methods set the specified attribute of the DeclSpec and
/// return false if there was no error. If an error occurs (for
/// example, if we tried to set "auto" on a spec with "extern"
/// already set), they return true and set PrevSpec and DiagID
/// such that
/// Diag(Loc, DiagID) << PrevSpec;
/// will yield a useful result.
/// TODO: use a more general approach that still allows these
/// diagnostics to be ignored when desired.
bool SetStorageClassSpec(SCS S, SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetStorageClassSpecThread(SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetTypeSpecWidth(TSW W, SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetTypeSpecComplex(TSC C, SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetTypeSpecSign(TSS S, SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetTypeSpecType(TST T, SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID, void *Rep = 0, bool Owned = false);
bool SetTypeSpecError();
void UpdateTypeRep(void *Rep) { TypeRep = Rep; }
bool SetTypeQual(TQ T, SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID, const LangOptions &Lang);
bool SetFunctionSpecInline(SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetFunctionSpecVirtual(SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetFunctionSpecExplicit(SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool SetFriendSpec(SourceLocation Loc, const char *&PrevSpec,
unsigned &DiagID);
bool isFriendSpecified() const { return Friend_specified; }
SourceLocation getFriendSpecLoc() const { return FriendLoc; }
/// AddAttributes - contatenates two attribute lists.
/// The GCC attribute syntax allows for the following:
/// short __attribute__(( unused, deprecated ))
/// int __attribute__(( may_alias, aligned(16) )) var;
/// This declares 4 attributes using 2 lists. The following syntax is
/// also allowed and equivalent to the previous declaration.
/// short __attribute__((unused)) __attribute__((deprecated))
/// int __attribute__((may_alias)) __attribute__((aligned(16))) var;
void AddAttributes(AttributeList *alist) {
if (!alist)
return; // we parsed __attribute__(()) or had a syntax error
if (AttrList)
AttrList = alist;
void SetAttributes(AttributeList *AL) { AttrList = AL; }
const AttributeList *getAttributes() const { return AttrList; }
AttributeList *getAttributes() { return AttrList; }
/// TakeAttributes - Return the current attribute list and remove them from
/// the DeclSpec so that it doesn't own them.
AttributeList *TakeAttributes() {
AttributeList *AL = AttrList;
AttrList = 0;
return AL;
typedef const ActionBase::DeclPtrTy *ProtocolQualifierListTy;
ProtocolQualifierListTy getProtocolQualifiers() const {
return ProtocolQualifiers;
unsigned getNumProtocolQualifiers() const {
return NumProtocolQualifiers;
void setProtocolQualifiers(const ActionBase::DeclPtrTy *Protos, unsigned NP) {
if (NP == 0) return;
ProtocolQualifiers = new ActionBase::DeclPtrTy[NP];
memcpy((void*)ProtocolQualifiers, Protos, sizeof(ActionBase::DeclPtrTy)*NP);
NumProtocolQualifiers = NP;
/// Finish - This does final analysis of the declspec, issuing diagnostics for
/// things like "_Imaginary" (lacking an FP type). After calling this method,
/// DeclSpec is guaranteed self-consistent, even if an error occurred.
void Finish(Diagnostic &D, Preprocessor &PP);
/// isMissingDeclaratorOk - This checks if this DeclSpec can stand alone,
/// without a Declarator. Only tag declspecs can stand alone.
bool isMissingDeclaratorOk();
/// ObjCDeclSpec - This class captures information about
/// "declaration specifiers" specific to objective-c
class ObjCDeclSpec {
/// ObjCDeclQualifier - Qualifier used on types in method declarations
enum ObjCDeclQualifier {
DQ_None = 0x0,
DQ_In = 0x1,
DQ_Inout = 0x2,
DQ_Out = 0x4,
DQ_Bycopy = 0x8,
DQ_Byref = 0x10,
DQ_Oneway = 0x20
/// PropertyAttributeKind - list of property attributes.
enum ObjCPropertyAttributeKind { DQ_PR_noattr = 0x0,
DQ_PR_readonly = 0x01,
DQ_PR_getter = 0x02,
DQ_PR_assign = 0x04,
DQ_PR_readwrite = 0x08,
DQ_PR_retain = 0x10,
DQ_PR_copy = 0x20,
DQ_PR_nonatomic = 0x40,
DQ_PR_setter = 0x80
ObjCDeclSpec() : objcDeclQualifier(DQ_None), PropertyAttributes(DQ_PR_noattr),
GetterName(0), SetterName(0)
ObjCDeclQualifier getObjCDeclQualifier() const { return objcDeclQualifier; }
void setObjCDeclQualifier(ObjCDeclQualifier DQVal)
{ objcDeclQualifier = (ObjCDeclQualifier) (objcDeclQualifier | DQVal); }
ObjCPropertyAttributeKind getPropertyAttributes() const
{ return ObjCPropertyAttributeKind(PropertyAttributes); }
void setPropertyAttributes(ObjCPropertyAttributeKind PRVal) {
PropertyAttributes =
(ObjCPropertyAttributeKind) (PropertyAttributes | PRVal);
const IdentifierInfo *getGetterName() const { return GetterName; }
IdentifierInfo *getGetterName() { return GetterName; }
void setGetterName(IdentifierInfo *name) { GetterName = name; }
const IdentifierInfo *getSetterName() const { return SetterName; }
IdentifierInfo *getSetterName() { return SetterName; }
void setSetterName(IdentifierInfo *name) { SetterName = name; }
// FIXME: These two are unrelated and mutially exclusive. So perhaps
// we can put them in a union to reflect their mutual exclusiveness
// (space saving is negligible).
ObjCDeclQualifier objcDeclQualifier : 6;
// NOTE: VC++ treats enums as signed, avoid using ObjCPropertyAttributeKind
unsigned PropertyAttributes : 8;
IdentifierInfo *GetterName; // getter name of NULL if no getter
IdentifierInfo *SetterName; // setter name of NULL if no setter
/// CXXScopeSpec - Represents a C++ nested-name-specifier or a global scope
/// specifier.
class CXXScopeSpec {
SourceRange Range;
void *ScopeRep;
CXXScopeSpec() : Range(), ScopeRep() { }
const SourceRange &getRange() const { return Range; }
void setRange(const SourceRange &R) { Range = R; }
void setBeginLoc(SourceLocation Loc) { Range.setBegin(Loc); }
void setEndLoc(SourceLocation Loc) { Range.setEnd(Loc); }
SourceLocation getBeginLoc() const { return Range.getBegin(); }
SourceLocation getEndLoc() const { return Range.getEnd(); }
ActionBase::CXXScopeTy *getScopeRep() const { return ScopeRep; }
void setScopeRep(ActionBase::CXXScopeTy *S) { ScopeRep = S; }
bool isEmpty() const { return !Range.isValid(); }
bool isNotEmpty() const { return !isEmpty(); }
/// isInvalid - An error occured during parsing of the scope specifier.
bool isInvalid() const { return isNotEmpty() && ScopeRep == 0; }
/// isSet - A scope specifier was resolved to a valid C++ scope.
bool isSet() const { return ScopeRep != 0; }
void clear() {
Range = SourceRange();
ScopeRep = 0;
/// CachedTokens - A set of tokens that has been cached for later
/// parsing.
typedef llvm::SmallVector<Token, 4> CachedTokens;
/// DeclaratorChunk - One instance of this struct is used for each type in a
/// declarator that is parsed.
/// This is intended to be a small value object.
struct DeclaratorChunk {
enum {
Pointer, Reference, Array, Function, BlockPointer, MemberPointer
} Kind;
/// Loc - The place where this type was defined.
SourceLocation Loc;
/// EndLoc - If valid, the place where this chunck ends.
SourceLocation EndLoc;
struct PointerTypeInfo {
/// The type qualifiers: const/volatile/restrict.
unsigned TypeQuals : 3;
AttributeList *AttrList;
void destroy() {
delete AttrList;
struct ReferenceTypeInfo {
/// The type qualifier: restrict. [GNU] C++ extension
bool HasRestrict : 1;
/// True if this is an lvalue reference, false if it's an rvalue reference.
bool LValueRef : 1;
AttributeList *AttrList;
void destroy() {
delete AttrList;
struct ArrayTypeInfo {
/// The type qualifiers for the array: const/volatile/restrict.
unsigned TypeQuals : 3;
/// True if this dimension included the 'static' keyword.
bool hasStatic : 1;
/// True if this dimension was [*]. In this case, NumElts is null.
bool isStar : 1;
/// This is the size of the array, or null if [] or [*] was specified.
/// Since the parser is multi-purpose, and we don't want to impose a root
/// expression class on all clients, NumElts is untyped.
ActionBase::ExprTy *NumElts;
void destroy() {}
/// ParamInfo - An array of paraminfo objects is allocated whenever a function
/// declarator is parsed. There are two interesting styles of arguments here:
/// K&R-style identifier lists and parameter type lists. K&R-style identifier
/// lists will have information about the identifier, but no type information.
/// Parameter type lists will have type info (if the actions module provides
/// it), but may have null identifier info: e.g. for 'void foo(int X, int)'.
struct ParamInfo {
IdentifierInfo *Ident;
SourceLocation IdentLoc;
ActionBase::DeclPtrTy Param;
/// DefaultArgTokens - When the parameter's default argument
/// cannot be parsed immediately (because it occurs within the
/// declaration of a member function), it will be stored here as a
/// sequence of tokens to be parsed once the class definition is
/// complete. Non-NULL indicates that there is a default argument.
CachedTokens *DefaultArgTokens;
ParamInfo() {}
ParamInfo(IdentifierInfo *ident, SourceLocation iloc,
ActionBase::DeclPtrTy param,
CachedTokens *DefArgTokens = 0)
: Ident(ident), IdentLoc(iloc), Param(param),
DefaultArgTokens(DefArgTokens) {}
struct TypeAndRange {
ActionBase::TypeTy *Ty;
SourceRange Range;
struct FunctionTypeInfo {
/// hasPrototype - This is true if the function had at least one typed
/// argument. If the function is () or (a,b,c), then it has no prototype,
/// and is treated as a K&R-style function.
bool hasPrototype : 1;
/// isVariadic - If this function has a prototype, and if that
/// proto ends with ',...)', this is true. When true, EllipsisLoc
/// contains the location of the ellipsis.
bool isVariadic : 1;
/// The type qualifiers: const/volatile/restrict.
/// The qualifier bitmask values are the same as in QualType.
unsigned TypeQuals : 3;
/// hasExceptionSpec - True if the function has an exception specification.
bool hasExceptionSpec : 1;
/// hasAnyExceptionSpec - True if the function has a throw(...) specifier.
bool hasAnyExceptionSpec : 1;
/// DeleteArgInfo - If this is true, we need to delete[] ArgInfo.
bool DeleteArgInfo : 1;
/// When isVariadic is true, the location of the ellipsis in the source.
unsigned EllipsisLoc;
/// NumArgs - This is the number of formal arguments provided for the
/// declarator.
unsigned NumArgs;
/// NumExceptions - This is the number of types in the exception-decl, if
/// the function has one.
unsigned NumExceptions;
/// ThrowLoc - When hasExceptionSpec is true, the location of the throw
/// keyword introducing the spec.
unsigned ThrowLoc;
/// ArgInfo - This is a pointer to a new[]'d array of ParamInfo objects that
/// describe the arguments for this function declarator. This is null if
/// there are no arguments specified.
ParamInfo *ArgInfo;
/// Exceptions - This is a pointer to a new[]'d array of TypeAndRange
/// objects that contain the types in the function's exception
/// specification and their locations.
TypeAndRange *Exceptions;
/// freeArgs - reset the argument list to having zero arguments. This is
/// used in various places for error recovery.
void freeArgs() {
if (DeleteArgInfo) {
delete[] ArgInfo;
DeleteArgInfo = false;
NumArgs = 0;
void destroy() {
if (DeleteArgInfo)
delete[] ArgInfo;
delete[] Exceptions;
SourceLocation getEllipsisLoc() const {
return SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(EllipsisLoc);
SourceLocation getThrowLoc() const {
return SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(ThrowLoc);
struct BlockPointerTypeInfo {
/// For now, sema will catch these as invalid.
/// The type qualifiers: const/volatile/restrict.
unsigned TypeQuals : 3;
AttributeList *AttrList;
void destroy() {
delete AttrList;
struct MemberPointerTypeInfo {
/// The type qualifiers: const/volatile/restrict.
unsigned TypeQuals : 3;
AttributeList *AttrList;
// CXXScopeSpec has a constructor, so it can't be a direct member.
// So we need some pointer-aligned storage and a bit of trickery.
union {
void *Aligner;
char Mem[sizeof(CXXScopeSpec)];
} ScopeMem;
CXXScopeSpec &Scope() {
return *reinterpret_cast<CXXScopeSpec*>(ScopeMem.Mem);
const CXXScopeSpec &Scope() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const CXXScopeSpec*>(ScopeMem.Mem);
void destroy() {
delete AttrList;
union {
PointerTypeInfo Ptr;
ReferenceTypeInfo Ref;
ArrayTypeInfo Arr;
FunctionTypeInfo Fun;
BlockPointerTypeInfo Cls;
MemberPointerTypeInfo Mem;
void destroy() {
switch (Kind) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown decl type!");
case DeclaratorChunk::Function: return Fun.destroy();
case DeclaratorChunk::Pointer: return Ptr.destroy();
case DeclaratorChunk::BlockPointer: return Cls.destroy();
case DeclaratorChunk::Reference: return Ref.destroy();
case DeclaratorChunk::Array: return Arr.destroy();
case DeclaratorChunk::MemberPointer: return Mem.destroy();
/// getAttrs - If there are attributes applied to this declaratorchunk, return
/// them.
const AttributeList *getAttrs() const {
switch (Kind) {
default: assert(0 && "Unknown declarator kind!");
case Pointer: return Ptr.AttrList;
case Reference: return Ref.AttrList;
case MemberPointer: return Mem.AttrList;
case Array: return 0;
case Function: return 0;
case BlockPointer: return Cls.AttrList;
/// getPointer - Return a DeclaratorChunk for a pointer.
static DeclaratorChunk getPointer(unsigned TypeQuals, SourceLocation Loc,
AttributeList *AL) {
DeclaratorChunk I;
I.Kind = Pointer;
I.Loc = Loc;
I.Ptr.TypeQuals = TypeQuals;
I.Ptr.AttrList = AL;
return I;
/// getReference - Return a DeclaratorChunk for a reference.
static DeclaratorChunk getReference(unsigned TypeQuals, SourceLocation Loc,
AttributeList *AL, bool lvalue) {
DeclaratorChunk I;
I.Kind = Reference;
I.Loc = Loc;
I.Ref.HasRestrict = (TypeQuals & DeclSpec::TQ_restrict) != 0;
I.Ref.LValueRef = lvalue;
I.Ref.AttrList = AL;
return I;
/// getArray - Return a DeclaratorChunk for an array.
static DeclaratorChunk getArray(unsigned TypeQuals, bool isStatic,
bool isStar, void *NumElts,
SourceLocation LBLoc, SourceLocation RBLoc) {
DeclaratorChunk I;
I.Kind = Array;
I.Loc = LBLoc;
I.EndLoc = RBLoc;
I.Arr.TypeQuals = TypeQuals;
I.Arr.hasStatic = isStatic;
I.Arr.isStar = isStar;
I.Arr.NumElts = NumElts;
return I;
/// DeclaratorChunk::getFunction - Return a DeclaratorChunk for a function.
/// "TheDeclarator" is the declarator that this will be added to.
static DeclaratorChunk getFunction(bool hasProto, bool isVariadic,
SourceLocation EllipsisLoc,
ParamInfo *ArgInfo, unsigned NumArgs,
unsigned TypeQuals, bool hasExceptionSpec,
SourceLocation ThrowLoc,
bool hasAnyExceptionSpec,
ActionBase::TypeTy **Exceptions,
SourceRange *ExceptionRanges,
unsigned NumExceptions,
SourceLocation LPLoc, SourceLocation RPLoc,
Declarator &TheDeclarator);
/// getBlockPointer - Return a DeclaratorChunk for a block.
static DeclaratorChunk getBlockPointer(unsigned TypeQuals, SourceLocation Loc,
AttributeList *AL) {
DeclaratorChunk I;
I.Kind = BlockPointer;
I.Loc = Loc;
I.Cls.TypeQuals = TypeQuals;
I.Cls.AttrList = AL;
return I;
static DeclaratorChunk getMemberPointer(const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
unsigned TypeQuals,
SourceLocation Loc,
AttributeList *AL) {
DeclaratorChunk I;
I.Kind = MemberPointer;
I.Loc = Loc;
I.Mem.TypeQuals = TypeQuals;
I.Mem.AttrList = AL;
new (I.Mem.ScopeMem.Mem) CXXScopeSpec(SS);
return I;
/// Declarator - Information about one declarator, including the parsed type
/// information and the identifier. When the declarator is fully formed, this
/// is turned into the appropriate Decl object.
/// Declarators come in two types: normal declarators and abstract declarators.
/// Abstract declarators are used when parsing types, and don't have an
/// identifier. Normal declarators do have ID's.
/// Instances of this class should be a transient object that lives on the
/// stack, not objects that are allocated in large quantities on the heap.
class Declarator {
enum TheContext {
FileContext, // File scope declaration.
PrototypeContext, // Within a function prototype.
KNRTypeListContext, // K&R type definition list for formals.
TypeNameContext, // Abstract declarator for types.
MemberContext, // Struct/Union field.
BlockContext, // Declaration within a block in a function.
ForContext, // Declaration within first part of a for loop.
ConditionContext, // Condition declaration in a C++ if/switch/while/for.
TemplateParamContext,// Within a template parameter list.
CXXCatchContext, // C++ catch exception-declaration
BlockLiteralContext // Block literal declarator.
/// DeclaratorKind - The kind of declarator this represents.
enum DeclaratorKind {
DK_Abstract, // An abstract declarator (has no identifier)
DK_Normal, // A normal declarator (has an identifier).
DK_Constructor, // A C++ constructor (identifier is the class name)
DK_Destructor, // A C++ destructor (identifier is ~class name)
DK_Operator, // A C++ overloaded operator name
DK_Conversion // A C++ conversion function (identifier is
// "operator " then the type name)
const DeclSpec &DS;
CXXScopeSpec SS;
IdentifierInfo *Identifier;
SourceLocation IdentifierLoc;
SourceRange Range;
/// Context - Where we are parsing this declarator.
TheContext Context;
/// Kind - What kind of declarator this is.
DeclaratorKind Kind;
/// DeclTypeInfo - This holds each type that the declarator includes as it is
/// parsed. This is pushed from the identifier out, which means that element
/// #0 will be the most closely bound to the identifier, and
/// DeclTypeInfo.back() will be the least closely bound.
llvm::SmallVector<DeclaratorChunk, 8> DeclTypeInfo;
/// InvalidType - Set by Sema::GetTypeForDeclarator().
bool InvalidType : 1;
/// GroupingParens - Set by Parser::ParseParenDeclarator().
bool GroupingParens : 1;
/// AttrList - Attributes.
AttributeList *AttrList;
/// AsmLabel - The asm label, if specified.
ActionBase::ExprTy *AsmLabel;
union {
// When Kind is DK_Constructor, DK_Destructor, or DK_Conversion, the
// type associated with the constructor, destructor, or conversion
// operator.
ActionBase::TypeTy *Type;
/// When Kind is DK_Operator, this is the actual overloaded
/// operator that this declarator names.
OverloadedOperatorKind OperatorKind;
/// InlineParams - This is a local array used for the first function decl
/// chunk to avoid going to the heap for the common case when we have one
/// function chunk in the declarator.
DeclaratorChunk::ParamInfo InlineParams[16];
bool InlineParamsUsed;
/// Extension - true if the declaration is preceded by __extension__.
bool Extension : 1;
friend struct DeclaratorChunk;
Declarator(const DeclSpec &ds, TheContext C)
: DS(ds), Identifier(0), Range(ds.getSourceRange()), Context(C),
InvalidType(DS.getTypeSpecType() == DeclSpec::TST_error),
GroupingParens(false), AttrList(0), AsmLabel(0), Type(0),
InlineParamsUsed(false), Extension(false) {
~Declarator() {
/// getDeclSpec - Return the declaration-specifier that this declarator was
/// declared with.
const DeclSpec &getDeclSpec() const { return DS; }
/// getMutableDeclSpec - Return a non-const version of the DeclSpec. This
/// should be used with extreme care: declspecs can often be shared between
/// multiple declarators, so mutating the DeclSpec affects all of the
/// Declarators. This should only be done when the declspec is known to not
/// be shared or when in error recovery etc.
DeclSpec &getMutableDeclSpec() { return const_cast<DeclSpec &>(DS); }
/// getCXXScopeSpec - Return the C++ scope specifier (global scope or
/// nested-name-specifier) that is part of the declarator-id.
const CXXScopeSpec &getCXXScopeSpec() const { return SS; }
CXXScopeSpec &getCXXScopeSpec() { return SS; }
TheContext getContext() const { return Context; }
DeclaratorKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
/// getSourceRange - Get the source range that spans this declarator.
const SourceRange &getSourceRange() const { return Range; }
void SetSourceRange(SourceRange R) { Range = R; }
/// SetRangeBegin - Set the start of the source range to Loc, unless it's
/// invalid.
void SetRangeBegin(SourceLocation Loc) {
if (!Loc.isInvalid())
/// SetRangeEnd - Set the end of the source range to Loc, unless it's invalid.
void SetRangeEnd(SourceLocation Loc) {
if (!Loc.isInvalid())
/// ExtendWithDeclSpec - Extend the declarator source range to include the
/// given declspec, unless its location is invalid. Adopts the range start if
/// the current range start is invalid.
void ExtendWithDeclSpec(const DeclSpec &DS) {
const SourceRange &SR = DS.getSourceRange();
if (Range.getBegin().isInvalid())
if (!SR.getEnd().isInvalid())
/// clear - Reset the contents of this Declarator.
void clear() {
Identifier = 0;
IdentifierLoc = SourceLocation();
Range = DS.getSourceRange();
Kind = DK_Abstract;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = DeclTypeInfo.size(); i != e; ++i)
delete AttrList;
AttrList = 0;
AsmLabel = 0;
Type = 0;
InlineParamsUsed = false;
/// mayOmitIdentifier - Return true if the identifier is either optional or
/// not allowed. This is true for typenames, prototypes, and template
/// parameter lists.
bool mayOmitIdentifier() const {
return Context == TypeNameContext || Context == PrototypeContext ||
Context == TemplateParamContext || Context == CXXCatchContext ||
Context == BlockLiteralContext;
/// mayHaveIdentifier - Return true if the identifier is either optional or
/// required. This is true for normal declarators and prototypes, but not
/// typenames.
bool mayHaveIdentifier() const {
return Context != TypeNameContext && Context != BlockLiteralContext;
/// mayBeFollowedByCXXDirectInit - Return true if the declarator can be
/// followed by a C++ direct initializer, e.g. "int x(1);".
bool mayBeFollowedByCXXDirectInit() const {
return !hasGroupingParens() &&
(Context == FileContext ||
Context == BlockContext ||
Context == ForContext);
/// isPastIdentifier - Return true if we have parsed beyond the point where
/// the
bool isPastIdentifier() const { return IdentifierLoc.isValid(); }
/// hasName - Whether this declarator has a name, which might be an
/// identifier (accessible via getIdentifier()) or some kind of
/// special C++ name (constructor, destructor, etc.).
bool hasName() const { return getKind() != DK_Abstract; }
IdentifierInfo *getIdentifier() const { return Identifier; }
SourceLocation getIdentifierLoc() const { return IdentifierLoc; }
void SetIdentifier(IdentifierInfo *ID, SourceLocation Loc) {
Identifier = ID;
IdentifierLoc = Loc;
if (ID)
Kind = DK_Normal;
Kind = DK_Abstract;
/// setConstructor - Set this declarator to be a C++ constructor
/// declarator. Also extends the range.
void setConstructor(ActionBase::TypeTy *Ty, SourceLocation Loc) {
IdentifierLoc = Loc;
Kind = DK_Constructor;
Type = Ty;
/// setDestructor - Set this declarator to be a C++ destructor
/// declarator. Also extends the range to End, which should be the identifier
/// token.
void setDestructor(ActionBase::TypeTy *Ty, SourceLocation Loc,
SourceLocation EndLoc) {
IdentifierLoc = Loc;
Kind = DK_Destructor;
Type = Ty;
if (!EndLoc.isInvalid())
/// setConversionFunction - Set this declarator to be a C++
/// conversion function declarator (e.g., @c operator int const *).
/// Also extends the range to EndLoc, which should be the last token of the
/// type name.
void setConversionFunction(ActionBase::TypeTy *Ty, SourceLocation Loc,
SourceLocation EndLoc) {
Identifier = 0;
IdentifierLoc = Loc;
Kind = DK_Conversion;
Type = Ty;
if (!EndLoc.isInvalid())
/// setOverloadedOperator - Set this declaration to be a C++
/// overloaded operator declarator (e.g., @c operator+).
/// Also extends the range to EndLoc, which should be the last token of the
/// operator.
void setOverloadedOperator(OverloadedOperatorKind Op, SourceLocation Loc,
SourceLocation EndLoc) {
IdentifierLoc = Loc;
Kind = DK_Operator;
OperatorKind = Op;
if (!EndLoc.isInvalid())
/// AddTypeInfo - Add a chunk to this declarator. Also extend the range to
/// EndLoc, which should be the last token of the chunk.
void AddTypeInfo(const DeclaratorChunk &TI, SourceLocation EndLoc) {
if (!EndLoc.isInvalid())
/// getNumTypeObjects() - Return the number of types applied to this
/// declarator.
unsigned getNumTypeObjects() const { return DeclTypeInfo.size(); }
/// Return the specified TypeInfo from this declarator. TypeInfo #0 is
/// closest to the identifier.
const DeclaratorChunk &getTypeObject(unsigned i) const {
assert(i < DeclTypeInfo.size() && "Invalid type chunk");
return DeclTypeInfo[i];
DeclaratorChunk &getTypeObject(unsigned i) {
assert(i < DeclTypeInfo.size() && "Invalid type chunk");
return DeclTypeInfo[i];
/// isFunctionDeclarator - Once this declarator is fully parsed and formed,
/// this method returns true if the identifier is a function declarator.
bool isFunctionDeclarator() const {
return !DeclTypeInfo.empty() &&
DeclTypeInfo[0].Kind == DeclaratorChunk::Function;
/// AddAttributes - simply adds the attribute list to the Declarator.
/// These examples both add 3 attributes to "var":
/// short int var __attribute__((aligned(16),common,deprecated));
/// short int x, __attribute__((aligned(16)) var
/// __attribute__((common,deprecated));
/// Also extends the range of the declarator.
void AddAttributes(AttributeList *alist, SourceLocation LastLoc) {
if (!alist)
return; // we parsed __attribute__(()) or had a syntax error
if (AttrList)
AttrList = alist;
if (!LastLoc.isInvalid())
const AttributeList *getAttributes() const { return AttrList; }
AttributeList *getAttributes() { return AttrList; }
/// hasAttributes - do we contain any attributes?
bool hasAttributes() const {
if (getAttributes() || getDeclSpec().getAttributes()) return true;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = getNumTypeObjects(); i != e; ++i)
if (getTypeObject(i).getAttrs())
return true;
return false;
void setAsmLabel(ActionBase::ExprTy *E) { AsmLabel = E; }
ActionBase::ExprTy *getAsmLabel() const { return AsmLabel; }
void setExtension(bool Val = true) { Extension = Val; }
bool getExtension() const { return Extension; }
ActionBase::TypeTy *getDeclaratorIdType() const { return Type; }
OverloadedOperatorKind getOverloadedOperator() const { return OperatorKind; }
void setInvalidType(bool Val = true) { InvalidType = Val; }
bool isInvalidType() const {
return InvalidType || DS.getTypeSpecType() == DeclSpec::TST_error;
void setGroupingParens(bool flag) { GroupingParens = flag; }
bool hasGroupingParens() const { return GroupingParens; }
/// FieldDeclarator - This little struct is used to capture information about
/// structure field declarators, which is basically just a bitfield size.
struct FieldDeclarator {
Declarator D;
ActionBase::ExprTy *BitfieldSize;
explicit FieldDeclarator(DeclSpec &DS) : D(DS, Declarator::MemberContext) {
BitfieldSize = 0;
} // end namespace clang