blob: 39818028bbad2dd3c43e62ec0e5b001598d8b23d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -faccess-control -verify -emit-llvm-only %s
namespace test0 {
template <typename T> struct Num {
T value_;
Num(T value) : value_(value) {}
T get() const { return value_; }
template <typename U> struct Rep {
U count_;
Rep(U count) : count_(count) {}
friend Num operator*(const Num &a, const Rep &n) {
Num x = 0;
for (U count = n.count_; count; --count)
x += a;
return x;
friend Num operator+(const Num &a, const Num &b) {
return a.value_ + b.value_;
Num& operator+=(const Num& b) {
value_ += b.value_;
return *this;
class Representation {};
friend class Representation;
class A {
template <typename T> friend bool iszero(const A &a) throw();
template <class T> class B_iterator;
template <class T> class B {
friend class B_iterator<T>;
int calc1() {
Num<int> left = -1;
Num<int> right = 1;
Num<int> result = left + right;
return result.get();
int calc2() {
Num<int> x = 3;
Num<int>::Rep<char> n = (char) 10;
Num<int> result = x * n;
return result.get();
// Reduced from GNU <locale>
namespace test1 {
class A {
bool b; // expected-note {{declared private here}}
template <typename T> friend bool has(const A&);
template <typename T> bool has(const A &x) {
return x.b;
template <typename T> bool hasnot(const A &x) {
return x.b; // expected-error {{'b' is a private member of 'test1::A'}}
namespace test2 {
class A {
bool b; // expected-note {{declared private here}}
template <typename T> friend class HasChecker;
template <typename T> class HasChecker {
bool check(A *a) {
return a->b;
template <typename T> class HasNotChecker {
bool check(A *a) {
return a->b; // expected-error {{'b' is a private member of 'test2::A'}}
namespace test3 {
class Bool;
template <class T> class User;
template <class T> T transform(class Bool, T);
class Bool {
friend class User<bool>;
friend bool transform<>(Bool, bool);
bool value; // expected-note 2 {{declared private here}}
template <class T> class User {
static T compute(Bool b) {
return b.value; // expected-error {{'value' is a private member of 'test3::Bool'}}
template <class T> T transform(Bool b, T value) {
if (b.value) // expected-error {{'value' is a private member of 'test3::Bool'}}
return value;
return value + 1;
template bool transform(Bool, bool);
template int transform(Bool, int); // expected-note {{requested here}}
template class User<bool>;
template class User<int>; // expected-note {{requested here}}
namespace test4 {
template <class T> class A {
template <class T0> friend class B;
bool foo(const A<T> *) const;
template <class T> class B {
bool bar(const A<T> *a, const A<T> *b) {
return a->foo(b);
template class B<int>;
namespace test5 {
template <class T, class U=int> class A {};
template <class T> class B {
template <class X, class Y> friend class A;
template class B<int>;
template class A<int>;
namespace Dependent {
template<typename T, typename Traits> class X;
template<typename T, typename Traits>
X<T, Traits> operator+(const X<T, Traits>&, const T*);
template<typename T, typename Traits> class X {
typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type;
friend X operator+<>(const X&, const value_type*);
namespace test7 {
template <class T> class A { // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
friend class B;
int x; // expected-note {{declared private here}}
class B {
int foo(A<int> &a) {
return a.x;
class C {
int foo(A<int> &a) {
return a.x; // expected-error {{'x' is a private member of 'test7::A<int>'}}
// This shouldn't crash.
template <class T> class D {
friend class A; // expected-error {{redefinition of 'A' as different kind of symbol}}
template class D<int>;