blob: c22167315bac11f3d0bc37544a31bfeee4abc303 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PrintPreprocessedOutput.cpp - Implement the -E mode --------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by Chris Lattner and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This code simply runs the preprocessor on the input file and prints out the
// result. This is the traditional behavior of the -E option.
#include "clang.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PPCallbacks.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Pragma.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
#include <cstdio>
using namespace clang;
// Simple buffered I/O
// Empirically, iostream is over 30% slower than stdio for this workload, and
// stdio itself isn't very well suited. The problem with stdio is use of
// putchar_unlocked. We have many newline characters that need to be emitted,
// but stdio needs to do extra checks to handle line buffering mode. These
// extra checks make putchar_unlocked fall off its inlined code path, hitting
// slow system code. In practice, using 'write' directly makes 'clang -E -P'
// about 10% faster than using the stdio path on darwin.
#include <unistd.h>
#define USE_STDIO 1
static char *OutBufStart = 0, *OutBufEnd, *OutBufCur;
/// InitOutputBuffer - Initialize our output buffer.
static void InitOutputBuffer() {
#ifndef USE_STDIO
OutBufStart = new char[64*1024];
OutBufEnd = OutBufStart+64*1024;
OutBufCur = OutBufStart;
/// FlushBuffer - Write the accumulated bytes to the output stream.
static void FlushBuffer() {
#ifndef USE_STDIO
write(STDOUT_FILENO, OutBufStart, OutBufCur-OutBufStart);
OutBufCur = OutBufStart;
/// CleanupOutputBuffer - Finish up output.
static void CleanupOutputBuffer() {
#ifndef USE_STDIO
delete [] OutBufStart;
static void OutputChar(char c) {
#ifdef USE_STDIO
if (OutBufCur >= OutBufEnd)
*OutBufCur++ = c;
static void OutputString(const char *Ptr, unsigned Size) {
#ifdef USE_STDIO
fwrite(Ptr, Size, 1, stdout);
if (OutBufCur+Size >= OutBufEnd)
memcpy(OutBufCur, Ptr, Size);
OutBufCur += Size;
// Preprocessed token printer
static llvm::cl::opt<bool>
DisableLineMarkers("P", llvm::cl::desc("Disable linemarker output in -E mode"));
static llvm::cl::opt<bool>
EnableCommentOutput("C", llvm::cl::desc("Enable comment output in -E mode"));
static llvm::cl::opt<bool>
llvm::cl::desc("Enable comment output in -E mode, "
"even from macro expansions"));
namespace {
class PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks : public PPCallbacks {
Preprocessor &PP;
unsigned CurLine;
std::string CurFilename;
bool EmittedTokensOnThisLine;
DirectoryLookup::DirType FileType;
PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks(Preprocessor &pp) : PP(pp) {
CurLine = 0;
CurFilename = "\"<uninit>\"";
EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
FileType = DirectoryLookup::NormalHeaderDir;
void SetEmittedTokensOnThisLine() { EmittedTokensOnThisLine = true; }
virtual void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
DirectoryLookup::DirType FileType);
virtual void Ident(SourceLocation Loc, const std::string &str);
void HandleFirstTokOnLine(LexerToken &Tok);
void MoveToLine(SourceLocation Loc);
bool AvoidConcat(const LexerToken &PrevTok, const LexerToken &Tok);
/// MoveToLine - Move the output to the source line specified by the location
/// object. We can do this by emitting some number of \n's, or be emitting a
/// #line directive.
void PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::MoveToLine(SourceLocation Loc) {
if (DisableLineMarkers) {
if (EmittedTokensOnThisLine) {
EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
unsigned LineNo = PP.getSourceManager().getLogicalLineNumber(Loc);
// If this line is "close enough" to the original line, just print newlines,
// otherwise print a #line directive.
if (LineNo-CurLine < 8) {
unsigned Line = CurLine;
for (; Line != LineNo; ++Line)
CurLine = Line;
} else {
if (EmittedTokensOnThisLine) {
EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
CurLine = LineNo;
OutputChar(' ');
std::string Num = llvm::utostr_32(LineNo);
OutputString(&Num[0], Num.size());
OutputChar(' ');
OutputString(&CurFilename[0], CurFilename.size());
if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir)
OutputString(" 3", 2);
else if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::ExternCSystemHeaderDir)
OutputString(" 3 4", 4);
/// FileChanged - Whenever the preprocessor enters or exits a #include file
/// it invokes this handler. Update our conception of the current source
/// position.
void PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc,
FileChangeReason Reason,
DirectoryLookup::DirType FileType) {
if (DisableLineMarkers) return;
// Unless we are exiting a #include, make sure to skip ahead to the line the
// #include directive was at.
SourceManager &SourceMgr = PP.getSourceManager();
if (Reason == PPCallbacks::EnterFile) {
} else if (Reason == PPCallbacks::SystemHeaderPragma) {
// TODO GCC emits the # directive for this directive on the line AFTER the
// directive and emits a bunch of spaces that aren't needed. Emulate this
// strange behavior.
Loc = SourceMgr.getLogicalLoc(Loc);
CurLine = SourceMgr.getLineNumber(Loc);
CurFilename = '"' + Lexer::Stringify(SourceMgr.getSourceName(Loc)) + '"';
FileType = FileType;
if (EmittedTokensOnThisLine) {
EmittedTokensOnThisLine = false;
if (DisableLineMarkers) return;
OutputChar(' ');
std::string Num = llvm::utostr_32(CurLine);
OutputString(&Num[0], Num.size());
OutputChar(' ');
OutputString(&CurFilename[0], CurFilename.size());
switch (Reason) {
case PPCallbacks::EnterFile:
OutputString(" 1", 2);
case PPCallbacks::ExitFile:
OutputString(" 2", 2);
case PPCallbacks::SystemHeaderPragma: break;
case PPCallbacks::RenameFile: break;
if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::SystemHeaderDir)
OutputString(" 3", 2);
else if (FileType == DirectoryLookup::ExternCSystemHeaderDir)
OutputString(" 3 4", 4);
/// HandleIdent - Handle #ident directives when read by the preprocessor.
void PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::Ident(SourceLocation Loc, const std::string &S) {
OutputString("#ident ", strlen("#ident "));
OutputString(&S[0], S.size());
EmittedTokensOnThisLine = true;
/// HandleFirstTokOnLine - When emitting a preprocessed file in -E mode, this
/// is called for the first token on each new line.
void PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::HandleFirstTokOnLine(LexerToken &Tok) {
// Figure out what line we went to and insert the appropriate number of
// newline characters.
// Print out space characters so that the first token on a line is
// indented for easy reading.
const SourceManager &SourceMgr = PP.getSourceManager();
unsigned ColNo = SourceMgr.getLogicalColumnNumber(Tok.getLocation());
// This hack prevents stuff like:
// #define HASH #
// HASH define foo bar
// From having the # character end up at column 1, which makes it so it
// is not handled as a #define next time through the preprocessor if in
// -fpreprocessed mode.
if (ColNo <= 1 && Tok.getKind() == tok::hash)
OutputChar(' ');
// Otherwise, indent the appropriate number of spaces.
for (; ColNo > 1; --ColNo)
OutputChar(' ');
namespace {
struct UnknownPragmaHandler : public PragmaHandler {
const char *Prefix;
PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks *Callbacks;
UnknownPragmaHandler(const char *prefix, PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks *callbacks)
: PragmaHandler(0), Prefix(prefix), Callbacks(callbacks) {}
virtual void HandlePragma(Preprocessor &PP, LexerToken &PragmaTok) {
// Figure out what line we went to and insert the appropriate number of
// newline characters.
OutputString(Prefix, strlen(Prefix));
// Read and print all of the pragma tokens.
while (PragmaTok.getKind() != tok::eom) {
if (PragmaTok.hasLeadingSpace())
OutputChar(' ');
std::string TokSpell = PP.getSpelling(PragmaTok);
OutputString(&TokSpell[0], TokSpell.size());
} // end anonymous namespace
/// AvoidConcat - If printing PrevTok immediately followed by Tok would cause
/// the two individual tokens to be lexed as a single token, return true (which
/// causes a space to be printed between them). This allows the output of -E
/// mode to be lexed to the same token stream as lexing the input directly
/// would.
/// This code must conservatively return true if it doesn't want to be 100%
/// accurate. This will cause the output to include extra space characters, but
/// the resulting output won't have incorrect concatenations going on. Examples
/// include "..", which we print with a space between, because we don't want to
/// track enough to tell "x.." from "...".
bool PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks::AvoidConcat(const LexerToken &PrevTok,
const LexerToken &Tok) {
char Buffer[256];
// If we haven't emitted a token on this line yet, PrevTok isn't useful to
// look at and no concatenation could happen anyway.
if (!EmittedTokensOnThisLine)
return false;
// Basic algorithm: we look at the first character of the second token, and
// determine whether it, if appended to the first token, would form (or would
// contribute) to a larger token if concatenated.
char FirstChar;
if (IdentifierInfo *II = Tok.getIdentifierInfo()) {
// Avoid spelling identifiers, the most common form of token.
FirstChar = II->getName()[0];
} else if (Tok.getLength() < 256) {
const char *TokPtr = Buffer;
PP.getSpelling(Tok, TokPtr);
FirstChar = TokPtr[0];
} else {
FirstChar = PP.getSpelling(Tok)[0];
tok::TokenKind PrevKind = PrevTok.getKind();
if (PrevTok.getIdentifierInfo()) // Language keyword or named operator.
PrevKind = tok::identifier;
switch (PrevKind) {
default: return false;
case tok::identifier: // id+id or id+number or id+L"foo".
return isalnum(FirstChar) || FirstChar == '_';
case tok::numeric_constant:
return isalnum(FirstChar) || Tok.getKind() == tok::numeric_constant ||
FirstChar == '+' || FirstChar == '-' || FirstChar == '.';
case tok::period: // ..., .*, .1234
return FirstChar == '.' || FirstChar == '*' || isdigit(FirstChar);
case tok::amp: // &&, &=
return FirstChar == '&' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::plus: // ++, +=
return FirstChar == '+' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::minus: // --, ->, -=, ->*
return FirstChar == '-' || FirstChar == '>' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::slash: // /=, /*, //
return FirstChar == '=' || FirstChar == '*' || FirstChar == '/';
case tok::less: // <<, <<=, <=, <?=, <?, <:, <%
return FirstChar == '<' || FirstChar == '?' || FirstChar == '=' ||
FirstChar == ':' || FirstChar == '%';
case tok::greater: // >>, >=, >>=, >?=, >?, ->*
return FirstChar == '>' || FirstChar == '?' || FirstChar == '=' ||
FirstChar == '*';
case tok::pipe: // ||, |=
return FirstChar == '|' || FirstChar == '=';
case tok::percent: // %=, %>, %:
return FirstChar == '=' || FirstChar == '>' || FirstChar == ':';
case tok::colon: // ::, :>
return FirstChar == ':' || FirstChar == '>';
case tok::hash: // ##, #@, %:%:
return FirstChar == '#' || FirstChar == '@' || FirstChar == '%';
case tok::arrow: // ->*
return FirstChar == '*';
case tok::star: // *=
case tok::exclaim: // !=
case tok::lessless: // <<=
case tok::greaterequal: // >>=
case tok::caret: // ^=
case tok::equal: // ==
// Cases that concatenate only if the next char is =.
return FirstChar == '=';
/// DoPrintPreprocessedInput - This implements -E mode.
void clang::DoPrintPreprocessedInput(unsigned MainFileID, Preprocessor &PP,
const LangOptions &Options) {
// Inform the preprocessor whether we want it to retain comments or not, due
// to -C or -CC.
PP.SetCommentRetentionState(EnableCommentOutput, EnableMacroCommentOutput);
LexerToken Tok, PrevTok;
char Buffer[256];
PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks *Callbacks = new PrintPPOutputPPCallbacks(PP);
PP.AddPragmaHandler(0, new UnknownPragmaHandler("#pragma", Callbacks));
PP.AddPragmaHandler("GCC", new UnknownPragmaHandler("#pragma GCC",Callbacks));
// After we have configured the preprocessor, enter the main file.
// Start parsing the specified input file.
PP.EnterSourceFile(MainFileID, 0, true);
do {
PrevTok = Tok;
// If this token is at the start of a line, emit newlines if needed.
if (Tok.isAtStartOfLine()) {
} else if (Tok.hasLeadingSpace() ||
// Don't print "-" next to "-", it would form "--".
Callbacks->AvoidConcat(PrevTok, Tok)) {
OutputChar(' ');
if (Tok.getLength() < 256) {
const char *TokPtr = Buffer;
unsigned Len = PP.getSpelling(Tok, TokPtr);
OutputString(TokPtr, Len);
} else {
std::string S = PP.getSpelling(Tok);
OutputString(&S[0], S.size());
} while (Tok.getKind() != tok::eof);