blob: 323358e0c3b7227845d07d6067cd4d6d90949b3b [file] [log] [blame]
//== GRTransferFuncs.h - Path-Sens. Transfer Functions Interface -*- C++ -*--=//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines GRTransferFuncs, which provides a base-class that
// defines an interface for transfer functions used by GRExprEngine.
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/RValues.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/GRCoreEngine.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/ValueState.h"
namespace clang {
class GRExprEngine;
class ObjCMessageExpr;
class GRTransferFuncs {
GRTransferFuncs() {}
virtual ~GRTransferFuncs() {}
virtual ValueState::CheckerStatePrinter* getCheckerStatePrinter() {
return NULL;
virtual void RegisterChecks(GRExprEngine& Eng);
// Casts.
virtual RVal EvalCast(GRExprEngine& Engine, NonLVal V, QualType CastT) =0;
virtual RVal EvalCast(GRExprEngine& Engine, LVal V, QualType CastT) = 0;
// Unary Operators.
virtual RVal EvalMinus(GRExprEngine& Engine, UnaryOperator* U, NonLVal X) = 0;
virtual RVal EvalComplement(GRExprEngine& Engine, NonLVal X) = 0;
// Binary Operators.
virtual RVal EvalBinOp(GRExprEngine& Engine, BinaryOperator::Opcode Op,
NonLVal L, NonLVal R) = 0;
virtual RVal EvalBinOp(GRExprEngine& Engine, BinaryOperator::Opcode Op,
LVal L, LVal R) = 0;
// Pointer arithmetic.
virtual RVal EvalBinOp(GRExprEngine& Engine, BinaryOperator::Opcode Op,
LVal L, NonLVal R) = 0;
// Calls.
virtual void EvalCall(ExplodedNodeSet<ValueState>& Dst,
GRExprEngine& Engine,
GRStmtNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder,
CallExpr* CE, RVal L,
ExplodedNode<ValueState>* Pred) {}
virtual void EvalObjCMessageExpr(ExplodedNodeSet<ValueState>& Dst,
GRExprEngine& Engine,
GRStmtNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder,
ObjCMessageExpr* ME,
ExplodedNode<ValueState>* Pred) {}
// Stores.
/// EvalStore - Evaluate the effects of a store, creating a new node
/// the represents the effect of binding 'Val' to the location 'TargetLV'.
// TargetLV is guaranteed to either be an UnknownVal or an LVal.
virtual void EvalStore(ExplodedNodeSet<ValueState>& Dst,
GRExprEngine& Engine,
GRStmtNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder,
Expr* E, ExplodedNode<ValueState>* Pred,
ValueState* St, RVal TargetLV, RVal Val);
// End-of-path and dead symbol notification.
virtual void EvalEndPath(GRExprEngine& Engine,
GREndPathNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder) {}
virtual void EvalDeadSymbols(ExplodedNodeSet<ValueState>& Dst,
GRExprEngine& Engine,
GRStmtNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder,
ExplodedNode<ValueState>* Pred,
Stmt* S,
ValueState* St,
const ValueStateManager::DeadSymbolsTy& Dead) {}
// Return statements.
virtual void EvalReturn(ExplodedNodeSet<ValueState>& Dst,
GRExprEngine& Engine,
GRStmtNodeBuilder<ValueState>& Builder,
ReturnStmt* S,
ExplodedNode<ValueState>* Pred) {}
// Assumptions.
virtual ValueState* EvalAssume(GRExprEngine& Engine, ValueState* St,
RVal Cond, bool Assumption, bool& isFeasible) {
return St;
} // end clang namespace