blob: 3403c6e2d177ba62b8f5aa0eb005f14b8cad8250 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PCHWriter.h - Precompiled Headers Writer ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the PCHWriter class, which writes a precompiled
// header containing a serialized representation of a translation
// unit.
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclarationName.h"
#include "clang/AST/TemplateBase.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/PCHBitCodes.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/PCHDeserializationListener.h"
#include "clang/Sema/SemaConsumer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Bitcode/BitstreamWriter.h"
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class APFloat;
class APInt;
class BitstreamWriter;
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class NestedNameSpecifier;
class CXXBaseSpecifier;
class CXXBaseOrMemberInitializer;
class LabelStmt;
class MacroDefinition;
class MemorizeStatCalls;
class PCHReader;
class Preprocessor;
class Sema;
class SourceManager;
class SwitchCase;
class TargetInfo;
/// A structure for putting "fast"-unqualified QualTypes into a
/// DenseMap. This uses the standard pointer hash function.
struct UnsafeQualTypeDenseMapInfo {
static inline bool isEqual(QualType A, QualType B) { return A == B; }
static inline QualType getEmptyKey() {
return QualType::getFromOpaquePtr((void*) 1);
static inline QualType getTombstoneKey() {
return QualType::getFromOpaquePtr((void*) 2);
static inline unsigned getHashValue(QualType T) {
assert(!T.getLocalFastQualifiers() &&
"hash invalid for types with fast quals");
uintptr_t v = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(T.getAsOpaquePtr());
return (unsigned(v) >> 4) ^ (unsigned(v) >> 9);
/// \brief Writes a precompiled header containing the contents of a
/// translation unit.
/// The PCHWriter class produces a bitstream containing the serialized
/// representation of a given abstract syntax tree and its supporting
/// data structures. This bitstream can be de-serialized via an
/// instance of the PCHReader class.
class PCHWriter : public PCHDeserializationListener {
typedef llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 64> RecordData;
friend class PCHDeclWriter;
/// \brief The bitstream writer used to emit this precompiled header.
llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream;
/// \brief The reader of existing PCH files, if we're chaining.
PCHReader *Chain;
/// \brief Stores a declaration or a type to be written to the PCH file.
class DeclOrType {
DeclOrType(Decl *D) : Stored(D), IsType(false) { }
DeclOrType(QualType T) : Stored(T.getAsOpaquePtr()), IsType(true) { }
bool isType() const { return IsType; }
bool isDecl() const { return !IsType; }
QualType getType() const {
assert(isType() && "Not a type!");
return QualType::getFromOpaquePtr(Stored);
Decl *getDecl() const {
assert(isDecl() && "Not a decl!");
return static_cast<Decl *>(Stored);
void *Stored;
bool IsType;
/// \brief The declarations and types to emit.
std::queue<DeclOrType> DeclTypesToEmit;
/// \brief The first ID number we can use for our own declarations.
pch::DeclID FirstDeclID;
/// \brief The decl ID that will be assigned to the next new decl.
pch::DeclID NextDeclID;
/// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each declaration within
/// the output stream, as well as those deserialized from a chained PCH.
/// The ID numbers of declarations are consecutive (in order of
/// discovery) and start at 2. 1 is reserved for the translation
/// unit, while 0 is reserved for NULL.
llvm::DenseMap<const Decl *, pch::DeclID> DeclIDs;
/// \brief Offset of each declaration in the bitstream, indexed by
/// the declaration's ID.
std::vector<uint32_t> DeclOffsets;
/// \brief The first ID number we can use for our own types.
pch::TypeID FirstTypeID;
/// \brief The type ID that will be assigned to the next new type.
pch::TypeID NextTypeID;
/// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each type within the
/// output stream, plus those deserialized from a chained PCH.
/// The ID numbers of types are consecutive (in order of discovery)
/// and start at 1. 0 is reserved for NULL. When types are actually
/// stored in the stream, the ID number is shifted by 2 bits to
/// allow for the const/volatile qualifiers.
/// Keys in the map never have const/volatile qualifiers.
llvm::DenseMap<QualType, pch::TypeID, UnsafeQualTypeDenseMapInfo> TypeIDs;
/// \brief Offset of each type in the bitstream, indexed by
/// the type's ID.
std::vector<uint32_t> TypeOffsets;
/// \brief The first ID number we can use for our own identifiers.
pch::IdentID FirstIdentID;
/// \brief The identifier ID that will be assigned to the next new identifier.
pch::IdentID NextIdentID;
/// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each identifier in
/// the output stream.
/// The ID numbers for identifiers are consecutive (in order of
/// discovery), starting at 1. An ID of zero refers to a NULL
/// IdentifierInfo.
llvm::DenseMap<const IdentifierInfo *, pch::IdentID> IdentifierIDs;
/// \brief Offsets of each of the identifier IDs into the identifier
/// table.
std::vector<uint32_t> IdentifierOffsets;
/// \brief Map that provides the ID numbers of each Selector.
llvm::DenseMap<Selector, pch::SelectorID> SelectorIDs;
/// \brief Offset of each selector within the method pool/selector
/// table, indexed by the Selector ID (-1).
std::vector<uint32_t> SelectorOffsets;
/// \brief A vector of all Selectors (ordered by ID).
std::vector<Selector> SelVector;
/// \brief Offsets of each of the macro identifiers into the
/// bitstream.
/// For each identifier that is associated with a macro, this map
/// provides the offset into the bitstream where that macro is
/// defined.
llvm::DenseMap<const IdentifierInfo *, uint64_t> MacroOffsets;
/// \brief Mapping from macro definitions (as they occur in the preprocessing
/// record) to the index into the macro definitions table.
llvm::DenseMap<const MacroDefinition *, pch::IdentID> MacroDefinitions;
/// \brief Mapping from the macro definition indices in \c MacroDefinitions
/// to the corresponding offsets within the preprocessor block.
std::vector<uint32_t> MacroDefinitionOffsets;
typedef llvm::DenseMap<Decl *, Decl *> FirstLatestDeclMap;
/// \brief Map of first declarations from a chained PCH that point to the
/// most recent declarations in another PCH.
FirstLatestDeclMap FirstLatestDecls;
/// \brief Declarations encountered that might be external
/// definitions.
/// We keep track of external definitions (as well as tentative
/// definitions) as we are emitting declarations to the PCH
/// file. The PCH file contains a separate record for these external
/// definitions, which are provided to the AST consumer by the PCH
/// reader. This is behavior is required to properly cope with,
/// e.g., tentative variable definitions that occur within
/// headers. The declarations themselves are stored as declaration
/// IDs, since they will be written out to an EXTERNAL_DEFINITIONS
/// record.
llvm::SmallVector<uint64_t, 16> ExternalDefinitions;
/// \brief Statements that we've encountered while serializing a
/// declaration or type.
llvm::SmallVector<Stmt *, 16> StmtsToEmit;
/// \brief Statements collection to use for PCHWriter::AddStmt().
/// It will point to StmtsToEmit unless it is overriden.
llvm::SmallVector<Stmt *, 16> *CollectedStmts;
/// \brief Mapping from SwitchCase statements to IDs.
std::map<SwitchCase *, unsigned> SwitchCaseIDs;
/// \brief Mapping from LabelStmt statements to IDs.
std::map<LabelStmt *, unsigned> LabelIDs;
/// \brief The number of statements written to the PCH file.
unsigned NumStatements;
/// \brief The number of macros written to the PCH file.
unsigned NumMacros;
/// \brief The number of lexical declcontexts written to the PCH
/// file.
unsigned NumLexicalDeclContexts;
/// \brief The number of visible declcontexts written to the PCH
/// file.
unsigned NumVisibleDeclContexts;
/// \brief Write the given subexpression to the bitstream.
void WriteSubStmt(Stmt *S);
void WriteBlockInfoBlock();
void WriteMetadata(ASTContext &Context, const char *isysroot);
void WriteLanguageOptions(const LangOptions &LangOpts);
void WriteStatCache(MemorizeStatCalls &StatCalls);
void WriteSourceManagerBlock(SourceManager &SourceMgr,
const Preprocessor &PP,
const char* isysroot);
void WritePreprocessor(const Preprocessor &PP);
void WriteType(QualType T);
uint64_t WriteDeclContextLexicalBlock(ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *DC);
uint64_t WriteDeclContextVisibleBlock(ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *DC);
void WriteTypeDeclOffsets();
void WriteMethodPool(Sema &SemaRef);
void WriteReferencedSelectorsPool(Sema &SemaRef);
void WriteIdentifierTable(Preprocessor &PP);
void WriteAttributeRecord(const Attr *Attr);
unsigned ParmVarDeclAbbrev;
unsigned DeclContextLexicalAbbrev;
void WriteDeclsBlockAbbrevs();
void WriteDecl(ASTContext &Context, Decl *D);
void WritePCHCore(Sema &SemaRef, MemorizeStatCalls *StatCalls,
const char* isysroot);
void WritePCHChain(Sema &SemaRef, MemorizeStatCalls *StatCalls,
const char* isysroot);
/// \brief Create a new precompiled header writer that outputs to
/// the given bitstream.
PCHWriter(llvm::BitstreamWriter &Stream);
/// \brief Write a precompiled header for the given semantic analysis.
/// \param SemaRef a reference to the semantic analysis object that processed
/// the AST to be written into the precompiled header.
/// \param StatCalls the object that cached all of the stat() calls made while
/// searching for source files and headers.
/// \param isysroot if non-NULL, write a relocatable PCH file whose headers
/// are relative to the given system root.
/// \param PPRec Record of the preprocessing actions that occurred while
/// preprocessing this file, e.g., macro instantiations
void WritePCH(Sema &SemaRef, MemorizeStatCalls *StatCalls,
const char* isysroot);
/// \brief Emit a source location.
void AddSourceLocation(SourceLocation Loc, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a source range.
void AddSourceRange(SourceRange Range, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit an integral value.
void AddAPInt(const llvm::APInt &Value, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a signed integral value.
void AddAPSInt(const llvm::APSInt &Value, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a floating-point value.
void AddAPFloat(const llvm::APFloat &Value, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a reference to an identifier.
void AddIdentifierRef(const IdentifierInfo *II, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a Selector (which is a smart pointer reference).
void AddSelectorRef(Selector, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a CXXTemporary.
void AddCXXTemporary(const CXXTemporary *Temp, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Get the unique number used to refer to the given
/// identifier.
pch::IdentID getIdentifierRef(const IdentifierInfo *II);
/// \brief Retrieve the offset of the macro definition for the given
/// identifier.
/// The identifier must refer to a macro.
uint64_t getMacroOffset(const IdentifierInfo *II) {
assert(MacroOffsets.find(II) != MacroOffsets.end() &&
"Identifier does not name a macro");
return MacroOffsets[II];
/// \brief Retrieve the ID number corresponding to the given macro
/// definition.
pch::IdentID getMacroDefinitionID(MacroDefinition *MD);
/// \brief Emit a reference to a type.
void AddTypeRef(QualType T, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emits a reference to a declarator info.
void AddTypeSourceInfo(TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emits a template argument location info.
void AddTemplateArgumentLocInfo(TemplateArgument::ArgKind Kind,
const TemplateArgumentLocInfo &Arg,
RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emits a template argument location.
void AddTemplateArgumentLoc(const TemplateArgumentLoc &Arg,
RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a reference to a declaration.
void AddDeclRef(const Decl *D, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Force a declaration to be emitted and get its ID.
pch::DeclID GetDeclRef(const Decl *D);
/// \brief Determine the declaration ID of an already-emitted
/// declaration.
pch::DeclID getDeclID(const Decl *D);
/// \brief Emit a declaration name.
void AddDeclarationName(DeclarationName Name, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a nested name specifier.
void AddNestedNameSpecifier(NestedNameSpecifier *NNS, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a template name.
void AddTemplateName(TemplateName Name, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a template argument.
void AddTemplateArgument(const TemplateArgument &Arg, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a template parameter list.
void AddTemplateParameterList(const TemplateParameterList *TemplateParams,
RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a template argument list.
void AddTemplateArgumentList(const TemplateArgumentList *TemplateArgs,
RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Emit a UnresolvedSet structure.
void AddUnresolvedSet(const UnresolvedSetImpl &Set, RecordData &Record);
/// brief Emit a C++ base specifier.
void AddCXXBaseSpecifier(const CXXBaseSpecifier &Base, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Add a string to the given record.
void AddString(const std::string &Str, RecordData &Record);
/// \brief Note that the identifier II occurs at the given offset
/// within the identifier table.
void SetIdentifierOffset(const IdentifierInfo *II, uint32_t Offset);
/// \brief Note that the selector Sel occurs at the given offset
/// within the method pool/selector table.
void SetSelectorOffset(Selector Sel, uint32_t Offset);
/// \brief Add the given statement or expression to the queue of
/// statements to emit.
/// This routine should be used when emitting types and declarations
/// that have expressions as part of their formulation. Once the
/// type or declaration has been written, call FlushStmts() to write
/// the corresponding statements just after the type or
/// declaration.
void AddStmt(Stmt *S) {
/// \brief Flush all of the statements and expressions that have
/// been added to the queue via AddStmt().
void FlushStmts();
/// \brief Record an ID for the given switch-case statement.
unsigned RecordSwitchCaseID(SwitchCase *S);
/// \brief Retrieve the ID for the given switch-case statement.
unsigned getSwitchCaseID(SwitchCase *S);
/// \brief Retrieve the ID for the given label statement, which may
/// or may not have been emitted yet.
unsigned GetLabelID(LabelStmt *S);
unsigned getParmVarDeclAbbrev() const { return ParmVarDeclAbbrev; }
bool hasChain() const { return Chain; }
// PCHDeserializationListener implementation
void SetReader(PCHReader *Reader);
void IdentifierRead(pch::IdentID ID, IdentifierInfo *II);
void TypeRead(pch::TypeID ID, QualType T);
void DeclRead(pch::DeclID ID, const Decl *D);
/// \brief AST and semantic-analysis consumer that generates a
/// precompiled header from the parsed source code.
class PCHGenerator : public SemaConsumer {
const Preprocessor &PP;
const char *isysroot;
llvm::raw_ostream *Out;
Sema *SemaPtr;
MemorizeStatCalls *StatCalls; // owned by the FileManager
std::vector<unsigned char> Buffer;
llvm::BitstreamWriter Stream;
PCHWriter Writer;
PCHGenerator(const Preprocessor &PP, bool Chaining,
const char *isysroot, llvm::raw_ostream *Out);
virtual void InitializeSema(Sema &S) { SemaPtr = &S; }
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Ctx);
virtual PCHDeserializationListener *GetPCHDeserializationListener();
} // end namespace clang