blob: b1ca3eeec98960c326a261b2294c03770f21b223 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-experimental-internal-checks -analyzer-check-objc-mem -analyzer-experimental-checks -verify %s
// Trigger a warning if the analyzer reaches this point in the control flow.
#define WARN ((void)*(char*)0)
// There should be no warnings unless otherwise indicated.
void testComparisons (int a) {
// Sema can already catch the simple comparison a==a,
// since that's usually a logic error (and not path-dependent).
int b = a;
if (!(b==a)) WARN;
if (!(b>=a)) WARN;
if (!(b<=a)) WARN;
if (b!=a) WARN;
if (b>a) WARN;
if (b<a) WARN;
void testSelfOperations (int a) {
if ((a|a) != a) WARN; // expected-warning{{Both operands to '|' always have the same value}}
if ((a&a) != a) WARN; // expected-warning{{Both operands to '&' always have the same value}}
if ((a^a) != 0) WARN; // expected-warning{{Both operands to '^' always have the same value}}
if ((a-a) != 0) WARN; // expected-warning{{Both operands to '-' always have the same value}}
void testIdempotent (int a) {
if ((a*1) != a) WARN;
if ((a/1) != a) WARN;
if ((a+0) != a) WARN;
if ((a-0) != a) WARN;
if ((a<<0) != a) WARN;
if ((a>>0) != a) WARN;
if ((a^0) != a) WARN;
if ((a&(~0)) != a) WARN;
if ((a|0) != a) WARN;
void testReductionToConstant (int a) {
if ((a*0) != 0) WARN;
if ((a&0) != 0) WARN;
if ((a|(~0)) != (~0)) WARN;
void testSymmetricIntSymOperations (int a) {
if ((2+a) != (a+2)) WARN;
if ((2*a) != (a*2)) WARN;
if ((2&a) != (a&2)) WARN;
if ((2^a) != (a^2)) WARN;
if ((2|a) != (a|2)) WARN;
void testAsymmetricIntSymOperations (int a) {
if (((~0) >> a) != (~0)) WARN;
if ((0 >> a) != 0) WARN;
if ((0 << a) != 0) WARN;
// Unsigned right shift shifts in zeroes.
if ((((unsigned)(~0)) >> ((unsigned) a)) != ((unsigned)(~0)))
WARN; // expected-warning{{}}
void testLocations (char *a) {
char *b = a;
if (!(b==a)) WARN;
if (!(b>=a)) WARN;
if (!(b<=a)) WARN;
if (b!=a) WARN;
if (b>a) WARN;
if (b<a) WARN;
if (b-a) WARN; // expected-warning{{Both operands to '-' always have the same value}}