blob: d307d13022f9c85147aa41a679eff8be0e69a89e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: clang -fsyntax-only -verify %s
@interface I
int IVAR;
@property int d1;
@property id prop_id;
@interface I(CAT)
@property int d1;
@implementation I
@synthesize d1; // expected-error {{property synthesize requires specification of an ivar}}
@dynamic bad; // expected-error {{property implementation must have its declaration in the class 'I'}}
@synthesize prop_id; // expected-error {{property synthesize requires specification of an ivar}}
@synthesize prop_id = IVAR; // expected-error {{type of property 'prop_id' does not match type of ivar 'IVAR'}}
@implementation I(CAT)
@synthesize d1; // expected-error {{@synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation}}
@dynamic bad; // expected-error {{property implementation must have its declaration in the category 'CAT'}}
@implementation E // expected-warning {{cannot find interface declaration for 'E'}}
@dynamic d; // expected-error {{property implementation must have its declaration in the class 'E'}}
@implementation Q(MYCAT) // expected-error {{cannot find interface declaration for 'Q'}}
@dynamic d; // expected-error {{property implementation in a category with no category declaration}}