blob: 30d56081c5c8b70c7cba2032d40b04c9a7f92c71 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: clang -fsyntax-only -verify %s
@interface A
-(float) x; // expected-note {{declared at}}
@property int x; // expected-error {{type of property 'x' does not match type of accessor 'x'}}
@interface A (Cat)
@property int moo; // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
@implementation A (Cat)
-(int) moo {
return 0;
-(void) setMoo: (float) x { // expected-warning {{conflicting types for 'setMoo:'}}
typedef int T[2];
typedef void (F)(void);
@interface C
@property(assign) T p2; // expected-error {{property cannot have array or function type 'T'}}
@property(assign) F f2; // expected-error {{property cannot have array or function type 'F'}}