blob: 34c09b85b1a33e1b2aef3a97ba8b4e00084d09d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm %s -o - -cxx-abi microsoft -triple=i386-pc-win32 -fno-rtti > %t 2>&1
// RUN: FileCheck %s < %t
// Using a different check prefix as the inline destructors might be placed
// anywhere in the output.
// RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=DTORS %s < %t
class A {
A() { }
~A() { }
void no_constructor_destructor_infinite_recursion() {
A a;
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr x86_thiscallcc %class.A* @"\01??0A@@QAE@XZ"(%class.A* %this)
// CHECK: [[THIS_ADDR:%[.0-9A-Z_a-z]+]] = alloca %class.A*, align 4
// CHECK-NEXT: store %class.A* %this, %class.A** [[THIS_ADDR]], align 4
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%[.0-9A-Z_a-z]+]] = load %class.A** [[THIS_ADDR]]
// CHECK-NEXT: ret %class.A* [[T1]]
// Make sure that the destructor doesn't call itself:
// CHECK: define {{.*}} @"\01??1A@@QAE@XZ"
// CHECK-NOT: call void @"\01??1A@@QAE@XZ"
// CHECK: ret
struct B {
virtual ~B() {
// Complete destructor first:
// DTORS: define {{.*}} x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1B@@UAE@XZ"(%struct.B* %this)
// Then, the scalar deleting destructor (used in the vtable):
// DTORS: define {{.*}} x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??_GB@@UAEPAXI@Z"(%struct.B* %this, i1 zeroext %should_call_delete)
// DTORS: %[[FROMBOOL:[0-9a-z]+]] = zext i1 %should_call_delete to i8
// DTORS-NEXT: store i8 %[[FROMBOOL]], i8* %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VAR:[0-9a-z._]+]], align 1
// DTORS: %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VALUE:[0-9a-z._]+]] = load i8* %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VAR]]
// DTORS: call x86_thiscallcc void @"\01??1B@@UAE@XZ"(%struct.B* %[[THIS:[0-9a-z]+]])
// DTORS-NEXT: %[[CONDITION:[0-9]+]] = icmp eq i8 %[[SHOULD_DELETE_VALUE]], 0
// DTORS-NEXT: br i1 %[[CONDITION]], label %[[CONTINUE_LABEL:[0-9a-z._]+]], label %[[CALL_DELETE_LABEL:[0-9a-z._]+]]
// DTORS-NEXT: %[[THIS_AS_VOID:[0-9a-z]+]] = bitcast %struct.B* %[[THIS]] to i8*
// DTORS-NEXT: call void @"\01??3@YAXPAX@Z"(i8* %[[THIS_AS_VOID]]) nounwind
// DTORS-NEXT: ret void
virtual void foo();
// Emits the vftable in the output.
void B::foo() {}
void check_vftable_offset() {
B b;
// The vftable pointer should point at the beginning of the vftable.
// CHECK: [[THIS_PTR:%[0-9]+]] = bitcast %struct.B* {{.*}} to i8***
// CHECK: store i8** getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8*]* @"\01??_7B@@6B@", i64 0, i64 0), i8*** [[THIS_PTR]]
// FIXME: Enable the following block and add expectations when calls
// to virtual complete dtor are supported.
#if 0
void call_complete_dtor(B *obj_ptr) {
void call_deleting_dtor(B *obj_ptr) {
// FIXME: Add CHECKs when calls to virtual deleting dtor are generated properly.
delete obj_ptr;
struct C {
static int foo();
C() {
static int ctor_static = foo();
// CHECK that the static in the ctor gets mangled correctly:
// CHECK: @"\01?ctor_static@?1???0C@@QAE@XZ@4HA"
~C() {
static int dtor_static = foo();
// CHECK that the static in the dtor gets mangled correctly:
// CHECK: @"\01?dtor_static@?1???1C@@QAE@XZ@4HA"
void use_C() { C c; }