blob: c373f498470ec53f55f593dc58652ddcc44e310f [file] [log] [blame]
// This is an IR generation test because the calculation of visibility
// during IR gen will cause linkage to be implicitly recomputed and
// compared against the earlier cached value. If we had a way of
// testing linkage directly in Sema, that would be better.
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Werror -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-llvm %s -o - | FileCheck %s
// PR8926
namespace test0 {
typedef struct {
void *foo() { return 0; }
} A;
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr i8* @_ZN5test01A3fooEv(
void test(A *a) {
namespace test1 {
typedef struct {
template <unsigned n> void *foo() { return 0; }
void foo() {
} A;
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN5test11A3fooEv(
// another at the end
void test(A *a) {
namespace test2 {
typedef struct {
template <unsigned n> struct B {
void *foo() { return 0; }
void foo(B<0> *b) {
} A;
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN5test21A3fooEPNS0_1BILj0EEE(
void test(A *a) {
namespace test3 {
namespace { struct A {}; }
// CHECK: define internal void @_ZN5test34testENS_12_GLOBAL__N_11AE(
void test(A a) {}
void force() { test(A()); }
// CHECK: define void @test3(
extern "C" void test3(A a) {}
namespace {
// CHECK: define void @test4(
extern "C" void test4(void) {}
// PR9316: Ensure that even non-namespace-scope function declarations in
// a C declaration context respect that over the anonymous namespace.
extern "C" {
namespace {
struct X {
int f() {
extern int g();
// FIXME: We don't compute the correct linkage for this variable
// at the moment
// extern int a;
// Test both for mangling in the code generation and warnings from use
// of internal, undefined names via -Werror.
// CHECK: call i32 @g(
// FIXME: load i32* @a,
return g();// + a;
// Force the above function to be emitted by codegen.
int test(X& x) {
return x.f();
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr i8* @_ZN5test21A1BILj0EE3fooEv(
// CHECK: define linkonce_odr i8* @_ZN5test11A3fooILj0EEEPvv(