blob: 1bd3047f5ad042d7f601509057ede1b0b7eedaed [file] [log] [blame]
//==--- - libdriver diagnostics ------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
let Component = "Driver" in {
def err_drv_no_such_file : Error<"no such file or directory: '%0'">;
def err_drv_unsupported_opt : Error<"unsupported option '%0'">;
def err_drv_unknown_stdin_type : Error<
"-E or -x required when input is from standard input">;
def err_drv_unknown_language : Error<"language not recognized: '%0'">;
def err_drv_invalid_opt_with_multiple_archs : Error<
"option '%0' cannot be used with multiple -arch options">;
def err_drv_invalid_output_with_multiple_archs : Error<
"cannot use '%0' output with multiple -arch options">;
def err_drv_no_input_files : Error<"no input files">;
def err_drv_use_of_Z_option : Error<
"unsupported use of internal gcc -Z option '%0'">;
def err_drv_output_argument_with_multiple_files : Error<
"cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files">;
def err_drv_unable_to_make_temp : Error<
"unable to make temporary file: %0">;
def err_drv_unable_to_remove_file : Error<
"unable to remove file: %0">;
def warn_drv_input_file_unused : Warning<
"%0: '%1' input file unused when '%2' is present">;
def warn_drv_unused_argument : Warning<
"argument unused during compilation: '%0'">;
def warn_drv_pipe_ignored_with_save_temps : Warning<
"-pipe ignored because -save-temps specified">;