blob: 2ed89c6f7d4c84df72b97417cfbc88b1620f507f [file] [log] [blame]
//== BasicStore.cpp - Basic map from Locations to Values --------*- C++ -*--==//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defined the BasicStore and BasicStoreManager classes.
#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/LiveVariables.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/BasicStore.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathSensitive/GRState.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ImmutableMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Streams.h"
using namespace clang;
namespace {
class VISIBILITY_HIDDEN BasicStoreManager : public StoreManager {
typedef llvm::ImmutableMap<VarDecl*,RVal> VarBindingsTy;
VarBindingsTy::Factory VBFactory;
BasicStoreManager(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator& A) : VBFactory(A) {}
virtual ~BasicStoreManager() {}
virtual RVal GetRVal(Store St, LVal LV, QualType T);
virtual Store SetRVal(Store St, LVal LV, RVal V);
virtual Store Remove(Store St, LVal LV);
virtual Store getInitialStore(GRStateManager& StateMgr);
virtual Store RemoveDeadBindings(Store store, Stmt* Loc,
const LiveVariables& Live,
DeclRootsTy& DRoots, LiveSymbolsTy& LSymbols,
DeadSymbolsTy& DSymbols);
virtual Store AddDecl(Store store, GRStateManager& StateMgr,
const VarDecl* VD, Expr* Ex,
RVal InitVal = UndefinedVal(), unsigned Count = 0);
static inline VarBindingsTy GetVarBindings(Store store) {
return VarBindingsTy(static_cast<const VarBindingsTy::TreeTy*>(store));
virtual void print(Store store, std::ostream& Out,
const char* nl, const char *sep);
} // end anonymous namespace
StoreManager* clang::CreateBasicStoreManager(llvm::BumpPtrAllocator& A) {
return new BasicStoreManager(A);
RVal BasicStoreManager::GetRVal(Store St, LVal LV, QualType T) {
if (isa<UnknownVal>(LV))
return UnknownVal();
assert (!isa<UndefinedVal>(LV));
switch (LV.getSubKind()) {
case lval::DeclValKind: {
VarBindingsTy B(static_cast<const VarBindingsTy::TreeTy*>(St));
VarBindingsTy::data_type* T = B.lookup(cast<lval::DeclVal>(LV).getDecl());
return T ? *T : UnknownVal();
case lval::SymbolValKind: {
// FIXME: This is a broken representation of memory, and is prone
// to crashing the analyzer when addresses to symbolic values are
// passed through casts. We need a better representation of symbolic
// memory (or just memory in general); probably we should do this
// as a plugin class (similar to GRTransferFuncs).
#if 0
const lval::SymbolVal& SV = cast<lval::SymbolVal>(LV);
assert (T.getTypePtr());
// Punt on "symbolic" function pointers.
if (T->isFunctionType())
return UnknownVal();
if (T->isPointerType())
return lval::SymbolVal(SymMgr.getContentsOfSymbol(SV.getSymbol()));
return nonlval::SymbolVal(SymMgr.getContentsOfSymbol(SV.getSymbol()));
return UnknownVal();
case lval::ConcreteIntKind:
// Some clients may call GetRVal with such an option simply because
// they are doing a quick scan through their LVals (potentially to
// invalidate their bindings). Just return Undefined.
return UndefinedVal();
case lval::ArrayOffsetKind:
case lval::FieldOffsetKind:
return UnknownVal();
case lval::FuncValKind:
return LV;
case lval::StringLiteralValKind:
// FIXME: Implement better support for fetching characters from strings.
return UnknownVal();
assert (false && "Invalid LVal.");
return UnknownVal();
Store BasicStoreManager::SetRVal(Store store, LVal LV, RVal V) {
switch (LV.getSubKind()) {
case lval::DeclValKind: {
VarBindingsTy B = GetVarBindings(store);
return V.isUnknown()
? VBFactory.Remove(B,cast<lval::DeclVal>(LV).getDecl()).getRoot()
: VBFactory.Add(B, cast<lval::DeclVal>(LV).getDecl(), V).getRoot();
assert ("SetRVal for given LVal type not yet implemented.");
return store;
Store BasicStoreManager::Remove(Store store, LVal LV) {
switch (LV.getSubKind()) {
case lval::DeclValKind: {
VarBindingsTy B = GetVarBindings(store);
return VBFactory.Remove(B,cast<lval::DeclVal>(LV).getDecl()).getRoot();
assert ("Remove for given LVal type not yet implemented.");
return store;
Store BasicStoreManager::RemoveDeadBindings(Store store,
Stmt* Loc,
const LiveVariables& Liveness,
DeclRootsTy& DRoots,
LiveSymbolsTy& LSymbols,
DeadSymbolsTy& DSymbols) {
VarBindingsTy B = GetVarBindings(store);
typedef RVal::symbol_iterator symbol_iterator;
// Iterate over the variable bindings.
for (VarBindingsTy::iterator I=B.begin(), E=B.end(); I!=E ; ++I)
if (Liveness.isLive(Loc, I.getKey())) {
RVal X = I.getData();
for (symbol_iterator SI=X.symbol_begin(), SE=X.symbol_end(); SI!=SE; ++SI)
// Scan for live variables and live symbols.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl*, 10> Marked;
while (!DRoots.empty()) {
ValueDecl* V = DRoots.back();
if (Marked.count(V))
RVal X = GetRVal(store, lval::DeclVal(cast<VarDecl>(V)), QualType());
for (symbol_iterator SI=X.symbol_begin(), SE=X.symbol_end(); SI!=SE; ++SI)
if (!isa<lval::DeclVal>(X))
const lval::DeclVal& LVD = cast<lval::DeclVal>(X);
// Remove dead variable bindings.
for (VarBindingsTy::iterator I=B.begin(), E=B.end(); I!=E ; ++I)
if (!Marked.count(I.getKey())) {
store = Remove(store, lval::DeclVal(I.getKey()));
RVal X = I.getData();
for (symbol_iterator SI=X.symbol_begin(), SE=X.symbol_end(); SI!=SE; ++SI)
if (!LSymbols.count(*SI)) DSymbols.insert(*SI);
return store;
Store BasicStoreManager::getInitialStore(GRStateManager& StateMgr) {
// The LiveVariables information already has a compilation of all VarDecls
// used in the function. Iterate through this set, and "symbolicate"
// any VarDecl whose value originally comes from outside the function.
typedef LiveVariables::AnalysisDataTy LVDataTy;
LVDataTy& D = StateMgr.getLiveVariables().getAnalysisData();
Store St = VBFactory.GetEmptyMap().getRoot();
for (LVDataTy::decl_iterator I=D.begin_decl(), E=D.end_decl(); I != E; ++I) {
ScopedDecl* SD = const_cast<ScopedDecl*>(I->first);
if (VarDecl* VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(SD)) {
// Punt on static variables for now.
if (VD->getStorageClass() == VarDecl::Static)
// Only handle pointers and integers for now.
QualType T = VD->getType();
if (LVal::IsLValType(T) || T->isIntegerType()) {
// Initialize globals and parameters to symbolic values.
// Initialize local variables to undefined.
RVal X = (VD->hasGlobalStorage() || isa<ParmVarDecl>(VD) ||
? RVal::GetSymbolValue(StateMgr.getSymbolManager(), VD)
: UndefinedVal();
St = SetRVal(St, lval::DeclVal(VD), X);
return St;
Store BasicStoreManager::AddDecl(Store store, GRStateManager& StateMgr,
const VarDecl* VD, Expr* Ex,
RVal InitVal, unsigned Count) {
BasicValueFactory& BasicVals = StateMgr.getBasicVals();
SymbolManager& SymMgr = StateMgr.getSymbolManager();
// BasicStore does not model arrays and structs.
if (VD->getType()->isArrayType() || VD->getType()->isStructureType())
return store;
if (VD->hasGlobalStorage()) {
// Handle variables with global storage: extern, static, PrivateExtern.
// FIXME:: static variables may have an initializer, but the second time a
// function is called those values may not be current. Currently, a function
// will not be called more than once.
// Static global variables should not be visited here.
assert(!(VD->getStorageClass() == VarDecl::Static &&
// Process static variables.
if (VD->getStorageClass() == VarDecl::Static) {
// C99: 6.7.8 Initialization
// If an object that has static storage duration is not initialized
// explicitly, then:
// —if it has pointer type, it is initialized to a null pointer;
// —if it has arithmetic type, it is initialized to (positive or
// unsigned) zero;
if (!Ex) {
QualType T = VD->getType();
if (LVal::IsLValType(T))
store = SetRVal(store, lval::DeclVal(VD),
lval::ConcreteInt(BasicVals.getValue(0, T)));
else if (T->isIntegerType())
store = SetRVal(store, lval::DeclVal(VD),
nonlval::ConcreteInt(BasicVals.getValue(0, T)));
else {
// assert(0 && "ignore other types of variables");
} else {
store = SetRVal(store, lval::DeclVal(VD), InitVal);
} else {
// Process local scalar variables.
QualType T = VD->getType();
if (LVal::IsLValType(T) || T->isIntegerType()) {
RVal V = Ex ? InitVal : UndefinedVal();
if (Ex && InitVal.isUnknown()) {
// EXPERIMENTAL: "Conjured" symbols.
SymbolID Sym = SymMgr.getConjuredSymbol(Ex, Count);
V = LVal::IsLValType(Ex->getType())
? cast<RVal>(lval::SymbolVal(Sym))
: cast<RVal>(nonlval::SymbolVal(Sym));
store = SetRVal(store, lval::DeclVal(VD), V);
return store;
void BasicStoreManager::print(Store store, std::ostream& Out,
const char* nl, const char *sep) {
VarBindingsTy B = GetVarBindings(store);
Out << "Variables:" << nl;
bool isFirst = true;
for (VarBindingsTy::iterator I=B.begin(), E=B.end(); I != E; ++I) {
if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
else Out << nl;
Out << ' ' << I.getKey()->getName() << " : ";