Merge "Update AppDataDirGuesser for BaseDexClassLoader"
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/dexmaker/ b/src/main/java/com/google/dexmaker/
index 86f34a1..4479887 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/dexmaker/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/dexmaker/
@@ -61,12 +61,74 @@
         // Parsing toString() method: yuck.  But no other way to get the path.
-        // Strip out the bit between square brackets, that's our path.
         String result = classLoader.toString();
-        int index = result.lastIndexOf('[');
-        result = (index == -1) ? result : result.substring(index + 1);
-        index = result.indexOf(']');
-        return (index == -1) ? result : result.substring(0, index);
+        return processClassLoaderString(result);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Given the result of a ClassLoader.toString() call, process the result so that guessPath
+     * can use it. There are currently two variants. For Android 4.3 and later, the string
+     * "DexPathList" should be recognized and the array of dex path elements is parsed. for
+     * earlier versions, the last nested array ('[' ... ']') is enclosing the string we are
+     * interested in.
+     */
+    static String processClassLoaderString(String input) {
+        if (input.contains("DexPathList")) {
+            return processClassLoaderString43OrLater(input);
+        } else {
+            return processClassLoaderString42OrEarlier(input);
+        }
+    }
+    private static String processClassLoaderString42OrEarlier(String input) {
+        /* The toString output looks like this:
+         * dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[dexPath=path/to/apk,libraryPath=path/to/libs]
+         */
+        int index = input.lastIndexOf('[');
+        input = (index == -1) ? input : input.substring(index + 1);
+        index = input.indexOf(']');
+        input = (index == -1) ? input : input.substring(0, index);
+        return input;
+    }
+    private static String processClassLoaderString43OrLater(String input) {
+        /* The toString output looks like this:
+         * dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/{NAME}", ...], nativeLibraryDirectories=[...]]]
+         */
+        int start = input.indexOf("DexPathList") + "DexPathList".length();
+        if (input.length() > start + 4) {  // [[ + ]]
+            String trimmed = input.substring(start);
+            int end = trimmed.indexOf(']');
+            if (trimmed.charAt(0) == '[' && trimmed.charAt(1) == '[' && end >= 0) {
+                trimmed = trimmed.substring(2, end);
+                // Comma-separated list, Arrays.toString output.
+                String split[] = trimmed.split(",");
+                // Clean up parts. Each path element is the type of the element plus the path in
+                // quotes.
+                for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
+                    int quoteStart = split[i].indexOf('"');
+                    int quoteEnd = split[i].lastIndexOf('"');
+                    if (quoteStart > 0 && quoteStart < quoteEnd) {
+                        split[i] = split[i].substring(quoteStart + 1, quoteEnd);
+                    }
+                }
+                // Need to rejoin components.
+                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+                for (String s : split) {
+                    if (sb.length() > 0) {
+                        sb.append(':');
+                    }
+                    sb.append(s);
+                }
+                return sb.toString();
+            }
+        }
+        // This is technically a parsing failure. Return the original string, maybe a later
+        // stage can still salvage this.
+        return input;
     File[] guessPath(String input) {
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/dexmaker/ b/src/test/java/com/google/dexmaker/
index bbceaa3..b638509 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/dexmaker/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/dexmaker/
@@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Set;
@@ -75,6 +78,72 @@
+    public void testPre43PathProcessing() {
+        String input = "dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[dexPath=/data/app/abc-1.apk," +
+                       "libraryPath=/data/app-lib/abc-1]";
+        String processed = AppDataDirGuesser.processClassLoaderString(input);
+        assertTrue("dexPath=/data/app/abc-1.apk,libraryPath=/data/app-lib/abc-1".equals(processed));
+    }
+    public void test43PathProcessing() {
+        String input = "dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file " +
+                       "\"/data/app/abc-1/base.apk\", zip file \"/data/app/def-1/base.apk\"], " +
+                       "nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/abc-1]]]";
+        String processed = AppDataDirGuesser.processClassLoaderString(input);
+        assertTrue("/data/app/abc-1/base.apk:/data/app/def-1/base.apk".equals(processed));
+    }
+    // Try to find the SDK level of the device.
+    private int getSDKLevel() {
+        // Maybe the version is reflected into the system properties correctly.
+        String level = System.getProperty("");
+        try {
+            return Integer.parseInt(level);
+        } catch (Exception ignored) {
+        }
+        // Run getprop and parse the result.
+        try {
+            Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/system/bin/getprop");
+            int exitValue = p.waitFor();
+            if (exitValue == 0) {
+                String line =
+                        new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())).readLine();
+                if (line != null) {
+                    return Integer.parseInt(line);
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception ignored) {
+        }
+        // It would be nice to access android.os.Build.SDK_INT. However, that bottoms out in some
+        // native code reading system properties. Try to load the library and *hope* that the
+        // methods don't need registration code. Note: this will likely fail.
+        try {
+            // Need to load android_runtime.
+            System.loadLibrary("android_runtime");
+            Class<?> buildClass = Class.forName("android.os.Build");
+            java.lang.reflect.Field field = buildClass.getDeclaredField("SDK_INT");
+            return field.getInt(null);
+        } catch (Throwable exc) {
+            // This is already the fallback of the fallback, so throw an unchecked exception.
+            throw new RuntimeException(exc);
+        }
+    }
+    public void testApiLevel17PlusPathProcessing() {
+        int level = getSDKLevel();
+        if (level >= 17) {
+            // Our processing should work for anything >= Android 4.2.
+            String input = getClass().getClassLoader().toString();
+            String processed = AppDataDirGuesser.processClassLoaderString(input);
+            // A tighter check would be interesting. But vogar doesn't run the tests in a directory
+            // recognized by the guesser (usually under /data/local/tmp), so we cannot use the
+            // processed result as input to guessPath.
+            assertTrue(!input.equals(processed));
+        }
+    }
     private interface TestCondition {
         TestCondition withNonWriteable(String... files);
         void shouldGive(String... files);