blob: 1cc07918df9ceb970e1d279d52ad4fef536ad260 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) Copyright 2014, Stephen M. Cameron.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
struct parser_value_type {
double dval;
long long ival;
int has_dval;
int has_error;
typedef union valtype {
struct parser_value_type v;
int yyerror(__attribute__((unused)) long long *result,
__attribute__((unused)) double *dresult,
__attribute__((unused)) int *has_error,
__attribute__((unused)) int *units_specified,
__attribute__((unused)) int *bye, const char *msg);
extern int yylex(void);
extern void yyrestart(FILE *file);
%union valtype {
struct parser_value_type {
double dval;
long long ival;
int has_dval;
int has_error;
} v;
%token <v> NUMBER
%token <v> BYE
%token <v> SUFFIX
%left '-' '+'
%right SUFFIX
%left '*' '/'
%right '^'
%left '%'
%nonassoc UMINUS
%parse-param { long long *result }
%parse-param { double *dresult }
%parse-param { int *has_error }
%parse-param { int *units_specified }
%parse-param { int *bye }
%type <v> expression
top_level: expression {
*result = $1.ival;
*dresult = $1.dval;
*has_error = $1.has_error;
| expression error {
*result = $1.ival;
*dresult = $1.dval;
*has_error = 1;
expression: expression '+' expression {
if (!$1.has_dval && !$3.has_dval)
$$.ival = $1.ival + $3.ival;
$$.ival = (long long) ($1.dval + $3.dval);
$$.dval = $1.dval + $3.dval;
$$.has_error = $1.has_error || $3.has_error;
| expression '-' expression {
if (!$1.has_dval && !$3.has_dval)
$$.ival = $1.ival - $3.ival;
$$.ival = (long long) ($1.dval - $3.dval);
$$.dval = $1.dval - $3.dval;
$$.has_error = $1.has_error || $3.has_error;
| expression '*' expression {
if (!$1.has_dval && !$3.has_dval)
$$.ival = $1.ival * $3.ival;
$$.ival = (long long) ($1.dval * $3.dval);
$$.dval = $1.dval * $3.dval;
$$.has_error = $1.has_error || $3.has_error;
| expression '/' expression {
if ($3.ival == 0)
yyerror(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "divide by zero");
$$.ival = $1.ival / $3.ival;
if ($3.dval < 1e-20 && $3.dval > -1e-20)
yyerror(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "divide by zero");
$$.dval = $1.dval / $3.dval;
if ($3.has_dval || $1.has_dval)
$$.ival = (long long) $$.dval;
$$.has_error = $1.has_error || $3.has_error;
| '-' expression %prec UMINUS {
$$.ival = -$2.ival;
$$.dval = -$2.dval;
$$.has_error = $2.has_error;
| '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; }
| expression SUFFIX {
if (!$1.has_dval && !$2.has_dval)
$$.ival = $1.ival * $2.ival;
$$.ival = (long long) $1.dval * $2.dval;
if ($1.has_dval || $2.has_dval)
$$.dval = $1.dval * $2.dval;
$$.dval = $1.ival * $2.ival;
$$.has_error = $1.has_error || $2.has_error;
*units_specified = 1;
| expression '%' expression {
if ($1.has_dval || $3.has_dval)
yyerror(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "modulo on floats");
if ($3.ival == 0)
yyerror(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "divide by zero");
else {
$$.ival = $1.ival % $3.ival;
$$.dval = $$.ival;
$$.has_error = $1.has_error || $3.has_error;
| expression '^' expression {
$$.has_error = $1.has_error || $3.has_error;
if (!$1.has_dval && !$3.has_dval) {
int i;
if ($3.ival == 0) {
$$.ival = 1;
} else if ($3.ival > 0) {
long long tmp = $1.ival;
$$.ival = 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < $3.ival; i++)
$$.ival *= tmp;
} else {
/* integers, 2^-3, ok, we now have doubles */
double tmp;
if ($1.ival == 0 && $3.ival == 0) {
tmp = 1.0;
$$.has_error = 1;
} else {
double x = (double) $1.ival;
double y = (double) $3.ival;
tmp = pow(x, y);
$$.ival = (long long) tmp;
$$.dval = pow($1.dval, $3.dval);
} else {
$$.dval = pow($1.dval, $3.dval);
$$.ival = (long long) $$.dval;
| NUMBER { $$ = $1; }
| BYE { $$ = $1; *bye = 1; };
#include <stdio.h>
/* Urgh. yacc and lex are kind of horrible. This is not thread safe, obviously. */
static int lexer_read_offset = 0;
static char lexer_input_buffer[1000];
int lexer_input(char* buffer, int *bytes_read, int bytes_requested)
int bytes_left = strlen(lexer_input_buffer) - lexer_read_offset;
if (bytes_requested > bytes_left )
bytes_requested = bytes_left;
memcpy(buffer, &lexer_input_buffer[lexer_read_offset], bytes_requested);
*bytes_read = bytes_requested;
lexer_read_offset += bytes_requested;
return 0;
static void setup_to_parse_string(const char *string)
unsigned int len;
len = strlen(string);
if (len > sizeof(lexer_input_buffer) - 3)
len = sizeof(lexer_input_buffer) - 3;
strncpy(lexer_input_buffer, string, len);
lexer_input_buffer[len] = '\0';
lexer_input_buffer[len + 1] = '\0'; /* lex/yacc want string double null terminated! */
lexer_read_offset = 0;
int evaluate_arithmetic_expression(const char *buffer, long long *ival, double *dval,
double implied_units)
int rc, units_specified = 0, bye = 0, has_error = 0;
rc = yyparse(ival, dval, &has_error, &units_specified, &bye);
if (rc || bye || has_error) {
*ival = 0;
*dval = 0;
has_error = 1;
if (!units_specified) {
*ival = (int) ((double) *ival * implied_units);
*dval = *dval * implied_units;
return has_error;
int yyerror(__attribute__((unused)) long long *result,
__attribute__((unused)) double *dresult,
__attribute__((unused)) int *has_error,
__attribute__((unused)) int *units_specified,
__attribute__((unused)) int *bye,
__attribute__((unused)) const char *msg)
/* We do not need to do anything here. */
return 0;