blob: 3d08026cf9896cbfab3cd04df810a8bcec0e6ba1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- ThreadMemory.cpp ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/ThreadMemory.h"
#include "lldb/Target/OperatingSystem.h"
#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/StopInfo.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Unwind.h"
#include "Plugins/Process/Utility/RegisterContextThreadMemory.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
ThreadMemory::ThreadMemory (Process &process,
tid_t tid,
const ValueObjectSP &thread_info_valobj_sp) :
Thread (process, tid),
m_backing_thread_sp (),
m_thread_info_valobj_sp (thread_info_valobj_sp),
ThreadMemory::ThreadMemory (Process &process,
lldb::tid_t tid,
const char *name,
const char *queue,
lldb::addr_t register_data_addr) :
Thread (process, tid),
m_backing_thread_sp (),
m_thread_info_valobj_sp (),
m_register_data_addr (register_data_addr)
if (name)
m_name = name;
if (queue)
m_queue = queue;
ThreadMemory::WillResume (StateType resume_state)
if (m_backing_thread_sp)
ThreadMemory::ClearStackFrames ()
if (m_backing_thread_sp)
ThreadMemory::GetRegisterContext ()
if (!m_reg_context_sp)
m_reg_context_sp.reset (new RegisterContextThreadMemory (*this, m_register_data_addr));
return m_reg_context_sp;
ThreadMemory::CreateRegisterContextForFrame (StackFrame *frame)
RegisterContextSP reg_ctx_sp;
uint32_t concrete_frame_idx = 0;
if (frame)
concrete_frame_idx = frame->GetConcreteFrameIndex ();
if (concrete_frame_idx == 0)
reg_ctx_sp = GetRegisterContext ();
Unwind *unwinder = GetUnwinder ();
if (unwinder)
reg_ctx_sp = unwinder->CreateRegisterContextForFrame (frame);
return reg_ctx_sp;
//class StopInfoThreadMemory : public StopInfo
// //------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Constructors and Destructors
// //------------------------------------------------------------------
// StopInfoThreadMemory (Thread &thread,
// uint64_t value,
// StopInfoSP &backing_stop_info_sp) :
// StopInfo (thread, value),
// m_backing_stop_info_sp (backing_stop_info_sp)
// {
// }
// virtual
// ~StopInfoThreadMemory()
// {
// }
// virtual bool
// IsValid () const
// {
// ThreadSP backing_thread_sp (m_thread.GetBackingThread());
// if (backing_thread_sp)
// return backing_thread_sp->IsValid();
// return StopInfo::IsValid();
// }
// virtual Thread &
// GetThread()
// {
// return m_thread;
// }
// virtual const Thread &
// GetThread() const
// {
// return m_thread;
// }
// virtual uint64_t
// GetValue() const
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->GetValue();
// return StopInfo::GetValue();
// }
// virtual lldb::StopReason
// GetStopReason () const
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->GetStopReason();
// return eStopReasonNone;
// }
// // ShouldStopSynchronous will get called before any thread plans are consulted, and if it says we should
// // resume the target, then we will just immediately resume. This should not run any code in or resume the
// // target.
// virtual bool
// ShouldStopSynchronous (Event *event_ptr)
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->ShouldStopSynchronous(event_ptr);
// return StopInfo::ShouldStopSynchronous (event_ptr);
// }
// // If should stop returns false, check if we should notify of this event
// virtual bool
// ShouldNotify (Event *event_ptr)
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->ShouldNotify(event_ptr);
// return StopInfo::ShouldNotify (event_ptr);
// }
// virtual void
// WillResume (lldb::StateType resume_state)
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->WillResume(resume_state);
// return StopInfo::WillResume (resume_state);
// }
// virtual const char *
// GetDescription ()
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->GetDescription();
// return StopInfo::GetDescription();
// }
// virtual void
// SetDescription (const char *desc_cstr)
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// m_backing_stop_info_sp->SetDescription(desc_cstr);
// StopInfo::SetDescription(desc_cstr);
// }
// // Sometimes the thread plan logic will know that it wants a given stop to stop or not,
// // regardless of what the ordinary logic for that StopInfo would dictate. The main example
// // of this is the ThreadPlanCallFunction, which for instance knows - based on how that particular
// // expression was executed - whether it wants all breakpoints to auto-continue or not.
// // Use OverrideShouldStop on the StopInfo to implement this.
// virtual void
// OverrideShouldStop (bool override_value)
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// m_backing_stop_info_sp->OverrideShouldStop(override_value);
// StopInfo::OverrideShouldStop (override_value);
// }
// virtual bool
// GetOverrideShouldStop()
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->GetOverrideShouldStop();
// return StopInfo::GetOverrideShouldStop();
// }
// virtual bool
// GetOverriddenShouldStopValue ()
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->GetOverriddenShouldStopValue();
// return StopInfo::GetOverriddenShouldStopValue();
// }
// virtual void
// PerformAction (Event *event_ptr)
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->PerformAction(event_ptr);
// return StopInfo::PerformAction(event_ptr);
// }
// virtual bool
// ShouldStop (Event *event_ptr)
// {
// if (m_backing_stop_info_sp)
// return m_backing_stop_info_sp->ShouldStop(event_ptr);
// return StopInfo::ShouldStop(event_ptr);
// }
// StopInfoSP m_backing_stop_info_sp;
// DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (StopInfoThreadMemory);
ThreadMemory::GetPrivateStopReason ()
if (m_actual_stop_info_sp)
return m_actual_stop_info_sp;
if (m_backing_thread_sp)
lldb::StopInfoSP backing_stop_info_sp (m_backing_thread_sp->GetPrivateStopReason());
if (backing_stop_info_sp)
m_actual_stop_info_sp = backing_stop_info_sp;
m_actual_stop_info_sp->SetThread (shared_from_this());
return m_actual_stop_info_sp;
ProcessSP process_sp (GetProcess());
if (process_sp)
const uint32_t process_stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID();
if (m_thread_stop_reason_stop_id != process_stop_id ||
(m_actual_stop_info_sp && !m_actual_stop_info_sp->IsValid()))
if (IsStillAtLastBreakpointHit())
return m_actual_stop_info_sp;
// If GetGDBProcess().SetThreadStopInfo() doesn't find a stop reason
// for this thread, then m_actual_stop_info_sp will not ever contain
// a valid stop reason and the "m_actual_stop_info_sp->IsValid() == false"
// check will never be able to tell us if we have the correct stop info
// for this thread and we will continually send qThreadStopInfo packets
// down to the remote GDB server, so we need to keep our own notion
// of the stop ID that m_actual_stop_info_sp is valid for (even if it
// contains nothing). We use m_thread_stop_reason_stop_id for this below.
m_thread_stop_reason_stop_id = process_stop_id;
OperatingSystem *os = process_sp->GetOperatingSystem ();
if (os)
m_actual_stop_info_sp = os->CreateThreadStopReason (this);
return m_actual_stop_info_sp;
if (m_backing_thread_sp)
return m_backing_thread_sp->RefreshStateAfterStop();