blob: ac2c5609cdc308b87ce944c4c92557925bcfdf25 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- RegisterContextLLDB.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef lldb_RegisterContextLLDB_h_
#define lldb_RegisterContextLLDB_h_
#include <vector>
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/UnwindPlan.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h"
class RegisterContextLLDB : public lldb_private::RegisterContext
typedef lldb::SharedPtr<RegisterContextLLDB>::Type SharedPtr;
RegisterContextLLDB (lldb_private::Thread &thread,
const SharedPtr& next_frame,
lldb_private::SymbolContext& sym_ctx,
uint32_t frame_number);
// pure virtual functions from the base class that we must implement
~RegisterContextLLDB () { }
virtual void
InvalidateAllRegisters ();
virtual size_t
GetRegisterCount ();
virtual const lldb_private::RegisterInfo *
GetRegisterInfoAtIndex (uint32_t reg);
virtual size_t
GetRegisterSetCount ();
virtual const lldb_private::RegisterSet *
GetRegisterSet (uint32_t reg_set);
virtual bool
ReadRegisterBytes (uint32_t reg, lldb_private::DataExtractor &data);
virtual bool
ReadAllRegisterValues (lldb::DataBufferSP &data_sp);
virtual bool
WriteRegisterBytes (uint32_t reg, lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, uint32_t data_offset = 0);
virtual bool
WriteAllRegisterValues (const lldb::DataBufferSP &data_sp);
virtual uint32_t
ConvertRegisterKindToRegisterNumber (uint32_t kind, uint32_t num);
IsValid () const;
GetCFA (lldb::addr_t& cfa);
GetStartPC (lldb::addr_t& start_pc);
ReadPC (lldb::addr_t& start_pc);
enum FrameType
eDebuggerFrame, // a debugger inferior function call frame; we get caller's registers from debugger
eNotAValidFrame // this frame is invalid for some reason - most likely it is past the top (end) of the stack
enum RegisterLocationTypes
eRegisterNotSaved = 0, // register was not preserved by callee. If volatile reg, is unavailable
eRegisterSavedAtMemoryLocation, // register is saved at a specific word of target mem (target_memory_location)
eRegisterInRegister, // register is available in a (possible other) register (register_number)
eRegisterSavedAtHostMemoryLocation, // register is saved at a word in lldb's address space
eRegisterValueInferred // register val was computed (and is in register_value)
struct RegisterLocation
int type;
lldb::addr_t target_memory_location;
uint32_t register_number; // in eRegisterKindLLDB register numbering system
void* host_memory_location;
uint64_t register_value; // eRegisterValueInferred - e.g. stack pointer == cfa + offset
} location;
// Indicates whether this frame is frame zero -- the currently
// executing frame -- or not. If it is not frame zero, m_next_frame's
// shared pointer holds a pointer to the RegisterContextLLDB
// object "below" this frame, i.e. this frame called m_next_frame's
// function.
IsFrameZero () const;
InitializeZerothFrame ();
// Provide a location for where THIS function saved the CALLER's register value
// Or a frame "below" this one saved it, i.e. a function called by this one, preserved a register that this
// function didn't modify/use.
// The RegisterLocation type may be set to eRegisterNotAvailable -- this will happen for a volatile register
// being queried mid-stack. Instead of floating frame 0's contents of that register up the stack (which may
// or may not be the value of that reg when the function was executing), we won't return any value.
// If a non-volatile register (a "preserved" register) is requested mid-stack and no frames "below" the requested
// stack have saved the register anywhere, it is safe to assume that frame 0's register values are still the same
// as the requesting frame's.
SavedLocationForRegister (uint32_t lldb_regnum, RegisterLocation &regloc);
ReadRegisterBytesFromRegisterLocation (uint32_t regnum, RegisterLocation regloc, lldb_private::DataExtractor &data);
WriteRegisterBytesToRegisterLocation (uint32_t regnum, RegisterLocation regloc, lldb_private::DataExtractor &data, uint32_t data_offset);
// Get the contents of a general purpose (address-size) register for this frame
// (usually retrieved from the m_next_frame)
// m_base_reg_ectx and m_next_frame should both be initialized appropriately before calling.
ReadGPRValue (int register_kind, uint32_t regnum, lldb::addr_t &value);
GetFastUnwindPlanForFrame ();
GetFullUnwindPlanForFrame ();
lldb_private::Thread& m_thread;
SharedPtr m_next_frame;
// The following tell us how to retrieve the CALLER's register values (ie the "previous" frame, aka the frame above)
// i.e. where THIS frame saved them
lldb::UnwindPlanSP m_fast_unwind_plan_sp; // may be NULL
lldb::UnwindPlanSP m_full_unwind_plan_sp;
bool m_all_registers_available; // Can we retrieve all regs or just nonvolatile regs?
int m_frame_type; // enum FrameType
lldb::addr_t m_cfa;
lldb_private::Address m_start_pc;
lldb_private::Address m_current_pc;
int m_current_offset; // how far into the function we've executed; -1 if unknown
// 0 if no instructions have been executed yet.
int m_current_offset_backed_up_one; // how far into the function we've executed; -1 if unknown
// 0 if no instructions have been executed yet.
// On architectures where the return address on the stack points
// to the instruction after the CALL, this value will have 1
// subtracted from it. Else a function that ends in a CALL will
// have an offset pointing into the next function's address range.
// m_current_pc has the actual address of the "current" pc.
lldb_private::SymbolContext& m_sym_ctx;
bool m_sym_ctx_valid; // if ResolveSymbolContextForAddress fails, don't try to use m_sym_ctx
uint32_t m_frame_number; // What stack frame level this frame is - used for debug logging
std::map<uint32_t, RegisterLocation> m_registers; // where to find reg values for this frame
// For RegisterContextLLDB only
#endif // lldb_RegisterContextLLDB_h_