blob: 55a4f984cff01964b4ed4ffe9289783c572ca549 [file] [log] [blame]
# Set this variable to the top of the LLVM source tree.
# Set this variable to the top level directory where LLVM was built
# (this is *not* the same as OBJ_ROOT as defined in LLVM's Makefile.config).
# Include LLVM's Master Makefile.
include $(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/Makefile.config
# Set the source root and source directory pathnames
BUILD_SRC_DIR := $(subst //,/,@abs_top_srcdir@/$(patsubst $(BUILD_OBJ_ROOT)%,%,$(BUILD_OBJ_DIR)))
BUILD_SRC_ROOT := $(subst //,/,@abs_top_srcdir@)
# Include LLVM's Master Makefile.
include $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/Makefile.rules