blob: 42241409ff8927aaefc37c5bf144c2534d0a3210 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s
; testing-case "float fold(float a) { return 1.2f * a * 2.3f; }"
; 1.2f and 2.3f is supposed to be fold.
define float @fold(float %a) {
%mul = fmul fast float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000
%mul1 = fmul fast float %mul, 0x4002666660000000
ret float %mul1
; CHECK: fold
; CHECK: fmul float %a, 0x4006147AE0000000
; Same testing-case as the one used in fold() except that the operators have
; fixed FP mode.
define float @notfold(float %a) {
; CHECK: notfold
; CHECK: %mul = fmul fast float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000
%mul = fmul fast float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000
%mul1 = fmul float %mul, 0x4002666660000000
ret float %mul1
define float @fold2(float %a) {
; CHECK: fold2
; CHECK: fmul float %a, 0x4006147AE0000000
%mul = fmul float %a, 0x3FF3333340000000
%mul1 = fmul fast float %mul, 0x4002666660000000
ret float %mul1