blob: bc0bfd586f7a48d3621f34646a0561a97af56180 [file] [log] [blame]
Daniel Dunbar7e3089d2009-11-08 21:51:53 +00001#!/usr/bin/env python
3import os
4import re
5import sys
7def _write_message(kind, message):
8 import inspect, os, sys
10 # Get the file/line where this message was generated.
11 f = inspect.currentframe()
12 # Step out of _write_message, and then out of wrapper.
13 f = f.f_back.f_back
14 file,line,_,_,_ = inspect.getframeinfo(f)
15 location = '%s:%d' % (os.path.basename(file), line)
17 print >>sys.stderr, '%s: %s: %s' % (location, kind, message)
19note = lambda message: _write_message('note', message)
20warning = lambda message: _write_message('warning', message)
21error = lambda message: (_write_message('error', message), sys.exit(1))
23def re_full_match(pattern, str):
24 m = re.match(pattern, str)
25 if m and m.end() != len(str):
26 m = None
27 return m
29def parse_time(value):
30 minutes,value = value.split(':',1)
31 if '.' in value:
32 seconds,fseconds = value.split('.',1)
33 else:
34 seconds = value
35 return int(minutes) * 60 + int(seconds) + float('.'+fseconds)
37def extractExecutable(command):
38 """extractExecutable - Given a string representing a command line, attempt
39 to extract the executable path, even if it includes spaces."""
41 # Split into potential arguments.
42 args = command.split(' ')
44 # Scanning from the beginning, try to see if the first N args, when joined,
45 # exist. If so that's probably the executable.
46 for i in range(1,len(args)):
47 cmd = ' '.join(args[:i])
48 if os.path.exists(cmd):
49 return cmd
51 # Otherwise give up and return the first "argument".
52 return args[0]
54class Struct:
55 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
56 self.fields = kwargs.keys()
57 self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
59 def __repr__(self):
60 return 'Struct(%s)' % ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (k,getattr(self,k))
61 for k in self.fields])
63kExpectedPSFields = [('PID', int, 'pid'),
64 ('USER', str, 'user'),
65 ('COMMAND', str, 'command'),
66 ('%CPU', float, 'cpu_percent'),
67 ('TIME', parse_time, 'cpu_time'),
68 ('VSZ', int, 'vmem_size'),
69 ('RSS', int, 'rss')]
70def getProcessTable():
71 import subprocess
72 p = subprocess.Popen(['ps', 'aux'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
73 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
74 out,err = p.communicate()
75 res = p.wait()
76 if p.wait():
77 error('unable to get process table')
78 elif err.strip():
79 error('unable to get process table: %s' % err)
81 lns = out.split('\n')
82 it = iter(lns)
83 header =
84 numRows = len(header)
86 # Make sure we have the expected fields.
87 indexes = []
88 for field in kExpectedPSFields:
89 try:
90 indexes.append(header.index(field[0]))
91 except:
92 if opts.debug:
93 raise
94 error('unable to get process table, no %r field.' % field[0])
96 table = []
97 for i,ln in enumerate(it):
98 if not ln.strip():
99 continue
101 fields = ln.split(None, numRows - 1)
102 if len(fields) != numRows:
103 warning('unable to process row: %r' % ln)
104 continue
106 record = {}
107 for field,idx in zip(kExpectedPSFields, indexes):
108 value = fields[idx]
109 try:
110 record[field[2]] = field[1](value)
111 except:
112 if opts.debug:
113 raise
114 warning('unable to process %r in row: %r' % (field[0], ln))
115 break
116 else:
117 # Add our best guess at the executable.
118 record['executable'] = extractExecutable(record['command'])
119 table.append(Struct(**record))
121 return table
123def getSignalValue(name):
124 import signal
125 if name.startswith('SIG'):
126 value = getattr(signal, name)
127 if value and isinstance(value, int):
128 return value
129 error('unknown signal: %r' % name)
131import signal
132kSignals = {}
133for name in dir(signal):
134 if name.startswith('SIG') and name == name.upper() and name.isalpha():
135 kSignals[name[3:]] = getattr(signal, name)
137def main():
138 global opts
139 from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
140 parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] {pid}*")
142 # FIXME: Add -NNN and -SIGNAME options.
144 parser.add_option("-s", "", dest="signalName",
145 help="Name of the signal to use (default=%default)",
146 action="store", default='INT',
147 choices=kSignals.keys())
148 parser.add_option("-l", "", dest="listSignals",
149 help="List known signal names",
150 action="store_true", default=False)
152 parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", dest="dryRun",
153 help="Only print the actions that would be taken",
154 action="store_true", default=False)
155 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
156 help="Print more verbose output",
157 action="store_true", default=False)
158 parser.add_option("", "--debug", dest="debug",
159 help="Enable debugging output",
160 action="store_true", default=False)
161 parser.add_option("", "--force", dest="force",
162 help="Perform the specified commands, even if it seems like a bad idea",
163 action="store_true", default=False)
165 inf = float('inf')
166 group = OptionGroup(parser, "Process Filters")
167 group.add_option("", "--name", dest="execName", metavar="REGEX",
168 help="Kill processes whose name matches the given regexp",
169 action="store", default=None)
170 group.add_option("", "--exec", dest="execPath", metavar="REGEX",
171 help="Kill processes whose executable matches the given regexp",
172 action="store", default=None)
173 group.add_option("", "--user", dest="userName", metavar="REGEX",
174 help="Kill processes whose user matches the given regexp",
175 action="store", default=None)
176 group.add_option("", "--min-cpu", dest="minCPU", metavar="PCT",
177 help="Kill processes with CPU usage >= PCT",
178 action="store", type=float, default=None)
179 group.add_option("", "--max-cpu", dest="maxCPU", metavar="PCT",
180 help="Kill processes with CPU usage <= PCT",
181 action="store", type=float, default=inf)
182 group.add_option("", "--min-mem", dest="minMem", metavar="N",
183 help="Kill processes with virtual size >= N (MB)",
184 action="store", type=float, default=None)
185 group.add_option("", "--max-mem", dest="maxMem", metavar="N",
186 help="Kill processes with virtual size <= N (MB)",
187 action="store", type=float, default=inf)
188 group.add_option("", "--min-rss", dest="minRSS", metavar="N",
189 help="Kill processes with RSS >= N",
190 action="store", type=float, default=None)
191 group.add_option("", "--max-rss", dest="maxRSS", metavar="N",
192 help="Kill processes with RSS <= N",
193 action="store", type=float, default=inf)
194 group.add_option("", "--min-time", dest="minTime", metavar="N",
195 help="Kill processes with CPU time >= N (seconds)",
196 action="store", type=float, default=None)
197 group.add_option("", "--max-time", dest="maxTime", metavar="N",
198 help="Kill processes with CPU time <= N (seconds)",
199 action="store", type=float, default=inf)
200 parser.add_option_group(group)
202 (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
204 if opts.listSignals:
205 items = [(v,k) for k,v in kSignals.items()]
206 items.sort()
207 for i in range(0, len(items), 4):
208 print '\t'.join(['%2d) SIG%s' % (k,v)
209 for k,v in items[i:i+4]])
210 sys.exit(0)
212 # Figure out the signal to use.
213 signal = kSignals[opts.signalName]
214 signalValueName = str(signal)
215 if opts.verbose:
216 name = dict((v,k) for k,v in kSignals.items()).get(signal,None)
217 if name:
218 signalValueName = name
219 note('using signal %d (SIG%s)' % (signal, name))
220 else:
221 note('using signal %d' % signal)
223 # Get the pid list to consider.
224 pids = set()
225 for arg in args:
226 try:
227 pids.add(int(arg))
228 except:
229 parser.error('invalid positional argument: %r' % arg)
231 filtered = ps = getProcessTable()
233 # Apply filters.
234 if pids:
235 filtered = [p for p in filtered
236 if in pids]
237 if opts.execName is not None:
238 filtered = [p for p in filtered
239 if re_full_match(opts.execName,
240 os.path.basename(p.executable))]
241 if opts.execPath is not None:
242 filtered = [p for p in filtered
243 if re_full_match(opts.execPath, p.executable)]
244 if opts.userName is not None:
245 filtered = [p for p in filtered
246 if re_full_match(opts.userName, p.user)]
247 filtered = [p for p in filtered
248 if opts.minCPU <= p.cpu_percent <= opts.maxCPU]
249 filtered = [p for p in filtered
250 if opts.minMem <= float(p.vmem_size) / (1<<20) <= opts.maxMem]
251 filtered = [p for p in filtered
252 if opts.minRSS <= p.rss <= opts.maxRSS]
253 filtered = [p for p in filtered
254 if opts.minTime <= p.cpu_time <= opts.maxTime]
256 if len(filtered) == len(ps):
257 if not opts.force and not opts.dryRun:
258 error('refusing to kill all processes without --force')
260 if not filtered:
261 warning('no processes selected')
263 for p in filtered:
264 if opts.verbose:
265 note('kill(%r, %s) # (user=%r, executable=%r, CPU=%2.2f%%, time=%r, vmem=%r, rss=%r)' %
266 (, signalValueName, p.user, p.executable, p.cpu_percent, p.cpu_time, p.vmem_size, p.rss))
267 if not opts.dryRun:
268 try:
269 os.kill(, signal)
270 except OSError:
271 if opts.debug:
272 raise
273 warning('unable to kill PID: %r' %
275if __name__ == '__main__':
276 main()