blob: f337cae8203ff3dc0d20e3c53257a9251981f116 [file] [log] [blame]
Mesa 6.1 for MinGW32
Quick & dirty start:
mingw32-make -f Makefile.mgw [OPTIONS...]
Look into the corresponding makefiles for further information.
Check README.3DFX to find out how to compile Mesa Glide3 driver
with MinGW32!
Daniel Borca <>
WARNING! The info below this line is outdated (yet some of it useful). WARNING!
August 30, 1998 -- Paul Garceau
Updated January 13, 2000 -- Paul Garceau (
DISCLAIMER: I make this port of the Mesa 3-D Graphics Library as a service
to the general public. I can, in no way support or make any guarantee that the
build will work for your system.
The associated packages and batch files I have included as part of the GCC-2.95.2/Mingw32 extension are provided "As-is" with out any guarantee of support or functionality from this author.
Feel free to modify or change things as you see fit, just remember that
I can't support any modifications you might want to make to the files which I
have included OR the lgpl protected Mesa 3-D Graphics Library.
I recommend using GCC-2.95.2/Mingw32 which is available at Mumit Khans' ftp site:
This build has been tested under WinNT4/SP6. Win9x and WinNT5 remain untested by me. I have not tested any of the demos included with Mesa3d.
I recommend using the GCC-2.95.2/Mingw32.
Much thanks to the combined efforts of Mumit Khan, Jan-Jaap Vanderhagen
and Colin Peters for making it possible for the Mingw32 toolchain to exist. Also, thanks go out to Stephane Rehel for the work that was completed on the Cygwin build.
Installing GCC-2.95.2/Mingw32 Build:
a) Open the file archive (either tar.gz or .zip extensions)
b) Decide the directory you want to move the archived files to.
d) Extract the files from the archive.
e) Edit the mingw32.bat file to accomodate your choice of directory structure.
%mesaroot%: This is your root directory (Mesa-3.3)
%mesasrc%: This is the Mesa-3.3 src directory (Mesa-3.3\src)
%mesalib%: This is where the build will put libGL.a and libGLU.a
Running the Build:
Open your Command Prompt or MS-DOS prompt.
Go to your Mesa-3.3 'root' directory
At the command line type: mingw32
That's all there is to it.
Paul G. (