blob: 7ba3e19ef9e0c216275e9efb07451bbccaf9e311 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __glutf90_h__
#define __glutf90_h__
/* Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard & Willam F. Mitchell, 1998. */
/* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees
and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or
implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */
/* This header provides the binding interface for William Mitchell's
f90gl Fortran 90 GLUT binding. Other GLUT language bindings
can and should use this interace. */
/* I appreciate the guidance from William Mitchell
( in developing this friend interface
for use by the f90gl package. See ../../README.fortran */
#include <GL/glut.h>
/* Which callback enumerants for the __glutSetFCB/__glutGetFCB routines. */
/* NOTE These values are part of a binary interface for the f90gl Fortran
90 binding and so must NOT changes (additions are allowed). */
/* GLUTwindow callbacks. */
#define GLUT_FCB_DISPLAY 0 /* GLUTdisplayFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_RESHAPE 1 /* GLUTreshapeFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_MOUSE 2 /* GLUTmouseFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_MOTION 3 /* GLUTmotionFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_PASSIVE 4 /* GLUTpassiveFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_ENTRY 5 /* GLUTentryFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_KEYBOARD 6 /* GLUTkeyboardFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_KEYBOARD_UP 7 /* GLUTkeyboardFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_WINDOW_STATUS 8 /* GLUTwindowStatusFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_VISIBILITY 9 /* GLUTvisibilityFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_SPECIAL 10 /* GLUTspecialFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_SPECIAL_UP 11 /* GLUTspecialFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_BUTTON_BOX 12 /* GLUTbuttonBoxFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_DIALS 13 /* GLUTdialsFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_SPACE_MOTION 14 /* GLUTspaceMotionFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_SPACE_ROTATE 15 /* GLUTspaceRotateFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_SPACE_BUTTON 16 /* GLUTspaceButtonFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_TABLET_MOTION 17 /* GLUTtabletMotionFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_TABLET_BUTTON 18 /* GLUTtabletButtonFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_JOYSTICK 19 /* GLUTjoystickFCB */
/* Non-GLUTwindow callbacks. */
#define GLUT_FCB_OVERLAY_DISPLAY 100 /* GLUTdisplayFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_SELECT 101 /* GLUTselectFCB */
#define GLUT_FCB_TIMER 102 /* GLUTtimerFCB */
/* GLUT Fortran callback function types. */
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTdisplayFCB) (void);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTreshapeFCB) (int *, int *);
/* NOTE the pressed key is int, not unsigned char for Fortran! */
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTkeyboardFCB) (int *, int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTmouseFCB) (int *, int *, int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTmotionFCB) (int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTpassiveFCB) (int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTentryFCB) (int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTwindowStatusFCB) (int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTvisibilityFCB) (int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTspecialFCB) (int *, int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTbuttonBoxFCB) (int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTdialsFCB) (int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTspaceMotionFCB) (int *, int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTspaceRotateFCB) (int *, int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTspaceButtonFCB) (int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTtabletMotionFCB) (int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTtabletButtonFCB) (int *, int *, int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTjoystickFCB) (unsigned int *buttonMask, int *x, int *y, int *z);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTselectFCB) (int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTtimerFCB) (int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTmenuStateFCB) (int *); /* DEPRICATED. */
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTmenuStatusFCB) (int *, int *, int *);
typedef void (GLUTCALLBACK *GLUTidleFCB) (void);
/* Functions that set and return Fortran callback functions. */
GLUTAPI void* APIENTRY __glutGetFCB(int which);
GLUTAPI void APIENTRY __glutSetFCB(int which, void *func);
#endif /* __glutf90_h__ */