blob: d1a24e265f2e14ba1561fe211ea9df3186c073eb [file] [log] [blame]
#include "main/mm.h"
#include "math/m_vector.h"
#include "texmem.h"
#include "tnl/t_context.h"
#include "main/colormac.h"
#include "radeon_debug.h"
#include "radeon_screen.h"
#include "radeon_drm.h"
#include "dri_util.h"
#include "tnl/t_vertex.h"
#include "dri_metaops.h"
struct radeon_context;
#include "radeon_bocs_wrapper.h"
/* This union is used to avoid warnings/miscompilation
with float to uint32_t casts due to strict-aliasing */
typedef union { GLfloat f; uint32_t ui32; } float_ui32_type;
struct radeon_context;
typedef struct radeon_context radeonContextRec;
typedef struct radeon_context *radeonContextPtr;
#define TEX_0 0x1
#define TEX_1 0x2
#define TEX_2 0x4
#define TEX_3 0x8
#define TEX_4 0x10
#define TEX_5 0x20
/* Rasterizing fallbacks */
/* See correponding strings in r200_swtcl.c */
#define R200_FALLBACK_TEXTURE 0x01
#define R200_FALLBACK_DRAW_BUFFER 0x02
#define R200_FALLBACK_STENCIL 0x04
#define R200_FALLBACK_RENDER_MODE 0x08
#define R200_FALLBACK_DISABLE 0x10
#define R200_FALLBACK_BORDER_MODE 0x20
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_RASTER 0x1 /* rasterization */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_UNFILLED 0x2 /* unfilled tris */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_LIGHT_TWOSIDE 0x4 /* twoside tris */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_MATERIAL 0x8 /* material in vb */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_TEXGEN_0 0x10 /* texgen, unit 0 */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_TEXGEN_1 0x20 /* texgen, unit 1 */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_TEXGEN_2 0x40 /* texgen, unit 2 */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_TCL_DISABLE 0x80 /* user disable */
#define RADEON_TCL_FALLBACK_FOGCOORDSPEC 0x100 /* fogcoord, sep. spec light */
/* The blit width for texture uploads
#define BLIT_WIDTH_BYTES 1024
/* Use the templated vertex format:
#define TAG(x) radeon##x
#include "tnl_dd/t_dd_vertex.h"
#undef TAG
#define RADEON_RB_CLASS 0xdeadbeef
struct radeon_renderbuffer
struct gl_renderbuffer base;
struct radeon_bo *bo;
unsigned int cpp;
/* unsigned int offset; */
unsigned int pitch;
uint32_t draw_offset; /* FBO */
/* boo Xorg 6.8.2 compat */
int has_surface;
GLuint pf_pending; /**< sequence number of pending flip */
GLuint vbl_pending; /**< vblank sequence number of pending flip */
__DRIdrawable *dPriv;
struct radeon_framebuffer
struct gl_framebuffer base;
struct radeon_renderbuffer *color_rb[2];
GLuint vbl_waited;
/* buffer swap */
int64_t swap_ust;
int64_t swap_missed_ust;
GLuint swap_count;
GLuint swap_missed_count;
/* Drawable page flipping state */
GLboolean pf_active;
GLint pf_current_page;
GLint pf_num_pages;
struct radeon_colorbuffer_state {
GLuint clear;
int roundEnable;
struct gl_renderbuffer *rb;
uint32_t draw_offset; /* offset into color renderbuffer - FBOs */
struct radeon_depthbuffer_state {
GLuint clear;
struct gl_renderbuffer *rb;
struct radeon_scissor_state {
drm_clip_rect_t rect;
GLboolean enabled;
GLuint numClipRects; /* Cliprects active */
GLuint numAllocedClipRects; /* Cliprects available */
drm_clip_rect_t *pClipRects;
struct radeon_stencilbuffer_state {
GLuint clear; /* rb3d_stencilrefmask value */
struct radeon_state_atom {
struct radeon_state_atom *next, *prev;
const char *name; /* for debug */
int cmd_size; /* size in bytes */
GLuint idx;
GLuint is_tcl;
GLuint *cmd; /* one or more cmd's */
GLuint *lastcmd; /* one or more cmd's */
GLboolean dirty; /* dirty-mark in emit_state_list */
int (*check) (GLcontext *, struct radeon_state_atom *atom); /* is this state active? */
void (*emit) (GLcontext *, struct radeon_state_atom *atom);
struct radeon_hw_state {
/* Head of the linked list of state atoms. */
struct radeon_state_atom atomlist;
int max_state_size; /* Number of bytes necessary for a full state emit. */
int max_post_flush_size; /* Number of bytes necessary for post flushing emits */
GLboolean is_dirty, all_dirty;
/* Texture related */
typedef struct _radeon_texture_image radeon_texture_image;
struct _radeon_texture_image {
struct gl_texture_image base;
* If mt != 0, the image is stored in hardware format in the
* given mipmap tree. In this case, base.Data may point into the
* mapping of the buffer object that contains the mipmap tree.
* If mt == 0, the image is stored in normal memory pointed to
* by base.Data.
struct _radeon_mipmap_tree *mt;
struct radeon_bo *bo;
int mtlevel; /** if mt != 0, this is the image's level in the mipmap tree */
int mtface; /** if mt != 0, this is the image's face in the mipmap tree */
static INLINE radeon_texture_image *get_radeon_texture_image(struct gl_texture_image *image)
return (radeon_texture_image*)image;
typedef struct radeon_tex_obj radeonTexObj, *radeonTexObjPtr;
#define RADEON_TXO_MICRO_TILE (1 << 3)
/* Texture object in locally shared texture space.
struct radeon_tex_obj {
struct gl_texture_object base;
struct _radeon_mipmap_tree *mt;
* This is true if we've verified that the mipmap tree above is complete
* and so on.
GLboolean validated;
/* Minimum LOD to be used during rendering */
unsigned minLod;
/* Miximum LOD to be used during rendering */
unsigned maxLod;
GLuint override_offset;
GLboolean image_override; /* Image overridden by GLX_EXT_tfp */
GLuint tile_bits; /* hw texture tile bits used on this texture */
struct radeon_bo *bo;
GLuint pp_txfilter; /* hardware register values */
GLuint pp_txformat;
GLuint pp_txformat_x;
GLuint pp_txsize; /* npot only */
GLuint pp_txpitch; /* npot only */
GLuint pp_border_color;
GLuint pp_cubic_faces; /* cube face 1,2,3,4 log2 sizes */
GLuint pp_txfilter_1; /* r300 */
/* r700 texture states */
GLboolean border_fallback;
static INLINE radeonTexObj* radeon_tex_obj(struct gl_texture_object *texObj)
return (radeonTexObj*)texObj;
/* occlusion query */
struct radeon_query_object {
struct gl_query_object Base;
struct radeon_bo *bo;
int curr_offset;
GLboolean emitted_begin;
/* Double linked list of not flushed query objects */
struct radeon_query_object *prev, *next;
/* Need refcounting on dma buffers:
struct radeon_dma_buffer {
int refcount; /* the number of retained regions in buf */
drmBufPtr buf;
struct radeon_aos {
struct radeon_bo *bo; /** Buffer object where vertex data is stored */
int offset; /** Offset into buffer object, in bytes */
int components; /** Number of components per vertex */
int stride; /** Stride in dwords (may be 0 for repeating) */
int count; /** Number of vertices */
#define DMA_BO_FREE_TIME 100
struct radeon_dma_bo {
struct radeon_dma_bo *next, *prev;
struct radeon_bo *bo;
int expire_counter;
struct radeon_dma {
/* Active dma region. Allocations for vertices and retained
* regions come from here. Also used for emitting random vertices,
* these may be flushed by calling flush_current();
struct radeon_dma_bo free;
struct radeon_dma_bo wait;
struct radeon_dma_bo reserved;
size_t current_used; /** Number of bytes allocated and forgotten about */
size_t current_vertexptr; /** End of active vertex region */
size_t minimum_size;
* If current_vertexptr != current_used then flush must be non-zero.
* flush must be called before non-active vertex allocations can be
* performed.
void (*flush) (GLcontext *);
/* radeon_swtcl.c
struct radeon_swtcl_info {
GLuint RenderIndex;
GLuint vertex_size;
GLubyte *verts;
/* Fallback rasterization functions
GLuint hw_primitive;
GLenum render_primitive;
GLuint numverts;
struct tnl_attr_map vertex_attrs[VERT_ATTRIB_MAX];
GLuint vertex_attr_count;
GLuint emit_prediction;
struct radeon_bo *bo;
struct radeon_tcl_info {
struct radeon_aos aos[RADEON_MAX_AOS_ARRAYS];
GLuint aos_count;
struct radeon_bo *elt_dma_bo; /** Buffer object that contains element indices */
int elt_dma_offset; /** Offset into this buffer object, in bytes */
struct radeon_ioctl {
GLuint vertex_offset;
GLuint vertex_max;
struct radeon_bo *bo;
GLuint vertex_size;
struct radeon_prim {
GLuint start;
GLuint end;
GLuint prim;
static INLINE GLuint radeonPackColor(GLuint cpp,
GLubyte r, GLubyte g,
GLubyte b, GLubyte a)
switch (cpp) {
case 2:
return PACK_COLOR_565(r, g, b);
case 4:
return PACK_COLOR_8888(a, r, g, b);
return 0;
#define MAX_CMD_BUF_SZ (16*1024)
#define MAX_DMA_BUF_SZ (64*1024)
struct radeon_store {
GLuint statenr;
GLuint primnr;
char cmd_buf[MAX_CMD_BUF_SZ];
int cmd_used;
int elts_start;
struct radeon_dri_mirror {
__DRIcontext *context; /* DRI context */
__DRIscreen *screen; /* DRI screen */
drm_context_t hwContext;
drm_hw_lock_t *hwLock;
int hwLockCount;
int fd;
int drmMinor;
typedef void (*radeon_tri_func) (radeonContextPtr,
radeonVertex *,
radeonVertex *, radeonVertex *);
typedef void (*radeon_line_func) (radeonContextPtr,
radeonVertex *, radeonVertex *);
typedef void (*radeon_point_func) (radeonContextPtr, radeonVertex *);
#define RADEON_MAX_BOS 32
struct radeon_state {
struct radeon_colorbuffer_state color;
struct radeon_depthbuffer_state depth;
struct radeon_scissor_state scissor;
struct radeon_stencilbuffer_state stencil;
* This structure holds the command buffer while it is being constructed.
* The first batch of commands in the buffer is always the state that needs
* to be re-emitted when the context is lost. This batch can be skipped
* otherwise.
struct radeon_cmdbuf {
struct radeon_cs_manager *csm;
struct radeon_cs *cs;
int size; /** # of dwords total */
unsigned int flushing:1; /** whether we're currently in FlushCmdBufLocked */
struct radeon_context {
GLcontext *glCtx;
radeonScreenPtr radeonScreen; /* Screen private DRI data */
/* Texture object bookkeeping
int texture_depth;
float initialMaxAnisotropy;
uint32_t texture_row_align;
uint32_t texture_rect_row_align;
uint32_t texture_compressed_row_align;
struct radeon_dma dma;
struct radeon_hw_state hw;
/* Rasterization and vertex state:
GLuint TclFallback;
GLuint Fallback;
GLuint NewGLState;
DECLARE_RENDERINPUTS(tnl_index_bitset); /* index of bits for last tnl_install_attrs */
/* Drawable, cliprect and scissor information */
GLuint numClipRects; /* Cliprects for the draw buffer */
drm_clip_rect_t *pClipRects;
unsigned int lastStamp;
drm_radeon_sarea_t *sarea; /* Private SAREA data */
/* Mirrors of some DRI state */
struct radeon_dri_mirror dri;
/* Busy waiting */
GLuint do_usleeps;
GLuint do_irqs;
GLuint irqsEmitted;
drm_radeon_irq_wait_t iw;
/* Derived state - for r300 only */
struct radeon_state state;
struct radeon_swtcl_info swtcl;
struct radeon_tcl_info tcl;
/* Configuration cache
driOptionCache optionCache;
struct radeon_cmdbuf cmdbuf;
struct radeon_debug debug;
drm_clip_rect_t fboRect;
GLboolean constant_cliprect; /* use for FBO or DRI2 rendering */
GLboolean front_cliprects;
* Set if rendering has occured to the drawable's front buffer.
* This is used in the DRI2 case to detect that glFlush should also copy
* the contents of the fake front buffer to the real front buffer.
GLboolean front_buffer_dirty;
* Track whether front-buffer rendering is currently enabled
* A separate flag is used to track this in order to support MRT more
* easily.
GLboolean is_front_buffer_rendering;
* Track whether front-buffer is the current read target.
* This is closely associated with is_front_buffer_rendering, but may
* be set separately. The DRI2 fake front buffer must be referenced
* either way.
GLboolean is_front_buffer_reading;
struct dri_metaops meta;
struct {
struct radeon_query_object *current;
struct radeon_state_atom queryobj;
} query;
struct {
void (*get_lock)(radeonContextPtr radeon);
void (*update_viewport_offset)(GLcontext *ctx);
void (*emit_cs_header)(struct radeon_cs *cs, radeonContextPtr rmesa);
void (*swtcl_flush)(GLcontext *ctx, uint32_t offset);
void (*pre_emit_atoms)(radeonContextPtr rmesa);
void (*pre_emit_state)(radeonContextPtr rmesa);
void (*fallback)(GLcontext *ctx, GLuint bit, GLboolean mode);
void (*free_context)(GLcontext *ctx);
void (*emit_query_finish)(radeonContextPtr radeon);
void (*update_scissor)(GLcontext *ctx);
unsigned (*check_blit)(gl_format mesa_format);
unsigned (*blit)(GLcontext *ctx,
struct radeon_bo *src_bo,
intptr_t src_offset,
gl_format src_mesaformat,
unsigned src_pitch,
unsigned src_width,
unsigned src_height,
unsigned src_x_offset,
unsigned src_y_offset,
struct radeon_bo *dst_bo,
intptr_t dst_offset,
gl_format dst_mesaformat,
unsigned dst_pitch,
unsigned dst_width,
unsigned dst_height,
unsigned dst_x_offset,
unsigned dst_y_offset,
unsigned reg_width,
unsigned reg_height,
unsigned flip_y);
} vtbl;
#define RADEON_CONTEXT(glctx) ((radeonContextPtr)(ctx->DriverCtx))
static inline __DRIdrawable* radeon_get_drawable(radeonContextPtr radeon)
return radeon->dri.context->driDrawablePriv;
static inline __DRIdrawable* radeon_get_readable(radeonContextPtr radeon)
return radeon->dri.context->driReadablePriv;
* This function takes a float and packs it into a uint32_t
static INLINE uint32_t radeonPackFloat32(float fl)
union {
float fl;
uint32_t u;
} u;
u.fl = fl;
return u.u;
/* This is probably wrong for some values, I need to test this
* some more. Range checking would be a good idea also..
* But it works for most things. I'll fix it later if someone
* else with a better clue doesn't
static INLINE uint32_t radeonPackFloat24(float f)
float mantissa;
int exponent;
uint32_t float24 = 0;
if (f == 0.0)
return 0;
mantissa = frexpf(f, &exponent);
/* Handle -ve */
if (mantissa < 0) {
float24 |= (1 << 23);
mantissa = mantissa * -1.0;
/* Handle exponent, bias of 63 */
exponent += 62;
float24 |= (exponent << 16);
/* Kill 7 LSB of mantissa */
float24 |= (radeonPackFloat32(mantissa) & 0x7FFFFF) >> 7;
return float24;
GLboolean radeonInitContext(radeonContextPtr radeon,
struct dd_function_table* functions,
const __GLcontextModes * glVisual,
__DRIcontext * driContextPriv,
void *sharedContextPrivate);
void radeonCleanupContext(radeonContextPtr radeon);
GLboolean radeonUnbindContext(__DRIcontext * driContextPriv);
void radeon_update_renderbuffers(__DRIcontext *context, __DRIdrawable *drawable,
GLboolean front_only);
GLboolean radeonMakeCurrent(__DRIcontext * driContextPriv,
__DRIdrawable * driDrawPriv,
__DRIdrawable * driReadPriv);
extern void radeonDestroyContext(__DRIcontext * driContextPriv);