blob: 590f5940a7b61ecaf41e8a09811f5fb4c814c786 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2008 Tungsten Graphics, Inc., Cedar Park, Texas.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import sys, os
import APIspecutil as apiutil
# These dictionary entries are used for automatic conversion.
# The string will be used as a format string with the conversion
# variable.
Converters = {
'GLfloat': {
'GLdouble': "(GLdouble) (%s)",
'GLfixed' : "(GLint) (%s * 65536)",
'GLfixed': {
'GLfloat': "(GLfloat) (%s / 65536.0f)",
'GLdouble': "(GLdouble) (%s / 65536.0)",
'GLdouble': {
'GLfloat': "(GLfloat) (%s)",
'GLfixed': "(GLfixed) (%s * 65536)",
'GLclampf': {
'GLclampd': "(GLclampd) (%s)",
'GLclampx': "(GLclampx) (%s * 65536)",
'GLclampx': {
'GLclampf': "(GLclampf) (%s / 65536.0f)",
'GLclampd': "(GLclampd) (%s / 65536.0)",
'GLubyte': {
'GLfloat': "(GLfloat) (%s / 255.0f)",
def GetBaseType(type):
typeTokens = type.split(' ')
baseType = None
typeModifiers = []
for t in typeTokens:
if t in ['const', '*']:
baseType = t
return (baseType, typeModifiers)
def ConvertValue(value, fromType, toType):
"""Returns a string that represents the given parameter string,
type-converted if necessary."""
if not Converters.has_key(fromType):
print >> sys.stderr, "No base converter for type '%s' found. Ignoring." % fromType
return value
if not Converters[fromType].has_key(toType):
print >> sys.stderr, "No converter found for type '%s' to type '%s'. Ignoring." % (fromType, toType)
return value
# This part is simple. Return the proper conversion.
conversionString = Converters[fromType][toType]
return conversionString % value
FormatStrings = {
'GLenum' : '0x%x',
'GLfloat' : '%f',
'GLint' : '%d',
'GLbitfield' : '0x%x',
def GetFormatString(type):
if FormatStrings.has_key(type):
return FormatStrings[type]
return None
# Version-specific values to be used in the main script
# header: which header file to include
# api: what text specifies an API-level function
VersionSpecificValues = {
'GLES1.1' : {
'description' : 'GLES1.1 functions',
'header' : 'GLES/gl.h',
'extheader' : 'GLES/glext.h',
'GLES2.0': {
'description' : 'GLES2.0 functions',
'header' : 'GLES2/gl2.h',
'extheader' : 'GLES2/gl2ext.h',
# Main code for the script begins here.
# Get the name of the program (without the directory part) for use in
# error messages.
program = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
# Set default values
verbose = 0
functionList = "APIspec.xml"
version = "GLES1.1"
# Allow for command-line switches
import getopt, time
options = "hvV:S:"
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], options)
except getopt.GetoptError, message:
sys.stderr.write("%s: %s. Use -h for help.\n" % (program, message))
for option, optarg in optlist:
if option == "-h":
sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s [-%s]\n" % (program, options))
sys.stderr.write("Parse an API specification file and generate wrapper functions for a given GLES version\n")
sys.stderr.write("-h gives help\n")
sys.stderr.write("-v is verbose\n")
sys.stderr.write("-V specifies GLES version to generate [%s]:\n" % version)
for key in VersionSpecificValues.keys():
sys.stderr.write(" %s - %s\n" % (key, VersionSpecificValues[key]['description']))
sys.stderr.write("-S specifies API specification file to use [%s]\n" % functionList)
elif option == "-v":
verbose += 1
elif option == "-V":
version = optarg
elif option == "-S":
functionList = optarg
# Beyond switches, we support no further command-line arguments
if len(args) > 0:
sys.stderr.write("%s: only switch arguments are supported - use -h for help\n" % program)
# If we don't have a valid version, abort.
if not VersionSpecificValues.has_key(version):
sys.stderr.write("%s: version '%s' is not valid - use -h for help\n" % (program, version))
# Grab the version-specific items we need to use
versionHeader = VersionSpecificValues[version]['header']
versionExtHeader = VersionSpecificValues[version]['extheader']
# If we get to here, we're good to go. The "version" parameter
# directs GetDispatchedFunctions to only allow functions from
# that "category" (version in our parlance). This allows
# functions with different declarations in different categories
# to exist (glTexImage2D, for example, is different between
# GLES1 and GLES2).
keys = apiutil.GetAllFunctions(functionList, version)
allSpecials = apiutil.AllSpecials()
print """/* DO NOT EDIT *************************************************
* API specification file: %s
* GLES version: %s
* date: %s
""" % (program, functionList, version, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
# The headers we choose are version-specific.
print """
#include "%s"
#include "%s"
""" % (versionHeader, versionExtHeader)
# Everyone needs these types.
print """
/* These types are needed for the Mesa veneer, but are not defined in
* the standard GLES headers.
typedef double GLdouble;
typedef double GLclampd;
/* This type is normally in glext.h, but needed here */
typedef char GLchar;
/* Mesa error handling requires these */
extern void *_mesa_get_current_context(void);
extern void _mesa_error(void *ctx, GLenum error, const char *fmtString, ... );
#include "main/compiler.h"
#include "main/api_exec.h"
#include "glapi/dispatch.h"
typedef void (*_glapi_proc)(void); /* generic function pointer */
# Finally we get to the all-important functions
print """/*************************************************************
* Generated functions begin here
for funcName in keys:
if verbose > 0: sys.stderr.write("%s: processing function %s\n" % (program, funcName))
# start figuring out what this function will look like.
returnType = apiutil.ReturnType(funcName)
props = apiutil.Properties(funcName)
params = apiutil.Parameters(funcName)
declarationString = apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params)
# In case of error, a function may have to return. Make
# sure we have valid return values in this case.
if returnType == "void":
errorReturn = "return"
elif returnType == "GLboolean":
errorReturn = "return GL_FALSE"
errorReturn = "return (%s) 0" % returnType
# These are the output of this large calculation block.
# passthroughDeclarationString: a typed set of parameters that
# will be used to create the "extern" reference for the
# underlying Mesa or support function. Note that as generated
# these have an extra ", " at the beginning, which will be
# removed before use.
# passthroughDeclarationString: an untyped list of parameters
# that will be used to call the underlying Mesa or support
# function (including references to converted parameters).
# This will also be generated with an extra ", " at the
# beginning, which will be removed before use.
# variables: C code to create any local variables determined to
# be necessary.
# conversionCodeOutgoing: C code to convert application parameters
# to a necessary type before calling the underlying support code.
# May be empty if no conversion is required.
# conversionCodeIncoming: C code to do the converse: convert
# values returned by underlying Mesa code to the types needed
# by the application.
# Note that *either* the conversionCodeIncoming will be used (for
# generated query functions), *or* the conversionCodeOutgoing will
# be used (for generated non-query functions), never both.
passthroughFuncName = ""
passthroughDeclarationString = ""
passthroughCallString = ""
variables = []
conversionCodeOutgoing = []
conversionCodeIncoming = []
switchCode = []
# Calculate the name of the underlying support function to call.
# By default, the passthrough function is named _mesa_<funcName>.
# We're allowed to override the prefix and/or the function name
# for each function record, though. The "ConversionFunction"
# utility is poorly named, BTW...
if funcName in allSpecials:
# perform checks and pass through
funcPrefix = "_check_"
aliasprefix = "_es_"
funcPrefix = "_es_"
aliasprefix = apiutil.AliasPrefix(funcName)
alias = apiutil.ConversionFunction(funcName)
if not alias:
# There may still be a Mesa alias for the function
if apiutil.Alias(funcName):
passthroughFuncName = "%s%s" % (aliasprefix, apiutil.Alias(funcName))
passthroughFuncName = "%s%s" % (aliasprefix, funcName)
else: # a specific alias is provided
passthroughFuncName = "%s%s" % (aliasprefix, alias)
# Look at every parameter: each one may have only specific
# allowed values, or dependent parameters to check, or
# variant-sized vector arrays to calculate
for (paramName, paramType, paramMaxVecSize, paramConvertToType, paramValidValues, paramValueConversion) in params:
# We'll need this below if we're doing conversions
(paramBaseType, paramTypeModifiers) = GetBaseType(paramType)
# Conversion management.
# We'll handle three cases, easiest to hardest: a parameter
# that doesn't require conversion, a scalar parameter that
# requires conversion, and a vector parameter that requires
# conversion.
if paramConvertToType == None:
# Unconverted parameters are easy, whether they're vector
# or scalar - just add them to the call list. No conversions
# or anything to worry about.
passthroughDeclarationString += ", %s %s" % (paramType, paramName)
passthroughCallString += ", %s" % paramName
elif paramMaxVecSize == 0: # a scalar parameter that needs conversion
# A scalar to hold a converted parameter
variables.append(" %s converted_%s;" % (paramConvertToType, paramName))
# Outgoing conversion depends on whether we have to conditionally
# perform value conversion.
if paramValueConversion == "none":
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s = (%s) %s;" % (paramName, paramConvertToType, paramName))
elif paramValueConversion == "some":
# We'll need a conditional variable to keep track of
# whether we're converting values or not.
if (" int convert_%s_value = 1;" % paramName) not in variables:
variables.append(" int convert_%s_value = 1;" % paramName)
# Write code based on that conditional.
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" if (convert_%s_value) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s = %s;" % (paramName, ConvertValue(paramName, paramBaseType, paramConvertToType)))
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" } else {")
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s = (%s) %s;" % (paramName, paramConvertToType, paramName))
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" }")
else: # paramValueConversion == "all"
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s = %s;" % (paramName, ConvertValue(paramName, paramBaseType, paramConvertToType)))
# Note that there can be no incoming conversion for a
# scalar parameter; changing the scalar will only change
# the local value, and won't ultimately change anything
# that passes back to the application.
# Call strings. The unusual " ".join() call will join the
# array of parameter modifiers with spaces as separators.
passthroughDeclarationString += ", %s %s %s" % (paramConvertToType, " ".join(paramTypeModifiers), paramName)
passthroughCallString += ", converted_%s" % paramName
else: # a vector parameter that needs conversion
# We'll need an index variable for conversions
if " register unsigned int i;" not in variables:
variables.append(" register unsigned int i;")
# This variable will hold the (possibly variant) size of
# this array needing conversion. By default, we'll set
# it to the maximal size (which is correct for functions
# with a constant-sized vector parameter); for true
# variant arrays, we'll modify it with other code.
variables.append(" unsigned int n_%s = %d;" % (paramName, paramMaxVecSize))
# This array will hold the actual converted values.
variables.append(" %s converted_%s[%d];" % (paramConvertToType, paramName, paramMaxVecSize))
# Again, we choose the conversion code based on whether we
# have to always convert values, never convert values, or
# conditionally convert values.
if paramValueConversion == "none":
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s[i] = (%s) %s[i];" % (paramName, paramConvertToType, paramName))
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" }")
elif paramValueConversion == "some":
# We'll need a conditional variable to keep track of
# whether we're converting values or not.
if (" int convert_%s_value = 1;" % paramName) not in variables:
variables.append(" int convert_%s_value = 1;" % paramName)
# Write code based on that conditional.
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" if (convert_%s_value) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s[i] = %s;" % (paramName, ConvertValue("%s[i]" % paramName, paramBaseType, paramConvertToType)))
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" }")
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" } else {")
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s[i] = (%s) %s[i];" % (paramName, paramConvertToType, paramName))
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" }")
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" }")
else: # paramValueConversion == "all"
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" converted_%s[i] = %s;" % (paramName, ConvertValue("%s[i]" % paramName, paramBaseType, paramConvertToType)))
conversionCodeOutgoing.append(" }")
# If instead we need an incoming conversion (i.e. results
# from Mesa have to be converted before handing back
# to the application), this is it. Fortunately, we don't
# have to worry about conditional value conversion - the
# functions that do (e.g. glGetFixedv()) are handled
# specially, outside this code generation.
# Whether we use incoming conversion or outgoing conversion
# is determined later - we only ever use one or the other.
if paramValueConversion == "none":
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" %s[i] = (%s) converted_%s[i];" % (paramName, paramConvertToType, paramName))
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" }")
elif paramValueConversion == "some":
# We'll need a conditional variable to keep track of
# whether we're converting values or not.
if (" int convert_%s_value = 1;" % paramName) not in variables:
variables.append(" int convert_%s_value = 1;" % paramName)
# Write code based on that conditional.
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" if (convert_%s_value) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" %s[i] = %s;" % (paramName, ConvertValue("converted_%s[i]" % paramName, paramConvertToType, paramBaseType)))
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" }")
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" } else {")
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" %s[i] = (%s) converted_%s[i];" % (paramName, paramBaseType, paramName))
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" }")
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" }")
else: # paramValueConversion == "all"
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" for (i = 0; i < n_%s; i++) {" % paramName)
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" %s[i] = %s;" % (paramName, ConvertValue("converted_%s[i]" % paramName, paramConvertToType, paramBaseType)))
conversionCodeIncoming.append(" }")
# Call strings. The unusual " ".join() call will join the
# array of parameter modifiers with spaces as separators.
passthroughDeclarationString += ", %s %s %s" % (paramConvertToType, " ".join(paramTypeModifiers), paramName)
passthroughCallString += ", converted_%s" % paramName
# endif conversion management
# Parameter checking. If the parameter has a specific list of
# valid values, we have to make sure that the passed-in values
# match these, or we make an error.
if len(paramValidValues) > 0:
# We're about to make a big switch statement with an
# error at the end. By default, the error is GL_INVALID_ENUM,
# unless we find a "case" statement in the middle with a
# non-GLenum value.
errorDefaultCase = "GL_INVALID_ENUM"
# This parameter has specific valid values. Make a big
# switch statement to handle it. Note that the original
# parameters are always what is checked, not the
# converted parameters.
switchCode.append(" switch(%s) {" % paramName)
for valueIndex in range(len(paramValidValues)):
(paramValue, dependentVecSize, dependentParamName, dependentValidValues, errorCode, valueConvert) = paramValidValues[valueIndex]
# We're going to need information on the dependent param
# as well.
if dependentParamName:
depParamIndex = apiutil.FindParamIndex(params, dependentParamName)
if depParamIndex == None:
sys.stderr.write("%s: can't find dependent param '%s' for function '%s'\n" % (program, dependentParamName, funcName))
(depParamName, depParamType, depParamMaxVecSize, depParamConvertToType, depParamValidValues, depParamValueConversion) = params[depParamIndex]
(depParamName, depParamType, depParamMaxVecSize, depParamConvertToType, depParamValidValues, depParamValueConversion) = (None, None, None, None, [], None)
# This is a sneaky trick. It's valid syntax for a parameter
# that is *not* going to be converted to be declared
# with a dependent vector size; but in this case, the
# dependent vector size is unused and unnecessary.
# So check for this and ignore the dependent vector size
# if the parameter is not going to be converted.
if depParamConvertToType:
usedDependentVecSize = dependentVecSize
usedDependentVecSize = None
# We'll peek ahead at the next parameter, to see whether
# we can combine cases
if valueIndex + 1 < len(paramValidValues) :
(nextParamValue, nextDependentVecSize, nextDependentParamName, nextDependentValidValues, nextErrorCode, nextValueConvert) = paramValidValues[valueIndex + 1]
if depParamConvertToType:
usedNextDependentVecSize = nextDependentVecSize
usedNextDependentVecSize = None
# Create a case for this value. As a mnemonic,
# if we have a dependent vector size that we're ignoring,
# add it as a comment.
if usedDependentVecSize == None and dependentVecSize != None:
switchCode.append(" case %s: /* size %s */" % (paramValue, dependentVecSize))
switchCode.append(" case %s:" % paramValue)
# If this is not a GLenum case, then switch our error
# if no value is matched to be GL_INVALID_VALUE instead
# of GL_INVALID_ENUM. (Yes, this does get confused
# if there are both values and GLenums in the same
# switch statement, which shouldn't happen.)
if paramValue[0:3] != "GL_":
errorDefaultCase = "GL_INVALID_VALUE"
# If all the remaining parameters are identical to the
# next set, then we're done - we'll just create the
# official code on the next pass through, and the two
# cases will share the code.
if valueIndex + 1 < len(paramValidValues) and usedDependentVecSize == usedNextDependentVecSize and dependentParamName == nextDependentParamName and dependentValidValues == nextDependentValidValues and errorCode == nextErrorCode and valueConvert == nextValueConvert:
# Otherwise, we'll have to generate code for this case.
# Start off with a check: if there is a dependent parameter,
# and a list of valid values for that parameter, we need
# to generate an error if something other than one
# of those values is passed.
if len(dependentValidValues) > 0:
# If the parameter being checked is actually an array,
# check only its first element.
if depParamMaxVecSize == 0:
valueToCheck = dependentParamName
valueToCheck = "%s[0]" % dependentParamName
for v in dependentValidValues:
conditional += " && %s != %s" % (valueToCheck, v)
switchCode.append(" if (%s) {" % conditional[4:])
if errorCode == None:
errorCode = "GL_INVALID_ENUM"
switchCode.append(' _mesa_error(_mesa_get_current_context(), %s, "gl%s(%s=0x%s)", %s);' % (errorCode, funcName, paramName, "%x", paramName))
switchCode.append(" %s;" % errorReturn)
switchCode.append(" }")
# endif there are dependent valid values
# The dependent parameter may require conditional
# value conversion. If it does, and we don't want
# to convert values, we'll have to generate code for that
if depParamValueConversion == "some" and valueConvert == "noconvert":
switchCode.append(" convert_%s_value = 0;" % dependentParamName)
# If there's a dependent vector size for this parameter
# that we're actually going to use (i.e. we need conversion),
# mark it.
if usedDependentVecSize:
switchCode.append(" n_%s = %s;" % (dependentParamName, dependentVecSize))
# In all cases, break out of the switch if any valid
# value is found.
switchCode.append(" break;")
# Need a default case to catch all the other, invalid
# parameter values. These will all generate errors.
switchCode.append(" default:")
if errorCode == None:
errorCode = "GL_INVALID_ENUM"
formatString = GetFormatString(paramType)
if formatString == None:
switchCode.append(' _mesa_error(_mesa_get_current_context(), %s, "gl%s(%s)");' % (errorCode, funcName, paramName))
switchCode.append(' _mesa_error(_mesa_get_current_context(), %s, "gl%s(%s=%s)", %s);' % (errorCode, funcName, paramName, formatString, paramName))
switchCode.append(" %s;" % errorReturn)
# End of our switch code.
switchCode.append(" }")
# endfor every recognized parameter value
# endfor every param
# Here, the passthroughDeclarationString and passthroughCallString
# are complete; remove the extra ", " at the front of each.
passthroughDeclarationString = passthroughDeclarationString[2:]
passthroughCallString = passthroughCallString[2:]
# The Mesa functions are scattered across all the Mesa
# header files. The easiest way to manage declarations
# is to create them ourselves.
if funcName in allSpecials:
print "/* this function is special and is defined elsewhere */"
print "extern %s GLAPIENTRY %s(%s);" % (returnType, passthroughFuncName, passthroughDeclarationString)
# A function may be a core function (i.e. it exists in
# the core specification), a core addition (extension
# functions added officially to the core), a required
# extension (usually an extension for an earlier version
# that has been officially adopted), or an optional extension.
# Core functions have a simple category (e.g. "GLES1.1");
# we generate only a simple callback for them.
# Core additions have two category listings, one simple
# and one compound (e.g. ["GLES1.1", "GLES1.1:OES_fixed_point"]).
# We generate the core function, and also an extension function.
# Required extensions and implemented optional extensions
# have a single compound category "GLES1.1:OES_point_size_array".
# For these we generate just the extension function.
for categorySpec in apiutil.Categories(funcName):
compoundCategory = categorySpec.split(":")
# This category isn't for us, if the base category doesn't match
# our version
if compoundCategory[0] != version:
# Otherwise, determine if we're writing code for a core
# function (no suffix) or an extension function.
if len(compoundCategory) == 1:
# This is a core function
extensionName = None
extensionSuffix = ""
# This is an extension function. We'll need to append
# the extension suffix.
extensionName = compoundCategory[1]
extensionSuffix = extensionName.split("_")[0]
fullFuncName = funcPrefix + funcName + extensionSuffix
# Now the generated function. The text used to mark an API-level
# function, oddly, is version-specific.
if extensionName:
print "/* Extension %s */" % extensionName
if (not variables and
not switchCode and
not conversionCodeOutgoing and
not conversionCodeIncoming):
# pass through directly
print "#define %s %s" % (fullFuncName, passthroughFuncName)
print "static %s %s(%s)" % (returnType, fullFuncName, declarationString)
print "{"
# Start printing our code pieces. Start with any local
# variables we need. This unusual syntax joins the
# lines in the variables[] array with the "\n" separator.
if len(variables) > 0:
print "\n".join(variables) + "\n"
# If there's any sort of parameter checking or variable
# array sizing, the switch code will contain it.
if len(switchCode) > 0:
print "\n".join(switchCode) + "\n"
# In the case of an outgoing conversion (i.e. parameters must
# be converted before calling the underlying Mesa function),
# use the appropriate code.
if "get" not in props and len(conversionCodeOutgoing) > 0:
print "\n".join(conversionCodeOutgoing) + "\n"
# Call the Mesa function. Note that there are very few functions
# that return a value (i.e. returnType is not "void"), and that
# none of them require incoming translation; so we're safe
# to generate code that directly returns in those cases,
# even though it's not completely independent.
if returnType == "void":
print " %s(%s);" % (passthroughFuncName, passthroughCallString)
print " return %s(%s);" % (passthroughFuncName, passthroughCallString)
# If the function is one that returns values (i.e. "get" in props),
# it might return values of a different type than we need, that
# require conversion before passing back to the application.
if "get" in props and len(conversionCodeIncoming) > 0:
print "\n".join(conversionCodeIncoming)
# All done.
print "}"
# end for each category provided for a function
# end for each function
print "void"
print "_mesa_init_exec_table(struct _glapi_table *exec)"
print "{"
for func in keys:
prefix = "_es_" if func not in allSpecials else "_check_"
for spec in apiutil.Categories(func):
ext = spec.split(":")
# version does not match
if ext.pop(0) != version:
entry = func
if ext:
suffix = ext[0].split("_")[0]
entry += suffix
print " SET_%s(exec, %s%s);" % (entry, prefix, entry)
print "}"