blob: 401368b4f3a1e2d97aa293372629662b20228546 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2007 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.mockftpserver.stub;
import org.mockftpserver.core.command.CommandHandler;
import org.mockftpserver.core.command.CommandNames;
import org.mockftpserver.core.command.ReplyTextBundleUtil;
import org.mockftpserver.core.server.AbstractFtpServer;
import org.mockftpserver.stub.command.*;
import java.util.Map;
* <b>StubFtpServer</b> is the top-level class for a "stub" implementation of an FTP Server,
* suitable for testing FTP client code or standing in for a live FTP server. It supports
* the main FTP commands by defining handlers for each of the corresponding low-level FTP
* server commands (e.g. RETR, DELE, LIST). These handlers implement the {@link CommandHandler}
* interface.
* <p/>
* <b>StubFtpServer</b> works out of the box with default command handlers that return
* success reply codes and empty data (for retrieved files, directory listings, etc.).
* The command handler for any command can be easily configured to return custom data
* or reply codes. Or it can be replaced with a custom {@link CommandHandler}
* implementation. This allows simulation of a complete range of both success and
* failure scenarios. The command handlers can also be interrogated to verify command
* invocation data such as command parameters and timestamps.
* <p/>
* <b>StubFtpServer</b> can be fully configured programmatically or within the
* <a href="">Spring Framework</a> or similar container.
* <p/>
* <h4>Starting the StubFtpServer</h4>
* Here is how to start the <b>StubFtpServer</b> with the default configuration.
* <pre><code>
* StubFtpServer stubFtpServer = new StubFtpServer();
* stubFtpServer.start();
* </code></pre>
* <p/>
* <h4>FTP Server Control Port</h4>
* By default, <b>StubFtpServer</b> binds to the server control port of 21. You can use a different server
* control port by setting the the <code>serverControlPort</code> property. This is usually necessary
* when running on Unix or some other system where that port number is already in use or cannot be bound
* from a user process.
* <h4>Retrieving Command Handlers</h4>
* You can retrieve the existing {@link CommandHandler} defined for an FTP server command
* by calling the {@link #getCommandHandler(String)} method, passing in the FTP server
* command name. For example:
* <pre><code>
* PwdCommandHandler pwdCommandHandler = (PwdCommandHandler) stubFtpServer.getCommandHandler("PWD");
* </code></pre>
* <p/>
* <h4>Replacing Command Handlers</h4>
* You can replace the existing {@link CommandHandler} defined for an FTP server command
* by calling the {@link #setCommandHandler(String, CommandHandler)} method, passing
* in the FTP server command name and {@link CommandHandler} instance. For example:
* <pre><code>
* PwdCommandHandler pwdCommandHandler = new PwdCommandHandler();
* pwdCommandHandler.setDirectory("some/dir");
* stubFtpServer.setCommandHandler("PWD", pwdCommandHandler);
* </code></pre>
* You can also replace multiple command handlers at once by using the {@link #setCommandHandlers(Map)}
* method. That is especially useful when configuring the server through the <b>Spring Framework</b>.
* <h4>FTP Command Reply Text ResourceBundle</h4>
* <p/>
* The default text asociated with each FTP command reply code is contained within the
* "" ResourceBundle file. You can customize these messages by providing a
* locale-specific ResourceBundle file on the CLASSPATH, according to the normal lookup rules of
* the ResourceBundle class (e.g., ""). Alternatively, you can
* completely replace the ResourceBundle file by calling the calling the
* {@link #setReplyTextBaseName(String)} method.
* @author Chris Mair
* @version $Revision$ - $Date$
public class StubFtpServer extends AbstractFtpServer {
* Create a new instance. Initialize the default command handlers and
* reply text ResourceBundle.
public StubFtpServer() {
PwdCommandHandler pwdCommandHandler = new PwdCommandHandler();
// Initialize the default CommandHandler mappings
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.ABOR, new AborCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.ACCT, new AcctCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.ALLO, new AlloCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.APPE, new AppeCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.PWD, pwdCommandHandler); // same as XPWD
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.CONNECT, new ConnectCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.CWD, new CwdCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.CDUP, new CdupCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.DELE, new DeleCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.HELP, new HelpCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.LIST, new ListCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.MKD, new MkdCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.MODE, new ModeCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.NOOP, new NoopCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.NLST, new NlstCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.PASS, new PassCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.PASV, new PasvCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.PORT, new PortCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.RETR, new RetrCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.QUIT, new QuitCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.REIN, new ReinCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.REST, new RestCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.RMD, new RmdCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.RNFR, new RnfrCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.RNTO, new RntoCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.SITE, new SiteCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.SMNT, new SmntCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.STAT, new StatCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.STOR, new StorCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.STOU, new StouCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.STRU, new StruCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.SYST, new SystCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.TYPE, new TypeCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.USER, new UserCommandHandler());
setCommandHandler(CommandNames.XPWD, pwdCommandHandler); // same as PWD
// Abstract method implementation
protected void initializeCommandHandler(CommandHandler commandHandler) {
ReplyTextBundleUtil.setReplyTextBundleIfAppropriate(commandHandler, getReplyTextBundle());