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* @file string_manip.h
* std::string helpers
* @remark Copyright 2002 OProfile authors
* @remark Read the file COPYING
* @author Philippe Elie
* @author John Levon
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
* @param str string
* @param ch the characterto search
* erase char from the begin of str to the last
* occurence of ch from and return the string
std::string erase_to_last_of(std::string const & str, char ch);
/// split string s by first occurence of char c, returning the second part.
/// s is set to the first part. Neither include the split character
std::string split(std::string & s, char c);
/// return true if "prefix" is a prefix of "s", behavior is undefined
/// if prefix is an empty string
bool is_prefix(std::string const & s, std::string const & prefix);
* @param str the string to tokenize
* @param sep the separator_char
* separate fields in a string in a list of token; field are
* separated by the sep character, sep char can be escaped
* by '\\' to specify a sep char in a token, '\\' not followed
* by a sep is taken as it e.g. "\,\a" --> ",\a"
std::vector<std::string> separate_token(std::string const & str, char sep);
/// remove trim chars from start of input string return the new string
std::string ltrim(std::string const & str, std::string const & totrim = "\t ");
/// remove trim chars from end of input string return the new string
std::string rtrim(std::string const & str, std::string const & totrim = "\t ");
/// ltrim(rtrim(str))
std::string trim(std::string const & str, std::string const & totrim = "\t ");
* format_percent - smart format of double percentage value
* @param value - the value
* @param int_width - the maximum integer integer width default to 2
* @param frac_width - the fractionnary width default to 4
* @param showpos - show + sign for positive values
* This formats a percentage into exactly the given width and returns
* it. If the integer part is larger than the given int_width, the
* returned string will be wider. The returned string is never
* shorter than (fract_with + int_width + 1)
std::string const
format_percent(double value, size_t int_width,
size_t frac_width, bool showpos = false);
/// prefered width to format percentage
static unsigned int const percent_int_width = 2;
static unsigned int const percent_fract_width = 4;
static unsigned int const percent_width = percent_int_width + percent_fract_width + 1;
* @param src input parameter
* convert From src to a T through an istringstream.
* Throws invalid_argument if conversion fail.
* Note that this is not as foolproof as boost's lexical_cast
template <typename To, typename From>
To op_lexical_cast(From const & src)
std::ostringstream in;
if (!(in << src)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("op_lexical_cast<T>()");
std::istringstream out(in.str());
To value;
if (!(out >> value)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("op_lexical_cast<T>(\"" +
in.str() +"\")");
return value;
// specialization accepting hexadecimal and octal number in input. Note that
// op_lexical_cast<unsigned int>("0x23"); will fail because it call the
// non specialized template.
template <>
unsigned int op_lexical_cast<unsigned int>(std::string const & str);
#endif /* !STRING_MANIP_H */