blob: f01d58386df71d5e163ab51ae361c06969ef29d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright © 2011 Intel
* Corporation All Rights Reserved.
* The source code contained or described herein and all documents related to
* the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its suppliers
* or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel Corporation or its
* suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade secrets and proprietary
* and confidential information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The
* Material is protected by worldwide copyright and trade secret laws and
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* CREATED: 2011-06-01
* UPDATED: 2011-07-27
#include "Message.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "Socket.h"
#include "RemoteProcessorProtocol.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
CMessage::CMessage(uint8_t ucMsgId) : _ucMsgId(ucMsgId), _pucData(NULL), _uiDataSize(0), _uiIndex(0)
CMessage::CMessage() : _ucMsgId((uint8_t)-1), _pucData(NULL), _uiDataSize(0), _uiIndex(0)
delete [] _pucData;
// Msg Id
uint8_t CMessage::getMsgId() const
return _ucMsgId;
// Data
void CMessage::writeData(const void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize)
assert(_uiIndex + uiSize <= _uiDataSize);
// Copy
memcpy(&_pucData[_uiIndex], pvData, uiSize);
// Index
_uiIndex += uiSize;
void CMessage::readData(void* pvData, uint32_t uiSize)
assert(_uiIndex + uiSize <= _uiDataSize);
// Copy
memcpy(pvData, &_pucData[_uiIndex], uiSize);
// Index
_uiIndex += uiSize;
void CMessage::writeString(const string& strData)
// Size
uint32_t uiSize = strData.length();
writeData(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize));
// Content
writeData(strData.c_str(), uiSize);
void CMessage::readString(string& strData)
// Size
uint32_t uiSize;
readData(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize));
// Data
char* pcData = new char[uiSize + 1];
// Content
readData(pcData, uiSize);
// NULL-terminate string
pcData[uiSize] = '\0';
// Output
strData = pcData;
// Delete
delete [] pcData;
uint32_t CMessage::getStringSize(const string& strData) const
// Return string length plus room to store its length
return strData.length() + sizeof(uint32_t);
// Remaining data size
uint32_t CMessage::getRemainingDataSize() const
return _uiDataSize - _uiIndex;
// Send/Receive
bool CMessage::serialize(CSocket* pSocket, bool bOut)
if (bOut) {
// Make room for data to send
// Get data from derived
// Finished providing data?
assert(_uiIndex == _uiDataSize);
// First send sync word
uint16_t uiSyncWord = SYNC_WORD;
if (!pSocket->write(&uiSyncWord, sizeof(uiSyncWord))) {
return false;
// Size
uint32_t uiSize = sizeof(_ucMsgId) + _uiDataSize;
if (!pSocket->write(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize))) {
return false;
// Msg Id
if (!pSocket->write(&_ucMsgId, sizeof(_ucMsgId))) {
return false;
// Data
if (!pSocket->write(_pucData, _uiDataSize)) {
return false;
// Checksum
uint8_t ucChecksum = computeChecksum();
if (!pSocket->write(&ucChecksum, sizeof(ucChecksum))) {
return false;
} else {
// First read sync word
uint16_t uiSyncWord;
if (!pSocket->read(&uiSyncWord, sizeof(uiSyncWord))) {
return false;
// Check Sync word
if (uiSyncWord != SYNC_WORD) {
return false;
// Size
uint32_t uiSize;
if (!pSocket->read(&uiSize, sizeof(uiSize))) {
return false;
// Msg Id
if (!pSocket->read(&_ucMsgId, sizeof(_ucMsgId))) {
return false;
// Data
// Allocate
allocateData(uiSize - sizeof(_ucMsgId));
// Data receive
if (!pSocket->read(_pucData, _uiDataSize)) {
return false;
// Checksum
uint8_t ucChecksum;
if (!pSocket->read(&ucChecksum, sizeof(ucChecksum))) {
return false;
// Compare
if (ucChecksum != computeChecksum()) {
return false;
// Collect data in derived
return true;
// Checksum
uint8_t CMessage::computeChecksum() const
uint8_t uiChecksum = _ucMsgId;
uint32_t uiIndex;
for (uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < _uiDataSize; uiIndex++) {
uiChecksum += _pucData[uiIndex];
return uiChecksum;
// Data allocation
void CMessage::allocateData(uint32_t uiSize)
// Remove previous one
if (_pucData) {
delete [] _pucData;
// Do allocate
_pucData = new uint8_t[uiSize];
// Record size
_uiDataSize = uiSize;
// Reset Index
_uiIndex = 0;