blob: f5b023331c932df5ac00ec01adb2baf1224b49bd [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef TRACE_H
#define TRACE_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "trace_common.h"
extern uint64_t start_time, end_time;
extern uint64_t elapsed_usecs;
extern uint64 Now();
struct TranslationBlock;
// For tracing dynamic execution of basic blocks
typedef struct TraceBB {
char *filename;
FILE *fstream;
BBRec buffer[kMaxNumBasicBlocks];
BBRec *next; // points to next record in buffer
uint64_t flush_time; // time of last buffer flush
char compressed[kCompressedSize];
char *compressed_ptr;
char *high_water_ptr;
int64_t prev_bb_num;
uint64_t prev_bb_time;
uint64_t current_bb_num;
uint64_t current_bb_start_time;
uint64_t recnum; // counts number of trace records
uint32_t current_bb_addr;
int num_insns;
} TraceBB;
// For tracing simuation start times of instructions
typedef struct TraceInsn {
char *filename;
FILE *fstream;
InsnRec dummy; // this is here so we can use buffer[-1]
InsnRec buffer[kInsnBufferSize];
InsnRec *current;
uint64_t prev_time; // time of last instruction start
char compressed[kCompressedSize];
char *compressed_ptr;
char *high_water_ptr;
} TraceInsn;
// For tracing the static information about a basic block
typedef struct TraceStatic {
char *filename;
FILE *fstream;
uint32_t insns[kMaxInsnPerBB];
int next_insn;
uint64_t bb_num;
uint32_t bb_addr;
int is_thumb;
} TraceStatic;
// For tracing load and store addresses
typedef struct TraceAddr {
char *filename;
FILE *fstream;
AddrRec buffer[kMaxNumAddrs];
AddrRec *next;
char compressed[kCompressedSize];
char *compressed_ptr;
char *high_water_ptr;
uint32_t prev_addr;
uint64_t prev_time;
} TraceAddr;
// For tracing exceptions
typedef struct TraceExc {
char *filename;
FILE *fstream;
char compressed[kCompressedSize];
char *compressed_ptr;
char *high_water_ptr;
uint64_t prev_time;
uint64_t prev_bb_recnum;
} TraceExc;
// For tracing process id changes
typedef struct TracePid {
char *filename;
FILE *fstream;
char compressed[kCompressedSize];
char *compressed_ptr;
uint64_t prev_time;
} TracePid;
// For tracing Dalvik VM method enter and exit
typedef struct TraceMethod {
char *filename;
FILE *fstream;
char compressed[kCompressedSize];
char *compressed_ptr;
uint64_t prev_time;
uint32_t prev_addr;
int32_t prev_pid;
} TraceMethod;
extern TraceBB trace_bb;
extern TraceInsn trace_insn;
extern TraceStatic trace_static;
extern TraceAddr trace_load;
extern TraceAddr trace_store;
extern TraceExc trace_exc;
extern TracePid trace_pid;
extern TraceMethod trace_method;
// The simulated time, in clock ticks, starting with one.
extern uint64_t sim_time;
// This variable == 1 if we are currently tracing, otherwise == 0.
extern int tracing;
extern int trace_all_addr;
extern int trace_cache_miss;
extern void start_tracing();
extern void stop_tracing();
extern void trace_init(const char *filename);
extern void trace_bb_start(uint32_t bb_addr);
extern void trace_add_insn(uint32_t insn, int is_thumb);
extern void trace_bb_end();
extern int get_insn_ticks_arm(uint32_t insn);
extern int get_insn_ticks_thumb(uint32_t insn);
extern void trace_exception(uint32 pc);
extern void trace_bb_helper(uint64_t bb_num, TranslationBlock *tb);
extern void trace_insn_helper();
extern void sim_dcache_load(uint32_t addr);
extern void sim_dcache_store(uint32_t addr, uint32_t val);
extern void sim_dcache_swp(uint32_t addr);
extern void trace_interpreted_method(uint32_t addr, int call_type);
extern const char *trace_filename;
extern int tracing;
extern int trace_cache_miss;
extern int trace_all_addr;
#endif /* TRACE_H */