blob: 05a2cb0021c289ca678511f20da6d3da6f700b95 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <process.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_syswm.h>
#include "console.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/utils/path.h"
#include "android/utils/bufprint.h"
#include "android/utils/dirscanner.h"
#include "android/main-common.h"
#include "android/globals.h"
#include "android/resource.h"
#include "android/user-config.h"
#include "android/qemulator.h"
#include "android/display.h"
#include "android/skin/image.h"
#include "android/skin/trackball.h"
#include "android/skin/keyboard.h"
#include "android/skin/file.h"
#include "android/skin/window.h"
/***** *****/
/***** U T I L I T Y R O U T I N E S *****/
/***** *****/
#define D(...) do { if (VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) dprint(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
static AUserConfig* userConfig;
user_config_init( void )
userConfig = auserConfig_new( android_avdInfo );
/* only call this function on normal exits, so that ^C doesn't save the configuration */
user_config_done( void )
int win_x, win_y;
if (!userConfig) {
D("no user configuration?");
SDL_WM_GetPos( &win_x, &win_y );
auserConfig_setWindowPos(userConfig, win_x, win_y);
user_config_get_window_pos( int *window_x, int *window_y )
*window_x = *window_y = 10;
if (userConfig)
auserConfig_getWindowPos(userConfig, window_x, window_y);
unsigned convertBytesToMB( uint64_t size )
if (size == 0)
return 0;
size = (size + ONE_MB-1) >> 20;
if (size > UINT_MAX)
size = UINT_MAX;
return (unsigned) size;
uint64_t convertMBToBytes( unsigned megaBytes )
return ((uint64_t)megaBytes << 20);
/***** *****/
/***** K E Y S E T R O U T I N E S *****/
/***** *****/
#define KEYSET_FILE "default.keyset"
SkinKeyset* android_keyset = NULL;
static int
load_keyset(const char* path)
if (path_can_read(path)) {
AConfig* root = aconfig_node("","");
if (!aconfig_load_file(root, path)) {
android_keyset = skin_keyset_new(root);
if (android_keyset != NULL) {
D( "keyset loaded from: %s", path);
return 0;
return -1;
parse_keyset(const char* keyset, AndroidOptions* opts)
char kname[MAX_PATH];
char temp[MAX_PATH];
char* p;
char* end;
/* append .keyset suffix if needed */
if (strchr(keyset, '.') == NULL) {
p = kname;
end = p + sizeof(kname);
p = bufprint(p, end, "%s.keyset", keyset);
if (p >= end) {
derror( "keyset name too long: '%s'\n", keyset);
keyset = kname;
/* look for a the keyset file */
p = temp;
end = p + sizeof(temp);
p = bufprint_config_file(p, end, keyset);
if (p < end && load_keyset(temp) == 0)
p = temp;
p = bufprint(p, end, "%s" PATH_SEP "keysets" PATH_SEP "%s", opts->sysdir, keyset);
if (p < end && load_keyset(temp) == 0)
p = temp;
p = bufprint_app_dir(p, end);
p = bufprint(p, end, PATH_SEP "keysets" PATH_SEP "%s", keyset);
if (p < end && load_keyset(temp) == 0)
write_default_keyset( void )
char path[MAX_PATH];
bufprint_config_file( path, path+sizeof(path), KEYSET_FILE );
/* only write if there is no file here */
if ( !path_exists(path) ) {
int fd = open( path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666 );
int ret;
const char* ks = skin_keyset_get_default();
D( "writing default keyset file to %s", path );
if (fd < 0) {
D( "%s: could not create file: %s", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno) );
CHECKED(ret, write(fd, ks, strlen(ks)));
/***** *****/
/***** S D L S U P P O R T *****/
/***** *****/
void *readpng(const unsigned char* base, size_t size, unsigned *_width, unsigned *_height);
# define ANDROID_ICON_PNG "android_icon_256.png"
# define ANDROID_ICON_PNG "android_icon_16.png"
static void
sdl_set_window_icon( void )
static int window_icon_set;
if (!window_icon_set)
#ifdef _WIN32
HANDLE handle = GetModuleHandle( NULL );
HICON icon = LoadIcon( handle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1) );
SDL_SysWMinfo wminfo;
SetClassLong( wminfo.window, GCL_HICON, (LONG)icon );
#else /* !_WIN32 */
unsigned icon_w, icon_h;
size_t icon_bytes;
const unsigned char* icon_data;
void* icon_pixels;
window_icon_set = 1;
icon_data = android_icon_find( ANDROID_ICON_PNG, &icon_bytes );
if ( !icon_data )
icon_pixels = readpng( icon_data, icon_bytes, &icon_w, &icon_h );
if ( !icon_pixels )
/* the data is loaded into memory as RGBA bytes by libpng. we want to manage
* the values as 32-bit ARGB pixels, so swap the bytes accordingly depending
* on our CPU endianess
unsigned* d = icon_pixels;
unsigned* d_end = d + icon_w*icon_h;
for ( ; d < d_end; d++ ) {
unsigned pix = d[0];
/* R,G,B,A read as RGBA => ARGB */
pix = ((pix >> 8) & 0xffffff) | (pix << 24);
/* R,G,B,A read as ABGR => ARGB */
pix = (pix & 0xff00ff00) | ((pix >> 16) & 0xff) | ((pix & 0xff) << 16);
d[0] = pix;
SDL_Surface* icon = sdl_surface_from_argb32( icon_pixels, icon_w, icon_h );
if (icon != NULL) {
SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon, NULL);
free( icon_pixels );
#endif /* !_WIN32 */
/***** *****/
/***** S K I N S U P P O R T *****/
/***** *****/
const char* skin_network_speed = NULL;
const char* skin_network_delay = NULL;
static void sdl_at_exit(void)
void sdl_display_init(DisplayState *ds, int full_screen, int no_frame)
QEmulator* emulator = qemulator_get();
SkinDisplay* disp = skin_layout_get_display(emulator->layout);
int width, height;
char buf[128];
if (disp->rotation & 1) {
width = disp->rect.size.h;
height = disp->rect.size.w;
} else {
width = disp->rect.size.w;
height = disp->rect.size.h;
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "width=%d,height=%d", width, height);
android_display_init(ds, qframebuffer_fifo_get());
/* list of skin aliases */
static const struct {
const char* name;
const char* alias;
} skin_aliases[] = {
{ "QVGA-L", "320x240" },
{ "QVGA-P", "240x320" },
{ "HVGA-L", "480x320" },
{ "HVGA-P", "320x480" },
{ "QVGA", "320x240" },
{ "HVGA", "320x480" },
/* this is used by hw/events_device.c to send the charmap name to the system */
const char* android_skin_keycharmap = NULL;
parse_skin_files(const char* skinDirPath,
const char* skinName,
AndroidOptions* opts,
AndroidHwConfig* hwConfig,
AConfig* *skinConfig,
char* *skinPath)
char tmp[1024];
AConfig* root;
const char* path = NULL;
AConfig* n;
root = aconfig_node("", "");
if (skinName == NULL)
/* Support skin aliases like QVGA-H QVGA-P, etc...
But first we check if it's a directory that exist before applying
the alias */
int checkAlias = 1;
if (skinDirPath != NULL) {
bufprint(tmp, tmp+sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s", skinDirPath, skinName);
if (path_exists(tmp)) {
checkAlias = 0;
} else {
D("there is no '%s' skin in '%s'", skinName, skinDirPath);
if (checkAlias) {
int nn;
for (nn = 0; ; nn++ ) {
const char* skin_name = skin_aliases[nn].name;
const char* skin_alias = skin_aliases[nn].alias;
if (!skin_name)
if (!strcasecmp( skin_name, skinName )) {
D("skin name '%s' aliased to '%s'", skinName, skin_alias);
skinName = skin_alias;
/* Magically support skins like "320x240" or "320x240x16" */
if(isdigit(skinName[0])) {
char *x = strchr(skinName, 'x');
if(x && isdigit(x[1])) {
int width = atoi(skinName);
int height = atoi(x+1);
int bpp = 16;
char* y = strchr(x+1, 'x');
if (y && isdigit(y[1])) {
bpp = atoi(y+1);
snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp,
"display {\n width %d\n height %d\n bpp %d}\n",
width, height,bpp);
aconfig_load(root, strdup(tmp));
path = ":";
D("found magic skin width=%d height=%d bpp=%d\n", width, height, bpp);
if (skinDirPath == NULL) {
derror("unknown skin name '%s'", skinName);
snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s/%s/layout", skinDirPath, skinName);
D("trying to load skin file '%s'", tmp);
if(aconfig_load_file(root, tmp) < 0) {
dwarning("could not load skin file '%s', using built-in one\n",
snprintf(tmp, sizeof tmp, "%s/%s/", skinDirPath, skinName);
path = tmp;
/* the default network speed and latency can now be specified by the device skin */
n = aconfig_find(root, "network");
if (n != NULL) {
skin_network_speed = aconfig_str(n, "speed", 0);
skin_network_delay = aconfig_str(n, "delay", 0);
/* extract framebuffer information from the skin.
* for version 1 of the skin format, they are in the top-level
* 'display' element.
* for version 2 of the skin format, they are under parts.device.display
n = aconfig_find(root, "display");
if (n == NULL) {
n = aconfig_find(root, "parts");
if (n != NULL) {
n = aconfig_find(n, "device");
if (n != NULL) {
n = aconfig_find(n, "display");
if (n != NULL) {
int width = aconfig_int(n, "width", hwConfig->hw_lcd_width);
int height = aconfig_int(n, "height", hwConfig->hw_lcd_height);
int depth = aconfig_int(n, "bpp", hwConfig->hw_lcd_depth);
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
/* The emulated framebuffer wants sizes that are multiples of 4 */
if (((width|height) & 3) != 0) {
width = (width+3) & ~3;
height = (height+3) & ~3;
D("adjusting LCD dimensions to (%dx%dx)", width, height);
/* only depth values of 16 and 32 are correct. 16 is the default. */
if (depth != 32 && depth != 16) {
depth = 16;
D("adjusting LCD bit depth to %d", depth);
hwConfig->hw_lcd_width = width;
hwConfig->hw_lcd_height = height;
hwConfig->hw_lcd_depth = depth;
else {
D("ignoring invalid skin LCD dimensions (%dx%dx%d)",
width, height, depth);
*skinConfig = root;
*skinPath = strdup(path);
const unsigned char* layout_base;
size_t layout_size;
char* base;
skinName = "<builtin>";
layout_base = android_resource_find( "layout", &layout_size );
if (layout_base == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load builtin skin\n");
base = malloc( layout_size+1 );
memcpy( base, layout_base, layout_size );
base[layout_size] = 0;
D("parsing built-in skin layout file (%d bytes)", (int)layout_size);
aconfig_load(root, base);
path = ":";
init_sdl_ui(AConfig* skinConfig,
const char* skinPath,
AndroidOptions* opts)
int win_x, win_y, flags;
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
#ifndef _WIN32
/* we're not a game, so allow the screensaver to run */
if (!opts->no_window)
flags |= SDL_INIT_VIDEO;
fprintf(stderr, "SDL init failure, reason is: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
if (!opts->no_window) {
#ifndef _WIN32
/* prevent SIGTTIN and SIGTTOUT from stopping us. this is necessary to be
* able to run the emulator in the background (e.g. "emulator &").
* despite the fact that the emulator should not grab input or try to
* write to the output in normal cases, we're stopped on some systems
* (e.g. OS X)
user_config_get_window_pos(&win_x, &win_y);
if ( qemulator_init(qemulator_get(), skinConfig, skinPath, win_x, win_y, opts) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "### Error: could not load emulator skin from '%s'\n", skinPath);
android_skin_keycharmap = skin_keyboard_charmap_name(qemulator_get()->keyboard);
/* add an onion overlay image if needed */
if (opts->onion) {
SkinImage* onion = skin_image_find_simple( opts->onion );
int alpha, rotate;
if ( opts->onion_alpha && 1 == sscanf( opts->onion_alpha, "%d", &alpha ) ) {
alpha = (256*alpha)/100;
} else
alpha = 128;
if ( opts->onion_rotation && 1 == sscanf( opts->onion_rotation, "%d", &rotate ) ) {
rotate &= 3;
} else
rotate = SKIN_ROTATION_0;
qemulator_get()->onion = onion;
qemulator_get()->onion_alpha = alpha;
qemulator_get()->onion_rotation = rotate;
/* this function is used to perform auto-detection of the
* system directory in the case of a SDK installation.
* we want to deal with several historical usages, hence
* the slightly complicated logic.
* NOTE: the function returns the path to the directory
* containing 'fileName'. this is *not* the full
* path to 'fileName'.
static char*
_getSdkImagePath( const char* fileName )
char temp[MAX_PATH];
char* p = temp;
char* end = p + sizeof(temp);
char* q;
char* app;
static const char* const searchPaths[] = {
"", /* program's directory */
"/lib/images", /* this is for SDK 1.0 */
"/../platforms/android-1.1/images", /* this is for SDK 1.1 */
app = bufprint_app_dir(temp, end);
if (app >= end)
return NULL;
do {
int nn;
/* first search a few well-known paths */
for (nn = 0; searchPaths[nn] != NULL; nn++) {
p = bufprint(app, end, "%s", searchPaths[nn]);
q = bufprint(p, end, "/%s", fileName);
if (q < end && path_exists(temp)) {
*p = 0;
goto FOUND_IT;
/* hmmm. let's assume that we are in a post-1.1 SDK
* scan ../platforms if it exists
p = bufprint(app, end, "/../platforms");
if (p < end) {
DirScanner* scanner = dirScanner_new(temp);
if (scanner != NULL) {
int found = 0;
const char* subdir;
for (;;) {
subdir = dirScanner_next(scanner);
if (!subdir) break;
q = bufprint(p, end, "/%s/images/%s", subdir, fileName);
if (q >= end || !path_exists(temp))
found = 1;
p = bufprint(p, end, "/%s/images", subdir);
if (found)
/* I'm out of ideas */
return NULL;
} while (0);
//D("image auto-detection: %s/%s", temp, fileName);
return android_strdup(temp);
static char*
_getSdkImage( const char* path, const char* file )
char temp[MAX_PATH];
char *p = temp, *end = p + sizeof(temp);
p = bufprint(temp, end, "%s/%s", path, file);
if (p >= end || !path_exists(temp))
return NULL;
return android_strdup(temp);
static char*
_getSdkSystemImage( const char* path, const char* optionName, const char* file )
char* image = _getSdkImage(path, file);
if (image == NULL) {
derror("Your system directory is missing the '%s' image file.\n"
"Please specify one with the '%s <filepath>' option",
file, optionName);
return image;
void sanitizeOptions( AndroidOptions* opts )
/* legacy support: we used to use -system <dir> and -image <file>
* instead of -sysdir <dir> and -system <file>, so handle this by checking
* whether the options point to directories or files.
if (opts->image != NULL) {
if (opts->system != NULL) {
if (opts->sysdir != NULL) {
derror( "You can't use -sysdir, -system and -image at the same time.\n"
"You should probably use '-sysdir <path> -system <file>'.\n" );
dwarning( "Please note that -image is obsolete and that -system is now used to point\n"
"to the system image. Next time, try using '-sysdir <path> -system <file>' instead.\n" );
opts->sysdir = opts->system;
opts->system = opts->image;
opts->image = NULL;
else if (opts->system != NULL && path_is_dir(opts->system)) {
if (opts->sysdir != NULL) {
derror( "Option -system should now be followed by a file path, not a directory one.\n"
"Please use '-sysdir <path>' to point to the system directory.\n" );
dwarning( "Please note that the -system option should now be used to point to the initial\n"
"system image (like the obsolete -image option). To point to the system directory\n"
"please now use '-sysdir <path>' instead.\n" );
opts->sysdir = opts->system;
opts->system = NULL;
if (opts->nojni) {
opts->no_jni = opts->nojni;
opts->nojni = 0;
if (opts->nocache) {
opts->no_cache = opts->nocache;
opts->nocache = 0;
if (opts->noaudio) {
opts->no_audio = opts->noaudio;
opts->noaudio = 0;
if (opts->noskin) {
opts->no_skin = opts->noskin;
opts->noskin = 0;
/* If -no-cache is used, ignore any -cache argument */
if (opts->no_cache) {
opts->cache = 0;
/* the purpose of -no-audio is to disable sound output from the emulator,
* not to disable Audio emulation. So simply force the 'none' backends */
if (opts->no_audio)
opts->audio = "none";
/* we don't accept -skindir without -skin now
* to simplify the autoconfig stuff with virtual devices
if (opts->no_skin) {
opts->skin = "320x480";
opts->skindir = NULL;
if (opts->skindir) {
if (!opts->skin) {
derror( "the -skindir <path> option requires a -skin <name> option");
if (opts->bootchart) {
char* end;
int timeout = strtol(opts->bootchart, &end, 10);
if (timeout == 0)
opts->bootchart = NULL;
else if (timeout < 0 || timeout > 15*60) {
derror( "timeout specified for -bootchart option is invalid.\n"
"please use integers between 1 and 900\n");
AvdInfo* createAVD(AndroidOptions* opts, int* inAndroidBuild)
AvdInfo* ret = NULL;
char tmp[MAX_PATH];
char* tmpend = tmp + sizeof(tmp);
char* android_build_root = NULL;
char* android_build_out = NULL;
/* If no AVD name was given, try to find the top of the
* Android build tree
if (opts->avd == NULL) {
do {
char* out = getenv("ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT");
if (out == NULL || out[0] == 0)
if (!path_exists(out)) {
derror("Can't access ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT as '%s'\n"
"You need to build the Android system before launching the emulator",
android_build_root = path_parent( out, 4 );
if (android_build_root == NULL || !path_exists(android_build_root)) {
derror("Can't find the Android build root from '%s'\n"
"Please check the definition of the ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT variable.\n"
"It should point to your product-specific build output directory.\n",
out );
android_build_out = out;
D( "found Android build root: %s", android_build_root );
D( "found Android build out: %s", android_build_out );
} while (0);
/* if no virtual device name is given, and we're not in the
* Android build system, we'll need to perform some auto-detection
* magic :-)
if (opts->avd == NULL && !android_build_out)
char dataDirIsSystem = 0;
if (!opts->sysdir) {
opts->sysdir = _getSdkImagePath("system.img");
if (!opts->sysdir) {
"You did not specify a virtual device name, and the system\n"
"directory could not be found.\n\n"
"If you are an Android SDK user, please use '@<name>' or '-avd <name>'\n"
"to start a given virtual device (see -help-avd for details).\n\n"
"Otherwise, follow the instructions in -help-disk-images to start the emulator\n"
D("autoconfig: -sysdir %s", opts->sysdir);
if (!opts->system) {
opts->system = _getSdkSystemImage(opts->sysdir, "-image", "system.img");
D("autoconfig: -image %s", opts->image);
if (!opts->kernel) {
opts->kernel = _getSdkSystemImage(opts->sysdir, "-kernel", "kernel-qemu");
D("autoconfig: -kernel %s", opts->kernel);
if (!opts->ramdisk) {
opts->ramdisk = _getSdkSystemImage(opts->sysdir, "-ramdisk", "ramdisk.img");
D("autoconfig: -ramdisk %s", opts->ramdisk);
/* if no data directory is specified, use the system directory */
if (!opts->datadir) {
opts->datadir = android_strdup(opts->sysdir);
dataDirIsSystem = 1;
D("autoconfig: -datadir %s", opts->sysdir);
if (!opts->data) {
/* check for userdata-qemu.img in the data directory */
bufprint(tmp, tmpend, "%s/userdata-qemu.img", opts->datadir);
if (!path_exists(tmp)) {
"You did not provide the name of an Android Virtual Device\n"
"with the '-avd <name>' option. Read -help-avd for more information.\n\n"
"If you *really* want to *NOT* run an AVD, consider using '-data <file>'\n"
"to specify a data partition image file (I hope you know what you're doing).\n"
opts->data = android_strdup(tmp);
D("autoconfig: -data %s", opts->data);
if (!opts->snapstorage && opts->datadir) {
bufprint(tmp, tmpend, "%s/snapshots.img", opts->datadir);
if (path_exists(tmp)) {
opts->snapstorage = android_strdup(tmp);
D("autoconfig: -snapstorage %s", opts->snapstorage);
/* setup the virtual device differently depending on whether
* we are in the Android build system or not
if (opts->avd != NULL)
ret = avdInfo_new( opts->avd, android_avdParams );
if (ret == NULL) {
/* an error message has already been printed */
dprint("could not find virtual device named '%s'", opts->avd);
if (!android_build_out) {
android_build_out = android_build_root = opts->sysdir;
ret = avdInfo_newForAndroidBuild(
android_avdParams );
if(ret == NULL) {
D("could not start virtual device\n");
if (android_build_out) {
*inAndroidBuild = 1;
} else {
*inAndroidBuild = 0;
return ret;
#include "android/protocol/core-connection.h"
#include "android/protocol/fb-updates-impl.h"
#include "android/protocol/user-events-proxy.h"
#include "android/protocol/core-commands-proxy.h"
#include "android/protocol/ui-commands-impl.h"
#include "android/protocol/attach-ui-impl.h"
/* Emulator's core port. */
int android_base_port = 0;
// Base console port
#define CORE_BASE_PORT 5554
// Maximum number of core porocesses running simultaneously on a machine.
#define MAX_CORE_PROCS 16
// Socket timeout in millisec (set to 5 seconds)
#include "android/async-console.h"
typedef struct {
LoopIo io[1];
int port;
int ok;
AsyncConsoleConnector connector[1];
} CoreConsole;
static void
coreconsole_io_func(void* opaque, int fd, unsigned events)
CoreConsole* cc = opaque;
AsyncStatus status;
status = asyncConsoleConnector_run(cc->connector);
if (status == ASYNC_COMPLETE) {
cc->ok = 1;
static void
coreconsole_init(CoreConsole* cc, const SockAddress* address, Looper* looper)
int fd = socket_create_inet(SOCKET_STREAM);
AsyncStatus status;
cc->port = sock_address_get_port(address);
cc->ok = 0;
loopIo_init(cc->io, looper, fd, coreconsole_io_func, cc);
if (fd >= 0) {
status = asyncConsoleConnector_connect(cc->connector, address, cc->io);
if (status == ASYNC_ERROR) {
cc->ok = 0;
static void
coreconsole_done(CoreConsole* cc)
/* List emulator core processes running on the given machine.
* This routine is called from main() if -list-cores parameter is set in the
* command line.
* Param:
* host Value passed with -list-core parameter. Must be either "localhost", or
* an IP address of a machine where core processes must be enumerated.
static void
list_running_cores(const char* host)
Looper* looper;
CoreConsole cores[MAX_CORE_PROCS];
SockAddress address;
int nn, found;
if (sock_address_init_resolve(&address, host, CORE_BASE_PORT, 0) < 0) {
derror("Unable to resolve hostname %s: %s", host, errno_str);
looper = looper_newGeneric();
for (nn = 0; nn < MAX_CORE_PROCS; nn++) {
int port = CORE_BASE_PORT + nn*2;
sock_address_set_port(&address, port);
coreconsole_init(&cores[nn], &address, looper);
looper_runWithTimeout(looper, CORE_PORT_TIMEOUT_MS*2);
found = 0;
for (nn = 0; nn < MAX_CORE_PROCS; nn++) {
int port = CORE_BASE_PORT + nn*2;
if (cores[nn].ok) {
if (found == 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "Running emulator core processes:\n");
fprintf(stdout, "Emulator console port %d\n", port);
if (found == 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "There were no running emulator core processes found on %s.\n",
/* Attaches starting UI to a running core process.
* This routine is called from main() when -attach-core parameter is set,
* indicating that this UI instance should attach to a running core, rather than
* start a new core process.
* Param:
* opts Android options containing non-NULL attach_core.
* Return:
* 0 on success, or -1 on failure.
static int
attach_to_core(AndroidOptions* opts) {
int iter;
SockAddress console_socket;
SockAddress** sockaddr_list;
QEmulator* emulator;
// Parse attach_core param extracting the host name, and the port name.
char* console_address = strdup(opts->attach_core);
char* host_name = console_address;
char* port_num = strchr(console_address, ':');
if (port_num == NULL) {
// The host name is ommited, indicating the localhost
host_name = "localhost";
port_num = console_address;
} else if (port_num == console_address) {
// Invalid.
derror("Invalid value %s for -attach-core parameter\n",
return -1;
} else {
*port_num = '\0';
if (*port_num == '\0') {
// Invalid.
derror("Invalid value %s for -attach-core parameter\n",
return -1;
/* Create socket address list for the given address, and pull appropriate
* address to use for connection. Note that we're fine copying that address
* out of the list, since INET and IN6 will entirely fit into SockAddress
* structure. */
sockaddr_list =
sock_address_list_create(host_name, port_num, SOCKET_LIST_FORCE_INET);
if (sockaddr_list == NULL) {
derror("Unable to resolve address %s: %s\n",
opts->attach_core, errno_str);
return -1;
for (iter = 0; sockaddr_list[iter] != NULL; iter++) {
if (sock_address_get_family(sockaddr_list[iter]) == SOCKET_INET ||
sock_address_get_family(sockaddr_list[iter]) == SOCKET_IN6) {
memcpy(&console_socket, sockaddr_list[iter], sizeof(SockAddress));
if (sockaddr_list[iter] == NULL) {
derror("Unable to resolve address %s. Note that 'port' parameter passed to -attach-core\n"
"must be resolvable into an IP address.\n", opts->attach_core);
return -1;
if (attachUiImpl_create(&console_socket)) {
return -1;
// Save core's port, and set the title.
android_base_port = sock_address_get_port(&console_socket);
emulator = qemulator_get();
return 0;
void handle_ui_options( AndroidOptions* opts )
// Lets see if user just wants to list core process.
if (opts->list_cores) {
fprintf(stdout, "Enumerating running core processes.\n");
int attach_ui_to_core( AndroidOptions* opts )
// Lets see if we're attaching to a running core process here.
if (opts->attach_core) {
if (attach_to_core(opts)) {
return -1;
// Connect to the core's UI control services.
if (coreCmdProxy_create(attachUiImpl_get_console_socket())) {
return -1;
// Connect to the core's user events service.
if (userEventsProxy_create(attachUiImpl_get_console_socket())) {
return -1;
return 0;
void handle_ui_options( AndroidOptions* opts )
int attach_ui_to_core( AndroidOptions* opts )
return 0;