blob: eb82f2af868b73b13f785e47272c746b38211d79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/codegen.h"
#include "src/ic/ic.h"
#include "src/ic/stub-cache.h"
#include "src/interface-descriptors.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm)
// Probe primary or secondary table.
// If the entry is found in the cache, the generated code jump to the first
// instruction of the stub in the cache.
// If there is a miss the code fall trough.
// 'receiver', 'name' and 'offset' registers are preserved on miss.
static void ProbeTable(Isolate* isolate, MacroAssembler* masm,
Code::Kind ic_kind, Code::Flags flags,
StubCache::Table table, Register receiver, Register name,
Register offset, Register scratch, Register scratch2,
Register scratch3) {
// Some code below relies on the fact that the Entry struct contains
// 3 pointers (name, code, map).
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(StubCache::Entry) == (3 * kPointerSize));
ExternalReference key_offset(isolate->stub_cache()->key_reference(table));
ExternalReference value_offset(isolate->stub_cache()->value_reference(table));
ExternalReference map_offset(isolate->stub_cache()->map_reference(table));
uintptr_t key_off_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(key_offset.address());
uintptr_t value_off_addr =
uintptr_t map_off_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(map_offset.address());
Label miss;
DCHECK(!AreAliased(name, offset, scratch, scratch2, scratch3));
// Multiply by 3 because there are 3 fields per entry.
__ Add(scratch3, offset, Operand(offset, LSL, 1));
// Calculate the base address of the entry.
__ Mov(scratch, key_offset);
__ Add(scratch, scratch, Operand(scratch3, LSL, kPointerSizeLog2));
// Check that the key in the entry matches the name.
__ Ldr(scratch2, MemOperand(scratch));
__ Cmp(name, scratch2);
__ B(ne, &miss);
// Check the map matches.
__ Ldr(scratch2, MemOperand(scratch, map_off_addr - key_off_addr));
__ Ldr(scratch3, FieldMemOperand(receiver, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Cmp(scratch2, scratch3);
__ B(ne, &miss);
// Get the code entry from the cache.
__ Ldr(scratch, MemOperand(scratch, value_off_addr - key_off_addr));
// Check that the flags match what we're looking for.
__ Ldr(scratch2.W(), FieldMemOperand(scratch, Code::kFlagsOffset));
__ Bic(scratch2.W(), scratch2.W(), Code::kFlagsNotUsedInLookup);
__ Cmp(scratch2.W(), flags);
__ B(ne, &miss);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (FLAG_test_secondary_stub_cache && table == StubCache::kPrimary) {
__ B(&miss);
} else if (FLAG_test_primary_stub_cache && table == StubCache::kSecondary) {
__ B(&miss);
// Jump to the first instruction in the code stub.
__ Add(scratch, scratch, Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag);
__ Br(scratch);
// Miss: fall through.
__ Bind(&miss);
void StubCache::GenerateProbe(MacroAssembler* masm, Code::Kind ic_kind,
Code::Flags flags, Register receiver,
Register name, Register scratch, Register extra,
Register extra2, Register extra3) {
Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate();
Label miss;
// Make sure the flags does not name a specific type.
DCHECK(Code::ExtractTypeFromFlags(flags) == 0);
// Make sure that there are no register conflicts.
DCHECK(!AreAliased(receiver, name, scratch, extra, extra2, extra3));
// Make sure extra and extra2 registers are valid.
#ifdef DEBUG
// If vector-based ics are in use, ensure that scratch, extra, extra2 and
// extra3 don't conflict with the vector and slot registers, which need
// to be preserved for a handler call or miss.
if (IC::ICUseVector(ic_kind)) {
Register vector, slot;
if (ic_kind == Code::STORE_IC || ic_kind == Code::KEYED_STORE_IC) {
vector = VectorStoreICDescriptor::VectorRegister();
slot = VectorStoreICDescriptor::SlotRegister();
} else {
vector = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister();
slot = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister();
DCHECK(!AreAliased(vector, slot, scratch, extra, extra2, extra3));
Counters* counters = masm->isolate()->counters();
__ IncrementCounter(counters->megamorphic_stub_cache_probes(), 1, extra2,
// Check that the receiver isn't a smi.
__ JumpIfSmi(receiver, &miss);
// Compute the hash for primary table.
__ Ldr(scratch, FieldMemOperand(name, Name::kHashFieldOffset));
__ Ldr(extra, FieldMemOperand(receiver, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
__ Add(scratch, scratch, extra);
__ Eor(scratch, scratch, flags);
// We shift out the last two bits because they are not part of the hash.
__ Ubfx(scratch, scratch, kCacheIndexShift,
CountTrailingZeros(kPrimaryTableSize, 64));
// Probe the primary table.
ProbeTable(isolate, masm, ic_kind, flags, kPrimary, receiver, name, scratch,
extra, extra2, extra3);
// Primary miss: Compute hash for secondary table.
__ Sub(scratch, scratch, Operand(name, LSR, kCacheIndexShift));
__ Add(scratch, scratch, flags >> kCacheIndexShift);
__ And(scratch, scratch, kSecondaryTableSize - 1);
// Probe the secondary table.
ProbeTable(isolate, masm, ic_kind, flags, kSecondary, receiver, name, scratch,
extra, extra2, extra3);
// Cache miss: Fall-through and let caller handle the miss by
// entering the runtime system.
__ Bind(&miss);
__ IncrementCounter(counters->megamorphic_stub_cache_misses(), 1, extra2,
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64