blob: b21662f60cc57429fbb812b3ef12f6d97e349ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/v8.h"
#include "src/compiler/opcodes.h"
#include "src/compiler/schedule.h"
#include "src/zone-containers.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// Computes a schedule from a graph, placing nodes into basic blocks and
// ordering the basic blocks in the special RPO order.
class Scheduler {
// The complete scheduling algorithm.
// Create a new schedule and place all nodes from the graph into it.
static Schedule* ComputeSchedule(Graph* graph);
// Compute the RPO of blocks in an existing schedule.
static BasicBlockVector* ComputeSpecialRPO(Schedule* schedule);
// (Exposed for testing only)
// Build and connect the CFG for a node graph, but don't schedule nodes.
static void ComputeCFG(Graph* graph, Schedule* schedule);
enum Placement { kUnknown, kSchedulable, kFixed };
// Per-node data tracked during scheduling.
struct SchedulerData {
int unscheduled_count_; // Number of unscheduled uses of this node.
int minimum_rpo_; // Minimum legal RPO placement.
bool is_connected_control_; // {true} if control-connected to the end node.
bool is_floating_control_; // {true} if control, but not control-connected
// to the end node.
Placement placement_ : 3; // Whether the node is fixed, schedulable,
// or not yet known.
Zone* zone_;
Graph* graph_;
Schedule* schedule_;
NodeVectorVector scheduled_nodes_;
NodeVector schedule_root_nodes_;
ZoneVector<SchedulerData> node_data_;
bool has_floating_control_;
Scheduler(Zone* zone, Graph* graph, Schedule* schedule);
SchedulerData DefaultSchedulerData();
SchedulerData* GetData(Node* node) {
DCHECK(node->id() < static_cast<int>(node_data_.size()));
return &node_data_[node->id()];
void BuildCFG();
Placement GetPlacement(Node* node);
int GetRPONumber(BasicBlock* block) {
DCHECK(block->rpo_number_ >= 0 &&
block->rpo_number_ < static_cast<int>(schedule_->rpo_order_.size()));
DCHECK(schedule_->rpo_order_[block->rpo_number_] == block);
return block->rpo_number_;
void GenerateImmediateDominatorTree();
BasicBlock* GetCommonDominator(BasicBlock* b1, BasicBlock* b2);
friend class CFGBuilder;
friend class ScheduleEarlyNodeVisitor;
void ScheduleEarly();
friend class PrepareUsesVisitor;
void PrepareUses();
friend class ScheduleLateNodeVisitor;
void ScheduleLate();
bool ConnectFloatingControl();
void ConnectFloatingControlSubgraph(BasicBlock* block, Node* node);
} // namespace v8::internal::compiler