blob: 88ea3d2b0fc1f40866da2785102a49fe880ba317 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# How many symbols to include in the build. This affects the performance of
# the build since the symbols are large and dealing with them is slow.
# 2 means regular build with symbols.
# 1 means minimal symbols, usually enough for backtraces only.
# 0 means no symbols.
# -1 means auto-set according to debug/release and platform.
symbol_level = -1
# Compile in such a way as to enable profiling of the generated code. For
# example, don't omit the frame pointer and leave in symbols.
enable_profiling = false
# Specify the current PGO phase, only used for the Windows MSVS build. Here's
# the different values that can be used:
# 0 : Means that PGO is turned off.
# 1 : Used during the PGI (instrumentation) phase.
# 2 : Used during the PGO (optimization) phase.
# TODO(sebmarchand): Add support for the PGU (update) phase.
chrome_pgo_phase = 0
# Whether or not the official builds should be build with full WPO.
full_wpo_on_official = false
# If it wasn't manually set, set to an appropriate default.
assert(symbol_level >= -1 && symbol_level <= 2, "Invalid symbol_level")
if (symbol_level == -1) {
if (is_android && use_order_profiling) {
# With instrumentation enabled, debug info puts over 4gb, which
# causes the linker to produce an invalid ELF.
symbol_level = 0
} else if (is_win && is_clang && !using_sanitizer) {
# TODO(thakis): Remove this again once building with clang/win and
# debug info doesn't make link.exe run for hours.
symbol_level = 1
} else if (!is_linux || is_debug || is_official_build || is_chromecast) {
# Linux is slowed by having symbols as part of the target binary, whereas
# Mac and Windows have them separate, so in Release Linux, default them off,
# but keep them on for Official builds and Chromecast builds.
symbol_level = 2
} else if (using_sanitizer) {
# Sanitizers require symbols for filename suppressions to work.
symbol_level = 1
} else {
symbol_level = 0
# PGO requires full WPO.
if (chrome_pgo_phase > 0) {
full_wpo_on_official = true