blob: a66d118e46e1cc998ce11faf5beea4c91135b068 [file] [log] [blame]
Ben Murdoch61f157c2016-09-16 13:49:30 +01001# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6 'targets': [
7 {
8 'target_name': 'asan_dynamic_runtime',
9 'type': 'none',
10 'variables': {
11 # Every target is going to depend on asan_dynamic_runtime, so allow
12 # this one to depend on itself.
13 'prune_self_dependency': 1,
14 # Path is relative to this GYP file.
15 'asan_rtl_mask_path':
16 '../../third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/lib/clang/<!(python ../../tools/clang/scripts/ --print-clang-version)/lib/darwin',
17 'asan_osx_dynamic':
18 '<(asan_rtl_mask_path)/libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib',
19 'asan_iossim_dynamic':
20 '<(asan_rtl_mask_path)/libclang_rt.asan_iossim_dynamic.dylib',
21 },
22 'conditions': [
23 ['OS=="mac"', {
24 'copies': [
25 {
26 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
27 'files': [
28 '<!(/bin/ls <(asan_osx_dynamic))',
29 ],
30 },
31 ],
32 }],
33 # ASan works with iOS simulator only, not bare-metal iOS.
34 ['OS=="ios" and target_arch=="ia32"', {
35 'toolsets': ['host', 'target'],
36 'copies': [
37 {
38 'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
39 'target_conditions': [
40 ['_toolset=="host"', {
41 'files': [ '<!(/bin/ls <(asan_osx_dynamic))'],
42 }],
43 ['_toolset=="target"', {
44 'files': [ '<!(/bin/ls <(asan_iossim_dynamic))'],
45 }],
46 ],
47 },
48 ],
49 }],
50 ],
51 },
52 ],