blob: 6897e317e5bf807e112d0df2aee675acf19a847c [file] [log] [blame]
/*--- Error management for Helgrind. ---*/
/*--- hg_errors.c ---*/
This file is part of Helgrind, a Valgrind tool for detecting errors
in threaded programs.
Copyright (C) 2007-2009 OpenWorks Ltd
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#include "pub_tool_basics.h"
#include "pub_tool_libcbase.h"
#include "pub_tool_libcassert.h"
#include "pub_tool_libcprint.h"
#include "pub_tool_execontext.h"
#include "pub_tool_errormgr.h"
#include "pub_tool_wordfm.h"
#include "pub_tool_xarray.h"
#include "pub_tool_debuginfo.h"
#include "pub_tool_threadstate.h"
#include "pub_tool_options.h" // VG_(clo_xml)
#include "hg_basics.h"
#include "hg_wordset.h"
#include "hg_lock_n_thread.h"
#include "libhb.h"
#include "hg_errors.h" /* self */
/*--- Error management -- storage ---*/
/* maps (by value) strings to a copy of them in ARENA_TOOL */
static WordFM* string_table = NULL;
ULong HG_(stats__string_table_queries) = 0;
ULong HG_(stats__string_table_get_map_size) ( void ) {
return string_table ? (ULong)VG_(sizeFM)(string_table) : 0;
static Word string_table_cmp ( UWord s1, UWord s2 ) {
return (Word)VG_(strcmp)( (HChar*)s1, (HChar*)s2 );
static HChar* string_table_strdup ( HChar* str ) {
HChar* copy = NULL;
if (!str)
str = "(null)";
if (!string_table) {
string_table = VG_(newFM)( HG_(zalloc), "hg.sts.1",
HG_(free), string_table_cmp );
if (VG_(lookupFM)( string_table,
NULL, (Word*)&copy, (Word)str )) {
if (0) VG_(printf)("string_table_strdup: %p -> %p\n", str, copy );
return copy;
} else {
copy = HG_(strdup)("hg.sts.2", str);
VG_(addToFM)( string_table, (Word)copy, (Word)copy );
return copy;
/* maps from Lock .unique fields to LockP*s */
static WordFM* map_LockN_to_P = NULL;
ULong HG_(stats__LockN_to_P_queries) = 0;
ULong HG_(stats__LockN_to_P_get_map_size) ( void ) {
return map_LockN_to_P ? (ULong)VG_(sizeFM)(map_LockN_to_P) : 0;
static Word lock_unique_cmp ( UWord lk1W, UWord lk2W )
Lock* lk1 = (Lock*)lk1W;
Lock* lk2 = (Lock*)lk2W;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockNorP)(lk1) );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockNorP)(lk2) );
if (lk1->unique < lk2->unique) return -1;
if (lk1->unique > lk2->unique) return 1;
return 0;
static Lock* mk_LockP_from_LockN ( Lock* lkn )
Lock* lkp = NULL;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockN)(lkn) );
if (!map_LockN_to_P) {
map_LockN_to_P = VG_(newFM)( HG_(zalloc), "hg.mLPfLN.1",
HG_(free), lock_unique_cmp );
if (!VG_(lookupFM)( map_LockN_to_P, NULL, (Word*)&lkp, (Word)lkn)) {
lkp = HG_(zalloc)( "hg.mLPfLN.2", sizeof(Lock) );
*lkp = *lkn;
lkp->admin = NULL;
lkp->magic = LockP_MAGIC;
/* Forget about the bag of lock holders - don't copy that.
Also, acquired_at should be NULL whenever heldBy is, and vice
versa. Also forget about the associated libhb synch object. */
lkp->heldW = False;
lkp->heldBy = NULL;
lkp->acquired_at = NULL;
lkp->hbso = NULL;
VG_(addToFM)( map_LockN_to_P, (Word)lkp, (Word)lkp );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockP)(lkp) );
return lkp;
/* Errors:
race: program counter
read or write
data size
previous state
current state
FIXME: how does state printing interact with lockset gc?
Are the locksets in prev/curr state always valid?
Ditto question for the threadsets
ThreadSets - probably are always valid if Threads
are never thrown away.
LockSets - could at least print the lockset elements that
correspond to actual locks at the time of printing. Hmm.
/* Error kinds */
enum {
XE_Race=1101, // race
XE_UnlockUnlocked, // unlocking a not-locked lock
XE_UnlockForeign, // unlocking a lock held by some other thread
XE_UnlockBogus, // unlocking an address not known to be a lock
XE_PthAPIerror, // error from the POSIX pthreads API
XE_LockOrder, // lock order error
XE_Misc // misc other error (w/ string to describe it)
/* Extra contexts for kinds */
struct {
XErrorTag tag;
union {
struct {
Addr data_addr;
Int szB;
Bool isWrite;
Thread* thr;
XArray* descr1; /* XArray* of HChar */
XArray* descr2; /* XArray* of HChar */
Thread* h1_ct; /* non-NULL means h1 info present */
ExeContext* h1_ct_mbsegstartEC;
ExeContext* h1_ct_mbsegendEC;
Thread* h2_ct; /* non-NULL means h2 info present */
ExeContext* h2_ct_accEC;
Int h2_ct_accSzB;
Bool h2_ct_accIsW;
} Race;
struct {
Thread* thr; /* doing the unlocking */
Lock* lock; /* lock (that is already unlocked) */
} UnlockUnlocked;
struct {
Thread* thr; /* doing the unlocking */
Thread* owner; /* thread that actually holds the lock */
Lock* lock; /* lock (that is held by 'owner') */
} UnlockForeign;
struct {
Thread* thr; /* doing the unlocking */
Addr lock_ga; /* purported address of the lock */
} UnlockBogus;
struct {
Thread* thr;
HChar* fnname; /* persistent, in tool-arena */
Word err; /* pth error code */
HChar* errstr; /* persistent, in tool-arena */
} PthAPIerror;
struct {
Thread* thr;
Addr before_ga; /* always locked first in prog. history */
Addr after_ga;
ExeContext* before_ec;
ExeContext* after_ec;
} LockOrder;
struct {
Thread* thr;
HChar* errstr; /* persistent, in tool-arena */
} Misc;
} XE;
static void init_XError ( XError* xe ) {
VG_(memset)(xe, 0, sizeof(*xe) );
xe->tag = XE_Race-1; /* bogus */
/* Extensions of suppressions */
enum {
XS_Race=1201, /* race */
/* Updates the copy with address info if necessary. */
UInt HG_(update_extra) ( Error* err )
XError* xe = (XError*)VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
//if (extra != NULL && Undescribed == extra->addrinfo.akind) {
// describe_addr ( VG_(get_error_address)(err), &(extra->addrinfo) );
if (xe->tag == XE_Race) {
/* See if we can come up with a source level description of the
raced-upon address. This is potentially expensive, which is
why it's only done at the update_extra point, not when the
error is initially created. */
static Int xxx = 0;
if (0)
VG_(printf)("HG_(update_extra): "
"%d conflicting-event queries\n", xxx);
= VG_(newXA)( HG_(zalloc), "hg.update_extra.Race.descr1",
HG_(free), sizeof(HChar) );
= VG_(newXA)( HG_(zalloc), "hg.update_extra.Race.descr2",
HG_(free), sizeof(HChar) );
(void) VG_(get_data_description)( xe->XE.Race.descr1,
xe->XE.Race.data_addr );
/* If there's nothing in descr1/2, free it. Why is it safe to
to VG_(indexXA) at zero here? Because
VG_(get_data_description) guarantees to zero terminate
descr1/2 regardless of the outcome of the call. So there's
always at least one element in each XA after the call.
if (0 == VG_(strlen)( VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ))) {
VG_(deleteXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1 );
xe->XE.Race.descr1 = NULL;
if (0 == VG_(strlen)( VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ))) {
VG_(deleteXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2 );
xe->XE.Race.descr2 = NULL;
/* And poke around in the conflicting-event map, to see if we
can rustle up a plausible-looking conflicting memory access
to show. */
if (HG_(clo_history_level) >= 2) {
Thr* thrp = NULL;
ExeContext* wherep = NULL;
Addr acc_addr = xe->XE.Race.data_addr;
Int acc_szB = xe->XE.Race.szB;
Thr* acc_thr = xe->XE.Race.thr->hbthr;
Bool acc_isW = xe->XE.Race.isWrite;
SizeT conf_szB = 0;
Bool conf_isW = False;
if (libhb_event_map_lookup(
&wherep, &thrp, &conf_szB, &conf_isW,
acc_thr, acc_addr, acc_szB, acc_isW )) {
Thread* threadp;
threadp = libhb_get_Thr_opaque( thrp );
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC = wherep;
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct = threadp;
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accSzB = (Int)conf_szB;
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accIsW = conf_isW;
// both NULL or both non-NULL
tl_assert( (!!xe->XE.Race.h2_ct) == (!!xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC) );
return sizeof(XError);
void HG_(record_error_Race) ( Thread* thr,
Addr data_addr, Int szB, Bool isWrite,
Thread* h1_ct,
ExeContext* h1_ct_segstart,
ExeContext* h1_ct_mbsegendEC )
XError xe;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(thr) );
# if defined(VGO_linux)
/* Skip any races on locations apparently in GOTPLT sections. This
is said to be caused by poking PLT table entries (or
whatever) when it writes the resolved address of a dynamically
linked routine, into the table (or whatever) when it is called
for the first time. */
VgSectKind sect = VG_(DebugInfo_sect_kind)( NULL, 0, data_addr );
if (0) VG_(printf)("XXXXXXXXX RACE on %#lx %s\n",
data_addr, VG_(pp_SectKind)(sect));
/* SectPLT is required on ???-linux */
if (sect == Vg_SectGOTPLT) return;
/* SectPLT is required on ppc32/64-linux */
if (sect == Vg_SectPLT) return;
# endif
xe.tag = XE_Race;
xe.XE.Race.data_addr = data_addr;
xe.XE.Race.szB = szB;
xe.XE.Race.isWrite = isWrite;
xe.XE.Race.thr = thr;
tl_assert(isWrite == False || isWrite == True);
tl_assert(szB == 8 || szB == 4 || szB == 2 || szB == 1);
/* Skip on the detailed description of the raced-on address at this
point; it's expensive. Leave it for the update_extra function
if we ever make it that far. */
tl_assert(xe.XE.Race.descr1 == NULL);
tl_assert(xe.XE.Race.descr2 == NULL);
// FIXME: tid vs thr
// Skip on any of the conflicting-access info at this point.
// It's expensive to obtain, and this error is more likely than
// not to be discarded. We'll fill these fields in in
// HG_(update_extra) just above, assuming the error ever makes
// it that far (unlikely).
xe.XE.Race.h2_ct_accSzB = 0;
xe.XE.Race.h2_ct_accIsW = False;
xe.XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC = NULL;
xe.XE.Race.h2_ct = NULL;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
xe.XE.Race.h1_ct = h1_ct;
xe.XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegstartEC = h1_ct_segstart;
xe.XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegendEC = h1_ct_mbsegendEC;
VG_(maybe_record_error)( thr->coretid,
XE_Race, data_addr, NULL, &xe );
void HG_(record_error_UnlockUnlocked) ( Thread* thr, Lock* lk )
XError xe;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(thr) );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockN)(lk) );
xe.tag = XE_UnlockUnlocked;
xe.XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr = thr;
xe.XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock = mk_LockP_from_LockN(lk);
// FIXME: tid vs thr
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
VG_(maybe_record_error)( thr->coretid,
XE_UnlockUnlocked, 0, NULL, &xe );
void HG_(record_error_UnlockForeign) ( Thread* thr,
Thread* owner, Lock* lk )
XError xe;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(thr) );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(owner) );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockN)(lk) );
xe.tag = XE_UnlockForeign;
xe.XE.UnlockForeign.thr = thr;
xe.XE.UnlockForeign.owner = owner;
xe.XE.UnlockForeign.lock = mk_LockP_from_LockN(lk);
// FIXME: tid vs thr
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
VG_(maybe_record_error)( thr->coretid,
XE_UnlockForeign, 0, NULL, &xe );
void HG_(record_error_UnlockBogus) ( Thread* thr, Addr lock_ga )
XError xe;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(thr) );
xe.tag = XE_UnlockBogus;
xe.XE.UnlockBogus.thr = thr;
xe.XE.UnlockBogus.lock_ga = lock_ga;
// FIXME: tid vs thr
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
VG_(maybe_record_error)( thr->coretid,
XE_UnlockBogus, 0, NULL, &xe );
void HG_(record_error_LockOrder)(
Thread* thr, Addr before_ga, Addr after_ga,
ExeContext* before_ec, ExeContext* after_ec
XError xe;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(thr) );
if (!HG_(clo_track_lockorders))
xe.tag = XE_LockOrder;
xe.XE.LockOrder.thr = thr;
xe.XE.LockOrder.before_ga = before_ga;
xe.XE.LockOrder.before_ec = before_ec;
xe.XE.LockOrder.after_ga = after_ga;
xe.XE.LockOrder.after_ec = after_ec;
// FIXME: tid vs thr
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
VG_(maybe_record_error)( thr->coretid,
XE_LockOrder, 0, NULL, &xe );
void HG_(record_error_PthAPIerror) ( Thread* thr, HChar* fnname,
Word err, HChar* errstr )
XError xe;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(thr) );
xe.tag = XE_PthAPIerror;
xe.XE.PthAPIerror.thr = thr;
xe.XE.PthAPIerror.fnname = string_table_strdup(fnname);
xe.XE.PthAPIerror.err = err;
xe.XE.PthAPIerror.errstr = string_table_strdup(errstr);
// FIXME: tid vs thr
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
VG_(maybe_record_error)( thr->coretid,
XE_PthAPIerror, 0, NULL, &xe );
void HG_(record_error_Misc) ( Thread* thr, HChar* errstr )
XError xe;
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)(thr) );
xe.tag = XE_Misc;
xe.XE.Misc.thr = thr;
xe.XE.Misc.errstr = string_table_strdup(errstr);
// FIXME: tid vs thr
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_ThreadId)(thr->coretid) );
tl_assert( thr->coretid != VG_INVALID_THREADID );
VG_(maybe_record_error)( thr->coretid,
XE_Misc, 0, NULL, &xe );
Bool HG_(eq_Error) ( VgRes not_used, Error* e1, Error* e2 )
XError *xe1, *xe2;
tl_assert(VG_(get_error_kind)(e1) == VG_(get_error_kind)(e2));
xe1 = (XError*)VG_(get_error_extra)(e1);
xe2 = (XError*)VG_(get_error_extra)(e2);
switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(e1)) {
case XE_Race:
return xe1->XE.Race.szB == xe2->XE.Race.szB
&& xe1->XE.Race.isWrite == xe2->XE.Race.isWrite
&& (HG_(clo_cmp_race_err_addrs)
? xe1->XE.Race.data_addr == xe2->XE.Race.data_addr
: True);
case XE_UnlockUnlocked:
return xe1->XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr == xe2->XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr
&& xe1->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock == xe2->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock;
case XE_UnlockForeign:
return xe1->XE.UnlockForeign.thr == xe2->XE.UnlockForeign.thr
&& xe1->XE.UnlockForeign.owner == xe2->XE.UnlockForeign.owner
&& xe1->XE.UnlockForeign.lock == xe2->XE.UnlockForeign.lock;
case XE_UnlockBogus:
return xe1->XE.UnlockBogus.thr == xe2->XE.UnlockBogus.thr
&& xe1->XE.UnlockBogus.lock_ga == xe2->XE.UnlockBogus.lock_ga;
case XE_PthAPIerror:
return xe1->XE.PthAPIerror.thr == xe2->XE.PthAPIerror.thr
&& 0==VG_(strcmp)(xe1->XE.PthAPIerror.fnname,
&& xe1->XE.PthAPIerror.err == xe2->XE.PthAPIerror.err;
case XE_LockOrder:
return xe1->XE.LockOrder.thr == xe2->XE.LockOrder.thr;
case XE_Misc:
return xe1->XE.Misc.thr == xe2->XE.Misc.thr
&& 0==VG_(strcmp)(xe1->XE.Misc.errstr, xe2->XE.Misc.errstr);
/*--- Error management -- printing ---*/
/* Do a printf-style operation on either the XML or normal output
channel, depending on the setting of VG_(clo_xml).
static void emit_WRK ( HChar* format, va_list vargs )
if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
VG_(vprintf_xml)(format, vargs);
} else {
VG_(vmessage)(Vg_UserMsg, format, vargs);
static void emit ( HChar* format, ... ) PRINTF_CHECK(1, 2);
static void emit ( HChar* format, ... )
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, format);
emit_WRK(format, vargs);
static void emit_no_f_c ( HChar* format, ... )
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, format);
emit_WRK(format, vargs);
/* Announce (that is, print the point-of-creation) of 'thr'. Only do
this once, as we only want to see these announcements once per
thread. Returned Bool indicates whether or not an announcement was
static Bool announce_one_thread ( Thread* thr )
tl_assert(thr->errmsg_index >= 1);
if (thr->announced)
return False;
if (VG_(clo_xml)) {
VG_(printf_xml)(" <hthreadid>%d</threadid>\n", thr->errmsg_index);
if (thr->errmsg_index == 1) {
tl_assert(thr->created_at == NULL);
VG_(printf_xml)(" <isrootthread></isrootthread>\n");
} else {
tl_assert(thr->created_at != NULL);
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( thr->created_at );
} else {
if (thr->errmsg_index == 1) {
tl_assert(thr->created_at == NULL);
"Thread #%d is the program's root thread\n",
} else {
tl_assert(thr->created_at != NULL);
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "Thread #%d was created\n",
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( thr->created_at );
VG_(message)(Vg_UserMsg, "\n");
thr->announced = True;
return True;
/* This is the "this error is due to be printed shortly; so have a
look at it any print any preamble you want" function. We use it to
announce any previously un-announced threads in the upcoming error
void HG_(before_pp_Error) ( Error* err )
XError* xe;
xe = (XError*)VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
case XE_Misc:
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.Misc.thr );
case XE_LockOrder:
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.LockOrder.thr );
case XE_PthAPIerror:
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.PthAPIerror.thr );
case XE_UnlockBogus:
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.UnlockBogus.thr );
case XE_UnlockForeign:
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.UnlockForeign.thr );
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.UnlockForeign.owner );
case XE_UnlockUnlocked:
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr );
case XE_Race:
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.Race.thr );
if (xe->XE.Race.h2_ct)
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.Race.h2_ct );
if (xe->XE.Race.h1_ct)
announce_one_thread( xe->XE.Race.h1_ct );
void HG_(pp_Error) ( Error* err )
const Bool xml = VG_(clo_xml); /* a shorthand, that's all */
XError *xe = (XError*)VG_(get_error_extra)(err);
switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
case XE_Misc: {
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.Misc.thr ) );
if (xml) {
emit( " <kind>Misc</kind>\n");
emit( " <xwhat>\n" );
emit( " <text>Thread #%d: %s</text>\n",
xe->XE.Misc.errstr );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.Misc.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " </xwhat>\n" );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
} else {
emit( "Thread #%d: %s\n",
xe->XE.Misc.errstr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
case XE_LockOrder: {
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.LockOrder.thr ) );
if (xml) {
emit( " <kind>LockOrder</kind>\n");
emit( " <xwhat>\n" );
emit( " <text>Thread #%d: lock order \"%p before %p\" "
(void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.LockOrder.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " </xwhat>\n" );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec && xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec) {
emit( " <auxwhat>Required order was established by "
"acquisition of lock at %p</auxwhat>\n",
(void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ga );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec );
emit( " <auxwhat>followed by a later acquisition "
"of lock at %p</auxwhat>\n",
(void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec );
} else {
emit( "Thread #%d: lock order \"%p before %p\" violated\n",
(void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec && xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec) {
emit( " Required order was established by "
"acquisition of lock at %p\n",
(void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ga );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.before_ec );
emit( " followed by a later acquisition of lock at %p\n",
(void*)xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ga );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.LockOrder.after_ec );
case XE_PthAPIerror: {
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.PthAPIerror.thr ) );
if (xml) {
emit( " <kind>PthAPIerror</kind>\n");
emit( " <xwhat>\n" );
" <text>Thread #%d's call to %t failed</text>\n",
xe->XE.PthAPIerror.fnname );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.PthAPIerror.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " </xwhat>\n" );
emit( " <what>with error code %ld (%s)</what>\n",
xe->XE.PthAPIerror.err, xe->XE.PthAPIerror.errstr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
} else {
emit_no_f_c( "Thread #%d's call to %t failed\n",
xe->XE.PthAPIerror.fnname );
emit( " with error code %ld (%s)\n",
xe->XE.PthAPIerror.err, xe->XE.PthAPIerror.errstr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
case XE_UnlockBogus: {
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.UnlockBogus.thr ) );
if (xml) {
emit( " <kind>UnlockBogus</kind>\n");
emit( " <xwhat>\n" );
emit( " <text>Thread #%d unlocked an invalid "
"lock at %p</text>\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockBogus.lock_ga );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.UnlockBogus.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " </xwhat>\n" );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
} else {
emit( "Thread #%d unlocked an invalid lock at %p\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockBogus.lock_ga );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
case XE_UnlockForeign: {
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockP)( xe->XE.UnlockForeign.lock ) );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.UnlockForeign.owner ) );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.UnlockForeign.thr ) );
if (xml) {
emit( " <kind>UnlockForeign</kind>\n");
emit( " <xwhat>\n" );
emit( " <text>Thread #%d unlocked lock at %p "
"currently held by thread #%d</text>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.UnlockForeign.owner->errmsg_index );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.UnlockForeign.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.UnlockForeign.owner->errmsg_index );
emit( " </xwhat>\n" );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.UnlockForeign.lock->appeared_at) {
emit( " <auxwhat>Lock at %p was first observed</auxwhat>\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockForeign.lock->guestaddr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.UnlockForeign.lock->appeared_at );
} else {
emit( "Thread #%d unlocked lock at %p "
"currently held by thread #%d\n",
(Int)xe->XE.UnlockForeign.owner->errmsg_index );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.UnlockForeign.lock->appeared_at) {
emit( " Lock at %p was first observed\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockForeign.lock->guestaddr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.UnlockForeign.lock->appeared_at );
case XE_UnlockUnlocked: {
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_LockP)( xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock ) );
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr ) );
if (xml) {
emit( " <kind>UnlockUnlocked</kind>\n");
emit( " <xwhat>\n" );
emit( " <text>Thread #%d unlocked a "
"not-locked lock at %p</text>\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->guestaddr );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " </xwhat>\n" );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->appeared_at) {
emit( " <auxwhat>Lock at %p was first observed</auxwhat>\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->guestaddr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->appeared_at );
} else {
emit( "Thread #%d unlocked a not-locked lock at %p\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->guestaddr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->appeared_at) {
emit( " Lock at %p was first observed\n",
(void*)xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->guestaddr );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.UnlockUnlocked.lock->appeared_at );
case XE_Race: {
Addr err_ga;
HChar* what;
Int szB;
what = xe->XE.Race.isWrite ? "write" : "read";
szB = xe->XE.Race.szB;
err_ga = VG_(get_error_address)(err);
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.Race.thr ));
if (xe->XE.Race.h2_ct)
tl_assert( HG_(is_sane_Thread)( xe->XE.Race.h2_ct ));
if (xml) {
/* ------ XML ------ */
emit( " <kind>Race</kind>\n" );
emit( " <xwhat>\n" );
emit( " <text>Possible data race during %s of size %d "
"at %#lx by thread #%d</text>\n",
what, szB, err_ga, (Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
(Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
emit( " </xwhat>\n" );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.Race.h2_ct) {
tl_assert(xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC); // assured by update_extra
emit( " <xauxwhat>\n");
emit( " <text>This conflicts with a previous %s of size %d "
"by thread #%d</text>\n",
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accIsW ? "write" : "read",
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct->errmsg_index );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
emit(" </xauxwhat>\n");
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC );
if (xe->XE.Race.h1_ct) {
emit( " <xauxwhat>\n");
emit( " <text>This conflicts with a previous access "
"by thread #%d, after</text>\n",
xe->XE.Race.h1_ct->errmsg_index );
emit( " <hthreadid>%d</hthreadid>\n",
xe->XE.Race.h1_ct->errmsg_index );
emit(" </xauxwhat>\n");
if (xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegstartEC) {
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegstartEC );
} else {
emit( " <auxwhat>(the start of the thread)</auxwhat>\n" );
emit( " <auxwhat>but before</auxwhat>\n" );
if (xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegendEC) {
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegendEC );
} else {
emit( " <auxwhat>(the end of the the thread)</auxwhat>\n" );
} else {
/* ------ Text ------ */
emit( "Possible data race during %s of size %d "
"at %#lx by thread #%d\n",
what, szB, err_ga, (Int)xe->XE.Race.thr->errmsg_index );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( VG_(get_error_where)(err) );
if (xe->XE.Race.h2_ct) {
tl_assert(xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC); // assured by update_extra
emit( " This conflicts with a previous %s of size %d "
"by thread #%d\n",
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accIsW ? "write" : "read",
xe->XE.Race.h2_ct->errmsg_index );
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.h2_ct_accEC );
if (xe->XE.Race.h1_ct) {
emit( " This conflicts with a previous access by thread #%d, "
xe->XE.Race.h1_ct->errmsg_index );
if (xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegstartEC) {
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegstartEC );
} else {
emit( " (the start of the thread)\n" );
emit( " but before\n" );
if (xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegendEC) {
VG_(pp_ExeContext)( xe->XE.Race.h1_ct_mbsegendEC );
} else {
emit( " (the end of the the thread)\n" );
/* If we have a better description of the address, show it.
Note that in XML mode, it will already by nicely wrapped up
in tags, either <auxwhat> or <xauxwhat>, so we can just emit
it verbatim. */
if (xe->XE.Race.descr1)
emit( "%s%s\n", xml ? " " : " ",
(HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr1, 0 ) );
if (xe->XE.Race.descr2)
emit( "%s%s\n", xml ? " " : " ",
(HChar*)VG_(indexXA)( xe->XE.Race.descr2, 0 ) );
break; /* case XE_Race */
} /* case XE_Race */
} /* switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) */
Char* HG_(get_error_name) ( Error* err )
switch (VG_(get_error_kind)(err)) {
case XE_Race: return "Race";
case XE_UnlockUnlocked: return "UnlockUnlocked";
case XE_UnlockForeign: return "UnlockForeign";
case XE_UnlockBogus: return "UnlockBogus";
case XE_PthAPIerror: return "PthAPIerror";
case XE_LockOrder: return "LockOrder";
case XE_Misc: return "Misc";
default: tl_assert(0); /* fill in missing case */
Bool HG_(recognised_suppression) ( Char* name, Supp *su )
# define TRY(_name,_xskind) \
if (0 == VG_(strcmp)(name, (_name))) { \
VG_(set_supp_kind)(su, (_xskind)); \
return True; \
TRY("Race", XS_Race);
TRY("FreeMemLock", XS_FreeMemLock);
TRY("UnlockUnlocked", XS_UnlockUnlocked);
TRY("UnlockForeign", XS_UnlockForeign);
TRY("UnlockBogus", XS_UnlockBogus);
TRY("PthAPIerror", XS_PthAPIerror);
TRY("LockOrder", XS_LockOrder);
TRY("Misc", XS_Misc);
return False;
# undef TRY
Bool HG_(read_extra_suppression_info) ( Int fd, Char** bufpp, SizeT* nBufp,
Supp* su )
/* do nothing -- no extra suppression info present. Return True to
indicate nothing bad happened. */
return True;
Bool HG_(error_matches_suppression) ( Error* err, Supp* su )
switch (VG_(get_supp_kind)(su)) {
case XS_Race: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_Race;
case XS_UnlockUnlocked: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_UnlockUnlocked;
case XS_UnlockForeign: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_UnlockForeign;
case XS_UnlockBogus: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_UnlockBogus;
case XS_PthAPIerror: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_PthAPIerror;
case XS_LockOrder: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_LockOrder;
case XS_Misc: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_Misc;
//case XS_: return VG_(get_error_kind)(err) == XE_;
default: tl_assert(0); /* fill in missing cases */
void HG_(print_extra_suppression_info) ( Error* err )
/* Do nothing */
/*--- end hg_errors.c ---*/